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/lit/ - Literature

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20857408 No.20857408 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.20857410

These are practically the only reviewers of books that aren't YA on youtube it seems

>> No.20857412

leaf by leaf and ben mcevoy are alright

>> No.20857416

/lit/ goes on endlessly about booktubers, but I've yet to see a single thread discussing their favorite tubebookers.

>> No.20857425

Sorry, I forgot to link their channels:




>> No.20857429

BetterThanFood: A little bit pretentious sometimes, but very high quality, thoughtful and witty.

Thitherword: Fairly low quality videos, but seems passionate about books. Does outdoor videos about fantasy and religion, etc.

Book Chemist: A lot of literary books, probably in the middle in terms of video quality.

>> No.20857457

Haven't heard of those. Leaf by Leaf has an impressive shelf.

>> No.20857476

Q, I will never forget him

>> No.20857518

T.J. Johnson

>> No.20857536

Based. I was gonna make a post about how he's a Waldun clone, and /lit/ will be fawning over him in a couple of months, but couldn't be bothered. It's gonna happen though - the amount of things he has copied from The Don Wal is astounding. Unless you are in fact Toby. In which case, fuck you, you pseud.

>> No.20857556

>Unless you are in fact Toby
I doubt he'd post here. He'd be slaughtered.

>> No.20857559

Ngl tho he low-key mid but he be bussin sometime no cap fr frtho but yes siiiiiiir booktube low-key for boomers tho booktok be lit tho yeeeeeeeeeeesh

>> No.20857568
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>> No.20857576

>BetterThanFood: A little bit pretentious sometimes, but very high quality, thoughtful and witty.
lol dude is a clown. His videos are literally
>read wikipedia and smoke a cigarette and drink coffee pensively

>> No.20857581 [SPOILER] 

Dakota Warren
Isn't she great?

>> No.20857585

emmie with the volume off

>> No.20857595

Paperbird, Emmie, sometimes BetterThanFood although he comes off as pretentious

>> No.20857596

To be fair I was going easy on him. He tries too hard to look intellectual, it's true.

>> No.20857600
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>> No.20857608

based coomer

>> No.20857619

Better than Food is in no way better than those teenage girls reviewing YA books.

>> No.20857622


>> No.20857626

Thitherword seems to just get on with stuff. No thrills. His oldest videos are about 40 min long chats. Unique books as well. Interesting.

>> No.20857771

Emmie has a boyfriend wtf bros

>> No.20857774

ikr :(
Emmie's farts are lovely,
Delightful and sweet,
With just a hint of spice,
They make my day complete!

>> No.20857786

Bruv quit being a bitch and beat her boyfriend up. Instant pussy no cap

>> No.20857789

I wish Ben Mcevoy was my father figure

>> No.20857851

I have noticed something about Emmie's supposed boyfriend: He has absolutely no input into the decor of their presumably shared bedroom. It's decorated as if she were left to her own devices. This bodes poorly for their relationship. I think we're back emmiebros.

>> No.20857861

I really liked his "Trel w koronie". Especially all those punctuation errors.

>> No.20857907

I'm pretty sure Ruby Granger, Dakota Warren and Emmie are all about the same age. I am also this age. Wonderful.

>> No.20858239


>> No.20858271


This podcast since it’s about this board.

>> No.20858351
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no clue about thitherword. he seems alright although ill probably never watch him. the better than food dude i think watched one or two videos of but he seemed pretentious and just generally kinda dumb. BookChemist i respect greatly. Very genuine dude, very good takes very good taste. The best 'booktuber' is without doubt the occasional videos of forest anon where he talks about what hes been reading.

>> No.20858388

https://youtu.be/_HlKhLG3ZxE just discovered this guy.

>> No.20858500
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Paperback dreams. It's fascinating how one woman can read fucktons of YA Trash, literal retard tier romance and Airport novels for pseud women. Then love them too.

>> No.20858516
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>> No.20858553

Anyone know of any good book-essayists on youtube?
I don’t really fancy the vlog style, but I do enjoy the video essay format that ”every frame a painting” and ”the cinema cartography” uses for cinema. Never den the same thing done for books though.

>> No.20858562

Link your channel weeb

>> No.20858577


Best one. He goes over all the books from /lit/.

>> No.20858607


Amazing analysis of the /lit/ classic.

>> No.20858614

>double digit views
bruh... my zoomer kids get triple digits on rust lets plays

>> No.20858653
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>> No.20859672


only one paperbird recc on this thread?

>> No.20859681

Surprised no one has said Man Carrying Thing

>> No.20860705


Funny guy

>> No.20861244

Leaf by leaf
For the love of ryan
Never heard of the rest

>> No.20861274

That emmie girl looks 37 lol

>> No.20861454
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>be forestanon
>publicly admit you disagree with israeli geopolitics
>get reported to the FBI as a nazi
>FBI investigates
>reply by broadcasting a video to 13,000 people recommending they read The Israel Lobby by John Mearsheimer

he has balls I'll give him that. that was the maddest I've seen him since the squirrel ate his garden

>> No.20861518

>vtuber book reviews
Thanks I needed a lobotomy

>> No.20861525

>unpopular therefore bad
You for real nigga

>> No.20861710

As if 200 is meaningfully different from 90 in a YouTube video view count.

>> No.20861718

I've always thought that the internet has changed our perception of numbers. I know I see 1m or 2.5m as quite small, at least in terms of video view counts. On my own channel I get maybe a few hundred views if I'm lucky. That's three hundred individual people...

>> No.20861731
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Are there any vtubers with 2 hour+ videos explaining hegels phenomenology of spirit? I wanna lose the last shred of my sanity

>> No.20861982

Genuinely how did he get away with it?

>> No.20861983

G.C McKay is good too

>> No.20862043
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Did somone mention my Lovely Wife Emmie


>> No.20862051

the girl with the habsburg jaw is cuter

>> No.20862104


>> No.20862159

the girl emmie is talking to

>> No.20862166
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This video is better than most but theres not much like it and the guy hasn't posted in a while. When will vulf come back bros?

>> No.20862227
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Tell me more.

>> No.20862377

Anyone know what happend to Alfsvoid?

>> No.20862751


Based g.c mckay viewers, I love that little fag

>> No.20863053

>leaf by leaf
Stop spamming this fat fucking retarded grifter who has nothing remotely interesting to say about anything he has ever “reviewed” and who gets all his books from /lit/ charts

>> No.20863420

hobo who lives in a shack in the mountains and tames wild mice. /pol/ and /out/ like him, and /lit/ used to but he distanced himself from us after an incel here sperged out and went crazy on him for having had girlfriends before. i miss him talking to us in videos

>> No.20863630
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I cant find him. What is his channel name?

>> No.20863636 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20863647
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>> No.20863665

Leaf by leaf is the only one that seems remotely passionate about the books he reads

>> No.20863684


>> No.20863724

Literally the most attractive whore on booktube

>> No.20863730

That nigga is the Varg of Booktube

>> No.20863899
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Not a bad assessment

>> No.20864039
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He shit on the Great Gatsby and that makes me very pleased.