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20856295 No.20856295 [Reply] [Original]

Any nonfiction books that make an argument against hedonism and why it's wrong?

>> No.20856321

The bible
The torah
The quran
Tao te ching

>> No.20856327

More modern please. I really want analysis on things like how the contemporary daughter in our times have had multiple trains ran on them by they time they hit age 19 and everyone is okay with it

>> No.20856332

Stop watching porn. Go outside srsly. Stop hating women because youre not having sex with them, ugly freak

>> No.20856336

>moral relativism
>post modernism
>neo marxist
behold the layman's vocab list

>> No.20856338

Why are you okay with your daughter being a whore?

>> No.20856339

But he's right. Contemporary women are trash.
Source: sex and relationships

>> No.20856349

Imagine kissing and nuzzling her neck as she sits in your lap and you squeeze and fondle those cute breasts of hers.

>> No.20856350

>my entire worldview and opinion of women are from tiktok,social media and porn

>> No.20856353

"The new, would the noble man create, and a new virtue. The old, wanteth the good man, and that the old should be conserved.
But it is not the danger of the noble man to turn a good man, but lest he should become a blusterer, a scoffer, or a destroyer.
Ah! I have known noble ones who lost their highest hope. And then they disparaged all high hopes.
Then lived they shamelessly in temporary pleasures, and beyond the day had hardly an aim.
“Spirit is also voluptuousness,”—said they. Then broke the wings of their spirit; and now it creepeth about, and defileth where it gnaweth.
Once they thought of becoming heroes; but sensualists are they now. A trouble and a terror is the hero to them.
But by my love and hope I conjure thee: cast not away the hero in thy soul! Maintain holy thy highest hope!—
Thus spake Zarathustra"

>> No.20856355

Wish I knew about 4chan 12 years ago, it took several relationships and dozen casual encounters to reach the same conclusions you find here.

>> No.20856979
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>> No.20857007
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>cute breasts

>> No.20857521

They are pretty cute :3

>> No.20857535

Pretty much everything by Houellebecq

>> No.20857736

FACT: Women cannot be asexual.
Women love sex and love to desire sex. This is why most books are about sex and targeted to women.

Men love sex but they do not love much, nor dislike much the desire for sex. In fact the desire for sex is more like an hindrance and a thing to eject, precisely by wanking and ejaculation that is the pinnacle of fucking a slag.
Men still despise not loving sex, since it removes the most effective mechanism of valuation that they have (a man feels valued by a woman once she picks him up out of the male competition, telling him he won and rewarding him with the right to fuck her), which leads them to the usual mockery of being shagless dildos remaining on the shelf of the sex market controlled by women, being baby dicks and being asexual.
Men despise asexuality in men, since it shows them that sex-havers are far less dominant than the story they plays in their heads about being stronger and better than vaginas.

Women despise asexuality in men, since the few asexual men (very few are handsome) no longer acknowledge women for sex nor for companionship. Some asexual men claim to still want a gf just to cuddle, but that's already a baby-level sex and we are still in the situation of validation (and the gf still wants sex anyway sooner or later) and once they have sex with a girl that they love they see sex is not so bad.

Women despise asexuality in women, precisely because women live on sex while their hate of their body for menstruating leads them to take pills which kills their desire for sex (but indeed kills their menstruation). They hate their life since through their own body, they acknowledge in their intimacy that they cannot win on both accounts: either have a comfy life or have an erotic life. Women want the erotic life.

In fact sex is so crucial to a woman, that if a woman is NOT fucked senseless EVERY WEEK, her natural hysteria starts to poor out of her pores and the neurosis kicks in. Sex is literally a medicinal drug to a woman.

>> No.20857754
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Weininger compressed to a 4chan post. Very nice and absolutely true.
Learn to control your sexuality by fapping once a week and don't even acknowledge women.
Your life will improve tenfold.

>> No.20857826

It's all so tiresome.

>> No.20857829

What a qt girl.
Do you think I can find her nudes somewhere on the interwebz?

>> No.20857973
File: 145 KB, 857x1202, pleasure intrinsic good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Utilitarianism is the objectively correct system of ethics.


>> No.20857978
File: 132 KB, 822x508, hell chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Following the Bible or Quran because you want to avoid eternal damnation and get into heaven is inherently hedonistic.

>> No.20858014

>I really want analysis on things like how the contemporary daughter in our times have had multiple trains ran on them by they time they hit age 19
That's not a topic covered in books very often. That's more the territory of unhinged screeds, rambling diatribes, or manifestos discovered in the suspect's home.

>> No.20858044

This. Literally no philosopher is actually a hedonist in the way normies think hedonism is. Even Epicurus promotes moderation. Polcels just want a buzzword to hate

>> No.20858103

Based and Epicuruspilled

>> No.20858116

Her name is Selena Gomez, she was the poet laureate that was at the presidential inauguration of Bill Clinton.

>> No.20858589

it seems you're confusing her with roberta paulson

>> No.20859167

Good post.
Where to start with that dude? I think reading his stuff should help with no fap.

>> No.20859658

>>my entire worldview and opinion of women are from [thing majority of human population spends hours daily using]

>> No.20859685

what conclusion is that?

>> No.20859688

Women are lying whores.

>> No.20859731

i dont think that's true. maybe you just associate with the wrong women.

>> No.20859736

>b-but the unicorn woman
Fuck off

>> No.20859745

they aren't unicorns. that's my point.
a woman just did me a huge favor today. all i did was smile and look her in the eyes.

>> No.20859748

Try to get involved with her intimately, you'll be gaslit and cucked within a month

>> No.20859765

she was just a returns lady dude. why would i do that?
also it sounds you've been with some really awful women or you lack backbone and let women walk all over you.

>> No.20859778
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Schopenhauer fucked maids, actresses, national opera dancers, bohemian intellectuals, even aristocrats, and thought it's safe to generalize the w*man, but I'm sure (You), Anon, knows better.
>“The fundamental defect of the female character is a lack of a sense of justice. This originates first and foremost in their want of rationality and capacity for reflexion but it is strengthened by the fact that, as the weaker sex, they are driven to rely not on force but on cunning: hence their instinctive subtlety and their ineradicable tendency to tell lies: for, as nature has equipped the lion with claws and teeth, the elephant with tusks, the wild boar with fangs, the bull with horns and the cuttlefish with ink, so it has equipped woman with the power of dissimulation as her means of attack and defence, and has transformed into this gift all the strength it has bestowed on man in the form of physical strength and the power of reasoning. Dissimulation is thus inborn in her and consequently to be found in the stupid woman almost as often as in the clever one. To make use of it at every opportunity is as natural to her as it is for an animal to employ its means of defence whenever it is attacked, and when she does so she feels that to some extent she is only exercising her rights. A completely truthful woman who does not practice dissimulation is perhaps an impossibility, which is why women see through the dissimulation of others so easily it is inadvisable to attempt it with them. – But this fundamental defect which I have said they possess, together with all that is associated with it, gives rise to falsity, unfaithfulness, treachery, ingratitude, etc. Women are guilty of perjury far more often than men. It is questionable whether they ought to be allowed to take an oath at all.”

>> No.20859796

The argument is always that short term pleasure isn’t as nice as nice as long term pleasure. Short term pleasure is akin to spikes of pleasure then it wears off and you crave more then it spikes again. It’s a cycle that doesn’t make you feel “as good” as something more sustainable, which doesn’t mean you avoid short term pleasure but you don’t make it the goal. You can consider higher pleasures hedonism as well if you want, it’s not like abstaining from pleasure is some virtue. Usually people who preach against or for pleasure heavily are trying to feel better by condemning others. But again that’s another lower pleasure.

>> No.20859805

what a beautiful maiden :)
i envy the lucky man who marries her and enjoys deflowering her and teaching her the ways of adulthood!

>> No.20859825

i dont care about what schopenhaur said. he was a bitter. miserable man. even his mom recognized that. he had no wife and no kids. i see no reason to believe he is an expert on woman when he was unable to marry one.
also that whole quote uses a very shallow basis to be make a bold claim: because women aren't as strong as men they must be liars. it's retarded, totally disconnected from reality, and reeks of sour grapes.

>> No.20859831

>In fact sex is so crucial to a woman, that if a woman is NOT fucked senseless EVERY WEEK, her natural hysteria starts to poor out of her pores and the neurosis kicks in. Sex is literally a medicinal drug to a woman.
The most important line in this post.

>> No.20859837

Why should I be interested in your opinion on Schopenhauer? What he said is perfectly logical and perfectly consistent with my real life exprience. You reek of w*man (or tranny), this conversation is over.

>> No.20859847

>because women aren't as strong as men they must be liars

>> No.20859862

you're a bitter misogynist so of course you resonate with one. that doesn't mean he's right. the man was far from infallible.
however, it's telling that no one takes his beliefs about women seriously except incels and misogynists who already hated women in the first place. no one in a happy relationship would ever talk like that because they realize the absurdity of what he's saying.

>> No.20860594
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My diary desu. You don't want to end up like me

>> No.20860620

Following the teachings of the Bible and suffering in the present for the potential of a better future (getting into Heaven) would fall under "delayed gratification" which is literally the exact opposite of hedonism, you fucking donkey.

>> No.20860841

Someone who agrees with him wouldn't *want* a "happy relationship", retard. I don't agree with Schopenhauer but your interlocutor is right and you indeed write like a female journalist, neck yourself.

>> No.20861239

I’m a man and I don’t give a fuck if a man is asexual. In fact, I almost envy him.

Also there are plenty of girls who don’t have sex regularly, if you got off the internet and met some women you would understand that. Women are are far more picky and their sex drive is way way less strong than men’s.

>> No.20861285

That's not as common as you think.

>> No.20861323

Even if it's not common they all want it and would do it if it wasnt taboo

>> No.20862916

>Someone who agrees with him wouldn't *want* a "happy relationship", retard.
because they're miserable bitter people. why should anyone want to take the advice of and become a miserable bitter person when they could be happy instead?

>> No.20863174

Schoppy is right about this, as he is with most things. You'll come to realize it as well when you get older. No one gives a shit about what his whore mother thought - she's only known as "Schopenhauers mom" after all. You don't need to marry to understand that women are like this, although stupid men often have to touch the fire themselves before they're convinced it's hot.

>> No.20863184


>> No.20863516

>You'll come to realize it as well when you get older.
>dude just trust me
im already pretty old, but even with the older dudes i've talked to, none of them see women like that.
why do you expect me to believe his delusional theory on women yet you're unwilling to believe you both could be wrong? because from what i've noticed it's really only incels and bitter divorced dudes that talk like that. it comes across as angry twitter feminist resentment for men.

>> No.20863521

shut up bitch

>> No.20863626

>because from what i've noticed it's really only incels and bitter divorced dudes that talk like that
There is a difference between the men who keeps talking about women 24/7 even if they hate them and the ones who just shut up and goes with the flow, you just don't like the ones that talk about it and think that the ones who shut up don't have problems with women. And for most men if they are getting sex of course they are going to keep quiet since they notice that they could be in a far worse position.

>> No.20863631

>? because from what i've noticed it's really only incels and bitter divorced dudes that talk like that.
Most people are NPC's

>> No.20863677

>There is a difference between the men who keeps talking about women 24/7 even if they hate them and the ones who just shut up and goes with the flow,
so you think nobody's saying it, but somehow you've read their minds and know for certain that all the cool guys lowkey agree with you. like you seriously think this doesn't sound goofy.
lmao bro go take your meds.

so what?

>> No.20863692

>so what?
The only people who aren't delusional are those who hate women (and blacks)

>> No.20863735
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>like you seriously think this doesn't sound goofy
The fuck is that argument even, you sound goofy right now, and imagine even trying to defend women on fucking 4channel out of all places. "lmao bro" don't come lmaoing and broing me if you are going to say shit like that, retard, so do you actually think that most men aren't aware that most women when they hit 19 they already had multiple sexual partners and at least a third if not half of them are basically whores? lmao bro..

>> No.20863847

i wasn't expecting /lit/ of all places to say blacks aren't npcs. that's kinda based man.
regardless, you dont think it's unfair to pretty much frame everyone that doesn't agree with you as being sheep?

im not really defending women though. it's just that schop's point was retarded as fuck. he made it seem like men are some innocent, honest little angels and women are like demonic spawn that lie and cheat and destory society. the guy is crazy.
>so do you actually think that most men aren't aware that most women when they hit 19 they already had multiple sexual partners and at least a third if not half of them are basically whores? lmao bro..
this has nothing to do with what schop said though. no offense, but you're just going off on some random incel shit.

>> No.20863902

is your mom fucked senseless every week?

>> No.20863955

Nah bro
>he made it seem like men are some innocent, honest little angels
I don't know how you could type that, no one implied that shit, and again you are on 4chan, you can literally just look around and you will see for yourself the amount of degenerate garbage that men produce, just look at the amount of unironic pedos over here that keeps posting about having sex with "100 year old" lolis all the time, I think that is enough for you to realize that no one says men are little angels unless ironically. And this entire discussion is exactly on topic on where it started from, just read it from the top again, I'm thinking that you are the one that is lost over here, just from you dismissing it as "random incel shit" it makes me want to believe in what schop said, but you are the woman in this case with cheap dissuasion.

>> No.20864071
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>> No.20864128

man im not trying to argue personal opinions on women. you and i both agree there are a lot of terrible men out there. i'm only pointing out the stuff in the schop quote >>20859778 posted.
he thinks of women as being one specific evil type as if they are totally incapable of justice and fairness, but ignores the fact that men do the exact same shit arguably to a higher and worse extent. the guy clearly has an extreme bias.

i dont completely disagree, but i dont think them not being free think radicals makes them dumb. if our own society is anything to go by, being a normie has a lot of benefits.

>> No.20864138

>do you actually think that most men aren't aware that most women when they hit 19 they already had multiple sexual partner
when most people hit 19 they've had multiple sexual partners. You're just a bitter incel trying to cope

>> No.20864174

If hedonism was right, why are hedonists so full of failures and whiners?

>> No.20864914

Principal ethical and Nozick (experience machine). Haven't read nozick tho so I might be wrong

>> No.20866084

genghis khan was not a failure or whiner tho

>> No.20866111

>it’s not like abstaining from pleasure is some virtue.
Dopamine Detox bro

>> No.20867144

>y-you're le miserable, le bitter, learn to be le happy!!!
I am fulfilled and satisfied with my hatred towards females, I don't agree with all the mgtow or incel movements, but it's good to see men who realise that women are absolutely unnecessary in their lives, that pussy doesn't change anything. Resentment towards women usually comes later, from experience, from talking, from observing. Incels are right about that - once you actually work on yourself, improve, be satisfied, yada yada yada, you eventually find, that women have nothing to offer in return and you far exceed them.

>> No.20867245

Fear and Trembling

>> No.20867262

0 pussy cope

>> No.20867283

Plato’s Philebus
Aristotle’s Ethics

>> No.20867284

no pussy is what we have in common, tranny

>> No.20867626

bump 4 mia