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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 129 KB, 599x550, Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20855167 No.20855167 [Reply] [Original]

Here is all you need to know about writing.

>Watch some Brandon Sanderson lectures on writing
>Pick a few of the books from the genre you want to write in that you enjoy
>create an original piece of work
>advertise the book on amazon with money (yes, you will not succeed unless you pay up, get over it. 1,100 books a day published to amazon)
>profit from your hard work
>write next book

This is actually how you'll do well, there's no secret sauce, it's hard work and being realistic.

Also, if you pick a genre like lit rpg where the best selling book is ranked 776,000+ (6 sales a month) in paperback sales, don't be surprised that you don't sell more than 5 books.

>> No.20855193
File: 3.84 MB, 3518x1464, i know, it's pretty deep, it takes a while to.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am literally planning to revise Gang Weed the Movie until it's as good as Hamlet or I die in nuclear World War 3

>> No.20855197
File: 379 KB, 1067x1231, 0179-013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advertise on amazon? Really? Why not on 4chan?

>> No.20855198

The Skeletons, a comedy of scruples.

part 1

part 2

>> No.20855205

So yeah, named cannot sound cool or make you easier to take seriously

>> No.20855220

>Also, if you pick a genre like lit rpg where the best selling book is ranked 776,000+ (6 sales a month) in paperback sales, don't be surprised that you don't sell more than 5 books.

virtually no one here will be selling books; at least litRPG will get a shit author some reads.

>> No.20855223

Delusional takes left and right. Go write in a real genre.

>> No.20855328

You think that's where LitRPG money is? It's on Patreon with royal road

>> No.20855347

You could say that about any genre. You know which genres don’t require handouts to survive? The real genres.

>> No.20855371

Link the previous thread, faggot: >>20849327

>> No.20855380

No, instead you should create an op worth linking.
Look at all the drivel you have accumulated.
You men need a gardner to remove these weeds.

>> No.20855384

Link your book, faggot.

>> No.20855402

I'm ranked 3,200,000 faggot, beat that!

>> No.20855420

Ad Nauseum



>> No.20855424

>No more /ffa/
So what was this, then? >>20740107
Or, since it expired: >>/lit/thread/S20740107

>> No.20855461

are you ok?

>> No.20855485

Well, clearly there was going to be one...
...and now there's not.

>> No.20855502
File: 3.14 MB, 3091x2625, covers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's my cover for the Chinaman story?

Which is a better title? I have no clue

>> No.20855507
File: 78 KB, 866x1300, 4489A9A1-C557-40E5-B268-007C74F9069C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1000 words into my 80000 word novel
Damn, looks like I’m a professional writer now.

>> No.20855517

Did you change your name or did you just spell it wrong?

>> No.20855520

I'm changing it. Wgon won't get me anywhere. It was funny for Kek, /wg/ anon, but I need to change it for some legs for more books.

>> No.20855573

"San Francisco Gold"

>> No.20855577

Now I’m making close to 3k a year on sooooooob stoooook.
Crazy how fast this is ramping up.
If I make more than 30k a year writing I’m quitting my job.
Even though that’s way less, it’s livable and will grow.

>> No.20855591

what genre are you writing? short stories or serializing a longer one?

>> No.20855595

I really don't know what the problem is sometimes.

>> No.20855597

Conflicted about what language to write in.
>want to practice it
>love the language
>want to contribute to Esperanto literature
>some chance of getting read beyond a small circle and maybe even making money.

>> No.20855600

The only reason you would watch any writing lecture is because you don't know shit. Then you outgrow it and realise that everything they taught you is worthless because writing is based purely on intuition and experience. You can't be taught how to write. Skip that first step entirely and just start writing and read books.

>> No.20855612

t. know it all
>really knows nothing

>> No.20855628

Dude I’m writing about gardening. This is hilarious.

>> No.20855631

The cover art itself is quite appealing. The space that the text of the first title occupies is more pleasing to my eye. The color of the font is good. I’m not in love with either title.

>> No.20855632

Write it in english then TL it to esperanto

>> No.20855634
File: 331 KB, 750x1016, F_Scott_Fitzgerald_1921-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop defacing the OP. We've already been through this shit phase, you're not the arbiter. If /wg/ was smarter they'd make a new thread and leave yours on autosage but in the past they don't seem to give a fuck. A downside to browsing a non /v/ related board. Anyways here's the actual OP stuff.

For General Writing
>The Rhetoric of Fiction, Booth
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft, Burroway
>Steering the Craft, Le Guin
>The Anatomy of Story, Truby
>How Fiction Works, Wood

YouTube Playlists for Writing
>https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTCv6n1whoI23GmdBZienRW0Q0nFCU_ay Robert Butler

Technical Aspects of Writing
>Garner's Modern English Usage, Garner
>What Editors Do: The Art, Craft, and Business of Book Editing, Ginna
>Artful Sentences: Syntax as Style, Tufte

Books Analyzing Literature
>Poetics, Aristotle
>Hero With a Thousand Faces, Campbell
>The Art Of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives, Egri
>The Weekend Novelist, Ray

Note to anyone posting a sample of your writing for critique:

Traditional Publishing
>you get to focus mostly on writing
>you must write a proposal to the publishers and sell your story to them
>you make 10-15% profit max, but they also eat all the risk and the costs
>self publishing is basically like running your own company
>you only need to do some simple marketing and reach out to readers
>you make 10-15% profit max
>self publishing you make 70%+
>they’ll still require you to do all the leg work of a self published author anyways

Finding Agents

Self Publishing Options

Self Publishing How-To
>risky, but much more profitable
>you must pay for everything yourself
>if you do, you will spend more time on running a business than writing, but can be worth it

>This Craft of Verse, Borges
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual, Kooser
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry, Mason

Anime Writing (^・o・^)

For advertising

AI-generated book covers

/wg/ Authors and Flash Fiction Pastebin

>> No.20855639

I feel like that's not the same, though. The style I write in isn't independent of the language I'm writing in and its spirit and idiom.

>> No.20855644

The Oriental Occident

>> No.20855660

California Gold

>> No.20855673

Does anyone even want half the shit in here? Just because someone adds something to the OP doesn't mean it's wanted.
I bet you half that gay shit like "anime writing" (why the fuck does that garbage have its own section and things like sword and sorcery or something as basic as sci-fi writing don't have their own sections?) was added by ONE gaymo and then people like YOU (are you the gaymo?) treat it like it's the infallible bible and word of God.

Get that shit out of here, it makes the rest of this general look childish. If I ever discovered a writer came from this general I'd be embarrassed of garbage like that.

>> No.20855679

Is this the guy with the chickens cover or am I retarded?

>> No.20855682

Yes it is the retard with the chicken cover

>> No.20855698

no bully

>> No.20855740

Alright, so I'm 20 years old and I've written seven pages of a short story that, when completed, will either be a defining literary work of my generation or is just a bunch of posturing and pyrotechnics thrown over long winded dogshit. Would it be advisable for me to post said seven pages here? I'll do it, but I'm hoping that people actually read, critique, and talk about it, and that it doesn't just become one of the many endless unreplied to purple blobs. I suppose this is ultimately up to the quality of the work, but all I'm asking is you give it a glancing chance. Read the first page. If you like it, why not read another?

>> No.20855744

>I'd be embarrassed of garbage like that
Opinion discarded

>> No.20855746

How many words did you end up writing for this story?

>> No.20855753

Post it to pastebin, or maybe catbox.moe .
Don't dump it directly here.

>> No.20855755

Nah man. Go publish a book and wait for feedback. You want the guys writing lit rpg and anime stories to tell you how to write better? Get real. Stay safe out there with all the shit advice flying around.

>> No.20855784

60k or so. It was at 75k, but a lot of the stories were really boring for me or repetitive of another story the MCs experienced. I only can have so many
>Racist attack chinaman! Racism bad!

>> No.20855801

Fair enough. I'll stick to the plan and send it to the creative writing professor whose short story class I'm taking in the spring—he's pretty legit. I suppose it's just that it can be difficult to pour so much of yourself into something without really being able to tell if it's good. Oh well, at least it's fun to do. Thanks for the advice. I'll keep writing.

>> No.20855812
File: 76 KB, 225x222, 1660784343461959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Email it to me and I'll edit it until we get it published. I'm a low-functioning genius with a gambling problem

>> No.20855815

Seriously. Imagine watching a dude miss forty consecutive free throws and asking him if he can fix your jumper.
Realize that there’s rarely even a technically competent piece of writing posted here and comprehend the absurdity of posting here for detailed technical critique.

>> No.20855834

Anime is at least more interesting than the constant attempts to replicate an old novel here

>> No.20855835

If you tell me your email and gambling method of choice, I will send you the seven pages in question depending on the acceptability of your preference. Weekly call options on Robinhood? Boooooo. Slot machines? Lottery tickets? Poker? Now we're talking (in all frankness, I'm probably going to email it to you anyways).

>> No.20855838

A Chink In Ol' San Francisky

>> No.20855841

fuck off shill

>> No.20855845

>calling me a shill when Gardner is somehow not IP banned for literally running a botnet

>> No.20855862

It’s not. Virgin writers attempting to imitate anime/film/television/video games without seriously engaging with literature is quite seriously the most common thing on the internet. I imagine it predates the internet. There are orders of magnitude more people trying to squeeze a visual medium into a novel than trying to freshen up Dosto or Joyce for the new age. It’s not more interesting and the fact that you think it is suggests you’re one of the former. You guys need some perspective. Visit r/writing, which this place has essentially become, and realize that writers like you are far more common than the much maligned pseud.

>> No.20855863
File: 30 KB, 847x391, maat 042 a yahoo dotcom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I day trade for fun, but I wrote a personal system for video poker that I tested successfully. I always sell too early, though

>> No.20855867

not an argument shill

>> No.20855869

At last one actually reads.

>> No.20855870

if i bought banner advertisements would you shut the fuck up

>> No.20855874

not that anon schizo shill

>> No.20855875

This is awful advice if you're trying to write something good: that is, from the heart and carefully made. Just awful advice. Selfpub is good for spamming genre fic that AI will soon be able to master, but it is ill-advised for people who write literature.

>> No.20855884

There it was. A matter of which we've sought for years. My teachers and theirs, all gave their lives for this very moment. Passing along the knowledge and experiences so that one of us, in our line of scientists and scholars could finally bare witness to this very moment. My face cracked a smile that stretched from ear to ear. There it was, the treasure more valuable than all the gold that laid buried in the Atlantic. It was a ball of pure copium before. It was truly magnificent. Words could not describe it. Paints would be worthless, a photograph will not do it justice. It is by the naked eye that I can truly describe what I am witnessing in front of me. Mara tapped me on the shoulder. I ignored her. Not even her large soft breasts could distract me from witnessing the amount of copium in front of me.

>> No.20855886

Nobody here is writing literature.

>> No.20855893

Go read a famous classic novel and tell if it's good

>> No.20855894

At some point I was in a discord group with roughly half of all self pubbed lit authors. We didn’t coordinate raids or anything, just spent months perfecting legitimate strategies for getting our books in front of people. I mean, hundreds of dollars spent cumatively, hours of brainstorming, giveaways on half a dozen platforms, podcasts started, 5 different genres written in, flash sales, websites created, social media accounts on the most obscure fucking platforms.

The one takeaway that every single person had is that this shit is not worth it. I am telling you people, sincerely, that it’s not fucking worth it. Perfect your craft, hone your technique, avoid the temptation of instant gratification, learn to face rejection, and get fucking published. You think rejection is hard? Try working a full time job and a half to shill your own books only to sell about five copies to friends.
The motherfuckers here talking about making money in x genre or shilling or marketing or anime writing don’t give a damn about you or your book. I don’t know what their game is but your best interests are not at heart. Keep ya head down, submit some stories to journals that operate in your genre and locality. It’s a fucking artform, it takes years of work to get even decent at it.

>> No.20855897

False. Plenty of people on /lit/ want to write quality work. If Tolkien or Herbert had put up their novels on Amazon, they would have been buried in shit and we would never have heard about them.

>> No.20855899

I don't write anime, I wrote toku.

>> No.20855914

The fucking pseudointellectualism here is off the charts

>> No.20855923

I just plan to write a ton of books, get name recognition like James Patterson, and hopefully one strikes gold. Just need one.

>> No.20855928

What this anon says is the truth. It took me over a decade to build a name in traditional publishing. I'm still pretty much a nobody, working full-time to make ends meet, but I only started getting sales and attention when I actually did the hard work of learning the craft: three hours a day every day for 10 years. Believe me, it's not as hard as it sounds. Ten years goes by fast. Just be patient, work on your craft, and good things will come. Forget about the get-rich-quick selpbug shit.GPT and Indians will swamp that whole space in a couple years.

>> No.20855932

Nah you’re just anti intellectual for some reason. Every writer in the canon was once an embarrassing amateur writing in imitation of their favourites. It’s a rite of passage. However, writers who looked at the lowest possible form of the art and said “yes, this is sufficient for me and I’ll never try to be anything by else”, are irrelevant now and were never notable. Dream bigger

>> No.20855939


>> No.20855976

I have a plot idea that I attempted for NaNoWriMo last year, but I found juggling that and classes too stressful and gave up after a few days. However, I'm thinking of trying it again some time.
>protagonist is nerdy loser high/middle school boy who quietly wishes he were a girl
>approached by wish-granting magical creature who wants to contract him to be a magical girl
>obviously accepts and is transformed
>is initially thrilled to finally be a girl and excited to fight as a magical girl in a crusade for justice but gradually finds that it's actually really hard and brutal
>also at some point gets her first period, probably at some very embarrassing time
>also at some point loses virginity to her former best friend (maybe)
>nearly at the end of her rope
>discovers somehow by accident that the side she's working for and the monsters she's fighting are actually aliens using humans to fight a proxy war on earth
>near giving up
>somehow makes contact with an alien defector or reporter
>ends up testifying before the galactic senate and the warring worlds get sanctioned
>is sent back home
>revealed at the end that the book you're reading is her autobiography but she has no way of proving it really happened
What do you think? Is it a good plot idea or would you do some things differently? Is it too derivative? Does it not have enough mainstream appeal?

>> No.20855988

I'd buy it.

>> No.20856006

So I looked at "Classics" and said they'd suffice?

>> No.20856007

>brando sandro and self publishing are unironically praised in the op
the absolute state of /wanking general/

>> No.20856012

want to =/= are

>> No.20856020

Any aspects you think I ought to do differently or things it would benefit from adding?

>> No.20856021

God forbid being inspired by actual books instead of anime. Fucking pseuds.

>> No.20856022

Hey Gambling Editor Man, what happened? Did I not send it to the right email? Or is it just that bad?

>> No.20856026
File: 42 KB, 428x600, 1659996696893442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First sentence should always contain the main character and his problem. Cut the masturbation scene. Open with your sysadmin writing his crush a love letter in his email drafts but he wrote a script to always delete his draft before he sends it and embarrasses himself, something like that.

Ramen detail is good, but don't use passive voice. Make the "Dear Davy" thing an email that interrupts your protagonist hovering his cursor over the SEND button of his love letter so that instead of a series of random events we have a scene with a beginning, middle, and end. Better yet, why not make it a phone call that makes him spill his cup noodles on his keyboard? Have Josh call Davy and maybe cause a fight and somebody hangs up, then cut to the elevator as a gag.

Don't actually write out the entire Kindness Raffle letter: nobody is going to read the whole thing. If it were a movie, you would just cut to the protagonist's eyes as he looks at the page. The text itself is not important. This is the call to adventure, and Davy should initially refuse, only to begrudgingly accept the offer later on. Maybe Josh is blackmailing Davy, or Josh is dating Davy's ex, something dramatic.

"Packed like sardines" is a cliché. Saying the exact velocity of the elevator is autistic. The speed does not matter: Davy matters. This paragraph is too long. The narration is too intrusive—if the story were being told in first-person, it would make sense, but having a third-person omniscient narrator sharing its own opinions about the events that are taking place is really strange. Who's talking, God?

The "acceptable haircuts" joke could be funny, but the last word of the sentence should be "acceptable." You always put the climax/punch line/action at the end. You could probably think of a better joke, pun on circumcision or something.

That's just off the top of my head. Have you seen the 1985 movie "Brazil"? Just copy that tone. Maybe rewatch "Fight Club." If your humor doesn't work, the entire thing falls apart.

I could probably un-fuck the whole thing if I were being paid to, but I would need to see your notes and backstory first. You make the common mistake of having the narrator talk more than your characters.

>> No.20856034

Nope. Want to = will with the proper effort. Why are you against people with ambition?

>> No.20856040

The next great novel will be a very well written anime.

>> No.20856044

Tell me, what's so bad about really weird and fantastical fights?

>> No.20856050

Not that anon but who told you weird and fantastical fights aren’t in quality works of literature? Is your aversion to reading actual books instead of watching anime that books are boring?

>> No.20856051

That's a strawman.

>> No.20856053

I don't watch anime. It's a waste of time.

>> No.20856054

Anime writers will never write anything well written because they do not read. Here’s a hard rule: nobody who doesn’t read books has ever writtten anything well.

>> No.20856059

When you say anime, do you mean FOTM bullshit or stuff like Angels Egg?

>> No.20856061

They read JRPGS, visual novels, hentai games, manga, light novels, and marvel movie scripts. What do you mean they don't read?

>> No.20856066

Your ambitions with this thread are to give naive writers bad advice and waste other peoples time, right? I think I’ve figured you out. Nothing constructive has been said by you or either of you, and anons who side with you tend to post smug anime pics with >he doesn’t know and the like.
I hope everyone that’s read these last two threads and thought you people were genuine has learned something. There’s no gold in these hills. Read some craft books, read some works in your favorite genre. Move on from this place. I come here once every few months, boredom and curiosity over power me every time, and each time I go into these day long little tirades with you people. It’s just insidious the sort of environment you’ve created, it’s like a casino, you waste peoples time and drain them of their vigor. Little talent vampires. You ensnare young creatives and drain them of life. I hate you and curse your name and your family’s name.

>> No.20856068

Good advice would be to not read any book that isn't written by Cormack McCarthy

>> No.20856071


>> No.20856078

I like the idea of goofy eleventh hour twists with little set up as a concept because as a writer I like the idea of upending what I just did in an smart way, but it's possible most readers drawn to a Madoka-esque book wouldn't so maybe you could write it as a journal or narrate it through an unreliable narrator.
Take it with a huge grain of salt, though, because I'm not even able to get far enough into my own stuff to really tell how frustrating it actually would be to be faced with such an ending, and I've been procrastinating like fuck in trying out writing an unreliable narrator myself.

Also, beware the trannies that will call you out for playing with gender when it's just all fun and games and some spice for the story, I assume.

>> No.20856081

I'm right, you know.

>> No.20856083


>> No.20856087

The virgin vampire victim vs the chad light speed space bug writer.

>> No.20856089

I dunno, I enjoyed Saya no Uta, Utwarumono, and Steins; Gate anime visual novels. Sure there's some really cringy anime stuff, but their stories were very good and captivated me to the end.

>> No.20856096

Write visual novels, then.

>> No.20856103

Even if I read more visual/light novels than traditional books, I just can't assimilate their style so I'm kinda stuck on the western boat

>> No.20856104

>/co/'s webcomic thread is mostly artists
>/co/'s writing thread got nuked years ago by its own funder
>/vg/'s amateur game dev treats its few productive members like lolcows and is comprised mostly of programmers and NEETs
Where would one get feedback/advice for this kind of thing?

>> No.20856105

Some visual novels are pretty good, but it's a very small amount. It's not a bad medium. I actually have high respect for the people who can pull it off well.

>> No.20856107

I write giant monsters. This light speed spacebug is one of them

>> No.20856111

Here? Like if you guys would drop the pretense that you want to write a novel or fiction in general, I’d have no problem with guys asking for feedback on their plays, scripts, VNs, manga. It’s writing general, not explicitly novels and shorts. But what most of you do is bastardize the art form and fucking insist that the byproduct of that be legitimized and then you fucking attack people who actually study, love, and want to write novels.

>> No.20856119

Ah, I'm not the anon you were arguing with, just someone curious about that.

>> No.20856120
File: 1.12 MB, 1348x1910, anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to write. You may not like my writing, but I do enjoy it a lot. So much so that one day I hope you will like my writing.

>> No.20856127

Too many periods

>> No.20856128


>> No.20856152

Bro I would unironically read this can you post some more

>> No.20856164

Sure. Here's the PDF of what I have so far. I've been rewriting the first and second chapters for awhile now. Fixing some words, and taking suggestions from other anons saying it's too choppy. So I've been trying to blend sentences together and make my story flow better. Been working on it all day.

It may read better now. I don't think it's going to be a long story though. The subject matter doesn't seem to lend itself to needing one.


>> No.20856184
File: 165 KB, 1275x2400, miniMAG Issue06 chan _page-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weekly thing

full thing at: minimag.space

send things to minimagsubmissions@gmaill.com

is /ffa/ really dead or....?

>> No.20856190
File: 165 KB, 1275x2400, miniMAG Issue06 chan _page-0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20856213

Got another short story published after it got rejected to first choice mag. Feels good man. Worked hard on that bitch.

>> No.20856238

Congrats, anon

>> No.20856243

What's in called?

>> No.20856281

I'm ranked somewhere below #10,000,000 at the moment, BEAT THAT

>> No.20856290

Shut up Gardner.

>> No.20856522

There is a story of a boy and a man.
The boy, in his hubris and carelessness who takes the man's wife.
The man, in retaliation, takes the boy's eye and testicles.
The boy was clever, and knew of a world beyond the man's, and in his last moments of cohesion, spread the last of his power to the trans teens and unmolested femboys across the world, that they might stay young forever. This is why zoomers will never truly age, and ultimately, never find an archetype, and instead, live forever in that garden of Eden due to the noble boy's sacrifice.

>> No.20856707

Day 67 editing
wan moar day!
4/5'ths through posting first book
I'm almost there ya wee lassies...
I'm almost a nu-published author
Also made too much bread and butter pud

>> No.20856841

Not your blog fag.

>> No.20856878

This. Anons need to be patient. In the same way that I've had to be patient in research at my job, sometimes weeks of fruitless effort, or back to the drawing board after a year, or a fully viable product (after 2 or 3 years of dedication to one of many parallel projects) that can't commercialize because someone wanted to play hardball at the last minute. You cannot despair at the first sign of resistance because although writing can get really disappointing if you don't write you will never have written.

>> No.20856892

It's hijacked by the seether. Pay him no mind.

>> No.20856919
File: 38 KB, 384x406, 1634411765074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angel's Egg deals with the topic of Christian salvation in a similar way that Elden Ring did with the war between faith and works. It's not surprising since Dark Souls 3 last area was a direct allusion to Angel's Egg.

>> No.20856936

We need an entirely new OP. Half the things in this OP are shitposts made by the meerkat defacing our OP now.
>YouTube playlists
>traditional publishing pros and cons
>self publishing how to
>anime writing
All of these were added by the same retard sniping threads at page 1 300 posts.

>> No.20856972

Then you make it. I think previous OP was fine, but I did remove the reddit links. This is blind leading the blind in that no one's OP can be taken as gospel forever, we're anons after all. Leave what you think will help but what really matters is the content of the rest of the thread.
Most of the time these threads don't get sniped, I've seen them going up to 330+ posts a couple time a week for a while, you will have your opportunity.

>> No.20857032

>Half the things in this OP are shitposts made by the meerkat defacing our OP now.
What thread have you been in for the last 6 months? Everything there was added because they were reposted enough to get included. It's how an OP for a rolling general ought to work. Anime writing should be removed, I agree, but the other three are valuable and should stay.

>> No.20857042
File: 3.69 MB, 3000x2963, IMG_20220818_185557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much dialogue is too much dialogue? Pic rel is a page from my first draft that I whipped up about an hour ago

>> No.20857080

I don't think you have too much. People talking to each other is critical for communicating. You can have an entire book of just dialogue or no dialogue at all. When it gets to be "too much" is when the dialogue serves no real purpose in the story besides filling silent narrative space.

>> No.20857115
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>still trying to push anime writing
>still trying to convince others he has your best interests
ENOUGH! I’m tired of your Jewish tricks schlomo! The people here are tired of you trying to push obscure genres!

>> No.20857118

You like anime writing, don’t you anon?

>> No.20857126

Why do you feel qualified to give advice when after a decade of writing, you admit to barely scraping by like a grocery bagger? Let others tell us what works, not what doesn’t work.

>> No.20857142

What upload tempo/article details do you find helped your growth?

>> No.20857161

>guy saying to advertise made op
>op hates anime writing
>op is same guy who made anime writing
Am I reading this shit correctly? You guys make no sense.

>> No.20857178

Twice a week.

>> No.20857201

I will contract “the” to “th’ ” when before vowels and this cannot be stopped.

>> No.20857256
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>100 Ways To Say ____

>it's just a list full of synonyms

>> No.20857294

This story is fucking hilarious.

>> No.20857524

Problem with your dialogue is how you write it. Never simply have a character say yes. You have three lines there that can simply be deleted and would not change a thing. All those questions asked can follow one after another in the same line. The “yes” is implicit.

>> No.20857660

NTA but I disagree with not using "Yes."
It's all in how you use them. I've seen some stories where the promptness of a character's response made the situation more tense because he was unwilling to elaborate without being prodded.

>> No.20857677

Some writers can make stories that are 80% dialogue work, and don't have to gloss over. "Hey, how are you." "Yes." "Thanks." type statements, at least not all the time. Salinger's short stories show some great examples of this.

>> No.20857708


>> No.20857716

romance writers advertise on facebook. i don't know it that would work for other genres though

>> No.20857777
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"He Who Fights with Monsters"

is a successful, self published litrpg. it's middlegrade like harry potter.

>> No.20857795

elmore leonard is a famous author
"get shorty", "3:10 to yuma", and other movies were made from his books.
his books are like 90% dialogue.

>> No.20857856

>quads of truth
delusional tradpub wankers will seethe and say it ain't so

>> No.20857864

i've tried on a few occasions, but there's something about first person isekai.. it's more like solipsism or something.
also the stuff is usually rushed.
i've only tried stuff my friend has recommended on scribblehub, though

>> No.20857866

>don't write since last Thursday
>feel shit
>write a paragraph today
>life gets better
Why the fuck do I worry so much about not writing? It's not like I do it for living.

>> No.20857882

how do you write a dialog between two people who disagree on something with more than just them disagreeing? It feels so boring to just write
>well I feel this way
>well I don't agree
>and then they fight or something
what texture can I add to a verbal disagreement before it transitions into the resulting actions?

>> No.20857906

this is definitely an 'if you have to ask' moment..

>> No.20857922

Use dialectics.
>I feel this way because x
>I don't agree because Y
>but Y is Z
>and Z is W
So on and so forth. Make the arguments become more radical until the culminate into action

>> No.20857966

it's ok, I know I'm a beginner. I'm looking for general principles which point me in the right direction. How much should I get inside the character's head? How necessary is it to withhold information? How descriptive should I be concerning posture and the physical portions of speech? I know, I know "there are no rules except that it should be good" just give me some unnuanced advice and trust me to understand that it's not universal law. "Generally, in my opinion, I like when writers do..." would be helpful, thank you.
thanks, I'll take a look

>> No.20857977

You are overthinking it. Just write and edit afterwards until you’re happy with it.

>> No.20857982
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What a beautiful sequence of number, huh

>> No.20858010

What's wrong with study? Seeking knowledge, consuming it, reproducing it, and reconciling the results with my own views is the path to understanding—the basics of pursuing mastery in anything. Intuition is great and I'm sure given time I'll develop it, but it's not everything.

>> No.20858025

>Also, if you pick a genre like lit rpg where the best selling book is ranked 776,000+ (6 sales a month) in paperback sales, don't be surprised that you don't sell more than 5 books


>> No.20858037

I wish I could enjoy writing fantasy for manchildren and obese women.

>> No.20858062

So what you're saying is, I should start writing on Royal Road?

>> No.20858077
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Is there some kind of advanced, mathematical way to contrast concepts or show antithesis? I'm familiar with rhetorical opposites and conceit but I feel there must be an easier, formulaic way to write interesting sentences

Like a thesis-antithesis-synthesis way of writing fiction.. does that exist? Every time I get closer somehow it manages to escape me

>> No.20858093

If you can churn out five 3k word chapters a week, yes.

>> No.20858125

NTA, but how do people manage to do this? Do they just write a draft and get an editor to make it readable? I can't imagine blurting out a new chapter within 2 days when I can't even stop to think of the plot properly

>> No.20858137

>a thesis-antithesis-synthesis way of writing fiction
Good stories are like that
>character 1 wants x
>character 2 wants y
>conflict generates z
There's a nice meta part in Adjustment Day where an old man talks about this. He says every story follows the pattern above and that's why you need at least two characters. In the case of FIght CLub both characters are the same one, and in the end both die and their synthesis appears.

>there must be an easier, formulaic way to write interesting sentences
That's a lot you're asking for. Writing isn't as precise as math. There are formulas that work, of course, but if you use them too much it becomes cliche.

Personally I like when characters argue explaining their point of view in the clearest way possible. I don't enjoy when the author make it too implicit with allusions or metaphors.

>> No.20858225

They usually build massive backlogs and roll that out over the course of a few weeks / months while they write more. Consistency is king. As long as their writing isn't unreadably bad and the ball keeps rolling, they're bound to at least get some eyes on their stuff.

While I'm all for having a template when it comes to writing basic stuff like dialog, I feel like overusing formulas can dampen your own unique authorial voice. Sure they come in handy at the start, but I think dialog works best when you figure out the characters' unique voices. Not everyone is going to react the same way to their ideas being challenged, meaning you can write longer interactions that can bubble up into conflict over time.

But yeah, in essence it boils down to A wants (x) and B wants (Y), therefore conflict.

>> No.20858240

>I like the idea of goofy eleventh hour twists with little set up as a concept because as a writer I like the idea of upending what I just did in an smart way
I guess my thinking was that first them being aliens is foreshadowed somehow and then the alien reporter is a natural conclusion from that. I don't want it to feel completely out of nowhere.
>Also, beware the trannies that will call you out for playing with gender when it's just all fun and games and some spice for the story, I assume.
Anon, do you really think a cis person is likely to have come up with that plot idea?

>> No.20858374

>using cis unironically
yes a normal person could. a huge percentage of trannies are actually just porn addicted autogynephilics. that's why their idea of femininity is makeup and dresses and whatever - as if girls fall out of their mothers caked in makeup. my personal theory is that circumcision and other early childhood trauma plays a big role in these sorts of sexual perversions - or a non sexual reason may be constantly being surrounded by female authority figures that favor girls would lead to that. the reason that a nominally sane person would adjust to a new form is because you are your body. that is what you are, that is all that you are. a crazy person that feels uncomfortable in their own skin would feel uncomfortable in new skin, because they have a problem with their brain.

I guess it all goes to how you deal with your plot point
>is initially excited to be a girl
because of makeup and dresses and whatever? because that would be abominable. you'd be attracted to the trappings of womanhood, not the physical reality

>> No.20858447
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>first arc is some really average stuff, need to occupy most of it with worldbuilding, character introductions and setting up long term conflicts to make the next arcs work
>second arc is where shit kicks out, superb character development and well thought conflicts sprout and get resolved
How do I cope with my first arc being my novel's weakest point? I did an effort to make the first chapter full of tension, but the speed quickly falls to give space to worldbuilding

>> No.20858453

what is the difference between scribblehub and royal road?
wasn't there another similar platform as well?

>> No.20858460

there's no cope, you have to fix it

>> No.20858556
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Where should I submit experimental fiction? I've been shopping one story around for a while and almost every rejection has been "We like it, but it's not for us."

Where do I find this story a home?

>> No.20858718

>my personal theory is that circumcision and other early childhood trauma plays a big role in these sorts of sexual perversions - or a non sexual reason may be constantly being surrounded by female authority figures that favor girls would lead to that.
I suggest you actually talk to some trans people instead of speculating about them from your armchair.
>a crazy person that feels uncomfortable in their own skin would feel uncomfortable in new skin, because they have a problem with their brain.
That's... not what the evidence seems to suggest but okay?
>because of makeup and dresses and whatever? because that would be abominable. you'd be attracted to the trappings of womanhood, not the physical reality
No, as in she's excited to be physically female because she wished for a long time she could be.

>> No.20858751

the most charitable reading is that they have a mental illness. if I say I'm the emperor napolean, I'd get tossed in a loony bin - rightfully so. if I go to a doctor and say I'd like to chop off my hands - and there are people who do this - I'd be certified right there.
A huge, huge percentage of so called trans people are nothing more than perverts who get off to wearing dresses.
Do you know what the humane way of dealing with the actual very, very small percentage of trans people would be? anti schizphrenia medication, lots of therapy and not chopping them into bits

Suicide rates post transition are horrific. These are not well people and playing along with their delusions does no one any favors.

>> No.20858754

>I suggest you actually talk to some trans people
shut up troon

>> No.20858780

>That's... not what the evidence seems to suggest but okay?
Why try to exclude transgenderism from the universal human experience of vainly and fruitlessly chasing after ideal versions of oneself? It only reinforces the perception that it's a protected concept being forced on people by ideologues, not a true emergent property of humanity. The evidence suggests that "I'll be happy if I can just..." is so universally understood to be a flawed line of thinking that it's been a cornerstone of tragic literature since antiquity—since Gilgamesh.

>> No.20858785

>Why try to exclude transgenderism
because you're sick faggots

>> No.20858796

NTA but I had been through it as a year long phase, thankfully I never medicated, but at least helped me quit SSRIs which may have made me susceptible to believing I needed to transition.
For me it was like some kind of strange destiny I felt a pull from and that all my weird behavior was derivative of it. This was coupled with this ideas that all women in my naive imagination were otherworldly, like elves. I hadnt read Lolita until recently but it was almost like Humbert's "nymphet" concept now that I think about it. That almost seals the deal for me that it really did stem from pure envy of the sexual icons that women are imagined to be. What ultimately repelled me was that trannies in the support clubs told me dysphoria never goes away and you will always struggle with suicidal thoughts (back in 2010 I guess when it was still okay to say that) so I just noped out. That was at least my experience with it.

>> No.20858828
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How do I write impactful sudden actions that come out of nowhere without using the world "suddenly" and not making it sound deflated?

>> No.20858847


>> No.20858852

Welcome to my world

>> No.20858859

Ode to Monsters. Is this a cool title?

>> No.20858863

her cunt flew at my face swallowed it whole and feeling her wet juicy lips around it compressed i could not breath up and down she kept going

>> No.20858868


>> No.20858869

So, you are supposed to churn out 6 billion words a week on Royal Road to stay relevant? Isn't it all just filler and artificial padding? The story must suffer tremendously. Why do people read it?

>> No.20858870

>I like the idea of goofy eleventh hour twists.

We know you do, Gardner.

>> No.20858873


>> No.20858875
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Autogynephile coomer

>> No.20858878

>cut em up and put em on medication for the rest of their mercifully short lives
thanks big pharma
didn't read it, btw

>> No.20858880

so, what are some common things you can put in your second act?
side quests is one thing i can think of. what are some more?

>> No.20858882

9k words in a week, or even 14k words a week if you go for 2k-word daily chapters, aren't even that extreme. Webnovel demands this sort of output as a minimum. It's the modern-day rebirth of pulp, more or less.

>> No.20858884

I saw the evidence for the two-type model and suspected for a while I might be AGP since it suggests I ought to be but as far as I can tell after extensive introspection, I'm really not.
That's not how it works, "muh common sense"/"it just seems like it must be" does not trump a massive pile of scientific evidence.

>> No.20858888

Get good.

>> No.20858892


Nynaeve tugged at her braid. “Light help that boy,” she murmured. She knew now to trust Moiraine’s judgment, yet she could not make sense of what she had seen when she spied on the Aes Sedai and Mat at the inn in Baerlon. One night, she bored a peephole in the wall that divided her own room from Moiraine’s. She wanted to know why the woman had taken to bringing Mat to her room alone; and she was not about to ask nicely.

It started innocently enough. Moiraine had pulled off her slippers and instructed Mat to rub her soles. But when Mat began to suck on her toes . . . “Men!” Nynaeve sighed. She rode on. She supposed that Aes Sedai took particularly good care of their feet. Could she blame the boy?

>> No.20858898

Skip the action itself. So first describe the event happening and where it ends up. Then simply delete the event happening to make it abrupt and smart readers fill in the details.
One example in American Psycho in a chapter called Girls, one paragraph ends with Bateman still having sex with them.
The start of the next paragraph they are already bleeding and he killing them. We dont see how it started so it has the insane whiplash effect as if Bateman's violence is so explosive at times you only experience the "aftershock". If you have chatacters expect something you can slow it down as one big sentence to give the impression of a complex moment, bit people who do not expect, lets say a sudden crash, dont even remember falling over. He is on the ground.

>> No.20858915

>she bored
By your narrative, no doubt. Me too.

>> No.20858924

He bored.

>> No.20858927


>> No.20858929

Here's some scientific evidence for you. XY
You are your body. Cutting it up and going on hormones is not you discovering the real you.
That's your mental illness doing it's damnedest to kill you and prevent you from passing on your flawed, defective genes.

>> No.20858943

So there is no point in posting on RR if you have a 500~ word novel on your hands?

>> No.20858955

That's barely a short story, anon. Not even enough to fill two pages in a paperback.

>> No.20858956

>That's your mental illness doing it's damnedest to kill you and prevent you from passing on your flawed, defective genes.
Oh noooooooo.

Honestly though I'd be fine with this if the whole thing wasn't the most blatant anti-human gaslighting campaign in history. It's better that we should suffer 10 mentally ill faggots to live than condemn one confused, impressionable young man to cut his dick off for nonexistant social credit points.

>> No.20858957

I don't care about your abstractions of 'natural' or 'unnatural', I care about what, empirically, saves lives.

>> No.20858961

Fuck, I meant pages. I'm a retarded ESL.

>> No.20858963

So you're on medication for the underlying mental illnesses that caused you to troon out, right?

>> No.20858972 [DELETED] 

You could put it up there with say daily 2k-word chapters and simultaneously run a patreon with a good amount of advance content for the duration of its run. If the fic is good and more importantly appeals to the RR crowd, it'll hit Rising Stars easily. Then, once the whole thing is up on RR, you can push it to Amazon and use your platform on RR to advertise that release. This tactic has been used with some success on RR.

>> No.20858981

HRT is helping my mental health pretty well.

>> No.20858983

You could put it up there with say daily 2k-word chapters and simultaneously run a patreon with a good amount of advance content for the duration of its run. If the fic is good and more importantly appeals to the RR crowd, it'll hit Rising Stars easily. Then, once the whole thing is up on RR, you can push it to Amazon and use your platform on RR to advertise that release. This tactic has been used with some success on RR.

>> No.20858986

Yes, but about your "neovagina".

>> No.20858987
File: 209 KB, 1200x1177, ONCE IN A LIFETIME TRANNY VERSION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20858989

Can I post my comic here if I draw? It still counts as writing.

>> No.20858999

That's a no. So you don't care about saving lives. You care about making your sexual fetish into a replacement for your identity and forcing everyone else to participate. You're a sociopath.

>> No.20859003

Alcoholism is helping mine as well.

>> No.20859011

I don't want surgery.
Again, see the empirical evidence.
Repressing isn't a good idea.

>> No.20859013

Go away Labuschagne.

>> No.20859014

Cool, thanks. But seems a bit icky to sell a book that everyone had already read for free, no?

>> No.20859020

That you can't bring yourself to deny it tells so much more. Anyway the empirical evidence says you have on average at least 3 underlying mental health conditions.

>> No.20859022

>Marnus Labuschagne is an Australian cricketer who plays internationally for the Australian national team and domestically for Queensland.
Qrd on Labuschagne lore?

>> No.20859023

>the research totally says these crazy people aren't crazy and their neverending medical expenses need to be covered by insurance
still not reading that, btw

>> No.20859025


Rude. I’m a master of Wheel of Time foot fetish fanfic. Anyway, how else does one bore a hole in the past tense?


>> No.20859029

You're a writer, anon, you need to do everything you conceivably can to even hope to sell your book. Posting it online for free and then self-pubbing to sell physical copies to the people who already read it and thus liked it is possibly the least "icky" trick in the book.

>> No.20859032

I'm having a hard time creating fictional characters
Do you just base them off real people?

>> No.20859033

I mean I have autism and ADHD but I don't think you can really 'cure' those.
Again "muh common sense" or "just seems like it must be" does not trump empirical evidence.

>> No.20859041

Alcoholic South African who hosts the /wg/ podcast.

>> No.20859042

Cutting a gaping wound into yourself isn't good for you.

>> No.20859043

Sure you can, you can kill yourself, like you're on track to.

>> No.20859051


>> No.20859050

Again, I don't want surgery.
Every time an asshole like you tells me to it pushes it back by another year out of sheer spite. I don't currently plan on it until some time in the 22nd century.

>> No.20859060

>Every time an asshole like you tells me to it pushes it back by another year
Yeah, you keep telling yourself that tranny. I want it to sneak up and catch you unawares.

>> No.20859065


Go see a mental health professional that won’t indulge your sick fantasies. I jerk off to WoT foot fetish fanfic and I’m significantly less disturbed than you, tranny.

>> No.20859072

In all seriousness though, I have no intention of killing myself. Now that I'm out and on HRT I'm fairly happy with my life and I also find the idea of not existing terrifying. I plan on living forever if possible.
Mental health professionals generally acknowledge that transition is the appropriate treatment for gender dysphoria, because that's what the evidence suggests. Are you claiming to know better than them?

>> No.20859076

>I don't want surgery
>I just want to wear knee high socks and masturbate to myself uwu

>> No.20859086

Of course you don't WANT to kill yourself, you're a narcissistic sociopath. But eventually the reality of the situation is going to catch up with you, that you've sabotaged virtually all means for satiating your pathology.

>> No.20859088

I don't think I've ever done that. Doesn't particularly appeal to me.

>> No.20859092

>the experts
circumcision is pushed by so called experts (in america and yidsrael) because a jewish schizophrenic made a bunch of gullible goat herders believe his stories about magic beans

>> No.20859093

You are either baiting, or an Anglo-materialist-redditor. In any case, stop shitting up the thread with this nonsense. I won't ask twice.

>> No.20859099
File: 19 KB, 339x500, cover shot 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm struggling to find a way to promote my book anons. Pic related.
I've had a couple little write ups in various places, local newspaper, uni student magazines, bloggers, etc.
I get a sales report from my publisher every month of the previous months sales and it's never very impressive.
Last month i had a good write up in a newspaper with 25,000 copies circulation, got about 4 sales.
How do i break through anons? Do i just continue to grind away?

>> No.20859103

Do experts in America actually think circumcision is a good idea, though, or is it just tradition?
Hey, you're the ones who started by insulting me and posting medical misinformation, I'm just responding with the facts.

>> No.20859107


You are a dude LARPing as a girl. You’re Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs. I don’t care if Dr. Goldberg said you’re valid. You’re not. You’re a freak.

>> No.20859115

>From the author of...
The gall, lmao

>> No.20859121

Whether I am metaphysically a woman is not an empirical question. Whether transition works to treat gender dysphoria is.

>> No.20859128

Here's what you do.
1. Make friends with a English 101 teacher at the local college. Doesn't matter how, just do it.
2. Get your book on the required reading list for that course, that basically every freshman has to take.
3. Sell a bunch of copies to the college every year.
4. Split the profit with the professor.

>> No.20859131

The idea is that it prevents hyper-sexualization, a key component of homosexuality.

>> No.20859133

The only thing you will transition in is a coffin, retard. Stop until it's too late. Just become a twink faggot if feeling effeminate.

>> No.20859141

That first book got shortlisted for an award so it made sense to reference it like that.

>> No.20859150

But there are substantially more homosexuals in cultures that circumcise. Maybe because they're more liberal? Jews are like the no 1. homosexual demographic.

>> No.20859151

How many copies did it sell?

>> No.20859157

A few, got picked up by some public libraries, but still small league

>> No.20859168

Never noticed how off the girl looks in that until now, the legs and feet particularly. Was she in the original or shopped in with the Jews?

>> No.20859171

I didn't say it works, I don't know that it does or doesn't. Anecdotally my uncut friends are the most degenerate coomers I know. Anf homosexuality wasn't really a problem until Jews came to power in the US. The pronlem might very well just be Jews.

>> No.20859172

Cope and seethe.

>> No.20859188

Word of advice: Give a mentor figure a role in the story that isn't just
>Teach the protagonist
Have them actually develop as a character and even learn stuff themselves.

>> No.20859196

I don't know, probably a Jewish theory.

>> No.20859198

The technology for effective transition doesn't exist yet. You are subjecting yourself to medical butchery.

>> No.20859204

Wait didn't you write Emily?

>> No.20859205

>mentor figure
Is he even necessary?

>> No.20859208

Hey, I wish the tech was better too, but hormones are what regulate a lot of the differences between male and female bodies. I'd rather change the things I can than wait for better tech that might not even happen in my lifetime and be miserable.

>> No.20859209

An older figure that the main character works alongside with an learns from? Yes.

>> No.20859216

books in the theme of pic rel?
the only one I've read was "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"

>> No.20859217

It’s a short story collection. Not even the publisher had any expectation it would sell. You have to let go of the idea of sales and move on to writing a novel. Part of marketing is writing the next book. The next book sells the old book. Just keep writing.

>> No.20859234

if I wanted to write an interesting mentor character, they'd be the protagonist. Otherwise they exist to serve the protagonist and if that means dying without self-actualizing then that's what they'll do.

>> No.20859236

Well my plan is to get another short story collection published hopefully early next year.
Then i am going to knuckle down and write a novel.
I know short story collections are kind of a niche interest but surely some break through or at least get a bit of a following?
I can't let go of the idea that it could sell better if i had a better way of marketing. I could be wrong though, maybe this is just reality for a short story collection published by a small indie press.

>> No.20859238


>> No.20859276

>if I wanted to write an interesting mentor character, they'd be the protagonist
the mentor character can easily be retooled as an antagonist, either the main one or as a sort of shepherd for the main antagonist.

>> No.20859288

Anon has been mind broken by cliches.

>> No.20859294

1. Do a "b" story. tv shows like star trek always have a "b" story.
2. Self reflection. why am i here? what is happening. do you think the hot chick likes me?
3. Have them overcome some hurdles. They go from noobs to pros.
4. Encounter the villain once or twice.
5. Fight some minions.
And many more.

>> No.20859326

joseph campbell said so
the mentor also needs to give the protagonist an artifact that saves them at a pivotal moment

>> No.20859340

Not him but yeah Emilyanon and Chinaman-anon are the same: K.K Wing (formerly Wgon).

>> No.20859361

It's possible that when the tech exists to radically alter the body it will also end dysphoria before that tech would be utilized for transsexuals. That is at least my take on it. I don't foresee the hyper-pluralistic society that others see.

>> No.20859374

Trannies aren't going to be a thing. We're going to look back at this as one of the greatest atrocities ever committed against humanity and thank Hitler for trying.

>> No.20859378

Does editing a gender dysphoric person's brain to be okay with their birth sex count as 'curing' them, though, or does it amount to murdering them and replacing them with someone kind of similar?

>> No.20859389

Troomerism will be the thalidomide babies of our era

>> No.20859400

More or less. I've found I make my characters all alike with certain people recurring multiple times as many characters. I should probably meet more people whom I actually like to spend time with.

>> No.20859416

You raise a point I had thought about before. I only mean to say that is the kind of society that I foresee, not that I fully understand the ethics of it. The premise for such a society is one of repose, satisfaction and harmony but the price paid to achieve such a thing is another question entirely. One could argue that it is a more advanced kind of medication that strikes at the essence of your desires rather than chemicals and hormones, but like I just mentioned it all depends on how it works.
It probably will. It blows my mind how eugenics has such a bad rep now and that is literally what is forced upon us today. Genetic and psych warfare, actually full-spectrum dominance.

>> No.20859436

I do sometimes think about the hippy era and how we look back on it as a naive decadence. I hope we look back on today in a similar way.

>> No.20859447

I wouldn't be surprised if the push of troomer shit was an elaborate scheme to get the mentally ill and gullible to remove themselves from the gene pool as a form of pop control

>> No.20859510

>Anon, do you really think a cis person is likely to have come up with that plot idea?
The fuck do you mean with this? Of course it happens.
Do you think people can't come up with stories that are not linked directly to their own identity? What the fuck.

>> No.20859628

Has your publisher indicated they would publish another short story collection? I doubt you’ll find another publisher for it so you’re probably wasting your time.

You have to get to work on that novel. The next publisher is going to be interésted only in that. It doesn’t have to be long even 50-60k words will be fine.

>> No.20859654

>The next book sells the old book
This is my plan. James Patterson made it from pure volume.

>> No.20859696

If you're writing stories about trannies that aren't intended to be a deterrent you're not a person.

>> No.20859698

Esperanto is a meme created by a globalist fag, embrace the diversity of language

>> No.20859721

Do any of you publish on royal road or wattpad? Or do you all self-publish on Amazon instead?

>> No.20859734

Yes he's keen, we've discussed it.
I'm sort of the star performer in his stable. It's only a very small indie publisher and I'm the only one who has been shortlisted for an award. I'm the biggest seller too. I guess you could say I'm the biggest fish in a very small pond. However I want to swim in deeper water.

>> No.20859738

unfortunately has a massive discoverability problem

>> No.20859739

I write to Royal Road, ScribbleHub, Wattpad, A03 and such. Have my one fic going up to Amazon next month and it'll be my first time publishing, I'm pretty nervous.

>> No.20859751
File: 28 KB, 619x578, 60341856-36A5-47AC-8695-39CE9B90FDEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of people here talking about how they published on amazon.
How many of you have sold more than 50 copies?

>> No.20859786

>but surely some break through or at least get a bit of a following?
If and when I make it writing my novels, I definitely want to mention you if anyone brings up contemporaries. I really like your short stories and it brings Australia to life for me. I think authors looking at "flyover country" in this generation are gonna be really precious perspectives in the future.

>> No.20859803

Bro, what's your fic.

>> No.20859811

Very telling to ignore that post authors.

>> No.20859820

Cool. Do you guys advertise on here, or would you rather remain anonymous?

>> No.20859823

That's what a mentor figure is. Someone you learn from over a sizable period of time

>> No.20859830

The silence is deafening.

>> No.20859836

Is it a bad idea to kill off a character you've grown attached to? Mind you, it's the main character who's killed off. Not in a way where it's sacrificial or meaningful. Just a cruel, depressing way that's pointless. Specifically, this happens:
>Guy shows up, basically says "Fite me m8" and then proceeds to violently curbstomp her even after she pulls out all the stops, completely no-selling everything she has without even trying.
>Then he kills her by tearing her head off, spine included, and then dances on her corpse mockingly.
Is that bad?

>> No.20859842
File: 5 KB, 216x214, 46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, not much of an audience here. I'm in the Top Web Fiction rankings, but other than that I just rely on reader word of mouth and existing in some of the various site rankings. I post my two fics to the various free sites, the sites link back to my Patreon if they want to read more, I make a living off my Patreon income.

>> No.20859843

Thank you kind anon
May i ask your name and the titles of your novels?

>> No.20859866
File: 36 KB, 600x802, peach vanilli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I could make it publishing on Amazon. I think I could finish my second novel in 6 months but I really expect a lot of books to take me 12 to 18 months and I just don't think that's a good enough cadence for Amazon's autistic ranking system that pushes your book visibility, not in the genres I would like to publish that is. I got another plan though.

>> No.20859868

Issue07 out now

>> No.20859882


I have ~7 chapters left to release (3 of which are drafted and the other 4 I still need to write but I know exactly what's going to happen). So I'll have everything out by the beginning of October. Then I need to complete the edit I'm in the middle of doing on it. Then I need to get a professional cover made and upload it to Amazon and have a proof copy shipped to me for another round of edits.

While that's going on I'm going to be drafting the sequel with the new POV character - which I'm really looking forward to. So the plan is start putting the sequel on RR and open my patreon when it goes up, and maybe a month after that remove the first one and release it exclusively on Kindle Unlimited. Hopefully that'll be ready to go 2nd quarter 2023.

>> No.20859886

What are some good books for mastering the technical aspect of writing, other than the books that are usually in the sticky:
>Garner's Modern English Usage, Garner
>What Editors Do: The Art, Craft, and Business of Book Editing, Ginna
>Artful Sentences: Syntax as Style, Tufte

>> No.20859890

I'm the anon named Philip that reviewed the Last Free Man on GR. I have a story coming in the next issue of &amp and tentative title for the novel (speculative Southern Gothic) I'm working on is "Over the Dawn" and 6+ weeks away from last rounds of editing. Might be out next year depending on how many rejections I get.
Also working on a project tentatively called "Atlantean" that is a similar vibe but more contemporary kind of speculation.

>> No.20859896

Very cool, i'll keep my eye out for your stuff, best of luck, maybe we're all going to make it

>> No.20859901

No way of knowing without knowing the whole novel, but sounds a bit Mortal Combat

>> No.20859917

Liking it so far, comfy reading for tonight. Thanks, bro.

>> No.20859933
File: 22 KB, 400x400, DF57D131-6E12-4EC6-888B-7B0DDBB99166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never respect the “self published” authors here again. LMAO

>> No.20859939


>> No.20859945

You were born too late to achieve all the things in writing that you want to achieve: (1) decent money, (2) time to produce quality work, (3) the ability to work non-crazy hours. Writers in the 50s enjoyed all three, but we are not those writers. If you want to make solid money, you will need to work at least 60 hours a week, half of which will be marketing. You will need to accept that the algorithm and most contemporary writing cultures *heavily* favor women, and if you go tradpub you will meet unimpressed cat-lady editors at every gate. Every selfpubbed success, meanwhile, starts out putting in 80 hours a week for years on end. Eventually you'll amass enough infrastructure that you can start to delegate tasks, but the market will have changed when you're 40 and you will be lucky if anyone is even reading instead of getting lobotomized by VR gachas.

>> No.20859955

Okay meerkat anon, calm down.

>> No.20859965
File: 262 KB, 667x667, 1655776592490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VR gachas
have you been reading my outlines, anon? God, I wish I was writing it now but it's on a backlog. I have just mountains of material of autism on the internet and exacerbating it with traumatic experiences via VR is gonna turn everybody schizo.

>> No.20859970
File: 263 KB, 970x600, d81a8d16-5745-40ca-9936-f395531375b0.__CR0,0,970,600_PT0_SX970_V1___.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do I even fucking compete against this?

>> No.20859971

Didn’t read, saw anime art style

>> No.20859976

>772 reviews
>5 star ratings
Doesn't even matter if you didn't read it. It's better than any shit that /wg/ ever produced

>> No.20860011

My main character and his best friend were burned alive. His wife took over the husk of the farm but she stays in bed most of the time, depressed and sick. I call the story Rimworld.

>> No.20860033


>> No.20860053

It sells 6 copies every month. The only people to review it were the 2 guys who keep buying copies.

>> No.20860057

>6 copies a month
That's really good. You know that right?

>> No.20860071

>that’s really good
Man you are straight up delusional. 6 copies a day would be good.
6 copies a month is abysmal.

>> No.20860145

It blows my mind every time how retarded you all are. Writing up a generated rimworld story in simple language would be better than anything you ever wrote.

>> No.20860163

Why are you guys so averse to reading novels?

>> No.20860188

99% of books sell some shit like 100 in their LIFETIMES

>> No.20860205

I am reading Ulysses right now which I restarted recently. Just finished Eumaeus so two more chapters to go. I read anon's Egregore last week.

>> No.20860211

The average African was considered retarded until the cutoff for mental retardation was lowered to 70iq, what’s your point?
I don’t give a fuck what the average is. 6 sales a month is like $30-50 gross profit a month, which is like $10-30 net profit if you’re lucky. That’s like 2-6 gallons of gas or lunch at jersey mikes

>> No.20860225

I make $70 net profit monthly off of my stagnating Patreon with a fic that has sub-500 followers and only 12 reviews, what's your point?

>> No.20860231

This actually proves a point, that the book was utter failure and no one should write lit rpg

>> No.20860234

I also write litrpg. The point it proves is that the Patreon scheme is superior, and that publishing is only good as a secondary income stream until you build up a significant readerbase.

>> No.20860239

You’re surviving on handouts of $70 a month. Time to rethink your shitty schemes and actually start a business.

>> No.20860243

Not really, I have other income streams that allow me to write what I want regardless of profitability.

>> No.20860265

You have low dreams and I know the kind of person that is.

>> No.20860286

Overrated. Do technical manuals or poetry, don't do semi-poetic technical manuals being overly descriptive of mundane things like pirates on boats.

>> No.20860300

Remember that, in its time, Moby Dick was a major failure for Melville.
It didn't become popular until after he was dead, and a 100th-anniversary-of-his-birth event rekindled interest.
Now it's part of the Western canon.

>> No.20860316

New thread >>20860313
with a proper OP...

>> No.20860421

That specific story idea, though?
That's the entire point, Esperanto is supposed to be a bridge language and preserve the diversity of language, not replace existing languages.