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20854697 No.20854697 [Reply] [Original]

>Cervantes roasting me four and a half centuries later...

>> No.20854707
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There's a crazy filmmaker character at the end of pic rel who says something along the lines of "Only brave men sleep with beautiful women." That absolutely destroyed me because that means I'm a coward.

>> No.20854721
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There's also a scene in pic rel where the old men are reviewing which baseball player to buy and then they get to a guy who's with his gf in a photo and one goes "He has an ugly girlfriend. That means he has no confidence." That destroyed me as well.

>> No.20854728

He's not making fun of virgins, he's making fun of incels.

To look down on an entire sex is ridiculous, and incels are worthless scum for it. Indeed, such a person cannot ever be worthy of being a noble.

>> No.20854747

Which translation is this?

>> No.20854749

t. roastie

>> No.20854753

looks like John Rutherford's

>> No.20854767

Having a woman is literally the main thing of life. Everything else is a distant second.
Spirituality is the only other path. Either have a woman and operate in the world or devote yourself to spirituality. Anything inbetween is just misery and distraction.

>> No.20854769

Literal brain damage

>> No.20854781

You can't have a woman if your only goal is to have a woman though.

>> No.20854787

How come? It was a painful truth to realize.

>> No.20854796

thanks, these are great for cultivating self-loathing

>> No.20854825

Lack of experience with women, especially attractive women is usually a byproduct of a passive, meek, avoidant, submissive character in men. These men are also very resentful when they see other men have success with women they are too cowardly to make an open move towards. Men with no women are reactive, men with women are active. There is a nervous, negative energy in men with no women, an accusation towards life. You don't see that with active men. Furthermore, women are very accepting of any flaws in men as long as they are active, take up space, and have a will of their own. Men with no women tend to be overly concerned for others around them, their behavior is reactive in relation to action of others. The man with no woman, mistakingly believes that being extremely considerate and clever towards the woman will attract her to him and cannot believe an active man with a will of his own is significantly more interesting to women. In any social situation it is easy to spot the inferior male by his reactive stance and consideration towards the others, which dries women up like sahara desert. On the other hand, the active man gets others to react to him and dictates the conditions, this is like catnip to women. It is a marker of a man who does not hate his life or himself, who is confident about some competence of his and who is not avoidant should a conflict arise. Completely the opposite of a man with no woman, who lacks confidence in his competence to survive, who is avoidant in conflict and internalizes his lack of life-activity into self-hate and misogyny.

>> No.20854838

Life is too hard, bros. I will simply live as a NEET and then commit suicide after my parents die.

>> No.20854932
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who cares lmao

>> No.20854985

There's nothing brave about it.

>> No.20854997

It's not the women that make you less reactive. You are less reactive and thus women sleep with you, not the other way around. Sex is meaningless, it;s just a thing that happens when you're winning -- it doesn't lead you to win.

>> No.20855104

why not?

>> No.20855128

>It looks like there aren't many great matches for your search
nice, very nice. might save it for later.

>> No.20855318

Yes. I feel called out, being a weak inferior cuck. My father is the same and my mother cast out our inferior genetics in favour of Chad after I was born. She refused to raise me and devoted her entire being to the many strong men who now satisfied her. Having weak genes, only female influence and no upbringing made me completely worthless and pathetic. Being a social outcast addicted to porn, I found my ultimate fetish in mother-son incest. Since I became a teenager, seeing men with my mother made me extremely dejected, angry and jealous. Eventually I admitted to myself my feelings for her, but that only crystallized my incestuous cuck suffering. The depression caused by genetic predisposition, isolation, inertia, obesity and being cucked left me paralysed and trapped in my mother's home. Such is life

>> No.20856181

cause bitches aint shit but hoes and tricks

>> No.20856232

just be brave bro

>> No.20856320

By lover, he means someone who LOVES and is devoted to a particular lady. As chivalry scholars have proven, knights often chose entirely unattainable women to be the objects of their love. The objective not being the consumation of love but to provide inspiration for their noble deeds. To be without love is just as lowly and contemptible, and unworthy of a knight, as having a girlfriend.

>> No.20856322

Cervantes was making fun of this you know that right

>> No.20856324

Prove it.

>> No.20856326

The part where he says all the chivalry books are fuckin retarded and how Don Quixote was quoting all that shit like in OP's pic, exactly how you were in that post

>> No.20856330

so let me get this straight, the

>> No.20856333


>> No.20856335

The point is OP doesn't understand what Don Quixote even meant, therefore he can't know what's being made fun of. OP implies "lover" means "one who's fucking".

>> No.20856341


>> No.20856459

No they're right. It's pretty clear this passage is making fun of Don Quixote.

>> No.20856483

this guy knows

>> No.20856485

I don't care. Anyone who uses the term "incel" has no valid opinion.

>> No.20856487

It should be illegal for incels to have internet access except for tinder until they stop being faggots

>> No.20856494

because its way more brave, way more risky, to fuck a woman you would never want to have children with. in other words unless you're trying to suggest "it's brave to have sex" which is an extremely pathetic mindset only someone who never goes outside could have, then what you're saying makes no sense

>> No.20856495

We should just round those pests up and send them to work camps. If they're still 0 pussy mf's at 18, they've been deemed genetically worthless by vaginal selection.

>> No.20856502

Some guys are just late bloomers
I think the cutoff point should be 25 OR their first post containing incel talking points

>> No.20856507

25 is far too generous, incels are already evil beyond recovery at that point. Freshman year of college is the last opportunity for rejects to hop on the sex train, so either that or 20th birthday MAX.

>> No.20856511

Pretty good
Good post as well. I think there's some truth here but being an active male seems a little vague.

>> No.20856516

Why would it matter that they’re beyond recovery when recovery isn’t the point. Although I do have sympathy for the Maoist „I’d rather convict a hundred innocent than to let one guilty slip“ approach

>> No.20856520

t. redditors

>> No.20856525

Obviously not, since this is 4channel where I am am posting
On the other hand, incelposting on 4chan got out of hand when r/incel or whatever the fuck it was called got deleted
I have therefore refuted your argument and exposed you as the redditor that you are

>> No.20856540

"incel" is a reddit term and used by reddit trannies to shame and demoralize young men.

>> No.20856544
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>Redditors on the /lit/ sub
Y'all no pussy havin' mofuggas need to go back lmao, you're scaring the hoes.

>> No.20856565

No „incel“ is a name that incels gave themselves (on Reddit btw) in their retarded victim complex. You’re just coping and I refuse to further discuss this topic with someone that is telling blatant lies as a deflection tactic

>> No.20856569

>No „incel“ is a name that incels gave themselves (on Reddit btw)
so it's a reddit term like I said, then.
and yes, trannies do use the term as a pejorative to demoralize young men, retarded kraut.

>> No.20856958

Nah I thought this back in high school so I was super active and pushy and confident and assertive and it just didn't work. After that life ending failure I guess I became as you say though.

I was reading through my messages from back then the other day and I can't even imagine myself saying all that stuff to a girl, flirting with girls, or even talking so much in general. Feels weird, feels like it had to have been someone else. Sometimes I think maybe I should give it more than one try, but I can't even get back into that mindset now.
Such is life, nothing left to do but keep resenting women for not accepting me when I was confident, social, and assertive; nor when I am passive, reactive, and meek. And keep resenting myself for failing back then and being unable to do it again now.

>> No.20856978

> so it's a reddit term like I said, then.
For redditors to identify themselves, making every incel a redditor

>> No.20856982

This post smells like incel cope

>> No.20857006

What mental illness is this?

>> No.20857116

what edition/translation is this?

>> No.20857154

I'm a greater misogynist after fucking and having multiple GFs than I ever was when I was a virgin. Once you stop putting pussy on a petal stool, you begin see women for what they are. Any basic lad knows this, they just wont profess it out loud.

>> No.20857175

It really depends, i wouldn't even know where to find beautiful women. I thought maybe nightclubs, but no. I gone around various social circles and places to see where beautiful women are and found very little. It wasn't always like this, i remember beautiful women being a semi regular sight back in the earlu 2010s, but sometimes around 2012-2014 they all just vanished. I know they are out there, i see them online, but not in my city i guess.

>> No.20857208

I don’t care about misogyny, your loss if you can’t form the most basic social bond there is. I am just sick and tired of reading retarded incel posts all day because I don’t fucking care about someone’s victim complex

>> No.20857266
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>> No.20857267

what are you doing here then? 4chan has always been the space for losers

>> No.20858795

ah, what if this wasn't true..? the lifeblood of the site's always been normies who dip their toe in edginess and leave, back to their lives, not the losers who can't fit in elsewhere so they browse it obsessively..?

>> No.20858822

Yeah I'm just about done with Rutherford and I still remember those lines. Better than Grossman imo

>> No.20858827

>t. didn't read or completely misunderstood the Marcela section

>> No.20858848

>No they're right
>I don't care
now you're sounding like a woman

>> No.20858853

Family and children are far more satisfying for men than women, though. Divorced men don't commit suicide because their wife left them but because they don't get to see their children.

Aside from that there is some truth to what you say. In the absence of religion men worship women. Medieval men conceived damnation as the absence of God, modern man conceives damnation as the absence of women. The wages of sin in the past would lead to the abandonment of God and forever separation from in death - the wages of sin in the present will lead to the abandonment of woman and dying alone.

>> No.20859239

>I don’t fucking care about someone’s victim complex

I have a feeling you pick and choose which victim complexes to care about

>> No.20859259

Absolutely true. We are ape-men rejected by beautiful women/humanity. Might just watch this. The faggots seething at this post are either sex havers or children, maybe even both.

>> No.20859267

Absolutely true. Either become effective in life, or become effective in death. There is no other option for a self-respecting man.

>> No.20859268

This sounds like something the Underground Man would write when he's in the self-loathing phase of his cycle.

>> No.20859278

Meh, active men are the glans of the planet, they fuck first and ask questions later, and now we're reaping their fruits. You (psychological) Americans worship wet dicks too much. There's something to be said for the = x factor of active men but not this much. Yes, considerate men flash fry pussy like there's no tomorrow, but oh well. It is what it is. Still a very good post, though.

>> No.20859387

Too high iq for /lit/ even. 4chan is invigorated by normies no doubt about it

>> No.20859408

>petal stool

>> No.20859421

Women keep demonstrating on their own that they're the worst pieces of shit you can imagine, on a daily basis

>> No.20859438

what do you mean?

>> No.20859449

I slept with a goddess, a handful of times
But we literally slept, as in, closing our eyes and dreaming

>> No.20859464

>It is a marker of a man who does not hate his life or himself
I know heroin addicts who fuck beautiful women
And let me tell you, being an addict does in fact mean that you hate life and yourelf
t. picked up beer cans from the trash bin to smoke crack

>> No.20859474

They had something going for them the addiction accentuated or at least didn't disturb.

>> No.20859525

Stop looking for reasons to hate yourself

>> No.20859539

>They had something going for them
such as?
>or at least didn't disturb
addiction fucks you up in ways you couldn't imagine
one of this dudes slept in a weird position for too many hours and damaged his arm's nerves for it
Can you fucking imagine that?

>> No.20859545


imagine defying women so much that you think being a good man means giving free sex to vaginas

>> No.20859559


>> No.20859565

I don't know nigger, knew plenty of dudes addicted to coke and shit who got pussy, they had something even incels don't, even serial killers have better game than the superfluous man, it's over

>> No.20859566

>le wacky straw man

>> No.20859572

You're the only one talking about deifying women retard

>> No.20859584

If crack is a part of your life and you love crack enough to pick up beer cans from the trash for it, then buddy, you love life. Conversely, there's nothing in my life that I love enough to pick up beer cans from the trash for it, and I hate my life and hate myself. And I'm a virgin....

>> No.20859614
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>> No.20859647

I can't even give you specific examples because like every work of character fiction has some romance subplot stuff in it. The worst offender is, quite appropriately, coming of age works, where in if it's not the main plot, at least a main subplot is the main character getting a girl throughout his journey of growing up or getting one upon growing up. Don't even get me started on what the topic of like 90% of popular songs are about.
You don't need a specific line in a movie or a book to tell you that getting a woman is the most universal defining trait of becoming a man or that it's basically the most universal thing in the world, the entire cultural consciousness of humanity is constantly bellowing it into your ears. Need I remind everyone what the first story in the bible is about? The first thing that God decides Adam needs? The last thing God does in making the universe complete??? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.20859663

>The first thing that God decides Adam needs?
a life

>> No.20859671 [DELETED] 

Baseline competency in reality precludes worship of the Feminine

Sex really is like money, etc

You are not so much deprived sex or affection but the vistas of knowledge and experience that only those who are loved or desired get the Keys to the City to. Nigger nigger jew nigger

>> No.20859680

Baseline competency in reality precludes worship of the Feminine

Sex really is like money, etc

You are not so much deprived sex or affection but the vistas of knowledge and experience that only those who are loved or desired get access to. Nigger nigger jew nigger

>> No.20859723

Addicts don't love the thing they're addicted to

>> No.20859873

Don't put the pussy on a pedestal anons. You trick yourself into thinking she's a "goddess" and next thing you know she's off doing a stinky pooper in the toilet. She shits, she shaves, she bleeds, and she'll age like milk.

>> No.20859876

Yes but it's better to have been beautiful once than never at all

>> No.20859880

Do you need a woman to become a man or do you just want a woman because you aren't a man yet? Grow up, faggot.

>> No.20859905

Define beauty. How many "beautiful" women are, upon close (or unexcited) reflection, rather mediocre? A woman who has strong features is literally all you can get, and that's not something that fades with age.
No man should prostrate himself for a woman. Should a woman want a man who prostrates himself for her? That's a meaningless question because her opinion shouldn't matter.
I'm an optimist though. I think things will improve with time. Social media, that cesspit, will itself be the curative. Time anons. The age we live in has accustomed us to things moving so quickly, but Social Time shifts decade by decade.

>> No.20859934

Pajeetbros, we won once again...

>> No.20859988

Pajeets aren't the only ones; arranged or semi-arranged marriages were standard in Europe and Asia. It's a good method.

>> No.20860000

Pajeets win again. For pajeets it's "is"

>> No.20860010

guys i know being a dude and trying to find love is weird and alienating at the moment but have you considered at least not being a whiny creep about it.

>> No.20860044

>just take it like a champ bro lmao
we all do that in public. this forum is meant for anonymous stuff.

>> No.20860095

>they had something even incels don't
Attractive face or money. Nothing else matters for women

>> No.20861723


>> No.20861743

Who doesn’t
I care about those that annoy me and that is incels

>> No.20861752

No I won’t let you have your loser safespace. I will remind you every day that you’re genetic trash until you kill yourself

>> No.20861843

Why not?

>> No.20861865

Just think how many beautiful women we've lost to the obesity crisis.

>> No.20862165

this is some very fine paper with clean and crisp printing on it.

>> No.20862282

I remember reading studies about how kids who will later become obese are already less intelligent at primary school.

>> No.20863008

Yesterday I was regaled to the scene of Quixote and Sancho in the Dark woods with the sound of "something" (fulling mill hammers) or whatever they took for apparitions, after some mischief preventing don from charging into the night, mister sancho attempts to covertly take a dump.

"Get back from me 3 or 4 steps" i died

>> No.20864163


>> No.20864255

Are all women mean/judgemental/looking for a reason to hate you? I'm 26 and have only gotten past the 1st date with a few women and only had sex a handful of times. All of them were off of apps but all of them just seemed like such not nice people. One girl laughed at me for having never had a gf and told me about how she teased this one simp she had friendzoned as an orbiter. Another girl got really bitchy at me for not making a move fast enough and not being rough enough with her in bed and then got really bitchy at me the next time for being rough with her in bed because it was "disrespectful to her has a woman". Another girl literally stood me up in real time over text when we were supposed to meet up for like the 3rd or 4th time. All of them had such bad attitudes, like I couldn't imagine being so bitchy to someone I'd only met a few times. To keep this on topic, it does not align with the literary archetype of what is supposedly feminine at all. Do women who aren't shitty-attitude having bitches exist?

>> No.20864284


They're all nice when they're around Chad and not around you. They resent going on dates with you and even resent having sex with you, but they do it anyway because you're just good enough (you're not a turbo-loser like many who browse this website, just a common beta) that they'll pass the time with you until something better comes along. And they'll all be happy to share him until their early 30s when they become sexually worthless. At which point, then and only then, will they deign to return to the bargaining table.

>> No.20864303

I don't think so. The first girl I mentioned literally told me out loud she didn't believe me when I complimented her because she thought I was too attractive to actually be interested in her. Think she had confidence problems because she was a qt. The second girl was a little chubby, perfect slampig body though, and she would always compliment my muscles

>> No.20864349

>[VwVm Be(w) /\ F(w, m) -> Br(m)] => {EmVw [Be(w) -> ~F(w, m)] -> ~Br(m)}
I probably fucked this up terribly but my point is that you're stupid.

>> No.20864368


Right, that's exactly what I'm saying. You're serviceably attractive and you're actually trying, which is why you're actually getting laid. You're ahead of 90% of this website, which is why I made the distinction that I did, taking you at your word. You're also learning two very important lessons: how AWFUL women are, and how INSECURE they can be.
The fact that they're actually complimenting you and engaging with you is just that much more favorable to you. Unironically, it sounds like you just need a little game, though by the sounds of it none of your recent dates/lays are worth pursuing further.

I still maintain that you're exuding insufficient chad energy, though by the sound of it you're not far off from pretending to be chad. Once you actually have the next one in the bedroom, don't be afraid to manhandle her a bit. The other one was disappointed that she didn't get to enjoy being properly physically dominated by you, and honestly I feel bad for her.

>> No.20864374

>Only brave men sleep with beautiful women
>I don't fuck beautiful women
>Therefore I'm not brave
>If I'm not brave, I'm a coward

>> No.20864389


The last step is a perfectly sound inference if one defines "brave" and "coward" appropriately. You don't need a fine spectrum from bravery to cowardice (closer to real life), and even if you did, such a spectrum doesn't preclude the last step. As it is, the entire argument is sound, if not airtight (addressed above).

>> No.20864402

You are meeting women on a dating app, anon. They are the lowest of the low, much like the men there.

>> No.20864403

Yeah but what threw me off is that the girl who was mad I didn't manhandle her then got mad at me for manhandling her. I fucked her one weekend and she was mad I wasn't rough/active enough. Then the next weekend I tried to be more rough/active and she ended up making some excuse afterwards to leave in the middle of the night and the next day I woke up to a giant text message from her telling me she was uncomfortable with how I treated her and that I was disrespectful to her as a woman. All of these girls were self-described feminists who were super into "women's issues" bullshit, and they always got mad that I wasn't being "man enough" or active enough or whatever, but whenever I've done that something like that happens where they get mad. I don't understand how I'm supposed to pretend to care about their feminist super liberal crap but also be rough in bed

>> No.20864406 [DELETED] 

i haven't fapped all week and i'm still not in the mood. i'm getting worried. i read some evo psych and thought about how it applied to my ex-fiance who dropped one day when i was complaining about work over text. i guess she got the ick from it. i thought hey i've known this chick for almost a decade surely i can bitch about this one annoying thing at work once? apparently not, no. i got a raise and less workload like two months later, but by then we weren't talking. what's the point of having a life partner if you can never share frustrations like that? if i can only bitch about my life to 4channel.org i might as well just fap it and then post a blog on here.

>> No.20864415

Are there women out there who don't use these apps and are good people? How do you meet them

>> No.20864419

>Only brave men sleep with beautiful women
>all brave men sleep with beautiful women
spot the difference and win a unicycle

>> No.20864447

wdym? the brave men who don't sleep with beautiful women are not part of the central claim.

>> No.20864449

Only brave men ride unicycles.

>> No.20864457

>Therefore I'm not brave
now that's undisputable

>> No.20864462

>Therefore I'm not brave
Ah, got it. I apologize for the logical error. Pls no more bully

>> No.20864473

no bully only friendship

>> No.20864516


See, you're thinking about this rationally, like a man. That's the whole problem. I can actually see a woman getting annoyed at a guy who didn't "fuck her properly" and then gets pissy about the rougher second go-around, it may have felt forced to her.

Let's try to think about it from the point of view of the woman's tiny little mind. You're a muscular guy, you got back to the bedroom together with the woman. Obviously this is tacit consent for a fuck, which implies a little natural, human roughness here and there. Pin her down playfully, pull her hair a bit, nothing crazy but be a man and feel the situation out. You did indicate a certain lack of experience earlier (in relationships, if not sex), in which case she may also have figured out that you're relatively inexperienced. This doesn't square with what sounds like a decently attractive body, and if I'm right on that point, she also HATES that she didn't manage to screen you out in time before you accessed her. She's doubting her own intuition now. This is all based on the assumption of your lack of experience, but in general, whining about feminism is a way to avoid articulating what actually bothered her. Either way this all sounds one step removed from a rape accusation, so the thing to do is to move on.

What she resents is having to tell you what to do. They don't want to have much or any agency in this stuff, or to actually communicate verbally. Devil's advocate: most communication is non-verbal, so it isn't crazy to see how she would have expected you to take charge and "do your duty" as a man.

>> No.20864830

I 100% stopped texting the girl who said she was uncomfortable. I texted her back saying I was sorry if she felt uncomfortable and it wasn't my intention and she texted back "thanks" then I never texted her again and she removed me from snapchat and unmatched me.

I do lack experience, I lost my virginity this year at 26 and have had sex only a few times. No girl has ever been able to figure out I'm a virgin and none of my friends think I am. I told a girl once I'd never had a gf and she didn't believe me at first, obviously didn't tell her I was a virgin too. I don't understand how you feel something out like this and I don't really pick up on women's body language, even after reading tons of articles, advice, books, etc on it. Everything I've done with women is based on copying what I've seen friends and other people do over the years. But I don't know what you're supposed to do in situations where you're alone with them like in a bedroom, obviously I have never watched someone else do that. I don't know how you make a move or transition between different stages of things, it all feels clunky and unnatural.

>> No.20864846

Based and truth, but /lit/ won't ever accept such a blackpill. They're too stupid to.

>> No.20864883

>Having a woman is literally the main thing of life.
This is stupidity. The point of life is not marriage lmao are you a 19th century single woman? No true man in history has thought like this.

>> No.20864889
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>Sir Galahad the Chaste
he was literally one of the most OP knights in Arthur's court

>> No.20864894

>Are all women mean/judgemental/looking for a reason to hate you?

>> No.20864900

How are you supposed to get past meeting them more than a few times then?

>> No.20864910

I largely agree with this, however it mistakenly assumes that it's due to a lack of interaction on the part of the "inactive".
Even if you try to interact with attractive women, if scorned, the resulting feelings of self hate and misogyny will be worse, and not without good reason.

That said, you're right that men need to define the conditions, and that they need to have confidence (not baseless obviously).

>> No.20864916

if I have little experience with women in my 20s then any confidence I could have is baseless

>> No.20864926

You shouldn't be pursuing women as your source of self-confidence, you have self confidence in that which you can be proud of. For example, what are your personal achievements?

>> No.20864941

I have self-confidence based on my achievements but none of that translates into confidence in thinking I get a girl to sleep with me because none of it has anything to do with getting a girl to sleep with me. Confidence in that department is entirely baseless because I've failed at it for a decade despite succeeding in most other parts of my life

>> No.20865061


Okay, that makes sense then and it sounds like you handled the other situation politely and properly. Good for you. If you are still moving in social circles/bars/etc that this woman goes to, just know that she WILL shit talk you to her friends. Since (it sounds like) you comported yourself honorably you should be fine, but stay away from her and/or whatever friend group she may have.

She 100% picked up on the fact that you were sexually inexperienced, that you felt awkward, even if she didn't discern the virgin/near-virginal status. It's possible that she misread your awkwardness as "being too gentle", since the fact is that you're both keeping critical information from each other at that point (out of necessity, which is the sad thing, but now there's a specific problem that you don't have anymore, even though it was late). When you spend the first few decades of your life with the idea that it's not okay to touch women, once you actually get a chance to fuck, it can feel alien. In such cases, even millions of years of evolution can have a hard time overcoming the social conditioning, since you have the basic idea that "touch woman wrong=I get in trouble".

As for the "social" transitions, let's just say I'm not qualified to give advice, but I won't let that stop me from giving an opinion. I would only suggest that if things are going smoothly, your job as a man is to gradually escalate and read her non-verbal body language to ensure that things are going well. Checking in verbally every two minutes is unsexy. Maybe crack a little joke here and there, but don't try to be witty. Just make idle chit-chat until there's no need to talk anymore. The very fact that you've actually had sex means that you have useful life experience on what works and what doesn't. This is huge.

>> No.20865091

The more feminine a woman is, the less control she has over her emotions. You're blaming women for their femininity when you should be blaming yourself for your lack of masculinity, which is the true source of your failures with women.

>> No.20865128

women are a net drain on your life and anons deserve to know this. Nothing can fuck up your life more than the wrong woman at the wrong time in your 20s.

>> No.20865137

ouch, that's fucking rough man, but women can ruin your life in that way

>> No.20865151

you literary fags who actually read fiction say the dumbest shit ever
>bro just do what you love
>muh addiction is love
>no no no monsieour je ne sais quois hon hon hon it's not love it's le arrondisment je ne garcon mon coeur pussilanimous pee pee poo poo baguette hon hon hon camus and that faggot who wrote that huge ass book that has 5000 pages or something
intellectual TRASH
ideas that have no value
100% retarded

but I understand you, anon
t. picked up half smoked cigarettes to get some tobacco from them to add to my synthetic drug joints

>> No.20865157

No woman wants a man that puts pussy on a pedestal

>> No.20865172

hmmm, no i don't think so

>> No.20865198

Sounds like you hooked up with a total bitch / a zoomer girl / an American girl.

>> No.20865221

I'm not reading this.
Do you bench more than 2pl8? If not, fuck off.

>> No.20865223

It's just one of my many, many mistakes but women are so easy to avoid. It's not like working for the wrong boss, or picking the wrong degree. Those mistakes are necessary. But being a coomer who wants huggies and cummies from m'lady is the saddest shit ever. I feel embarrassed and disgusted. There's nothing manly about having lots my time dating dumb bitches, and it's incredible how nasty and smug women are. I've dated women that had careers, nice degrees, etc. but just wouldn't brush their fucking teeth.

>> No.20865230

miserable little animals
had many roommates like you. you'll learn, sooner or later

>> No.20865258

as a femanon, i hope nobody takes this incel's wall of nonsense seriously, but knowing this place, it's probably going to be circulated as some inflammatory nugget of knowledge. the emotional intelligence of men is astounding. you things are chimeras

>> No.20865273

elaborate. how's it wrong?

>> No.20865299

>asking a woman for advice on women

>> No.20865308

the chimera was a female you dumb bitch

>> No.20865336


She says "chimeras" which is not an absolute condemnation (monsters would have been just fine here), but instead suggestive of a shape-shifter, a trickster. She may not have thought too much about the word choice, but it's an uncommon word choice so some thought went into the choice. The word choice is her way of expressing ambivalence, in spite of herself.

A chimera is a monster, yes. But it is also a beast with the forms of many other beasts. The chimerical is used to suggest the duplicitous, or the multi-faceted. Obviously, women are also chimerical in this sense, and moreso. By choosing this ambivalent word, she is also subconsciously acknowleding the truth-value of the statement that she condemns (she cannot entirely condemn it with a simpler word).

The irony in all this is that the statement does not focus on women, but instead focuses on weak men. So she isn't even responding to a direct personal attack, but is doing a silly proxy virtue-signal which would never, ever translate to real-life action on behalf of the given group. This is what makes her response even less credible.

>> No.20865362

A few years ago I drove down to my university. I went into the library and paid a cute girl 15 dollars to take a picture with me to convince my coworkers I had a girlfriend. I just wanted to simulate the experience of being a competent, capable guy who could get a date. I've been terrified of girls since middle school, and I'm an ugly, awkward bastard with a small penis and no self confidence.

>> No.20865376


>> No.20865499

Be flawless or be damn good at hiding your flaws or punch below your weight far enough that your flaws never amount to enough to make her hate you

>> No.20865510
File: 39 KB, 460x607, BD061653-EF22-48FB-8CE0-5551F7960013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retroactively roasted by a spic

>> No.20865581
File: 189 KB, 1080x1060, 1623818291008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit this anon gets it