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20851599 No.20851599 [Reply] [Original]

How do I read "literature" if I don't like too much detail? I don't need to know how a doorknob looks because it doesn't matter.

>> No.20851605

You read the surrealists

>> No.20851625

read comic books or something

>> No.20851671

comic books are too much detail too

personally i believe overdoing detail is just a failure of what prose should be

>> No.20851674

What matters?

>> No.20851677
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>hasn't read books
>i know what books should be like

>> No.20851680

answering that is the author's job
>>hasn't read books
false assumption

>> No.20851682

name your top (3) books

>> No.20851683

Presumably they think the appearance of the doorknob matters.

>> No.20851686

Julius Evola - Revolt Against the Modern World
Yukio Mishima - Sun and Steel
Gottfried Feder - Manifesto for Breaking the Financial Slavery to Interest

>> No.20851693

that's not me
i don't have any top 3 books, i think anyone who has top 3 anything is a limited bugman

>> No.20851696

Name the last 3 novels you enjoyed reading.

>> No.20851738
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>anons book mentions an irrelevant doorknob
>smth smth chekhov's gun
either the description of the doorknob does matter somehow and you're too dumb to see how OR it's bad writing and the author is trolling you. when in doubt assume the latter, as is custom on /lit/

>> No.20851741

OP here. have you read the Hobbit?

>> No.20851756

Details are obviously important to form the whole, just read the "detail" sentences, carry on and absorb the text, you don't need to stop and think about the doorknob for 30 minutes

>> No.20851780


I hold the view that in the larger aspects of the creative imagination there is room for many free margins and for many materials that are not slavishly symbolic. I protest from my heart against this tyrannous "artistic conscience" which insists that every word "should tell" and every object and person referred to be of "vital importance" in the evolution of the "main theme."

I maintain that in the broad canvas of a nobler, freer art there is ample space for every kind of digression and by-issue. I maintain that the mere absence of this self-conscious vibrating pressure upon one string gives to a book that amplitude, that nonchalance, that huge friendly discursiveness, which enables us to breathe and loiter and move around and see the characters from all sides—from behind as well as from in front! The constant playing upon that one string of a symbolic purpose or a philosophical formula seems to me to lead invariably to a certain attenuation and strain. The imagination grows weary under repeated blows upon the same spot. We long to debouch into some path that leads nowhere. We long to meet some one who is interesting in himself and does nothing to carry anything along.

Art of this tiresomely technical kind can be taught to any one. If this were all—if this were the one thing needful—we might well rush off en masse to the lecture-rooms and acquire the complete rules of the Short Story. Luckily for our pleasant hours there is still, in spite of everything, a certain place left for what we call genius in the manufacture of books; a place left for that sudden thrilling lift of the whole thing to a level where the point of the interest is not in the mere accidents of one particular plot but in the vast stream of the mystery of life itself.

To listen to certain fanatics of the principle of unity is to get the impression that these mysterious "artistic qualities" are things that may be thrust into a work from outside, after a careful perusal of, shall we say, Flaubert's Letters to Madame Something-or-other, or a course of studies of the Short Story at Columbia University. Chop the thing quite clear of all "surplusage and irrelevancy"; chop it clear of all "unnecessary detail"; chop the descriptions and chop the incidents; chop the characters; "chop it and pat it and mark it with T," as the nursery rhyme says, "and put it in the oven for Baby and me!"

It is an impertinence, this theory, and an insult to natural human instincts... The habitation of the spirit of true art is the natural soul of man, as it has been from the beginning and as it will be to the end. The soul of man has depths which can only be fathomed by an art which breaks every rule of the formalists and transgresses every technical law.

>> No.20851885

is there a surrealist literature chart

>> No.20851902

Alfred Döblin - Berlin Alexanderplats

>> No.20851912

Read through it quickly and let your brain do the work when it comes to absorbing that information. The other anons bring up good points too regarding that the detail may actually be important or significant.

>> No.20851917

>The other anons bring up good points too regarding that the detail may actually be important or significant.
it's the author's fault if he drowns out important detail in a sea of bullshit

>> No.20851975

yes, but it was long time ago. does tolkien describe a doorknob in it?
mentioning chekhov's gun was probably a mistake on my part. Of course not everything needs to be symbolic, but I would still say that the description of this hypothetical doorknob needs to have SOME relevance to the plot or setting in order for the writing to qualify as 'good'. Otherwise the author risks wasting the readers time in pursuit of 'the spirit of true art'

>> No.20851995
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>comic books are too much detail too
>personally i believe overdoing detail is just a failure of what prose should be
Anon you are looking to read technical documentation. Go read IEtf standards or something. He's a few good joke ones if you want.

>> No.20852004

You reek of /pol/ brainrot

>> No.20852010

>Anon you are looking to read technical documentation.
shouldn't prose ideally occupy a space someplace between technical documentation and purple stuff?

>> No.20852038

I just read the hobbit and I'm pretty damn sure he doesn't mention a doorknob once in the entire book. Also The Hobbit is one of the only good fiction novels, you got filtered like an absolute retard.

>> No.20852065

If this was the case then why did whites like the angloids murder them & stop their cause?

>> No.20852071

>I just read the hobbit and I'm pretty damn sure he doesn't mention a doorknob once in the entire book.
it's literally the first page. and i said doorknob figuratively

>> No.20852102
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Figurative or literal? Because what it looks like is you picked up The Hobbit, and you were such a slow reader that you gave up upon seeing the word "knob" as if no use could be had out of using your imagination. Its called comprehension but seeing as yours is already a smoking pile of dogshit, I guess you could just stop reading books.

>> No.20852477
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>> No.20852759

legitimately curious, if germanics aren't white then who the hell is?

>> No.20853183

germanics are steppe rape babies

>> No.20853221

>white people chimp out by invading all of europe at once and getting folded up by other white people immediately
What did he mean by this

>> No.20853233

The steppe warriors who were Scythians were white blonde Germanics themselves. Their mummies prove it.

The entire Aryan race is related to those Scythians.

You are retarded.

>> No.20853234

Do what I used to do, just keep skimming through text until you see quotation marks, that's where the dialogue is, everything else is descriptif and doesn't matter

>> No.20853243

>I don't need to know how a doorknob looks because it doesn't matter.
the doorknob never mattered. how prettily an author can write about the doorknob is what matters

>> No.20853246

>Read through it quickly and let your brain do the work when it comes to absorbing that information
I feel like when I remember to do this I read better and can remember the story more. Usually I read so close and slow that every sentence takes on its own life and I forget what happens

>> No.20853280
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yes but who IS white then? If germanics aren't white by your definition but nobody else is either then you're just being a race autist

>> No.20853888
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You god damn kike.

>> No.20853904


If your prose is like this post, don’t quit your day job. You write like a 14 year old whose only identity is being “smarter” than his peers. Or worse, the freshman who has discovered normies aren’t as dumb as he thought.

>> No.20853950

Read Hemingway.

>> No.20854476

These are retarded reactionary takes you only get from /pol/. What a rotten place

>> No.20854493

You mean tranny barbarians who practiced human sacrifice?

>> No.20854500

>Or worse, the freshman who has discovered normies aren’t as dumb as he thought.
Kek used to be me and I felt intimidated for a while, but it was just initial freshman nervousness. I quickly realised normies can be very hard working and desperate to impress others and will go the extra mile to study hard for a pat on the head. It's all ego and no original thought or desire for truth

>> No.20854514

Oh look it's Kolya from Bothers Karamazov trying to impress Alyosha

>> No.20854547
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The description of the door is relevant. Humans are used to rectangular doors so the fact that Bilbo’s is round immediately tells you that Hobbits are a fantastical race and you’re in a fantastical land. It also adds to the nice homely feeling of the shire so that Bilbo’s longing to get back to it later is all the more understandable. Even besides that, sometimes it’s just nice to have a description of a place.

>> No.20854611

Read the Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.20854616

>I don't need to know how a doorknob looks
based books are gay don't read em