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20851493 No.20851493 [Reply] [Original]

Atheist Book:
>Philosophically ignorant
>Filled with strawmen based entirely on bashing Evangelical Protestantism
>Hyperfocuses on Epistemological questioning over metaphysical examination
>Accepts materialism without any question making entire argument based apriori on acceptance of a fundamentally atheistic worldview in the first place
>Refuses to examine flaws in own worldview in favor of criticizing other worldviews entirely on the basis they are incompatible with materialism
>Shits on cultures that refuse to bow down to globohomo

Theist Book:
>Philosophically well informed with depth and breadth of knowledge from Plato to Aquinas to Kant
>Knows the question of God is a metaphysical question not an epistemological one
>Scrutinizes own worldview as well as the atheistic worldview and critically compares them
>Understands and respects rich religious traditions of multiple cultures
>Rejects globohomo

>> No.20851500
File: 135 KB, 843x843, christianityisbased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's quite simple, OP.

>> No.20851505

>>Rejects globohomo

DBH rejects globohomo? hahaha good joke

>> No.20851519
File: 18 KB, 996x131, jesus-the-jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus was a Jew.

>> No.20851540

Stuff I disagree with
>probably gay
>commits tax fraud

Stuff that I agree with
>massive penis
>liked by everyone
>doesn't commit tax fraud

>> No.20851715
File: 74 KB, 750x593, 1634403330879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christcucks think their make believe cult is super deep and well informed
Never change you glue sniffing mental reprobates, you are an endless source of comedy!

>> No.20851742

definitely was a hebrew, but what we currently call Judaism is based fundamentally on the rejection of Christ and the writings of the Talmud (long after Christ), it is the development of the faith of the pharisees, and therefore it is not fair to say that a Jew 2000 years ago and a Jew today are the same

>> No.20851759

Even if that were true (which it mostly isn't, since religions are not static and entirely isolated from one another), it's still a massive piece of cognitive dissonance to obey a book written by people who probably wouldn't have accepted Jesus as the Messiah either.

It's also goddamn bizarre to take over most of your meaning, worldview and rituals from a source you apparently consider wicked, evil and satanic. It would be like calling yourself an arch capitalist, and then have a significant portion of your life philosophy be based on Das Kapital

>> No.20851790

Think of it instead as two branches which split out of the same hebrew faith 2000 years ago. The jews who accepted Christ form one, and those who rejected Him form the other. They both hold on to the ancient texts but after this split they become two very different religions, without rejecting what was written before

it is this branch of Christ deniers which may be called wicked, not the original one out of which both branched off

>> No.20851796

>It would be like calling yourself an arch capitalist, and then have a significant portion of your life philosophy be based on Das Kapital
unrelated, but even as a defender of capitalism you can extract valuable insight from Das Kapital, Marx's analysis of it is often on point even if you disagree with the conclusions

>> No.20851802

Atheists can afford to be lazy because they're position is such a strong one. Christcucks like Marxists need volume upon volume of cope.

>> No.20851805

Atheist write out of hate, Christians out of love

>> No.20851811

But the God of the old testament was an angry, vile cretin who instilled his values into the Jewish mind. That's why despite Jesus being Hebrew, they rejected him because they did not come from him but rather an alien entity who only knew death and destruction, his gospel flew in the face of people of Israel since it was centered around compassion for your fellow man and Jews know nothing of the sort and find new and inventive ways to punish Gentiles for following the creed of compassion and grace

>> No.20851812

And what's wrong with hate?

>> No.20851816

Again, why is the Old Testament still included into the Christian Bible?

Might it be because Christianity itself makes no sense without Judaism?

>> No.20851820

>God of the old testament was an angry, vile cretin
reddit tier assumption, and wrong
>his gospel flew in the face of people of Israel since it was centered around compassion for your fellow man
His gospel flew in the face of PART of the hebrews, who became modern jews

>> No.20851827

>Atheists can afford to be lazy because they're position is such a strong one
The main problem is atheists only think this because they uncritically accept assumptions of their age. Atheism is an extraordinarily weak position and every single philosopher worth their salt for the past 2500 pointed that out

>> No.20851830

That's the problem with atheism is they play by the rules of rhetoric and debate (like logical fallacies) when real epistemic knowledge is revealed by pure intuition and gut instincts. empirical knowledge is deception and distracts from the "real" and "knowable" from our memories, either present or found in our dreams, our subconscious that has carried us throughout history

>> No.20851831

>assumptions of their age

Such as?

>> No.20851835

I've never met an atheist that wasn't philosophically retarded.

>> No.20851837

The the explanatory framework of reality is exhausted by the coporeal

>> No.20851840

I didn't know Marcionism was so popular with redditors considering how it led to Positive Christianity. And none of those soi bugmen are gonna align with NSDAP because "they are big meanies and heckin done a racism" so I don't follow.

>> No.20851842

And now in normal english?

>> No.20851844

lmao illiterate

>> No.20851846

So it take it you can't. Then again, bullshit is known for its sophist jargoneering, so that's no surprise

>> No.20851849

There is nothing in that post that should be hard to understand for anyone with a high school grade vocabulary and if you're unable to parse words like "coporeal" what are you doing in a debate about the fundamental metaphysical reality of the cosmos?

>> No.20851856

This. Always this. Dishonesty is the norm and engaging in intellectual discussion nowadays is a fruitless exercise.

>> No.20851858

Yes, there should be, besides the stopwords, nothing in that incoherent post is words that normal people actually use, and if you do that, it's up to you to clearly define your terms. Otherwise you just come across as a Jordan Peterson-esque charlatan

>> No.20851863

wait, you mean JP is also hard to understand for you?
this discussion may be a bit above your capabilities

>> No.20851865

Not the one you're answering to, but honestly if a sentence like "the explanatory framework of reality is exhausted by the coporeal" sounds even remotely scary to you, you should fuck off from this board forever. Go read a book.

>> No.20851888

there are certainly more subtle atheists than brainlet dawkins, who made his career popularizing the ideas of others (william hamilton) and was celebrated as a "genius" for it by redditors. Why would someone like that go to the trouble of being scholarly, hes makes millions preaching to the choir and would only disrupt that by more a careful and self-critical stance

>> No.20851890

No, I shouldn't, because that sentence you just typed out is completely incomprehensible, evidenced by the fact that you just copy it, without ever explaining it for the apparent dummy I totally am.

But hey, you can prove me wrong by explaining this 'obvious' sentence to me, so go for it

>> No.20851903

> Knows the question of God is a metaphysical question not an epistemological one
It is very much a question of epistemology, in fact it is epistemology combined with ethics. I have a hard time believing the book has knowledge of Kant if it didn’t teach you this. Literally the entire point of Kant and Kierkegaard is that you can’t prove God exists and that you can only believe him on faith

>> No.20852274

If you can't prove God exists then its not a matter of epistemology.

>> No.20852325

Yes it is bro what you can and cant prove is epistemological (what you can and cant know)

>> No.20852342

came here to post this

>> No.20852501
File: 51 KB, 1080x607, fb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(you)s for anons with functioning brains

A discussion on whether a god of some kind exists is a valid one.
A discussion whether the Abramic god (Yahweh) exists is a joke.

Thread can stop now.

>> No.20852818

tax fraud is based tho

>> No.20852829

wahh wahh wahh me no like atheists. atheists bad.

other group bad, my group good. so there.

>> No.20852856

Yeah lets just give up comparisons altogether at this point.

>> No.20853323

>Atheism is an extraordinarily weak position
>Is an atheist in regard to every god except one
lol lmao

>> No.20853329

>tell me you have no idea what classical theism is without telling me that you have no idea what classical theism is

>> No.20853336

based anon

>> No.20853338
File: 616 KB, 1170x1817, Anti-Semitism on :lit:.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20853339

>He doesn't know the difference between Deism and Theism

>> No.20853346

True, that thread about Jesus being a socialist was hilarious. Christcucks have to admit that Jesus said you can't own private property and be perfect, so they have to admit they know how to be perfect, from the word of Christ, but they just don't wanna. They want to ignore Jesus so they can keep their material stuff. Such easy targets for bait!

>> No.20853975

Hah! Correct

>> No.20854067

That's because they're really just godless Christians. Christians were mean to them so now they inhabit places like r/atheism. None of them are likely to have the balls of a Nietzsche, a Heidegger, or a Hegel. Reckoning with them is serious work every smart Christian should attempt. Talking to a midwit like Dawkins who can't even understand that you can't observe necessity in nature is a waste of time, albeit a funny one.

>> No.20854188
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>> No.20854217

Theres any number of ways you could interpret "corporeal". By insisting I make a response based on what I think you mean, you can then counterattack and try to discredit me by claiming you meant it a different way. This is exactly what Peterson does. I am not falling for it. If you will not spell out exactly what you mean Im not even going to talk to you, I will merely declare you wrong by default.

>> No.20854223 [DELETED] 

>Christcucks have to admit that Jesus said you can't own private property and be perfect, so they have to admit they know how to be perfect

Except He didn't.

>> No.20854243

>maybe sticking my head in the sand and pretending no argument was made will work for once
>if some gods don't exist then none of them do
It's a real hotbed of intellectual honesty in here.

>> No.20854314

>atheists have to disprove being to disprove God
>this is impossible
>engaging in critical analysis of their own position is tantamount to admitting their position is the product of fallicious post-englightenment, positivist-empiricist anti-clergy propaganda founded not by "science" but by envy
>atheists must also reconcile with the fact that every single learned man in human history is a theist/deist including those that have contributed the most to contemporary "science" i.e. Einstein, Newton, Leibniz, Gödel, Riemann, etc.....
I would be vindictive too if I founded my personality on contrarianism borne from Ricky Gervais comedy skits

>> No.20854488

>Christcucks like Marxists need volume upon volume of cope.
Great analogy.

I'd just like to add that the "believers" who are the biggest promoters and consumers of these metric shittons of cope are the furthest removed from actually believing. They build these sandcastles of copes and justifications only to fill in "it's about belief man" wherever they hit a snag. The dissonance is never explained.

>> No.20854501

Cope, Your god is fake, your life is meaningless. Accept it or kill yourself, preferably the latter.

>> No.20854512

Spengler nailed down atheism pretty good. As the sterile tired belief system of a decaying pseudo intellectual class

>> No.20854518

>waaah the world is ending because they dared to crush Germany for attacking its neighbours waaaah
Spengler can burn in hell

>> No.20854525

filtered. hard.

>> No.20855503

You are the living embodiment of a soijack

>> No.20855585
File: 7 KB, 187x250, 1660685341548610s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefee being an ignosticist myself.

>> No.20855929

Explain why your claim that your God exists is superior to another person's claim a different God exists

>> No.20855959

/pol/: Jews killed Jesus
also /pol/: Jews didn't exist until the Talmud

>> No.20855964

Let's test that other poster's theory, then. Would you mind writing "Jesus, if you were a Jew, I reject you with all my being."
It will be interesting to see whether any of you truly believe that Jesus wasn't a Jew.

>> No.20856097

>/pol/ is actually not a hivemind
Damn, that's crazy
The problem with that request is that Christians wouldn't reject Jesus regardless of what he was since being Jewish is a 'this-wordly' affair, whereas Jesus is, according to Christian belief, literally God in the shape of a human, a state of being that transcends any notion of being Jewish. So they won't comply to this even if they believed that Jesus wasn't a Jew.
And sometimes you're just right while doing that.
Underrated post

>> No.20856118

>Lacking a belief in a retarded religion is somehow a belief system itself
How do you misunderstand the most basic elements of what you're criticizing?

>> No.20856432

Is there any reason I should care Jesus was a Jew other than "/pol/ doesn't like them"?

>> No.20856444

Richard Dawkins is not a philosopher
That’s like pitting up Zizek with Jordan Peterson

>> No.20856450

Scientists like to think they have all the answers, and are the only method of arriving at answers. Just look at the people who claim they've disproved any myriad of things in the world. They think they have things figured out when there's probably many valid ways of describing reality. They have some methods that can make predictions and that's it. It doesn't tell them anything about reality, knowledge, or anything else.

>> No.20856454

>Philosophically well informed

Of course theist books are philosophically well informed. They need that stuff to practice apologetics for stuff that obviously doesn't exist

>> No.20856458

>*that sophistry

>> No.20856463

This is literally how trannies think

>> No.20856464

>Philosophy is just word salad dude, listen to Neil De Grasse Tyson instead
The absolute state of atheism, no wonder you're getting absolutely cucked by trannies

>> No.20856555

>Philosophy is just word salad dude

Unironically true

>> No.20856560

t. Filtered by Kant

>> No.20856803

>Knows the question of God is a metaphysical question not an epistemological one
Metaphysics are a matter of epistemology.

>> No.20856824

No they're not. Metaphysics, Epistemology and Ethics are the three most fundamental aspects of a worldview and they all inform each other, none of them have priority over the others.

>> No.20856869

Without epistemology you have no metaphysics.

>> No.20856941

>The problem with that request is that Christians wouldn't reject Jesus regardless of what he was since being Jewish is a 'this-wordly' affair, whereas Jesus is, according to Christian belief, literally God in the shape of a human, a state of being that transcends any notion of being Jewish. So they won't comply to this even if they believed that Jesus wasn't a Jew.
Nah, not buying it. You Christcucks know he was a Jew, but for the reason you state here, you don't care that he was a Jew. It's actually not a bad reason for ignoring the fact that he was a Jew, but a fact it is.

>> No.20856971

>nothing in that incoherent post is words that normal people actually use
>Translation: "please dumb down your post so that my 100-iq brain (normal by definition) can understand it; PLEASE FUCK I DON'T WANT TO FEEL STUPID"

>> No.20856976

I don't really care whether you buy it or not because it's not about you at all: the flaw is that the answer to the request hinges precisely on how Christians read the situation, not how you see it. Also, I'm not a Christian, so stop coping by projecting your midwit assumptions and fantasies about me onto me.
So yeah, either you grasp how that demand is essentially a kafka trap or you don't. And the funny part is that you're trapping yourself. What a braindead moron you are.

>> No.20856985

>>Shits on cultures that refuse to bow down to globohomo
There's this 70s book from a somewhat famous biologist titled more or less"Homosexuality as a way to limit population", so as a biologist it only makes sense that he has nothing against it.

That said

>Echoing many critics, Dawkins holds that postmodernism uses obscurantist language to hide its lack of meaningful content[...] "Suppose you are an intellectual impostor with nothing to say, but with strong ambitions to succeed in academic life, collect a coterie of reverent disciples and have students around the world anoint your pages with respectful yellow highlighter. What kind of literary style would you cultivate? Not a lucid one, surely, for clarity would expose your lack of content.
>In April 2021, Dawkins said on Twitter that "Some men choose to identify as women, and some women choose to identify as men. You will be vilified if you deny that they literally are what they identify as. Discuss." After receiving criticism for this tweet, Dawkins responded by saying that "I do not intend to disparage trans people. I see that my academic "Discuss" question has been misconstrued as such and I deplore this. It was also not my intent to ally in any way with Republican bigots in US now exploiting this issue."[162]
>In 1996, the American Humanist Association gave him their Humanist of the Year Award, but the award was withdrawn in 2021, with the statement that he "demean[ed] marginalized groups", including transgender people, using "the guise of scientific discourse".[176][162]

Doesn't really sound like supporting globohomo though

Anyway remember that atheist is a broad category, you can't really shoehorn it in a single political position

>> No.20856989

You're a covert kike whose favorite trick has popped, and you're melting down about it.

>> No.20856992

>you're a Christian
>actually, you're a kike now
Make up your mind, woman

>> No.20856994

>>if some gods don't exist then none of them do
>If gazillions of gods do not exist, then it means one exists for sure

>> No.20856999

> he's never heard the word 'Christkike'
> everything has to be black and white
midwit IQ confirmed

>> No.20857000

>anti-clergy propaganda founded not by "science" but by envy
Envy for...?

>> No.20857005

>he unironically uses the word 'Christkike'
Braindead confirmed

>> No.20857017

You think there's a conflict between being a Christcuck and being a kike. This is because either you're ignorant or you have a low IQ.


>> No.20857027

Truth is truth, but is so much more; and it is a destiny for man as much more than the mastery of the material world, for to possess all that is beautiful and pleasant in life we need truth as well. While we are still children, we all agree to believe the "Christian faith"; and then what do we become? We lose our religious character and feel compelled to invent another. This is the origin of the system of supernatural revelation which, in order to keep the people in subjection, uses myths and conventions of its own; for if we accept the word of a man, the audience (who love to follow its fashions) clamour that the authority of the source ought to be given to him and that he is the true speaker, and that we must believe everything that he states, no matter how absurd, for he is, in truth, the authentic medium. Since we now cannot express our faith openly, we invent something like a religion of nature, where we put on masks. Thus, we hold that Man is the highest of all beings, that he is at one with the heavens, is conscious of his spirituality, that he is the father of all the cosmos, that he is the fruit of a mother and that his brain is a tree. We recite so much nonsense and do it so often, that, in our day, people cannot even pronounce the word of the creator. In this way man, being denied the true father of life, loses his authority and has to resort to a figure like a chimera, a caricature. It is this charade that, and only it, stops him from recognising his own reality. In fact, it is this that destroys the Catholic religion. If it were always true to itself it would have been capable of still more than mockery and caprice, of lying and trickery. There is a heaven and a hell, but it is a hell of this world, because it is one of this material world, and the idea of divinity does not occur to people. The Catholic religion, although so little different from every other religion, still asserts that there is a god, but it has discovered that he must be worshipped by the city as the god of this place, or even by the pauper as the god of that. It has discovered that one must make sacrifices, and those sacrifices consist in the contraries of good and evil. It has discovered that, in order to obtain forgiveness from the gods, we must perform unspeakable actions in the body. All these things are absurd, and while our religion makes fools of us all, people fall into the imitation of their unbelief.

>> No.20857028

My gut instincts tells me there is no god
The only reason I had a believing period was because I was like 8 and I went to catechism (the teacher was a blonde cutie teen btw)

>> No.20857030
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No, I think that you're an indecisive cuck who first thinks that I'm a Christian and then called me a Christkike despite of me literally being neither; I'm an atheist. This is because not only are you too braindead to grasp the issue in your reasoning (that I have explained earlier), not only are you a retarded cope artist by making useless assumptions about me instead of addressing what I said, not only are you too incompetent to grasp the implications of my insults, but even in your attempts at rhetoric, you resemble a teenage girl that immediately deflects with "Y-you're angry!". Absolutely worthless.

>> No.20857031
File: 141 KB, 360x346, for-real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he's never heard of Jews for Jesus, Messianic Judaism, etc.

>> No.20857033

Samefag. Reddit quote spacing

>> No.20857040

Write another blog post to show us how unfazed you are, Christcuck.
> despite of me literally being neither
Holy shit -- your brain is getting wrapped around the axle in your seething.

>> No.20857044

>Reddit quote spacing
it doesn't mean what you think it means

>> No.20857045

When Christ arrived on earth, some of the Jews, seeing that He did not perform His miracles at first, became angry. They proclaimed that He was a deceiver and a sorcerer, an imposter. But, lo and behold, He did it again and again. They still declared that He was a deceiver, but now it was the people who were deceiving. After He performed some miraculous signs, they still declared that He was a deceiver, a sorcerer, an imposter. But, after He performed a miracle or two, He did it again and again. Now that did it. The whole of Jerusalem believed Him, but not a single Jew left the city to follow Christ. And because Christ did not see fit to prove Himself to them, they refused to believe.

The scriptures are full of these examples of people refusing to believe. This is because God, in His kindness, does not allow even His children to see all the ways He can work. We can read the scriptures and know the truth of them, but they are not a fully-fledged set of facts. It is only the working of God that satisfies the soul.

>> No.20857051
File: 274 KB, 1210x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>show us
You care about strangers opinions on an anonymous carpentry website. How effeminate
>You must be Christian because uh you just have to
The cope is unreal
>dismisses any posts to show how unfazed he is
>tells the other person that he's trying to appear unfazed
That lack of self-awareness, you can't make it up.

>> No.20857052
File: 33 KB, 378x550, 61gg+wSrLsL._AC_SY550_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scientists like to think they have all the answers
Literally never happened
>inb4 Newton was devout Christian
doesn't matter

>> No.20857053

>clear giveaway of samefaggotry
>deflecting with Reddit snark
I don't think you grasp how this works

>> No.20857054

>strangers opinions
Please make that "strangers' opinions" on the /lit/ board, kind /pol/neck.

>> No.20857058

what do you think Reddit quote spacing means?
inb4 deflections

>> No.20857077
File: 1.78 MB, 1434x1430, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>show us
You care about strangers' opinions on an anonymous carpentry website. How effeminate
>You must be Christian because uh you just have to
The cope is unreal
>dismisses any posts to show how unfazed he is
>tells the other person that he's trying to appear unfazed
That lack of self-awareness, you can't make it up.
You don't seem to grasp the difference between reddit spacing and reddit quote spacing. The former is the additional new line after the quoted line, the latter is what you did, which is the additional blank character after the '>' symbol.

You're a coping low IQ cuck btw.

>> No.20857087

> which is the additional blank character after the '>' symbol.
I have done that before you stupid le kek funny pepe posters were even a thing on this site, you Trumptard tourist.

>> No.20857094

>I have done something redundant on this site before le 2016
Stop larping, you fucking faggot. I've been here since at least 2009 and nobody does it, you pathetic reddit cuck.

>> No.20857105

"Reddit quote spacing" is as newfaggoted as "Reddit spacing," you fucking 2016 Trumptard tourist:


ONE result!
Btw, I often "Reddit space" too, because I don't care for the composition opinions of a bunch of poorly educated rednecks who aren't aware people were "Reddit spacing" on 4chan several years before Reddit was even a thing.


>> No.20857107

>people only started calling out reddit spacing AFTER redditors started moving to 4chan
No shit, you low IQ cuck

>> No.20857108

For comparison,

9384 results found.
It's clear who the newfag is.

>> No.20857111

> Nobody used such vertical spacing on 4chan before 2016.
Cope, retard.

>> No.20857113

The vast majority didn't, you cope artist

>> No.20857117

A point only if the vast majority do now, which they don't, but you're just flailing around at this point.

>> No.20857125
File: 646 KB, 968x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at older 4chan greentext stories, you larping cuck.

>> No.20857130

nah, it was redditors who started pointing out reddit spacing when they swamped 4chan, because they were ashamed of their origins and wanted to be among the "cool kidz"
after all, only a faggot who read reddit could tell anyone what reddit spacing was
go back

>> No.20857132

>only closeted faggots shame faggotry
>only closeted redditors shame redditors
>only closeted pedos shame pedophilia
And here comes the Jewish rhetoric. Post nose

>> No.20857155

nobody knew what redditors do until reddit readers told us what redditors do. this is an unassailable point.


>> No.20857171

>you have to use reddit regularly to be aware of basic formatting principles on various internet websites
So much for the unassailable point.


>> No.20857174

> larping cuck.
Let's see who the larping cuck is.
Says "underrated post" in response to "Spengler nailed down atheism pretty good. As the sterile tired belief system of a decaying pseudo intellectual class"
"I'm an atheist"

Same old Christcuck-larping-as-atheist tricks.

>> No.20857176

>you can't agree with Spengler's views on atheism while also being an atheist
Lmao, was this an attempt at debunking me? Kek, fucking miserable

>> No.20857179

why did you change "reddit readers" into "use reddit regularly"? reading reddit at all makes you a fucking retard
go back

>> No.20857183

You can indeed. Glad to know you consider yourself part of a decaying pseudo-intellectual class, you pseud.

>> No.20857189

A football player isn't someone who used a football just once in his life.
A guitarist isn't someone who's used a guitar for 5 minutes.
A redditor isn't someone who's used reddit for a post or two.

Cope harder.
>he doesn't understand Spengler

>> No.20857191

P.S. Fucking tourist

>> No.20857204

You gave a nod to the post about atheists being a pseud class and then called yourself an atheist. It was an own goal, bruh. But really we know you're just a Christnigger larping as an atheist anyway.

>> No.20857210

Bad bait
You don't grasp what Spengler meant with 'atheism' nor what he meant with a decaying pseudo-intellectual class given that you haven't read his work. That's why I can agree with him and still not be pseudo-intellectual.
The irony is that you do what pseudo-intellectuals do: You haven't read his work and yet here you trying to desperately force "gotcha" moments.
>we know
Who is this "we", you effeminate cuck kek

>> No.20857213

You're doing the typical pseud play of "y-y-y-y-you just haven't read it." Keep spinning your wheels, you self-confessed decaying pseud.

>> No.20857219

So then, tell me how Spengler characterizes a pseudo-intellectual class, you larping midwit.

>> No.20857221

You lost, decaying pseud.

>> No.20857227

HAHAHAH, fucking coping midwit
I'll give you another, easier question.

If Anglicanism is a belief system of English people, then is a Chinese man who adopts Anglican beliefs suddenly an English man?

>> No.20857240

Hi, please see >>20857221.

>> No.20857252
File: 221 KB, 498x452, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dodging this hard
That's right, know your place, you larping midwit.

>> No.20857258

I have enclosed >>20857221 for your perusal.

>> No.20857277

Nice collection of midwit atheists and midwit word salad spewing christzoomers ITT, do keep up the pointless "NOOOOOO you are dum not me" posting instead of actually discussing the subject at hand.

>> No.20857282
File: 118 KB, 300x290, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know that you're wrong, you broken record.

>> No.20857332

Hey, check out this memo: >>20857221

>> No.20857359
File: 368 KB, 1200x766, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copey copey, little midwit faggot.

If Anglicanism is a belief system of English people, then is a Chinese man who adopts Anglican beliefs suddenly an English man?

>> No.20857378

Show me some proof that a god exists and I'll believe you.

>> No.20857444

Moses and Elijah both accepted Jesus, in the transfiguration. The Holy Spirit revealed this to Peter, John, and James.

>> No.20857466

Is there a God or not?

>> No.20857470

Atheists look at the world and universe and see no proof for God.
Theists look at the world and universe and see nothing but proof for God.

>> No.20857475

why are you like this?

>> No.20858089

Current ones. They should be more like Newton.

>> No.20859094

>Current ones.
You don't know a single scientist anyway

>> No.20859308

>If Confucianism is a belief system of Chinese people then if an English person adopts confucianism is he Chinese? Hah! Gotcha!
You are fucking retarded. Why does X belief system belonging to a certain ethnic group mean that any person who adopts that system must be recognized as part of that group? Confucianism is still Chinese and Anglicanism is still English regardless of who adopts it.