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20851717 No.20851717 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished pic related and I just don't get it.

I read TDTCB and thought it was 'okay' so I decided to read the sequel as apparently things improve.

They don't. All anyone ever does in these books is cry, have sex and then have introspective philosophical debates.

Yes, it has some pretty good lines, but they're buried beneath chapters of seemingly made up words, places, peoples and history that do nothing but disorient and make me zone out when I'm reading.

More like 'Prince of Nothing interesting ever happens.'

>> No.20851723

as far as i know RS bakker is just the eleatics in novel form so maybe just read them?

>> No.20851727

Maybe you don't have the power to understand Bakker.

>> No.20851734

Bakker isn't even that great, despite being the best Fantasy on the market rn, so yes you got filtered.

>> No.20851740

Bakker IS great, he is the best author in modernity, and in the fantasy genre, even you admit he rules supreme.

>> No.20851747

>Scott "rape aliens" baker

Just read real philosophy instead os reading a pornographic fantasy book

>> No.20851750

He's no Tolkien or even a Herbert, but yes within context of contemporary fantasy he's head and shoulders above garbage like Sanderson.

>> No.20851761

I understood it. It's just I'm past my edgy 'reading hard things because they're hard' phase. I only read to be entertained and this failed to do that.

>> No.20851764
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>He's no Tolkien or even a Herbert
He took inspiration from them and made it even better, he rules supreme over Tolkien and he certainley rules supreme over Herbert, he has better story than Tolkien and a better world than Herbert, he is also more philosophical and more complex than Tolkien, he is more grim than Herbert and mores sublime, he also better at prose than both of them.

>> No.20851768
File: 389 KB, 1320x1397, Sandi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's just I'm past my edgy 'reading hard things
Then go read SOFT things like sandersois, go read mistborn and go post in the Sanderson forum.

>> No.20851779

Bakker has his qualities but to say he's better than Tolkien or Herbert is just foolishness. He's not even in the same league as Tolkien & Herbert in terms of sublimity and philosophy, owing to the fact that his work has no discernible philosophy in itself, and is really more just a grand exploration of concepts.

>> No.20851784

The series does sputter as it goes along in a fashion typical for the genre. The first three books are unironically nice, but the rest only hit if you got really pulled in. For me, TWP and UC were both a resounding "meh".

>> No.20851798

>Pick any page of LOTR

>"The very ground reeks of cunny!"

Better prose, yes.

>> No.20851814

>For me, TWP and UC were both a resounding "meh".
Bakker barely edited them and it shows. Good chunks of those books read like fucking first drafts. TPON trilogy was infinitely more polished.

>> No.20851854

Why did you make a thread for Bakkerfag to spew his bullshit in?

>> No.20851886
File: 1.07 MB, 913x721, 0ea433488d5d9d9e0b036754da3292b6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a fool can say Tolkien is more sublime than Bakker, Bakker has better prose, more depth and more complex world, compared to tolkien's good vs evil bullshit.

>> No.20851895

This is your brain on post-modernist retardation.

>> No.20851908

Tolkien brain is on christcuck retardation.

>> No.20851919

Lots of girls on youtube are starting to get into him now. They complain about it, but they can't keep away from the sexual violence.

>> No.20851921

>Tolkien prose
Hey dol! merry dol! ring a dong dillo!
Ring a dong! hop along! fal lal the willow!
Tom Bom, jolly Tom, Tom Bombadillo!

>Bakker prose
A wind had dropped into the silence, and the scent of the onlookers filled his nostrils: the bitter of rotting teeth, the ink of armpits, the honey of unwashed anuses, all shot through with strands of balsam, orange, and jasmine. And for a moment it seemed he stood within a great circle of apes, hunched and unwashed, watching him with dark and dumbfounded eyes.

>> No.20851927

You leave my Tom out of this, you whore

>> No.20851929

Bakker knows how to make girls both scream and cream.

>> No.20851934

>honey of unwashed anuses

>> No.20851936
File: 2.92 MB, 540x960, 1644088089801.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A man reveling in the joy of creation and being
>"they stink lol"
You played yourself.

>> No.20851938
File: 90 KB, 460x599, tom simpdil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tom Bombadil is a fat assed fellow
Big fat belly and his hole is yellow

>> No.20851941
File: 296 KB, 1080x772, tom simpdil 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A man reveling in the joy of creation and being
More like a onions boi who is fat being a useless simp to a blonde whore.

You played yourself, Tom Simpdel.

>> No.20851950

Simps like Tom Bombadil because he remind them of themselves, he is fat, a simp, and a useless retard hoping around with his fat jiggling.

>> No.20851951
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Now argue the merits of your stinky sentence, or better yet the cunny dragon.

>> No.20851955

The prose itself is good, you can smell the stink as you read, compare that with Tolkien's retarded song and Tolkien becomes a joke.

>> No.20851960

You failed.

>> No.20851965

Your Tom Simpdel failed to do a useful thing in his life, beside hoping around like a fat ass.

>> No.20851971
File: 324 KB, 1024x1317, tom_bombadil_and_goldberry_by_mareishon_d4p1onl-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Simp! merry simp! fucked by a dildo!
Sucks a dong! hop along! fat ass of the willow!
Tom the Simp, jolly Tom, Tom Simpbadillo!

>> No.20851972

Filled his nostrils, great circle of apes, dark and dumbfounded eyes are all cliched descriptions. The rest is just juxtaposing random smelly thing with random romanticist sensory trope.

With Tolkien that song follows a rhyme scheme and meter which gives it its sing-songiness. Obvious who is the better writer.

>> No.20851982

Tolkien is a lowly singer while Bakker is the king of prose.

Congrats, you played yourself.

>> No.20851983


>> No.20851990

King of using cliches for sure.

>> No.20851991

Bakker > Steve Erikson

Simple as.

>> No.20851994

>Steve Erikson
Golden hair of noble length.

>> No.20851997
File: 122 KB, 605x768, smaug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is acceptable. Stay in your lane, Bakkerfags.

>> No.20852005

Tolkien is the equivalent of reading a cartoon show, Bakker is the equivalent of reading philosophy.

>> No.20852021

Bakker stop shilling yourself it's pathetic

>> No.20852029

>Only a fool can say Tolkien is more sublime than Bakker, Bakker has better prose, more depth and more complex world, compared to tolkien's good vs evil bullshit
This one schizo that fixated on Bakker all over /lit/ is a really weird guy. Unless it's Bakker shilling himself (he seems the type)
Better than Tolkien and Herbert, sure thing buddy. Fucking lunatic.

>> No.20852044

The only lunatic here is people who read surface level kid stuff like Tolkien and saying it's better than Bakker, Tolkien has no depth, and his story is lacking, Bakker is way more complex and has more depth.

>> No.20852932

Supremacy of Bakker forever real
No matter how hard you squeal

>> No.20853031

So uh, his books are about cognition.. or language.. or God, or something? Doesn't sound like all that, there's dozens of sci-fi novels like that

>> No.20853053 [SPOILER] 

Is he actually dead?
I can’t believe he could let himself get punked by a fag with a chorae unless it was part of grand design or something.

>> No.20853141


>> No.20854326

Sanderson is better

>> No.20855359

I fucking loved these books. One of the few good things /lit/ has memed me into reading.

>> No.20855392
File: 218 KB, 1818x1136, clt20aknjve81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bakker had a coherent philosophy. You have a thing, and then its opposite, like Heraclitus. It's the dialectical.

Now there is this Absolute, but to attain that you need to progress through the dialectical. How do you do that? Hegel told us, sublation.

But this is a novel, and so how does our hero protagonist and ultimate good guy, you know who, do it? By raping. This is why he has to rape and murder all the bad guys, but why he also has to rape, and then often murder the decent characters too, and why the books end suggesting he is probably going off to go rape, and maybe kill the gods too.

Just the way it goes. Freedom ain't free.