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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 51 KB, 390x594, johnny appleseed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20848486 No.20848486 [Reply] [Original]

johnny appleseed edition

previous: >>20839955

>> No.20848492

We think /lit/ is bad and always complain, but compared to /pol/ or /int/ this is the best on the website by far. Those other boards are dumpster fires.

>> No.20848493 [DELETED] 


>> No.20848525

Every day is a new chapter,a new possibility...Oh,well,maybe not.

>> No.20848559

You are all a bunch of niggers.

>> No.20848570

Will /lit/ ever regain it’s old form?

>> No.20848580

All women are whores. They can’t love you. Get your fill of pussy while it’s fresh and free (high school and early college) then disregard them completely and become the man you dream of being. Let simps deal with jaded leftovers.

>> No.20848593

Every day is a blessing.

>> No.20848598

I fucking love this song.

>> No.20848600
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Effortpots tend to be somewhat long and don't necessarily have to do with books. I'd say that yes, the post with an anime girl at the beginning of the thread is in fact an effortpost, though a low quality one at that, as it doesn't create anything and just complains about known facts. Despite this I'd advise to filter/hide/ignore every single post with an anime pic.
Effortposts have depth to them. One liners may have such thing, but it's twice as hard to put depth on short sentences; that's why aphorisms, if well made, are masterpieces (Nietzsche, Confucius, Cioran, Montaigne, etc.). In the end identifying effortposts is easier the more effortposts you read, but it's the case that each day that passes effortposts are scarcer and scarcer, so newfags have zero exposure to them and thus the quality of the board decreases drastically. May one day the philosophy of effortposts is written.
In retrospective I should've posted more in the past, trying to uplift this forsaken place. I didn't do my part and now it's far to late, that's why there's no grieving inside of me.

>> No.20848715

If you are part of the vast majority of men who have trouble getting laid, just learn how to game "sex workers" who think they're cool, and barter for cheap regular sex, for the foreseeable future.

Women in contemporary society are a luxury good that not all men choose to partake in, only a minority of men will get without limit and for free by luck of birth, and most men can only afford with a good amount of work and pain, like any other luxury. You were simply raised on bad information. Most women are not your potential soulmates. Sex is not that great or important. Your value as a person doesn't come from whether you're in that lucky minority of men. Regular sex, or its disingenuous cipher "dating," is only one luxury good among many in a dying, chaotic, hedonistic society. You can choose to find a steady pipeline for it if you want but don't have any illusions that it's free for most people, or that if you just finally learn the right secret handshake, its possessors will induct you into the pussy-getter club with the rest of the Chads.

The right handshake currently is being a 6'3" rich dandy. Spending the rest of your life trying to make up for 7 inches of height by exquisitely mastercrafting your dating app profile is simply not worth the returns you're likely to get. It's a lot of work to turn yourself into a douche, just to have a 5% better rate of getting Chad's leftovers anyway.

Love and family are another thing entirely. They can coincide with "dating" (free sexo) sometimes, not always, and increasingly rarely. Stop asking possessors of a scarce luxury commodity for free scraps of it. Just acknowledge most people will have to pay for it one way or another. This is just a bad period of history where courtship / love / sex barely coincide and only relate to each other in tortured ways, there have always been such periods.

Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven, better to have infinite anxiety-free pussy that's not ideal than beg for the rest of your life for scraps of pristine pussy (that ain't even pristine anyway, they're all well-travelled by age 21). Would you rather have a functional used car you like, or spend the rest of your life looking at pictures of million dollar sports cars and attending car shows and trying to barter for one on your budget of $10,000? Is the answer in that situation to go make another $5000 to increase your offer 50%, for a million dollar car whose salesman thinks you're subhuman and treats you as such? Or is it to acknowledge not everybody is going to get a million dollar car in today's fucked up market? And doesn't this become even easier to accept when you realize that all those million dollar cars have 15 previous owners and just have really good paintjobs to make them look new every time they're put back out on the lot?

>> No.20848829
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Author of that post here. I don't consider it an effort post. It was really just a 3000 character rant at the sorry state of this board. I also made this post: >>20848559. I still stand by everything I've said in these posts, even the silly grammar mistake. Very little people here do in fact read - you are all manlets, otherwise you all wouldn't be a insecure faggots who cope by being pseuds. Additionally, I have come to the conclusion that those who continue to seriously care about effort posting are faggot nerd dweebs. That is all.

>> No.20848852

Those who complain about those who complain about the quality of the board probably don’t read. No reason for anyone who likes literature to defend the state of /lit/ for the last year or so

>> No.20848866


>> No.20848872

Just make better posts complaining about the quality you useless retards. These blogs are examples of what to avoid, not how to make anything better. They actually believe if they just throw enough words in a post that makes it better. They'll deny it but it's how retards that make posts like that think.

>> No.20848877


>> No.20848901

The onus doesn’t need to be put on those who post in good faith. There is little incentive to post about a nonmeme book because it will die quickly because of the numerous off topic threads. Combine this with that fact that many anons abandoned ship when /lit/ changed, and there are way less people to discuss with, you have a major problem. Ultimately the board needs to be cleaned up by outside help because policing itself is no longer an option for /lit/ when the majority are non reading, off topic shitposters.

>> No.20848905

This is some high-level cope, but maybe I'm biased. While not rich, I am a gorgeous 6'3" bon vivant

>> No.20848910

I just wish I'd find all the IT related work like coding or programming stimulating and interesting but I do not. Yet its the only path out of the minimal wage. Im literally raping myself.

>> No.20848922

Maybe it was better but it doesn't change the fact that everything you say on every level is braindead. You're cancer with nothing to offer, complaining that nobody is interested in the dumb things you say. An authority that forces people to be as dumb as you is not a solution to anything.

>> No.20848925

Don't torture yourself by going into IT if you hate it. There are other fields that have potential for making big bucks, like finance, business, or other STEM fields like engineering. Doctors and lawyers can also make big bucks. Or you could just reject materialism and be content with a low-paying job.

>> No.20848932

My only plan for the future is to take shrooms/LSD and blow my brain open. I'm pretty sure this is a good idea

>> No.20848946
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He is right about everything. New thread, everything is exactly the same.

>> No.20848951

Androgynous avatars that feel no shame
Asinine blogs about when the baddies came
Cunts that know nothing telling you to play their game
The cancer is terminal, it reached the brain

>> No.20848987

So the cancer is someone who complains about the constant incel and pol posting and not those anons themselves? Gotcha. Now I know where you stand.

>> No.20849005

I just ordered the jerusalem bible on a whim
never actually read the bible, just got some motivation to finally go through with it

>> No.20849022

What a surprise that the same people making blog posts that say absolutely nothing are brainwashed idiots obsessed with categories from pop media. Some "incel" could conceivably make a post that says something. You will never accomplish that feat.

>> No.20849028

leaving behind most everything and moving to rural france some time in the next six months
i can't wait to finally be rotting away somewhere that is at least nice to look at
though it will be interesting to see what happens once my parents are gone, guess i'll just have to sell everything i can and use the money for one final trip somewhere to blow it all on alcohol and whores and then jump off whichever building or bridge seems most favourable

>> No.20849066

If Indiana was good enough for Johnny Appleseed then Indiana is good enough for me.

>> No.20849089

You realize you are in WWOYM? Kek. I’m guessing you are either /pol/ or an incel. Probably both as they overlap a lot. No reason to defend them

>> No.20849123

>finance, business
Too old and have no connections
>STEM fields like engineering
I have STEM degree. The biggest regret of my life.
>Doctors and lawyers
I cant afford 2nd degree.
>reject materialism and be content with a low-paying job.
I wouldnt be opposed to that if I'd find a job that I really like and own apartment (not being a rentie). Too bad thats not possible.
That makes IT the only field.

>> No.20849234

Always the same thing over and over. You don't think. You use these tired lazy stories to avoid thinking then write inane drawn out blogs about how superior you are for refusing to think. All the worst aspects of the internet here in one person trying to tell everyone else to be more like them.
You will never make a post that says anything. You're too dumb to even be wrong because to be wrong you would have to say something.

>> No.20849264

I do not begrudge the blessedly tall, I'm a prince of the manlets myself. I just wasted too much time chasing something in the wrong ways and wish this wisdom had sunk in earlier.

It sucks that we all have to work for money to survive, but at least that is easy to "understand." We've all assimilated the shittiness of working and money, and we know where we stand with it, including the more fucked up parts of it like people being born wealthy and the whole system being fake and arbitrary. Sex is the same. Everyone wants free money, everyone wants ready sex, only a few will get either. Life is full of both opportunities and cost-benefit analyses re: sex just as it is re: money. The only way to really fuck yourself up is to be delusional. A degenerate gambler is delusional, a housewife wasting her life in MLM pyramid schemes is delusional, and a decent average looking man thinking he's "doing something wrong" other than not being 6'3", and that he should spend half his leisure time trying to "looksmax" for the rest of his youth or his life, is delusional.

Better to be a fucking bank robber than a MLM victim, better to at least start thinking about how to get the pussy you want intelligently and realistically than to spend another weekend you won't get back texting women who are actively disrespecting you and can sense your desperation.

>> No.20849271

I personally know a married 45 year old guy who regularly has sex with highschool and college girls. He's middle income, balding, and drives a used hatchback. You know how he differs from you? He has zero self consciousness, and is as a result far more masculine than you are. He's rejected? He tries again. Rejected again? Tries again even harder. The idea of going into a verbose rant like you do does not even cross his mind. Girls allow themselves to be fucked by broke retards who take them out on coffee dates, and you're here talking about how only rich dandies get pussy nowadays. To say you're completely disconnected from reality would be an understatement. Disgusting incel imbecile. Don't you at least ashamed of airing your insecurities like that, like a little bitch?

>> No.20849278
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What does /wwoym/ think of the new F. Gardner novel?

>> No.20849287

Never said I’m superior to anyone. I’m not a poltard or an incel so does that make me to superior to many? Probably. But that’s neither here nor there. All I said was incels and /pol/ need to go back to their boards. If you don’t like blogposts, stay out of wwoym. That’s the point of the thread

>> No.20849290

too much text , i'm not read all that lol

>> No.20849294

I’m thinking about giving up letters to pursue business.

>> No.20849296


>> No.20849297

>He has zero self consciousness, and is as a result far more masculine than you are. He's rejected? He tries again. Rejected again? Tries again even harder.
What a life. I agree that there are ways to game the system, but even then, you should only do this if you can do it with dignity. A lot of men aren't currently doing it with dignity. What you're saying actually confirms everything I'm saying: better to be the 45 year old and not give a shit than to be a pathetic idiot who thinks "dating" is real for most men because he's using a "dating" app.

I'm not complaining about my personal luck or lack of it. I'm telling people to stop being that guy who buys 50 lottery tickets because he thinks it improves his chances substantially, and he's the first person to ever think of buying 50 tickets. If you're going to be a degenerate gambler, at least be honest with yourself about it. Better yet, channel the money and thus time you wasted on those lottery tickets into finding a better way to make money than waiting to win the lotto.

>> No.20849299

>I’m not a poltard or an incel so does that make me to superior to many
Doing exactly what I described. No hint of thought. I will never read a post by you and be better off for it.
>If you don’t like blogposts
I don't like mindless retards like you. The way you blog is an expression of how braindead you are. Every post you make is like you're trying to paint yourself as a dumber stereotype than I previously imagined.

>> No.20849309

Even rants have more in common with effortposting than the vast majority of posts. If you've come to the conclusion than effortposting is for fags, nerds and dweebs, well, at least you've come to a conclusion. On the other hand, it's quite clear that (normal)fags don't effortpost very often, nerds tend to from time to time if they do care (as is my case) and dweebs effortpost to glorify children cartoons, child pornography and wanting to fuck preteens. The only thing I'll concede wholeheartly is that we're all a bunch of niggers, but anonimous niggers at that.

>> No.20849319

How do you retards consume your knowledge and understanding of philosophers? I take so long to read through those kinds of books im going to be 50 before I can confidently discourse. I feel like watching videos and listening to lectures are too passive for me, any tips or methods?

>> No.20849320

My life is the tragic tale of a reasonably talented person who got raised in a bad environment, unable to understand and direct his feelings and desires until it's already too late. Well at least I got water and electricity

>> No.20849324
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you see hegels theory is that history is linear and that at the end we all become bourgeoise slave beasts who only want comfort because now we are all free and equal.
So this is what is happening, as globalized society turns us all into gray homogenized mush.

While Nietzsche, was all nigga, history is cyclical, and such a society would be doomed to collapse and start over again

>> No.20849341

I don’t care if I’m doing what you described. Deal with it. You can insult me all you want but ultimately I’m not defending the off topic retards who ruined the board. The vigor that you are defending them with tells me you are one of them or at least have an axe to the grind in some regard. Do you even read?

>> No.20849355

I am paralyzed by indecision. I still do not know, with any degree of certainty, what I want to do with my life. I feel mentally exhausted and again, paralyzed. I am starting to feel hopeless, fatalistic in the worst possible way.

I don’t really know what I expect to get out of this post. I’m probably older than most of you. I know myself better too. I know too well that most of the replies I receive, if any, would be unhelpful, ironic, mocking, unserious. Still, I write this with some vague hope that, whether by fate or by fortune, someone will reply with even a single word, a small seed of thought, that points me in a direction which ultimately reveals that seed to be fruitful.

>> No.20849373

Literally become a man of action. You’ll learn along the way. The outcomes a thinker envisions aren’t nearly as bad as the outcomes of the actions

>> No.20849413

You're the worst of everything you describe and worse, not just a cancer on this board but on humanity. If you weren't a mindless shithead you would be trying to get better but instead it's all the fault of someone else. If you managed to actually criticize my posts or some specific post that would be something but you can't even do that.

>> No.20849429
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It's over for me, personally. I won't explain that much but I am going through an attrition of health of some sort. I think it has alot to do with how I was born but also my environment. All in all I'm not gonna live for very long I surmise.

So, how do you think I should plan from hereon out, in your opinion, /lit/?

>> No.20849442

>I have STEM degree. The biggest regret of my life.
huh really? i'm doing a meme degree right now, the kind where your future will never be clearly outlined, so i was thinking maybe i should drop everything and power my way into STEM for a 'good, easy life', so to speak. should one just not bother if you don't have a particular interest/talent etc?

>> No.20849455

Action towards what? What action? This is what I struggle with. I don’t have a clear impulse for anything.

>> No.20849464

its over for me

>> No.20849477
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Same, what seems to be the problem? Mine are incurable it seems.

>> No.20849510
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This place really turned into a shit hole.
>hurr it was always shit
No, it wasn't. Things change. I miss the old posters and the intelligent discussion. People blame /pol/ for ruining the board, but in reality, the most annoying people are the schizo libs who see nazis around every corner and call everything 'chud'. Bully these people off the board, /lit/. I know you can do it. I'll come back in a few months.

>> No.20849521

I’m lamenting the state of /lit/. Nothing more. I don’t give a fuck about you but you keep replying so so will I since I’m stuck at the airport. All your doing is throwing out the same insult and insult which I find amusing. You’re certainly passionate about the people complaining about the quality of the board. Kek

>> No.20849526

There is no way I'll straight out the mess that is my life. I have been passive for too long, whining and indulging in self-pity instead of doing something for too long, but this can't be any longer, it is either face these childish fears of the unkown, of other people, of everything and the self-hatred and anger I've built over the years or just hang myself and get over with all of it.
The worst is that all that I'm dragging myself over for these years is something simple and mundane for most people, but it is impossible for me. I have to decide what the fuck I want for my life and what I have to do, finish this college that I should've quitted years ago and get a fucking life.

>> No.20849533
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Someone needs a huuuug! :-D

>> No.20849561

Yeah like at some point you stop caring for your regrets and kind of accept that this universe doesn't make sense, you just embrace the whole I could be dead tomorrow thing. You couldn't have done it any other way than it is right now. The hypothetical deconstruction is meant for you to adapt to the future, there is no other way the past could have played out, not one

>> No.20849564

My brilliant shitposts blow your mind and you understandably hunger for more.
If only you were more like me and your complaining was slightly interesting.

>> No.20849580
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That's the idea! It made you into the man you are!

>> No.20849584

I would really like to begin ready the works of Averroes but I don't know where to start.
>inb4 Im past the greeks and romans

>> No.20849604

The issue is the over abundance of shitposts completely unrelated to literature. All I wish is for /lit/ to be literature based in the way in once was. Crazy, right?

>> No.20849612


>> No.20849613

same ol same ol anon im done

>> No.20849647

Yet you haven't made one post even subtly referencing a piece of literature. All I'm asking is that your off topic inane posts have some redeeming quality to make them slightly interesting. Feigned passion about paperclips is more interesting than your corpse tier posts.

>> No.20849660
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>> No.20849665

It’s Write What’s On Your Mind, not a literature thread. I find your constant mild insults amusing. Funny to know I’m ruffling your feathers by saying this board isn’t about reading anymore. I’ve got time on my hands so let’s hear another one. See if you can finally get me. Kek

>> No.20849701

modern style is the funniest because its now just an old school trance style song from that era
but nothing beats the menu theme...

>> No.20849728

Notice what you're saying, I doubt you will, animals have no self awareness. This post is about you wanting more and more but adding nothing yourself. Why is it so easy for me and so hard for you? Because there's nothing on your mind, you're incapable of even shitposting.

>> No.20849751

/pol/ is much better

>> No.20849778
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>> No.20849809

what if i just want to be happy and get married and live comfortably for the rest of my life with my wife

>> No.20849835

Nigga, point out my posts in other threads. Wwoym has never been about quality posts on literature. It’s blogging. Everyone complains and is depressed. Hit me with another round of Jeff Foxworthyesque insults again. You’ll eventually get better

>> No.20849843

r/denvercirclejerk is one of my favorite subreddits even though I dont live in Denver or understanding any of the references

>> No.20849854

>point out my posts in other threads
You're indistinguishable from the noise that you complain about which is the point. You're all the same, that's what having no mind of your own looks like.

>> No.20849884
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I've lost much of my interest in books but keep browsing this board anyways, lol

>> No.20849914

How are you currently coping with it? Do you have the money to travel?

>> No.20849945

Depict it in 4d please:

The Sun

Constantly interacting with

The Gravity Field

Constantly interacting with

The Planets

To make them travel around

The Sun

Depict this in 4d please

>> No.20849950

You described me perfectly. I wonder if thats a common trope on 4chan. I literally had a teacher say I was one of his success stories. Now I'm here.

>> No.20849961

>I'm talented I just was raised poorly
>I'm a just lazy genius
When will this cope die. Just own your fucking failures. You won't be on the path to success as long as you think you're better than you actually are. Think about how that sounds to other people. "Oh yeah I'm better than you I'm just too lazy or had a bad start and couldn't prove it lol". just shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.20849966
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>> No.20849977

>go to reddit after learning to talk about philosophy from /lit/
>I easily btfo everyone and my knowledge is leagues above everyone
>they all love me because I have the correct opinions on everything and know everything
wow i'm like a god

>> No.20850000 [SPOILER] 

Johnny Appleseed down there in Mar-a-Lago planting evidence.

>> No.20850017

I just spent like 12 hrs in front of my computer screen shitposting on 4chan, edging and looking for pdfs. What a life.

>> No.20850045

I've come to the realization that almost nothing truly matters at the current state of my existence : I have achieved nothing during my 23 years of life even though I've been seriously trying to achieve certain goals such as finding friends, going to college, making memories and founding a family. I've been with a girl for five years : she fell out of love and departed. I've been trying to make friends : some of them are still around, browsing the pictures bring funny memories back but our interactions are shallow even after all these years. Talking to them is like talking to a well that has dried up, I don't feel like I can learn anything new from them nor improve my relationships beyond what it is now.

I've tried for a little while to make my divorced parents proud : my mother broke bad and don't want us in her life anymore. College is fine atm but it's ultimately just a tool to work, to sustain the meaningless void of my existence.

The only thing that seems to be of real substance in the material world is my dying father at the moment. I just want to make memories with him before he's gone.

It's a bit depressing to realize that yes, the sum of my life is only a minor net positive despite all the efforts I've made in the past year, that a breakup made the last 5 years insignificant and that everything will only worsen from now on.

It's pure cope but now that I've experienced the real aspects of life and how everything can be lost in a night, I think I understand how people can truly become pious. As edgy as it sounds, I truly don't believe there is anything worth building in the material world, least not on material basises. Money, goals and feelings oriented relationships won't do it to attain true lasting happiness. I've seen where it all ends.

I think I need religion. I need to believe there is eternal justice and a place I can call home that won't ever crumble. I suspect living on spirituality alone only won't do it for me. I'll need a stable anchor in this world, and if I ever want a family again, I'd want it to be built on spiritual principles first. I don't want to waste any more of my life because of fickle human feelings or material possessions.

>> No.20850050

>Depict it in 4d please:
>The Sun
>Constantly interacting with
>The Gravity Field
>Constantly interacting with
>The Planets
>To make them travel around
>The Sun
>Depict this in 4d please
Depict it in 4d please:

The Sun

Constantly interacting with

The Gravity Field

Constantly interacting with

The Planets

To make them travel around

The Sun

Depict this in 4d please


>> No.20850058

im still playing dwarf fortress pls send help

>> No.20850061

No one is making you do this

>> No.20850067

Fuck you you fat piece of shit

>> No.20850070

You’re just another voice in the crowd as well but I’ve been recognized by the books I like to talk about, so there’s that. Odds are you’re a miserable person like many here who choose to invade a literature forum even though you don’t read. I wish you the best but also wish you would go somewhere else and leave those who want to talk about their hobby in peace. I’ve got to go so I’m done replying now. Maybe the board will be better next week. Doubtful though.

>I accept your concession

Typed it for you so no need to reply

>> No.20850079

People don't care about anime that much. It's the avatarfagging that they find irritating

>> No.20850081

What you need is a big pot made out of clay.
Embrace cynicism

>> No.20850082

anyone have any ideas on how to recoverable stash a large collection of something

>> No.20850093

I read quite a lot but don't come to /lit/ to discuss books. I'd rather focus on the shitposting and theological ramblings. I did get some book recommendations from here though.

>> No.20850105

what kind of pdfs were you looking for

>> No.20850115


>> No.20850116

Is it because the books you read are plain and straightforward and don't demand a second thought or because you don't want your ideas about it to be challenged/mocked?

>> No.20850124

>I’ve been recognized by the books I like to talk about
Mentioning this is incredibly pathetic yet it's the highlight of all your posts so far, a psychological breakthrough where you finally embrace your nature as a mindless faggot looking for approval.

>> No.20850125

McCarthy's Kekulé Problem
Masturbating without cooming

>> No.20850141


>> No.20850143


I sort of had the same problem. I had never had "a moment." I'm envious of people who's dog died when they were 10 and knew they were going to become a vet and followed through. You can't fabricate a moment, so I basically decided if I can't figure it out, I'll prepare as well as I can to help my future kid, which required me to find a good woman. So for twofold reason, I decided I'd be as educated, well read, and healthy as I can in the hopes I can get the kid(s) to be able to do better than me, at the very least. I didn't figure it out, but maybe they will. Funnily enough, in the process of that, I've learned so much that I had accidentally resulted in my having "a moment." It sounds faggy, but whatever.

Like the guy said, just do something actionable, even if you don't know what it is. I just walk around, read, go to coffee shops, and just try and take in as much as I can, and I'm way better off for it. Hopefully this helps anon. I know how you feel. Doing something (really anything) is better than doing nothing.

Fuck, these captchas are hard.

>> No.20850148

>the books you read are plain and straightforward
No it's the classical /lit/ core consisting of Moby Dick, Ulysses, some philosophy and some newer authors and whatnot. I just don't feel the need to share my thoughts about them.
Right back at you, niggerlover.

>> No.20850153

Anyone ever get the urge to drop everything and becoming some autodidact polymath scholar, thinking, reading, studying and writing, say, 12 hours a day?

>> No.20850155

That’s for you to find out. The world rewards people who put themselves out there by taking action. Sometimes you’ll fuck up but it’s never as bad as you think. The rewards outweigh the pain. Most days will be uneventful anyway but you have to be in a position to strike when something comes along, which it always does, at least for people who aren’t wallflowers or “thinkers”

>> No.20850157

So you just shitpost and fuck up the board with unrelated topics. You should do that somewhere else

>> No.20850158

It is a bad habit to leave things unfinished and sadly is very easy thing to get used to do

>> No.20850163

In today age one would get arrested trying to live like the greek cynics (Crates of Thebes for example) right? How could one justify this lifestyle to the police without coming across as a total schizo?

>> No.20850166

There is the theory of the Mobius
A twist in the fabric of space
Where you masturbate without cooming

>> No.20850170

Nigga, that's what I do. Granted, I get income without work (disability from military, housing allowance, and saved well while I was in.) It's dope as shit. I just wish I had a greater attention span, but I'm working on that. Also, no desire to do math. I mainly read history, psychology, and classics.

>> No.20850174

I lurk and enjoy others shitposting. When I partake it's mainly to ask questions. I don't like to act as if I had any knowledge that others don't.

>> No.20850177
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I cum without masturbating? How do you call to that?

>> No.20850181

Nah, I just mean leaving behind distractions like this website and such.

>> No.20850182

Did that when i was in college. Bad idea, now i work 12 hours a day and have no time to read at all.

>> No.20850186


>> No.20850188

Why are /mu/ and /tv/ threads so prevalent here?

>> No.20850196

mu and tv tards have no taste so they come here hoping that one of the discord trannies will validate their shit taste in evereything.

>> No.20850232

I don't really frequent 4chan. I used to years ago, but check out /lit/ infrequently and almost never post. Your "Based" makes me feel like a king no homo. Thanks nig.

>> No.20850237

I’d imagine 4chan has the same flavor across all boards and there isn’t much unique board culture anymore because of the culture war, or many young inexperienced kids growing up on computers

>> No.20850260

How are /tv/ threads prevalent here?
Maybe /film/ comes close but that's it. If comics were discussed on /lit/ then I'd say you're right, but it isn't the case.

>> No.20850303

Is /film/ not part of /tv/? Is there a sort of cognitive dissonance going on here?

>> No.20850389

Nonce thread still up
What the fuck is going on

>> No.20850438

capeshit is as close to cinema as comics are to literature

>> No.20850449

Prison Break was a fun show. I wish there was more intelligent protag strategy/puzzle solving media like it.

>> No.20850479

In most decisions it's really preferable to be wrong than to defer to something other than your own trained intuition guided by reason. If you're wrong you can correct, if you defer you never learn.
This is why Alex Jones will always be a powerful chad no matter how wrong he is about perhaps everything while the guys that have the same opinions as wikipedia never really learn anything. They'll defer to Chad Jones in an emergency.

>> No.20850487

This just leads to conspiracy paranoia mongering

>> No.20850490

Baiting much?

>> No.20850497
File: 46 KB, 266x240, giphy (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Johnny Appleseed is considered a folk hero here.

that shit doesn't work for people who have literal autism and zero ways to improve their social skills because of the way their brains are wired from birth. what pains me is women are never told to improve or look inside themselves and I think in order to move forward in society someone needs to put their foot down and force them to do this. its bad enough roasties tell these guys to work on their personality when its pretty much ingrained in your subconscious after you're at least 21 years old, the only margin of error being that certain life events can alter it in the smallest of ways. but I assume everyone is capable of reflection unless they're a lower order creature like a dog, but maybe I'm getting ahead of myself here. you are what you fuck I guess, and these period-havers have chosen literal canines to which they engage in coitus. I should have realized it by now. before anyone says anything I'm 40 years old with plenty of experience and it pains me that I even have to type that exact sentence, because heaven forbid my opinion isn't work diddly squat because I'm not the meme gender.

>> No.20850503

is it?

>> No.20850504

Good. You're actually telling me you're scared of people thinking for themselves. This is how far gone you globalist scum are.

>> No.20850508

the empricists have a lot to answer for

>> No.20850522

What do you do?

>> No.20850541

pulp comics I heard are much better than the capeshit variety. I don't collect or read comics this is just what I've heard

speaking of conspiracies, while I find David Icke's politics more tolerable his rhetoric (not sure how'd describe it, maybe like "substance" or "ideas") are whackadoodle compared to Jones. Icke is very much an /x/ type figure compared to Alex Jones, while the latter has less affable political views.

>> No.20850587

Your brain has been rotted by this site

>> No.20850619

Says the mindless subhuman promoting not thinking as if it's a virtue. I said something, you did not even try.
>but people will start noticing all the lies I've mindlessly bought
What a fucking tragedy.

>> No.20850623

redpill me on the speaking vs doing duality

>> No.20850640

No hands sissygasm. Youre literally gay lol

>> No.20850678

Nigga, not everything is a lie

>> No.20850681

i hope the housing bubble finally pops and pops big, so that suburbanites finally starve on the streets

>> No.20850693

You couldn't possibly know what is or what isn't because you abhor the idea of thinking about anything. It challenges the authority of your masters and that terrifies you. You admitted this and are now trying to confuse yourself into forgetting how braindead you are.

>> No.20850699

Wtf? Kek

>> No.20850712

You're so incredibly fucking useless. If we survive you will be remembered for thousands of years as a warning.

>> No.20850716

Alright, I’ll try jerking off with no hands. Would I be useful then, or gay?

>> No.20850722
File: 57 KB, 976x850, 0397C387-FB34-471D-BF56-1E9C8B0FFCF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love you
There are anons here who have never heard these words spoken to them by a girl in a romantic context

>> No.20850723

Why? I coom without abusing my dick

>> No.20850724

It would add very limited value to any forum discussion.

>> No.20850726

fellas how do i not kill myself. what thefuck

>> No.20850727
File: 20 KB, 550x540, 1639907541226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, me.

>> No.20850732

i am one such anon to whom you refer

>> No.20850742

Glowies see no difference on either and increasingly so. I'm sure that probably doesn't answer your question but I tried pillaging my archives and came up short

>> No.20850778

Finding 0 enjoyment watching tv shows/movies anymore, so going back to reading a good fiction book before bed. Overall I find it tough to relax as I run a business everyday and no matter what always will feel like I'm not doing enough

>> No.20850781

The secrets of the sissygasm
Forever out of reach
Unknowable to globalist scum
Like love

>> No.20850791

Beautiful embodiment of this thread

>> No.20850799

honestly the best way to see the nature of women is how they change when they feel safe/unsafe. I remember when a girl(who I'd seen at other parties before) came up to me aggressively and said something like 'what's up motherfucker' This is a 5'5 Asian girl. I didn't flinch and I don't know how it came into conversation but I remember looking her directly in the eye and saying something about being mugged. Anyway I saw her several times during the party and each time I noticed how anxious and submissive she was around me. Now contrast this with her behavior at other parties I've seen her when she's surrounded by friends/boyfriend where she's 'allowed' to be her usual aggressive, domineering self. It's night and day. By triggering her insecurity about safety you inadvertently make her more sexually open since, if she goes against your commands, she risks being hurt. Experience this enough and it's the quickest way to expose the LARP that feminism is.

>> No.20850817

Well bros i blew it with a girl recently. Spilled all my spaghetti which sucks becahse she had a huge crush on me. Literally a unicorn too, the perfect waifu. Thinking I'll make a fetlife account and find a weirdo gf. Just worried they'll be fat on that site

>> No.20850827

Didnt feel so good after she cheated on me

>> No.20850835

/film/? Lol. More like pseud

>> No.20850838
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gommunism fart

>> No.20850850

Women only want consistency. They're happy to while their days away cooking and cleaning for some dumb idiot, as long as he comes home and follows the routine every night. he comes home, changes out of his work clothes and cracks a beer, turns on the 6 o clock news and sits in his recliner, feeding on the comfort of all the angry libel he hears from whatever stupid talking head is telling him how to think. She pulls her casserole out of the oven. She's been working on it for 2 hours after a day of shopping, ironing, and sitting on the couch watching tiktoks. The casserole is a hodepodge of Mexican and Italian. Spaghetti noodles mingle with cheddar cheese and hot peppers. She slops it out in a spoon onto a plate, throws some frozen baked bread on the side, and calls him into the kitchen to come get it. After all, with all the effort she put in, the least he can do is get up and grab his own god-damned plate. He waits 5 minutes and hopes she'll give in and bring it to him. She never does. He finally pulls the lever releasing the recliner, stands up, and stomps to the kitchen. "Thanks" he says. He walks off and sits back down on the recliner. It's a lazyboi (the real deal.) For 10 years he's been sitting in that chair, it's dark floral pattern her choice, and despite her efforts to replace it with a more modern style, he has managed to keep it. The one consistency in the ever changing decor of the house. It's been through a variety of colors, from each room having its own unique accent, to the whole house being painted one solid, simple color. He didn't really care, as long as he had his chair. The news droned on through the night. His wife stood at the kitchen counter and eat her meal before going down the back hallway where she slept in a separate bed from him. She opened the closet and grabbed her bottle of Pinot grigio out from under the stacks of the refuse pillows which didn't fit anywhere. She had opened it last night and drank three quarters of it. Fortunately, after finishing it tonight, she had another lined up to crack open so she could drink herself into a cold, meaningless stupor. Every night at 10 on the dot, her husband would get up and go to bed. That's when she would finally make the living room her own and watch all the shows she had recorded to her DVR that evening. By 2AM she would fall asleep on the couch and there she would be, dead to world, when he would walk by her to start his morning shift. They had been together 32 years. What a wonderful life.

>> No.20850859

what you do? Sort of in a similar situation but it's hard to tell. What I know is she broke up with her boyfriend and the last time I saw her IRL she was disrespectful and hasn't answered my last message as of 3 days. Honestly she's a pain in the ass and not a unicorn at all. I'd much rather have her as a friend since she's involved in the same arts as me than a gf given how often she just blows everyone off and generally how malicious she is.

>> No.20850867

Name one book

>> No.20850870

Shit, you got me

>> No.20850880

my gf is great and l love her but her body is so unsexy and l'm not really attracted to her

>> No.20850892

wish stacy would peg me to give me one

>> No.20850898

fat or flat ?

>> No.20850905

used to be fat and now flat in the ass and saggy in the tits and tummy

>> No.20850908

Things have been going really well for me lately but I'm still miserable. wtf man how do I stop this shit

>> No.20850911

There's not much I can do to cope with these things, they're kind of incurable. No I don't have money I'm currently living with my parents as a NEET.

>> No.20850917

I spent a summer researching with incredible people who were alive and who will undoubtedly become important members of society. I will be forever grateful for learning that people like them exist. For a while, I really did think life was like what my brain plus /lit/ thought it was. Call it whatever you'd like, I know it's ridiculous. This board really is just a cesspool, though. I don't know why I come back.

>> No.20850936

4chan is just basic social media which everyone feels better after quitting. Also remember anonymity brings forth the worst in people. Sometimes I wonder if anyone here goes outside. It’s seems like everyone is bitter and grumpy here

>> No.20850955
File: 190 KB, 735x1047, FB_IMG_1660454155290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her a lot and I'm pretty she likes me too. We share so many interests and we talk about the same subjects. I'm 100% comfortable telling her anything and even saying anything out loud. I've had more fun with her in a month than I had with my ex of 8 years. She's flipped my life upside down and has even made me a happier person for it. When I'm with her I feel no fear or dread for this world and better still I feel more courageous and ready to take anything on.
I just think that she's a bit of a slut and would prob cheat on me like fucking crazy. Go fucking figure the one chick that I'm 99% compatible with is a huge red flag. I dont know if this is just a reflection of who I am and the kind of person I attract but I respect myself too much to go through another great heartache AND get an STD.
It is comforting to know that I can be that comfortable with someone, I really did put effort in getting to know her and we connected in so many ways. We would drive all night and just talk to the point where we'd watch the sunrise. Truly a disappointment, but am I wrong?

>> No.20850959

Go outside and do what? Its a Concrete jungle out there. What am I gonna do? Try and get shot at? I can't even legally carry a gun. I just go outside to go grocery shopping or occasionally walk six blocks down the road to catch metal and punk shows when I can. I can't find a woman worth settling down with after all I've been through with and I'm 40 years old. Should I commit rape just to pass my genes on? Tell me what I should do.

>> No.20850966

Start by being more reasonable

>> No.20850995

I'm so scared of becoming you. I'm going outside tomorrow

>> No.20850996

>Men: "Women just want to ride the cock carousel then settle down with beta cuck to provide for them and other men's kids! All women are hoes, no one wants a run through slut waaah waaaah"

>Woman on first date: I actually don't want to have sex till marriage.

>Man: *ghosts her or tries to convince her anyway*

Why are men like this?

>> No.20850999

Im not like that

>> No.20851001
File: 139 KB, 484x639, 1647734494855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one in these threads have the right to be as bitter and whiny as they are.

>> No.20851005


>> No.20851009

Find Christ, join a monastery in the Italian mountains

>> No.20851010

Just imagine Sisyphus happy :)

>> No.20851020
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>> No.20851021

With what? I don't even know you and you're probably a zoomer so dont attempt to give me advice

Its not that bad, just the whole reproduction thing is bothering me. I've had plenty of experience with women, just most if not all of them turned out to be whores. Maybe the incels are right. Maybe, just maybe, the state should step in and legislate some morality in these birds. Otherwise everything is ok. I have a best friend, who lives with me and have been trying to hit up more shows. Probably a bad decision but I've decided to go to my (rescheduled) 20 year class reunion. Ill dress nice and hang out. Should be ok.

>> No.20851024

You can be a sperm donor

>> No.20851030

You’re right. With that attitude nothing will help. Just off yourself and be done with life

>> No.20851032

>all women are whores
>suck my dick whore
i see no problem here

>> No.20851033

Speak for yourself
Male libido is hard to contain, when you first feel an orgasm from a pretty girl its hard not to forget. Women can deal with out feeling good down there for longer periods. And blue balls fucking hurts. Its worse than giving birth and ill even let you quote me on that

>> No.20851035

I read an entire book once so I have the right to tell these illiterates what's what. I mean I skimmed it, the summary. Apparently the main character could lift a horse.

>> No.20851040

No thanks I'm not a depressed teenager like you. Besides the whole sex thing I don't really feel all that bad. Besides this place is full of ESLs and Antinatalists and cultural leftists. I get additional jollies off from pissing "you people" off. Fish in a barrel. Then I go and hang out with my roommate and smoke cigarettes with him and joke around.

>> No.20851043

Good advice.

>> No.20851052
File: 95 KB, 1000x1500, 61rRh4Ht6zL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this book is so fucked up. it hit too hard to even be depressed like in boxing when you get rocked really hard it doesn't even hurt you're just like oh fuck that was heavy. there's no way out either. even if you drop out of society or kill yourself you can't escape, you've only ensured your failure like taking a dive. reading archeogenetics and evolutionary psychology is bad. if you have copes that work for you like religion or marxism just stick with it, don't risk learning new shit.

>> No.20851054

I’m in my 30’s. I was commenting to the one anon that many here need to go outside and you come in like gangbusters saying you’ll be shot in the concrete jungle and you can’t find a girlfriend who isn’t a whore. You say “tell me what I should do?”. I say “be more reasonable”. My life is great though even though it didn’t use to be, but I changed my attitude, perspective and personality. If you don’t want advice I’m fine with that

>> No.20851058
File: 103 KB, 632x796, study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to resume my weed studies.
bombard me with a bunch of movie recommendations, please

>> No.20851062

how much does it cost to do an anderson cooper and just pay some chick to have your kid? i'm not even gay but it seems cheaper and easier than getting married and divorced just to have a kid. moreover, single father households have outcomes similar to dual parents households, so it's not like the kid would be impacted much. probably less than a divorce and being raised by the mom in fact.

>> No.20851064

Fast Times at Ridgemont High, or Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein

>> No.20851066

Watch Tragedy of Man by Marvell Jankovic you coward.

>> No.20851075

Surrogate mothers are expensive. Just donate or sell sperm to yohr local sperm bank and some woman will take it

>> No.20851079

They vet potential donors. Doubt many here will pass

>> No.20851087

well i'd only do it if i had a sustainable business to pass on to him. poor george peabody had to pass his business on to junius morgan. good pick though, the morgans were great stewards of that capital for generations.

>> No.20851091

First one is arguably the American Pie of its time. Though Porkys is a good contender. Didn't much care for the social justice plot of the latter's sequel much

>> No.20851096

One could even argue that's a form of fascism. But most philosophers and geneticists won't touch a valid point that paints women in a bad light because they're cowards

>> No.20851098

Will zoomers have a movie like this?

>> No.20851104

Most women want good genes that are proven to pass onto their offspring. How dare they!

>> No.20851108

See? Hook, line, sinker

>> No.20851111

I doubt it. Zoomers lack a creative drive.

>> No.20851112

they did it's that one that's filmed in a first person perspective on an iphone or something and there's a party with red cups. i forgot the name, but there's a scene with this song:

>> No.20851116

>archeogenetics and evolutionary psychology
It's the best. Our God is an awesome God.

>> No.20851119

Women live more collectively amongst themselves than men do and yet it seems to meet them at their lowest values, usually things like "compassion", "kindness", "recognition", and worst of all, "safety". They quickly get muddled into a childish heap of undeveloped emotions. Men, on the other hand, are more unique, almost tragic characters. I don't see stories unfolding in the lives of these women. But the men recognize their own existential struggles. I don't know if I've ever seen a woman have a self-reflective moment. I don't know why women don't do that. I don't know how some people can be so self-involved and yet so un-self-aware. It's not tragic, because women don't struggle toward anything. Have you ever noticed that?

Of course, I'm complaining because some post-wall roastie at work complained that the men in our office were using resistance bands(!) in the spare room and were seen, God forbid, "roughhousing", ie resident purple belt was showing us how to grapple.

>> No.20851123

>successful multimillionaires who publicly make a show of their christianity still end up raising their kids in a single mom household
sick of it all, i'm going to bed

>> No.20851125

You also realize the husband is equally involved? You and your wife are paying big money because you can’t have kids. You want the baby to come from a 6’3” good looking doctor, or the burnout 40 year old living in a shitty neighborhood with a shitty job who goes to punk shows and smokes weed with his roommate on the weekend while engaging in /pol/cel rants? Pretty easy decision who you’d want your son or daughter to come from right? You didn’t really think this one through

>> No.20851127

was just saying this down the pub

>> No.20851129

Too determinist. Ill pass.

>> No.20851133

Millenials be like
>zoomers missed ______ brand and ______ product

>> No.20851134

Is it ever possible for a person's rhetoric, not in speech but in the written word, to ever reach a point where they could convince 90% of all readers that genocide is not only a good idea, but also necessary? This, of course, relies on the trend of the times relative to when that hypothetical person writes his argument, but I'm confused why people haven't been able to successfully perform not only physical, but also cultural genocide post 1500's AD.

>> No.20851136

Yeah how dare I crave getting my dick wet and produce a child of my own genes!
>inb4 "no one cares about how men feel"
Proves my point.

>> No.20851141

fast times is classic, always thought that damone character was funny

>> No.20851142

Surely you must be confused

>> No.20851145

He was a dick to his best friend. Funny guy but overall a morally bankrupt character. Even Spicoli had more of an affable worldview than he did

>> No.20851147

What are you even talking about? The only reason someone goes to a spermbank is because they can’t conceive. You should know this if you’re 40. You either got beat with the retard stick when you came out of your mom’s butt, or you’re underage

>> No.20851150

When you make a choice the material universe you perceive rearranges itself back in time so that it will lead to that choice. Or something, I don't know, fuck you. Evolution is still a thing.
You have a layer you can use to rewire the old brain. There's no determinism you can't overcome.

>> No.20851151

Phoebe Cates was pretty hot too

>> No.20851153

doesn't he get some girl pregnant too

>> No.20851155

Womp womp womp

>> No.20851171

First of all, most people are barely literate. Second, you might notice that it is the illiterate masses which must be mobilized toward violence because who gives a rat's behind if a bunch of privileged book-readers "believe" in something or not -- there aren't enough of them and they are not willing to risk their lifestyles the same way of the unwashed masses. Third, bitch who cares what a gay book says. Most functioning people can barely summon the courage to apply for a better job even if it was direly needed. Nobody in the history of ever has read a book and then done something about it. Fourth, living in an age of unprecedented average global wealth and comfort, who gives a flying rat's ass about radicalism?

This is why most extremists are incel dorks who plagiarize manifesto before sending in the the local news and them embarrassingly offing themselves. You're not going to start the revolution, bud.

>> No.20851187

was just saying this down the pub

>> No.20851198

>You either got beat with the retard stick when you came out of your mom’s butt, or you’re underage

Calling someone retarded and then spewing this barrage makes me think you're projecting

I disagree. Get a trip so I can filter you

>> No.20851208

You're too dumb to even disagree.

>> No.20851219

Kek. Everyone look at this retarded nigger

>> No.20851227
File: 20 KB, 372x396, gigachad_ultra_high_quality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never be a woman.

>> No.20851233

Tbf, I just like to argue for the sake of arguing. Have a nice day. Now clean up my mess.

>> No.20851234

Not will you ever have one

>> No.20851238
File: 212 KB, 638x717, 1634885860584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. I prefer girls instead.

>> No.20851244

In all fairness, I don't see what the point is out of being the most well liked on an Chinese orgami forum out in the deep expanses of the internet but I'm sure a few anons this will be all they ever get in life. I laugh everytime some suicidal loser posts some whiny post on here complaining about whatever, and by golly the threads stay up, no matter how low quality they may be and I just laugh at their misfortune. I bet a lot of old anons even took the an hero path over the years. Not NY problem. Ill keep enjoying life and you guys keep suffering. Man I love being an American.

>> No.20851257

I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with my life, at this point -- I have a Master's degree in English, and a woman who's stupid or insane enough to love me, but that doesn't translate into enough money to actually create a worthwhile life. There are no jobs in writing, editing, or publishing unless you live in NYC; the best I could hope for is to become a high-school English teacher in some godawful rural district, and spend the next 40 years trying to explain Shakespeare to TikTok addicted 13 year olds. I've had a few short stories published, and the money from THAT doesn't even compare to the wages of a McDonald's burger flipper. In general, it seems like being interested in literature, storytelling, or art of any kind is incredibly unpopular right now. I fear I'm also becoming an alcoholic, since I have at least three or four drinks most nights, and use it as a temporary "escape" from worrying about the world. Objectively, I know plenty of people have it worse -- at least I wasn't born as a Cobalt miner in central Africa, or something -- but still, things suck shit.

>> No.20851275

I had the worst dream ever. I dreamt of something real.

>> No.20851298
File: 219 KB, 549x659, 1651882625750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many people on this board think they're much smarter than the general population. If I was as smart as those people claim to be, I wouldn't be on this board, I would be teaching myself to code in all the new languages that businesses are looking for people to code in. If not that, I would be using my smarts to make money in some other way, or devote myself to pushing the boundaries of human knowledge. I really like music, maybe I could learn to make good music if I had high IQ. Why would I waste my time on this website if I was that smart? No one here is as smart as that. They just tell themselves that, or maybe they were told that. People fall for the "lazy genius" meme all the time. If you were actually that smart you would know how to stop being a lazy, useless piece of shit. You would never seriously think about that though, not because you're actually retarded, but because you have a massive fragile ego and honest introspection about your faults will destroy this pitiful world you have built for yourself. I know I'll never write anything as good as the classics. I'll never master Rust and Kotlin, I'll never compose anything that isn't just some simple melodies on basic chords. Yet, I'll still do more than you ever will. I'll get some decent-paying programming job, even if it's not the best. My work will get published someday. I have enough musical skill to impress your crush. I can do all this because I'm a based retard. I don't tell myself "oh I have talent I just don't have the direction to do anything with it". I have no talent. I just accept that everything is beyond my understanding, out of my control, and I just have to make do with what I have. It's not all in my head, nothing is. My head is in it all. I'll do it.

>> No.20851323
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How did people in antiquity know that the moon was a giant rock?

>> No.20851325
File: 2.98 MB, 720x480, 1643344654763.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a heathen the most admirable thing about Christianity is the beautiful doctrine of redemption. The idea is beautiful that anybody, no matter how foul their deeds or wicked their heart has something to be salvaged in them if only they turn their soul toward God and seek atonement gives everyone a chance. It grants the freedom to turn away from sin, to cast off malice, to evolve one's personality even after the worst of which one is capable. Humanity may not forgive but God always provides the option. God's benevolence I have come to realize is infinitely subtle and is demonstrated in the possibility of redemption, that one may dedicate one's life to penitence in the face of personal evils.

Of course we're not talking about cheap papal indulgences where you pay rather than pray. Only true devotional penitence and an unwavering commitment to good works ennobles the concept of redemption.

Parenthetically, so far as I know redemption as a principle is unique to Christianity, at least in its most universal and enlightened manifestation in that it is open to all and reaches for the highest pinnacle. The other Abrahamic religions have a narrower conception and essentially reduce to a crude affirmation of ethno-tribal allegiance.

>> No.20851330
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I need to get my dick sucked. I need to press the head of my cock on the warm. soft lips of a woman, and feel them part and begin to slide down my shaft. Though I would much rather feel the a woman's lips across my lips.

>> No.20851348

I just read this in a novel... context: a guy is getting dominated in a discussion... and it made me think of /lit/
>“Two men,” he thought, “never meet without thinking at every point: ‘I am subtler, deeper, wiser, more dangerous, more complicated, than you are!
>I must break this up. And there’s always only one way to do it—one infallible way of asserting one’s superiority and that’s to be ironic, mocking, supercilious. When you’re that, you dodge it all; spread your wings; off and away!

>> No.20851351


>> No.20851372

The Nephillim. They imparted such knowledge to the first generations of humans, as well as stuff like the names of the constellations

>> No.20851382

I'm pretty damn convicted women make aesthetic judgements on men based on something they CANNOT control, whereas men to women on something they CAN control. Hence, this is borne out into a logical error, which means women are incapable of making judgement calls on almost every facet of life even if it harms them. If they cannot even make a basic value judgement on something that even a first grader could figure out , who knows where else they may be lacking, thereby affirming Aristotle's claims

>> No.20851416

Benjaman Kyle

>> No.20851707
File: 39 KB, 750x710, 1640513272908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got covid from my sister despite being a neet hermit
All women are evil retard normies and I hope they suffer until they die.

>> No.20851719

If you're a neet hermit why do you care, you don't go outside

>> No.20851725

I obviously dont want to suffer from normie aids you nigger

>> No.20851781

Sucks I guess. Hope your symptoms don't put you on a ventilator

>> No.20851782

I am taking a weed break, and boy is it tough. I’ve probably spent about 3/4 of the last decade high. I stopped smoking for about 6 months in 2021. Felt absolutely wonderful, I was feeling genuine pleasure every night just laying in bed and letting my sober mind run wild. Then I smoked weed on New Years and have been in a haze since. I need the strength to stop this again. Watch Three Women, Altman, great film

>> No.20851978

Lmao same here, I’ve barely left the apartment in 5 years and still got the coof from mom last month. Similarly I only had one relationship in my life and caught some temporary sex plague from the slut that made my dick red and itchy. Needless to say I hate women.

>> No.20852006 [DELETED] 

i dreamt about my ex last night the worst part she wasn't even in the dream i went to her house and there were just these working class like guyanaese or south indian dudes cleaning out the empty building. what the hell. it's weird i was crying in the dream but i didn't cry irl since we never had a clean break up moment, we just drifted apart mainly because her family is trad and controlling south asian and she's also overly paranoid about covid so we barely saw each other for the last two almost three years.

>> No.20852028 [DELETED] 

is it gay for debussy to be my favorite composer? i feel like everyone gushes about bach, mozart, chopin, maybe on of those 20th century russian dickheads liek stravinsky or someshit. idk i like debussy prob cuz he's shit is not all hyperactive note spam, his shit has all kinds of weird tension and resolution despite being calm, idk other dudes just don't hit like that but t b h i don't even like "classical" shit which is why i ask.

>> No.20852033 [DELETED] 

that's what i get for falling asleep listening to a book on evo psych

>> No.20852036

I've been trying to read the classics but holy shit, it's frustrating not being immersed in them. I've tried reading several kf them. I've not been able to finish a single one. Maybe it's the brain rot from the internet but I have only been able to finish a single book this year. How do I fix this bros, more than half the year is already gone?

>> No.20852060 [DELETED] 

try to find some you actually like. canonical books are very varied. russian shit, english shit, and to a lesser extent french shit from the last two hundred years can be boring. herman hesse is literary but short with concise germanic sentences not long ass shit like french and italians. huysman's a rebourse is a funny and short one you could try. the comfiest classic i read was probably proust. nothing really happens, it is boring, but it's just pleasurable, and by the end you will have some new insights on relationships and life experience etc. 4chan is really bad for attention span though, you may have to quit this site regularly to do any significant reading.

>> No.20852072

I am in a constant state of insane frustration at how life has turned out and how absurd the world is yet I can't put it into words. I'm a midwit with a modicum of innate creative ability but I'm not smart or focused enough to actually convey what I feel. I wish I could express the insanity but I am creatively impotent. It is sending me insane, my behaviour whilst alone in the apartment is getting very weird. And I need a job. And I have no prospects. And I don't want one, I'll fall apart. I'll probably move back in with my mother and kill myself at some point

>> No.20852155

akira kurosawa’s dreams
great movie to watch while on a downer

>> No.20852329

you guys should write me another poem

>> No.20852353

they're taking whoever? sometimes i feel if i do something like this i'll even be alienated there

>> No.20852364

You just need structure
Start structuring everything in your life like an autistic
Your writing
Your finances
Your environment and mind

>> No.20852476

Having a hard time making sense of my career trajectory. I started out working at a hedge fund but somehow ended up as a civil servant working for the department of education. I have no idea where to go from here. It might make sense to go back to the hedge fund, and I think I could do that if I wanted to, but I hated that job so much. I really don’t even think the money is worth it, but what else am I going to do to salvage this? What a strange career…

>> No.20852485

I think a lot of the frustration young men feel comes from a sense that there’s just nothing left to do which is also worth doing. If you have any ambition or sense of drive at all, the only thing you can focus it towards is accruing as much money as possible, and even that is less and possible. It’s not a personal impotency sort of thing. It’s a cultural/environmental sort of thing. There is just nothing to do.

>> No.20852497

Im 6'4 and im a virgin, soon to be wizard
I dunno what are you guys on about

>> No.20852510

based, dude's rock.
>film with famous nude scene
>Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein
Are you Gilbert Gottfried back from, the gra-a-a-a-a-a-a-ave?
Liquid Sky - 80's new wave cringe comedy
Who Are You Polly Magoo? - swinging 60's satire of fashion world and fame
Deep End - Can on soundtrack, and Jane Asher getting groped in a movie theater
Black Moon - dreamy weirdness
Duck Soup - verbal weirdness
PlayTime! - satire of globohomo but with heart and charm
Ashik Kerib - Parajanov taking the piss out of Parajanov
The Black Cat (again, loved by Gilbert Gottfried) - modernist horror film with very flimsy attempt at plot. Lots of fetish material

>> No.20852604

I get the technology from another dimension
Binding demons with diet coke
A big spiderweb on my balcony
Catches words from the street below
The spider strings them together
Into stories of president Linda Blair

>> No.20852643


Yep. And I'm not young either. We killed God, the leftists got what they wanted and its all downhill until neuralink goes online.

>> No.20852661

yank the internet cable with force or destroy the router don't think just do it

>> No.20852674

who said that it is
for all we know it could be a big drop of semen

>> No.20852682

Is there a word for longing a thing which you realize you'll never have but still have melancholic desire?

>> No.20852684

are women's aesthetics reminiscent of aesthetics of antiquity
>long hairstyles
>flowy artsy clothes
>not practical like a day labourer
is this why some of us are inclined towards imitating them

>> No.20852688

Isn't that just longing?

>> No.20852689


>> No.20852691

I'm currently starting to read war and peace and it seems like it requires quite a bit of reading about Napoleon, the wars and situation in the 1800's. There are some footnotes but it doesn't paint the complete picture for me and I feel like I'm always missing something. What do? Should I first tackle some Napoleon maybe some youtube videos or even a book and then pick up war and peace or what?

>> No.20852702

It looks like a rock. With very good sight, slight magnification or something like a crude camera obscura you can see the rocks casting shadows in a recognizable way.
Atlanteans had crude devices for astronomy which is why random west African tribes have astronomy info they shouldn't.

>> No.20852727

it's frozen semen space is cold

>> No.20852732

The invisible force driving my legs forward is starting to fizzle out. Apathy returning, convincing me with a wisp of a breeze, knocking me over easily. Just give up and stop wasting my time, nothing will eventuate even if I try.

>> No.20852762

My college isn't responding to my emails or answering my calls, so now I have to drive into the city and talk to them in person while I'm really sick. I hope I give them the coof.

>> No.20852774

In most cases you just need to be a baptised and confirmed Catholic I believe. It's very attainable. You will not be turned away by Christ or the monastery, if it's your vocation.

>> No.20852800

what if they think you're weird because you're too normie most of those guys must have been there since they were kids

>> No.20852802

Sometimes I think about how different the course of history would have been if
1. the moon wasn't tidally locked, so it was more obviously spherical because of rotation
2. the moon was much larger or much smaller than the sun in the sky, instead of being basically the same size
we'd all intuitively understand that the moon is a big sphere

>> No.20852828

The sea holds up the moon
An ancient world falling
Carried by a dance to a silent tune
Spirits hear the heavens calling

>> No.20852881
File: 155 KB, 1242x1394, 66f-4041092624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel reinvigorated to go and conquer not the world, but today. Imma go work a long walk and finish reading the book I'm still on.

>> No.20852908

longing is just not that term. Its about longing things which are out of your control and theres nothing you can do. For example wanting to be very creative person when you just have a dull mind. You'd want to be creative but thats not going to happen ever.
Close but no.

>> No.20852936

Paralyzed by fear
Frozen lard
So far and so near
Nothing is that hard

>> No.20852965

yeah im stopping soon too, our situations are basically identical lol. probably stopping next monday
thanks for the recc ive always heard thats a good altman
will check it out
thanks for the reccs!

>> No.20852989

Where the fuck does the day go? Just came back from waging, ate lunch and am now drinking coffee and its already 6.30pm jesus christ
I still have some studying for uni that I planned to do aaaaaaaaah

>> No.20852995

I got a good career with great insurance and a nice new apartment. I have money now. Smooth sailing from here on out.

>> No.20853019


>> No.20853024
File: 1.01 MB, 1167x1750, Evil_bong_poster_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try pic rel

>> No.20853026

Nah bro you're just gay

>> No.20853030

Buckets of coom
Daytime gloom
My dick is blue
How about you?

>> No.20853034

>Parenthetically, so far as I know redemption as a principle is unique to Christianity, at least in its most universal and enlightened manifestation in that it is open to all and reaches for the highest pinnacle. The other Abrahamic religions have a narrower conception and essentially reduce to a crude affirmation of ethno-tribal allegiance.
Yes, you don't know anything. Read the Qu'ran before talking about all abramahic religions.

>> No.20853042

just pray you dont experience a corporate layoff, truly the most soul crushing thing thats happened to me...

>> No.20853043

Dont you have a goat to rape?

>> No.20853060

yes, I am wary of this. My new job is in the semiconductor industry where layoffs can happen frequently, so I've heard. They are investing a lot into training me so hopefully that gives me some protection. Sounds fucking miserable to go thru that, my condolences.

>> No.20853081

It’s not just God. It’s everything. There is nothing left to do.

>> No.20853085

hey agp is a straight man's fetish

>> No.20853090

It really is man, its one thing to lose your job for reasons that are your fault, but losing your job for shit that has nothing to do with you? Absolutely heartbreaking.
Don't dwell on it too much though, glad to hear you're doing well.

>> No.20853091

What kind of pathetic dweeb works on the staff at a college?

>> No.20853093

Really enjoying Libra by Delillo rn. Im going to assume everything in the book is how it all actually went down.
>Verification not required.
Yeah, didnt think so.

>> No.20853111

What should you do when you’re unhappy with how your life turned out but don’t know what you should do to make it better?

>> No.20853115

start with the greeks

>> No.20853134

I finished the Greeks ages ago

>> No.20853146

yet you don't know how to make your life better.

>> No.20853148

You are, at least in part, the sum of your experiences. When you say you wished things had been different you are really saying you wished you were different. Lets say we had some kind of time machine with which you could go back and make different choices. The you who you are now would cease to exist. When you ruminate about your life and wish your experience had been different you are realy desiring the cessation of existence. You want to stop being. Acknowledge that being is good and that the you who you are having existence is good. Once you realize that your regrets will cease

>> No.20853164

I don’t.

>> No.20853180

it's so easy. are you stupid or something?

>> No.20853197

>Acknowledge that being is good and that the you who you are having existence is good
>acknowledge the opposite of your experience

>> No.20853207

Stop denying your own existence

>> No.20853260

I must be.

>> No.20853275

i'm not denying it

>> No.20853281

i just read in the wsj that two gay dudes in france gave their dog monkeypox.

>> No.20853341

You are. By regreting your past you desire to cease existence

>> No.20853353
File: 3.04 MB, 480x480, 1639449633577.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have any urge to hurt or molest me.

Direct your 10,000 iq devilish deeds and rascally ruses, your carnival of half-truths and heartaches...

To the mass murderers you puppeteer and all the children and innocent human beings you torture and kill as that's the coolest thing anyone could ever do everyone is jealous of your might.

We're in awe of your majestic miracles and dastardly dramas.

This has been your daily plausible deniable message interwoven through the eyes and heart of a sorrowed soul to ensure that everyone has a whimsical wonderland-like afterglow from all the fantastical fantasies you have provided to humanity. Especially the killed ones.

>> No.20853358

>by throwing a rock you desire to hit something

>> No.20853373

Alright, keep being bitter and cynical then.

>> No.20853392

I’ve been so apathetic for so long I’ve started wondering how long I can go on like this. It’s not even like things are hard. They’re not. They’re incredibly easy. This leisure is torture.

>> No.20853465

No great man of world-history started their life as a teacher or nurse. The only outsiders to law and politics that have the opportunity to leave their imprint on history are wealthy industrialists.

>> No.20853508

You mean started HIS life.

>> No.20853778


