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20847736 No.20847736 [Reply] [Original]

What the communist manifesto was to stalins gulag this book is to the current regime, which goes even further than communism in its quest to replace the family with the state and make reality conform to ideology. One of the most evil books ever written

>> No.20847737


>> No.20847744

Even stalin didnt go to the satanic extremes of child mutilation and molestation our new woke overlords go to.

>> No.20847754

This and the Scum Manifesto is why I sympathize with incels

>> No.20847762

>What the communist manifesto was to stalins gulag
So, very irrelevant.

>> No.20847763

Le illiterate education bureaucrat inducing body dysmorphia and suicidal ideation in children because they are desperate to blackmail you into voting for the blue party. Le locking helpless children up in an air conditioned room and indoctrinating them on the importance of normalizing sex work and sex reassignment surgery and scolding them for their white privilege in between false flag mass shootings and mandatory drag shows sponsored by onlyfans lockheed martin and mastercard. Fucking hate queers simple as.

>> No.20847767

>What the communist manifesto was to stalins gulag

>> No.20847783

Real leftism has never been tried! Only a fascist would think Conclusions flow logically from premises!

>> No.20847784

>One of the most evil books ever written
You didn't read the book.

>> No.20847790

to be fair, trotskii is the one who wanted to break up families, not stalin. true, trotskii didn't kill as many people, but him and stalin didn't get along well on a lot of policies. all i'm saying is, maybe the ice pick stopped us from the trotskiist antifamily hellscape of universal communism and left us with only a few hippy schizophrenic expressionist cults mostly located on the western side as his total effect, and for that we should thank stalin. i mean, only if you want to think of the children.

>> No.20847799

The Communist Manifesto is a flimsy irrelevant pamphlet. Read Kapital and especially Lenin if you even want to enter the conversation.
I know you won't because you don't want to nor care and can only speak in memes

>> No.20847803

the communist manifesto is just a shitty pamphlet about a very specific context. it would be like saying some random article written by mussolini caused ww2

>> No.20847808
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Hippies have traditional families, unlike the nuclear family built to suite economic needs, hippies have extended families that live together (father, mother, uncle, uncle's children, aunt, aunt's children, grand father, grand mother...) unlike the soulless capitalist nuclear family with a dad going to work and a miserable house wife cheating on him.

>> No.20847826

I got through most of the shit I read for college without much issue. But I swear to God, this shit made me feel like I was 12 years old. I'd read entire pages and have zero idea what this lady was babbling about. Thankfully we dropped it after a day or two.

>> No.20847838

The nuclear family is disgusting and deserves to be destroyed
t. grew up surrounded by aunts, uncles, cousins, extended family, still miss it.
Much beautiful compared to the cramp two parents in a single secluded home that I would later move to. I don't know why capitalism and the US props that depressing life up as the ideal life, it's not even "traditional" as more tradlarpers believe in

>> No.20847843

>surely all hippies are trotskiist free love expressionist cults
no, some of them are splitters

>> No.20847860

That was the hippies for todays progs the acceptable family unit is a polycule of fat positive furry sex workers with transgender toddlers (confiscated from christian dissidents)who are also sex workers hopped on hormones and SSRIs

>> No.20847870
File: 208 KB, 728x1000, hippy ede83578275d7864c073f3d2797d6d84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tradlarpers fell for the nuclear family meme thinking its natural and "trad", they don't know that people lived in extended houses and communities thousand of years before that, I won't mind if they prefer to live that way, but saying it's traditional is a joke, if you want traditionalism, go the right traditional way, which is what the hippies done better than the trad larpers.

>> No.20847872

>for todays progs the acceptable family unit is a polycule of fat positive furry blah blah blah
Who care.

>> No.20847877

cant get rid of "stigma" you just switch it around and it ends up being switched around in a way designed to further a self serving power complex of bureaucrats academic mandarins psychiatrists the medical industry. So if you want to "destigmatize" homosexuality you have to stigmatize " homophobia" and "transphobia" and "white privilege" and normalize "transgender children" and "sex work" and "mental health" and "fat positivity". Basically leftism functions as an apparatus for producing a class of nigger tier exploitable subjects who are totally dependent on the state and possesed by a slave morality identity politics that compells them to do the bidding of their corporate masters and drag everyone else to their level. "Fascist" is just their term of abuse against those who resist the levelling process.

>> No.20847888

You're right in a sense

It got you to respond, didn't it?

>> No.20847892

>but saying it's traditional is a joke
They believe a 50's advertisement for barbecue equipment is traditional. They think capitalism is literally human nature. I think the conversation is hopeless with most of them.
I don't even like hippies but nuclear family is one of the many perversions capitalism taught us is natural, but people will die on a hill defending it and just throw 2016 sjw memes at you for criticizing it

>> No.20847896

The principles of queer theory have escaped from the college campus and made their way into a summer camp for children in rural Kentucky. Last year, a nonprofit coalition called Sexy Sex Ed organized a series of “Sexy Summer Camp” events targeted toward minors that included lessons on “sex liberation,” “gender exploration,” “BDSM,” “being a sex worker,” “self-managed abortions,” and “sexual activity while using licit and illicit drugs.”

The program is the brainchild of Tanya Turner, who calls herself a “femme, fat, queer, magical pleasure worker” who was raised by “a host of witchy women” in a “coven-like mountain matriarchy” and uses “crystals,” “sex toys,” and “tarot” in her teaching. She founded Sexy Sex Ed in 2012 and has run dozens of events across the Appalachian region, recruiting LGBTQ youth and working with a number of regional philanthropies, including the Foundation for Appalachian Kentucky, Southern Power Fund, Chorus Foundation, and Rise Healthy for Life, which is affiliated with the Unitarian Universalist church. According to the organization’s promotions materials, the purpose of Sexy Summer Camp is to teach “teenagers and people of all ages to openly discuss personal and political consent, sexual safety, and anatomy.”

These euphemisms, however, obscure the true mission of the camp’s programming. The agenda for last year’s events, which I have obtained from the organization’s publicly available calendar, reads like the syllabus from a radical queer theory seminar. The sessions included “Sex With Me Self-Pleasure Workshop,” “Gender Diversity,” “Let’s Talk About Sex,” “Sexy Trans Sex Ed,” “The 3 P’s: Pee, Poop, and Pleasure,” “Sex on Drugs,

Why are leftists and lgbt so obsessed with nornalizing prostitution and hypersexualizing children

>> No.20847900

>It got you to respond, didn't it?
Just like how a dead raccoon on the road can make your face contort through instinct.

>> No.20847903

You can definitely judge a book by its cover, or author

>> No.20847912

Complaining is not resistance. You're not outside the system, the inaction of the right is complacent in its perpetuation

>> No.20847915

I mean the nuclear family may have its flaws but is better than queer prog utopia were you just replace the family with public school teachers psychiatrists NGO activists bluecheck scolds and the woke pimps and pornographers of the sex industry.

>> No.20847925

You don't read.

>> No.20847938

>its good because the other thing I created in my mind is much worse

>> No.20847947

>but is better than queer prog utopia where
I literally do not give a shit. I know OP is talking about fags or some shit but I only care about OP's Stalin comment and on that anon's comments on capitalism's effect on family. One other thing, your father always being away from work breaking his bones and rarely seeing him certainly has little good effect on a child. Because this system wants to use people up at the expense of their families and happiness. People can barely settle down to form relationships or afford to pop out kids without worrying about their jobs. The nuclear family is another thing designed to turn human life into a consumer force and worker drones.
I don't care what some random tranny you met or some five group southern shithole queer fest does but I guess it's my fault for only caring about half of OP's schizoism.

>> No.20847950

>public school teachers psychiatrists NGO activists bluecheck scolds and the woke pimps and pornographers of the sex industry.
That's just American capitalism though. Distancing the family unit from each other is the basis of most internet capable devices and that is the gateway to more and more online shopping and restaurants. It's also not queer theory, but it's labelled that, just like the amount of rainbow shit you can buy is not helping any gay person line their pockets. The nuclear family is a far greater threat to consumer societies, because they might share, or form some kind of voting block.

>> No.20847958

Those hippies aren't even abnormal for most of the world. And I'm not talking about places where they don't have plumbing, even most of the world lets extended family stay in the house and not stuff them in a retirement home or kick them out when they're 18

>> No.20847959


>> No.20847962

America is just uniquely retarded

>> No.20847970

Well you don't know me, and have no idea I really exist. I could be an automaton for all you care. A reply boy if you will.

>> No.20847972


>> No.20847975

You are too, gypsy rape baby

>> No.20847983
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>think about the pooe transgenderinoos!

>> No.20847988

>just throw 2016 sjw memes at you
They overdosed on /pol/ memes and they just can't move on with their lives, you say one thing and they replay with "queer furry pimp woke sex" and they think they are making a point.

>> No.20847993

You're doing whataboutism again, but even the whitest europeans that you wish you were understand what I'm talking about and look at the US with disgust

>> No.20848007

Literally every other thread on every board eventually devolves into that kind of conversation at least once. I know I shouldn't take it seriously but then again, these are the same type of guys who propped up qanon. This is just racist reddit now, with its own thought-terminating cliches and hiveminds, there's just very little other sites to post on to leave.

>> No.20848008

This, trad americans think hippies are some radical group when they just want live like people lived before 1950's America.

>> No.20848009

Calm down, incel.

>> No.20848022

stalin purged homos, jews, feminists and anarchists though
you're thinking of l*nin

>> No.20848045

killing people isn't bad
bronstein was just a fucking kike and got what he deserved

hippies don't have shit
that being said the nuclear family is shit. luckily i escaped it because i went to grandparents often

>a miserable house wife cheating on him
women are miserable because they work for the big money and aren't getting fucked enough by their husband who becomes fat and beta

I blame the people and their blood. WASPs are retarded

>> No.20848070

I mean culture war is war if the enemy wants to destroy you and you know they are willing to recurr to every dirty trick in the book there is no reason to play clean or surrender terrain. The progs hold reddit and twitter and have outposts here in lgbt and leftypol our job is to drive them out.

>> No.20848072

Spot on

hippies are completely unnatural, people didn't live like hippies from 200.000bce to 1800ce. In fact they would kill hippies on sight. Living close to nature is the only common they had, not even extended families are common because hippies had the entire trailer park as family members

>> No.20848076

>they work for the big money and aren't getting fucked enough by their husband who becomes fat and beta
The conclusion of the nuclear family, trad shitters would defend it.

>> No.20848077
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>> No.20848078

Whataboutism works though. It worked enough on you to reply

>> No.20848082

>It worked enough on you to reply
That's what working is, that's just being annoying

>> No.20848083

>WASPs are retarded
So are you

>> No.20848089

"Culture war is war" can only be spoken by someone who needs some actual oppression and suffering in their life. God the first world is so fat

>> No.20848100
File: 54 KB, 512x342, hippy 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hippies are completely unnatural
They are definitely more traditional and natural than any trad larper on 4chan, that's for sure.

>> No.20848102

I go to /pol/ form time to time and there are three types of traditionalists
-the larpers, which are what you describe, commonly with judeochristianity mixed in
-the natsocs, usually oriented toward nazi germany and not china. They hate (((trump))) and browse /sig/ alongside others
-the non-americans who just hate globohomo and want a return to a more 1900-1950 culture of their country, with or without judeochristianity (varies)
last category includes many hispanics and asians in america

fourth bonus category: muslims

>> No.20848110

>no u
You belong to a race that lives to serve israel and 99% of your kin cheers and claps as they go extinct because of immigration and low birthrates
waspoid subhuman never reply to me again

>> No.20848115

depends. initially no
as the community progresses through generations, assuming they don't become some weird pedo cult, then yeah they are kind of like mormons in a lifestyle sense

the problem is that most of them are into new age now so they don't go after the rural lifestyle, and if they try it they're degenerates

>> No.20848122

>as the community progresses through generations
Don't forget that 1950s conservatives (worshiped by 4chan tradlarpers) progressed into what you despise, so you are stuck on a loop, you will always lose.

>> No.20848126

50s america was a ground zero most of the population was still white but after wwii jews and queers were given free rein to subvert everything like it was a no rules minecraft server

>> No.20848128

>le epic chungus longhouse!

>> No.20848147

zoomer hooked on /pol/ memes until his brain fried, many such cases.

>> No.20848151

>1950s conservatives
>you are stuck in a loop
nigger what?

>> No.20848156

Just wait til he shoots up a mall or something

>> No.20848162
File: 54 KB, 570x405, td590caf92cad21c597e78e42f1086ee2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le epic trad tv!

>> No.20848179

Pvp enabled but queer jews are godmode they can just pop up behind anygoy and pull buckbreaking maneouver

>> No.20848202

>What the communist manifesto was to stalins gulag

>> No.20848218

>Basically leftism functions as an apparatus for producing a class of nigger tier exploitable subjects who are totally dependent on the state and possesed by a slave morality identity politics that compells them to do the bidding of their corporate masters and drag everyone else to their level. "Fascist" is just their term of abuse against those who resist the levelling process.

>> No.20848230

>Why are leftists so obsessed with nornalizing prostitution and hypersexualizing children
Never happened
Remember: there is not a single leftist in Am*rica. Much less in fucking Kentucky of all places

>> No.20848245

This is true, though
Read Nietzsche and kaczynski

>> No.20848249

define leftism

>> No.20848262

leftism: the opposite of what people in america call "leftism"

That is, not the worship of smallest conceivable minorities, but defending the interests of the majority of people (=poors, workers and middle-class)

>> No.20848270

Empathy and basic human decency towards marginalized folx. Things like Believing in science supporting blm trans kids and sex workers and checking ones privilege regularly.

>> No.20848272

a) provide a source that this is true leftism
b) your definition includes ethnicity

>> No.20848307

America is a settler colony there is no such thing as a white working class so the real revolutionary subject is queers and black and indigenous people.

>> No.20848308

The left has been crushed and castrated in the US so their only understanding of it literal billion dollar multinational anti-union pro-slave labor tax dodging corporations trying to get gay customers.

>> No.20848312
File: 50 KB, 333x500, images (1) (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This read settlers.

>> No.20848314

You're shitposting but I should read Settlers

>> No.20848321

blacks live on stolen indigenous land tho
fucking niggers should go back to africa

>> No.20848338
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America was built, understand
By stolen labor on stolen land

>> No.20848349

>stolen labor
who built the roads and houses tho
>stolen land
true. they should all fuck off

>> No.20848350

This it is way more radical to return full native sovereignty over all stolen land than to seize the means of production. If you are white and cis youve had enough of a say your role in the revolution is to follow trans black leadership. Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.

>> No.20848357

>Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.
this but unironically, israel exists only because of whites

>> No.20848359

>who built the roads and houses tho
Even the white house was built by slaves, tons of house were

>> No.20848365

Israel is what whites want, their objection to jews is pure projection

>> No.20848406

>Even the white house was built by slaves, tons of house were

they don't object israel afaik, just jews

>> No.20848434
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See? The opposite of this ^

I don't have a source and I don't care.
Think about this: in the 70s, working class Europeans were shooting and abducting top managers, politicians, journalists and even US NATO generals.
In the 70s, a lot of homosexual "liberation" stuff also came out
Guess how many of those who shot politicians were gay?
Guess how many gays were involved in killing politicians?

Fast forward, and now you have picrel, one of the top 3 criminal organizations in the world, regularly fighting against revolutions all over the world.

>b) your definition includes ethnicity
Mostly irrelevant. Non-white americans are there to stay, most of them have been here for generations. In fact, racism is a useful tool for the elites: "Yeah, dude, that illegal immigrant totally does not deserve human rights, I need him to work in the fields for pennies, afterall. Yes, yes, beat him to death, that would definitely lower your mortgage debt. The mexicans are even protesting? No, don't listen to them, their enemies are not your enemies, THEY are!"
Europe is different in that it mostly doesn't have any ancient racial divides, but the point still stands.

>> No.20848437

Sounds a lot like Simone Beauvoir.

>> No.20848453

Kiketsky's book on the revolution is so funny
>the workers want to eat with their families and this is the fault of Stalin!

>> No.20848463

So Stalin is called out for revisionism but Lenin is orthodox to you?

>> No.20848481

>racism is a useful tool for the elites
the elites from colorblindness and equality now, though

>No, don't listen to them, their enemies are not your enemies, THEY are
their enemies could be my enemies while they are also my enemies. Although I support mexibros

>Europe is different in that it mostly doesn't have any ancient racial divides
plenty of divides between ethnic groups

It also happened that the wealthy elites had similar interests with the plebs. Which include many things beyond money
you are too materialistic

>> No.20848540

Are you imply that Stalin wrote the Communist Manifesto

>> No.20848544

>their enemies could be my enemies while they are also my enemies
Epic. Shooting brown people at walmart will teach the Jews a lesson, you are changing the world. The minute they try to unionize I will kill them and deport them and go back to getting raped by my boss

>> No.20848557

Lol you caught him

>> No.20848567
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>muh synthetic left
It was always this way, Marx had to kick these freaks out.

>> No.20848596

>the elites from colorblindness and equality now, though
That's still part of the smokescreen anyway. I see it a lot - the elites speaking about "equality" (among slaves, of course) triggers strong reactions from some white people (mostly the least educated, old, etc), and this reaction, even if may be treated as "opposition" to the elites, in facts favours them: what would piss off the elites would be whites (from EU/America) actually saying "well, me and Ngabumbu both deserve a living wage". One way of preventing this is, as I said, triggering "white" "racism", the other is making all those shit tokens achievements: "the first black policeman in Italy", "the black woman who went to the moon", "black people are special, be proud, Black Lives Matter!" - Coincidentally, I will add that America is the only place in the world where the politics are so shifted that a normal statement like "All lives matter" is seen as racist, but unsurprisingly, this slogan did not come on its own, but only as a reaction to "black lives matter" - which is in itself so redundant that's it's both baffling and obvious that it came exactly from USA.

"Yeah, fellow black american/immigrant in europe, you are "equal" to your white "colleague" now...just don't fucking join a union of all things, ok? No, I will definitely not give up my profit to raise your wage, of course."

>their enemies could be my enemies while they are also my enemies
Either you think immigrant workers are your enemies (and the elite will agree, even if they don't tell you that), or you think the elites are your enemies, and at that point, any other person actually exploited by the elites will be your natural ally. No in between: the "in between" is the first case, in which the elites favour division among workers ---->"BIPOC...GOOD!!! WHITE...BAD!!!"
You mentioned that elites are colorblind, and that's true in a sense - do you really make a difference between black cows and white cows? After all, their milk all goes in the same glass.

>plenty of divides between ethnic groups
True, I'll say it differently: the ethnic tensions in Europe are almost always between local groups that have been here forever, fighting over lands. That's very different from american ethnic tension, that is between white settlers and black slaves (native americans are basically non-existent and therefore out of the game)

>It also happened that the wealthy elites had similar interests with the plebs. Which include many things beyond money
Such as?
>you are too materialistic
Who knows, maybe. People often call me a utopian, though, even when I try to be pragmatic.

>> No.20848613

Descartian trannies demanding hormones to ”be themselves” =/= Butlerian queers stuck in linguistic-performative matrix suspicious of liberationist ideology

>> No.20848888

Start the meme that foucault and butler are actually subversive right wing authors much like the bronze age pervert

>> No.20848933

In both Gender Trouble and Bodies that Matter, Butler is fundamentally preoccupied with psychoanalytical theory and the implications of Freud/Lacan. People who have never read her works love to misinterpret her and the entire concept of performativity, both the left and right.

>> No.20848972

>retarded strawman because he has no answer
just admit you want to mix with foreigners and your children to be a part of a mystery meat goo society with no culture of its own

>triggers strong reactions from some white people
lol wrong, 99% are fine with it. it's hispanics, asians and african americans who are ethnophyletist

>well, me and Ngabumbu both deserve a living wage
this is possible while both sides are racist. in fact i would argue that it is necessary for both sides to be racist, and only to unite against a common enemy. see malcolm x. or amazon diversifying the workforce so they won't unionize. it's best for two different tribes to unite against a more powerful one instead of having one huge mixed non-tribe

>Either you think immigrant workers are your enemies (and the elite will agree, even if they don't tell you that), or you think the elites are your enemies
there's no "or"
>and at that point, any other person actually exploited by the elites will be your natural ally
no, because we have completely different interests besides the mutual interest of getting paid. in fact if someone told me that i can get paid twice as much but he gets paid nothing more, I'd say yes

>Such as?
culture, language, history, tribe, tradition etc
very common theme in ancient kingdoms, which were far more "oppressive" than anything after 1 CE

>Who knows, maybe. People often call me a
that's code for retard. you're wasting too much time on things that will never happen, and if they do you have no say in them, instead of fucking sluts in colombia

>> No.20849368

>>retarded strawman because he has no answer
This shit literally happens and you are a glowie asset without even fucking knowing it, it is the logical extreme of your ideology and you know it and only cowardly try to downplay it

>> No.20850161

Imagine the smell ??
thinking nuclear senpai with a shower in the morning and before bed with some teeth
brushing a couple times a day is better way
to live.

>> No.20850298

Author is jewish of course

>> No.20850324

So what? Why can’t both be true? For ex, Deleuze and Guattari are “fundamentally preoccupied” with a critique of Freud but they are also anti-stalinist social anarchists working to create a left that cares less about the working class and is suspiciously similar to neoliberal vitalist ethics

>> No.20850340


You are seething

>> No.20850343

Go to bed Tyrone

>> No.20850860

Virgin working class stalinist sexually repressed slave moralist v chad nietszhcheo deluzian ubertroonsch vitalist affirming the eternal return of neoliberalism

>> No.20850876

Like the bible but for joe biden and woke disney groomer cancel culture

>> No.20850925

>tfw the only people who read _anything_ above a primary school level are the trot and the one anon who talks about Freud
American hours are the worst. I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of this thread believed placing an e-reader under their pillow at night counts as reading books.

>> No.20850942

>some white people
>lol wrong,
>99% are fine with it.
I said some. Where does your number comes from, anyway? Besides, I was mostly speaking about Europe, I'm not american

>this is possible while both sides are racist. in fact i would argue that it is necessary for both sides to be racist, and only to unite against a common enemy. see malcolm x. or amazon diversifying the workforce so they won't unionize.
If you consider the other dude to be an untermenschen, you will not unite with him. Simple as.
>it's best for two different tribes to unite against a more powerful one instead of having one huge mixed non-tribe
Who said anything about mixing? All my friends who are in a serious relationship are white, with a white partner, and none of them is racist. The most "farfetched" is an half finnish dude with an half swedish half jewish girl.
If you think racists will not mix, that's just wrong - ask yourself why every black american has part white dna.
>no, because we have completely different interests besides the mutual interest of getting paid
>in fact if someone told me that i can get paid twice as much but he gets paid nothing more, I'd say yes
...and that's exactly what the elites want you to think. Wage is just an examples there are many others
>culture, language, history, tribe, tradition etc
none of this is "an interest". I speak the same language as the Queen Elizabeth and we definitely do not have the same interests.
>that's code for retard. you're wasting too much time on things that will never happen, and if they do you have no say in them, instead of fucking sluts in colombia

>> No.20851114

damn Marx was pretty based
inb4 jewishnigger Lasalle

>> No.20851124

Its not my fault a gypsy robbed your life savings and now you have to resort to dusty hard covers that are falling apart from age and get that stolen off you too

>> No.20851137

>Anon mistakes me for his primary school teacher
Unsurprising, given the thread content.

>> No.20851138

It's meant for people who have deeply studied the texts of Freud and Lacan, and have a good background in philosophy in general. It really should never be taught to undergrads--that's the reason why we have so many retarded appropriations of Butler's work.

>> No.20851197

This, it filtered too many people, now it has been mostly read incorrectly and the reputation of the book is ruined

>> No.20851203

>no u

Not an argument