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/lit/ - Literature

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20847661 No.20847661 [Reply] [Original]

This board unironically convinced me that philosophy and people who read it should be purged

>> No.20847690

I'd like to see you try, chum....p

>> No.20847707
File: 6 KB, 176x286, Pol-Pot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent choice Anon

>> No.20847710

Even Pol Pot read philosophy. Especially Rousseau and Kropotkin

>> No.20847717

>Look, Guenon wrote this 500 page thesis 50 years ago (and never did anything else with his life), we must discuss this
>Noooooo, here's this 500 page refutation by a literal who, we need more resources to spread this
Anything past Plato is trash

>> No.20847724

>I don't support tranny pedophiles, but I will die for their right to groom minors on discord

>> No.20847771

This is a bad idea anon. A large amount of people need to be shit at something in order for good ones to be revealed. Hundreds of thousands of students are taught about harmonic form but only a tiny amount of them will actually need to utilise that knowledge. So it is with philosophy: you can't do away with the whole system because it does produce every now and again someone who has something worthwhile or at least interesting to say.

>> No.20847905

Philosophy itself is ok.
Recreational philosophy readers and philosophy students are the kind of people you would meet in the lowest depths of hell.
Actual philosophers are ok.

>> No.20847910

Right back atcha. Dunno who you are but you better back away slowly, faggot

>> No.20847914

He was the best CIA asset

>> No.20847922
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They're wasting their time

>> No.20847982

you just KNOW the posters in here are seething midwits

>> No.20848015

reading in general is for fucking nerds who are ngmi

>> No.20848029

Seething commoid

>> No.20848047

Even Plato is useless in the grand scheme of things, what I'm going to do with cave of knowledge or utopia, nothing.

>> No.20848090

Don't be silly, none of us are capable of being unironic any more.

>> No.20848098

All other (useful) philosophy stems from Plato.

Beyond that, the only works I would respect would be those by famous and influential historical figures, and deranged works for shock value/lols (Turner diaries, White power etc)

>> No.20848129

/lit/ tends to attract that sort of person who is too smart for shop class but too stupid for the the world as my old man would say.