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20842955 No.20842955 [Reply] [Original]

Books about people saying 'fuck it' and completely turning their back on society? Fiction or non-fiction.

>> No.20842975

Sick and tired of this cowards crawlspace
Stop running from the problem and tare it down

>> No.20842993

Walden by Henry Thoreau

>> No.20842998


nah I'd rather live as an escapist degenerate

>> No.20843000

Well to the other guy who said what it means to be American well that's part of it.Thinking you're going to get your weapon and well now let's tear down the gubmit.

>> No.20843001

>Stop running from the problem and tare it down
You won't make a scratch on its surface.

>> No.20843011


>> No.20843028


dis nigga crayzy

>> No.20843066


is he from /lit/?

>> No.20843074

City of Glass, the first part of New York Trilogy by Paul Auster

>> No.20843081

Evasion by Crinethinc

out of print, but extremely recommended you find a copy

>> No.20843086

I don't know about books, but here's some de-systemization kino

>> No.20843266


Already posted. Is he a lit poster?

>> No.20843279

Rabbit Run by John Updike
Factotum by Charles Bukowski
Autobiography of Bejamin Franklin

>> No.20843308
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>> No.20843347

The Bible

>> No.20843388

This. Thoreau was one of the biggest inspirations for McCandless.

>> No.20843400

Can't believe he fell for the meme

>> No.20843768
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>> No.20843796


>> No.20844019

No he is from /fit/.

>> No.20844537

My diary desu

>> No.20844599

Industrial society and it's future

>> No.20845192

I'm reading Kerouac and while I haven't made it to "On the Road," from what I hear, that was more or less what he did.

Assuming turning his back on society means saying fuck it to the wife, the house, and the 2.5 kids.

>> No.20846521

Copy pasta from /out/

>this faggot has been astroturfing himself on 4chan the past 2 days. he posted his channel on /pol/ and /lit/ and got banned from both for advertising

>on /pol/ he posted his channel and said
>"get the fuck in here. the next hacker known as 4chan has arrived"
>Immediately got banned

>then he went to /lit/ and posted
>"Get in here, lads. I get the feeling that we've got a memetic legend in the making here."
>got banned after 18 replies

>you can tell by the pure clean sweatpants and jug he's just a larper trying to be the next forestanon. hopefully mods here see through his bullshit

He also spammed his channel here >>20835293

>> No.20846551


Watched his last upload and he says he's releasing a book this year. So expect lots of shilling from this clown on /lit/ for a while.

>> No.20846558

you will never be Forest Anon

>> No.20846575

what a retard. literally the worst way to self promote. great way to kill his channel before it even gets started

>> No.20846653

He's shilling a Patreon too with only two videos uploaded in two days.

>> No.20846661

no because it's not an interesting subject

>> No.20846673

Bartleby the Scrivener

>> No.20846858

It was easier to turn your back on society when society was majority white and plentiful. People would help you out and feed you and let you hitchhike like it was normal. Now super predator children murder you if you don’t listen to lil durk. Leaving society was a novel thing then, there is no exit except the the barrel of a gun now.

>> No.20847032
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Books for this?

>> No.20847050

Reminder that Thoreau lived in a cabin among dozens of other cabins and his mother would drop by every now and again to do his laundry.

>> No.20847069

Reminder that doing laundry wasn’t a cucked activity that had you using chemicals and rewashing your clothes with high grade appliances every 3 days. Feminists LOVE that gay story but they also get it confused to the point that they say he was living on his mothers land but it belonged to Emerson. If you actually READ THE FUCKING BOOK you might know some of these things. Henry David makes no bones about it being impossible to live completely in the woods alone and he has a job where he works weekly to support his time in the cabin he built.

You will never be a woman.

>> No.20847218

You're frothing at the mouth defending someone who at the end of the day was living rent free on his mom's land and having all of his clothes washed for him. The fact is that a good portion of writers who live "off grid" or "abandoning society" are wealthy enough in the first place that their "checking out" is what most people would consider retirement or vacation. This isn't a surprise though, if you work for a living there is often no escape, let alone the time to write novels. The texts that inspire the poor and downtrodden are often written by the rich and opulent.

>> No.20847249


Yeah he was a fraud, not what most normies percieve him to be. However, he's no different to the majority of writers/artists/bohemians back then. You had to have money and privilege to get any kind of education or hope of living an aesthetic life. Too much time on their hands, lucky for them (and us, I suppose)

>> No.20847421

Still not even reading, no surprise there.

What exactly was he pretending to be? I feel like your brain is clogged full of click bait articles and news propaganda. You’re speaking on the fan base of this novel and not the actual content contained within. I never claimed libertarians (or whoever else’s) views of this book are correct either I’m speaking directly to the text itself. And yes, I completely agree that aristocrats produce great art due to their access to education and time spent not working and I’m fine with that. Am I going to stop reading the Brontë sisters because they were rich snobs? Money doesn’t preclude you from being a human being.

>> No.20848145

t. literally never even read walden

go back to plebbit or reading wikipedia, faggot

>> No.20848232

>turning their back on society
And evolution turned its back on picrelated

>> No.20848329

That would be Seneca, next to Cicero he’s histories most lovable hypocrite

>> No.20848336

Read ''Walden'' by Thoreau and then read ''The English Working Class'' by Engels.

>> No.20848345

Reminder that his mother would also stop by and wipe his own ass for him. Thoreau didn't have toilet paper in cabin and was too afraid of wiping his ass with a leaf, because he didn't want to accidently come into contact with poison ivy.

>> No.20848351

It’s the ideas that Thoreau convey that matter

>> No.20848371

You obviously didn’t read the book
Only helped him with the resources to get started, didn’t “do his laundry” or any of that other stuff
>cabin among other cabins
He would go to Concord several times a week for provisions and even had friends over at his cabin, but otherwise the living situation was entirely isolated. Don’t read it like an outdoors survival manual but rather as the story of a man who ventured away from the physical limits of his society to permit himself to reflect on it

>> No.20848388

But why I would read Walden when Emerson expressed very similar views and was way more articulate?

>> No.20848396

So that you don’t post blatant falsehoods on /lit/ later

>> No.20848442

Thoreau was a pathetic larping mommys boy faggot. Not fit to be mentioned as someone who 'turned their back on society'. He did no such thing.

>> No.20848519

>niggers absolutely Assmad at a book because the dude went camping
>women absolutely Assmad at a book because the main character doesn’t give a fuck about women
>English professors absolutely Assmad at a book because it advocates self reliance outside of their faggy daddy government administrative state
>they’re all so Insane with hate they literally publish false articles about it constantly, long after the authors death

Wow, it’s insane how retarded people are. If I was wearing my conspiracy hat I might say they’re demonizing his work as BRO FICTION since this is also the man responsible for popularizing the concept of Civil Disobedience. That alone means this book should be handed out to children, take your pure evil dogmatic techno-theocratic managerial state and shove it up your fucking ass faggots.

>> No.20848523

Only a good book like Walden will make faggots like these angry

>> No.20849470
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Do you think he had a happier life with the naked cannibals on the island than back home as one of the richest men in new york?

>> No.20849558

couldn't he just check the leaf beforehand?

>> No.20849598

i read a bit of walden a few days back does he actually say he respects tattoos on people more than fashionable fabric because it's for life?

>> No.20849995
File: 13 KB, 200x437, 5a5e1f28d0fa2773e16dca2ab7d9a96e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.20850066
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Stranger in the Woods

>> No.20850230

>those finger tip touching gestures
Absolutely 100% guaranteed autist who never got the help he needed. I hope he makes it but I also feel this experience will be the biggest slap in the face and a wakeup call.

>> No.20850233

>On the Road

Kerouac was more involved with the state of things to say "fuck it," but there's certainly a level of recklessness that's interesting

>Travels through the cevennes with a donkey

Stevenson wrote a story about hiking and camping long before those were conventional concepts

>Robert service poetry

A gruff and tough, gold-scroungin poet


Everyone in this thread has explained why this conversation is so boring now

>A walk in the woods

The most comfy read of them all. Hilarious, just bought it for my girlfriend

>> No.20850235
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one of our great novelists still working

>> No.20850257
File: 148 KB, 1000x1475, MV5BNjQ0ODlhMWUtNmUwMS00YjExLWI4MjQtNjVmMmE2Y2E0MGRmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDk3NzU2MTQ@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go die an unremarkable death for your romantic idealism.

>> No.20850281
File: 35 KB, 350x525, https __m.media-amazon.com_images_I_61C8-yO7H2L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, please.

>> No.20850351
File: 686 KB, 1080x719, 1655966858784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there might be some good recs on the forest anon chart

>> No.20850385

Thoreau has god-tier prose. Them man is a poet before anything.

>> No.20850398

Are there anons versed in psychoanalysis to help clarify if McCandless was structurally melancholic or schizophrenic? I've heard both

>> No.20850442

>alright listen up
>things seem bad but im here to tell you
too self-important to take seriously

>> No.20851169
File: 24 KB, 270x400, 9781410497482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously. It's non fiction, but this is one of my favorite things I've read in the last few years.

>> No.20851194

The Iliad but it's not the bulk of the text

>> No.20851206

seconded, haven't rejoined society since

>> No.20851288

Dosto's Notes From the Underground?