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20840930 No.20840930 [Reply] [Original]

>hates women
>creates philosophy that supposes woman as truth
what did he mean by this

>> No.20840944

You misunderstand him.

>> No.20840946

>there is no truth, ergo le women do not exist

>> No.20841073

he really was the proto redditor, I bet he really thought he looked cool and swagger

>> No.20841197

>what did he mean by this
That you misunderstood him, and you need to get off /r9k/.

>> No.20841244

>say anything about nietzsche
you didnt read him
>literally quote him verbatim
you didnt understand him

like poetry

>> No.20841620

Property can't be properly quantitatively judged without truth.

>> No.20841786

>what is a rhetorical question
Woman as truth only reveals Nietzsche’s attitude toward women as objects to be oriented toward.

>> No.20841799

>hates women
Shut the fuck up, liberal scum.

>> No.20841840

Literally every Nietzschian moron.
>OnLy I uNdErStAnD hiM

>> No.20841847

So he's retarded I get it

>> No.20841879

>hates women
Is this like die Raubvögel hating Lambs?

>> No.20841984

he doesn't hate women though.

>> No.20841996

Liberals have female brains and think men and women should both love each other like women do. They have a hard time grasping masculine love, which enjoys grooming women and pumping them with kids.

>> No.20842142

Then it looks like you and liberals have something in common

>> No.20842166

That doesn't make any fucking sense, retard.

>> No.20842184

>hates women
Blatantly false, did you actually study him and his works and have read them, or are you making baseless assumptions based on what others have told you about Nietzsche so you could make cheap threads at his expense since you're aware that they usually gain lots of attention on /lit/?

>> No.20842191

The liberal hivemind has been calling Nietzsche a misogynist since he was alive. Louise Ott even published her letters with him in an effort to defend him against the accusation.

>> No.20842201

He voted for women's rights to vote and wanted them to have equal opportunities, that much is known about him. But it's not just the liberal hivemind that is guilty of tarnishing his legacy and making baseless claims regarding his beliefs and philosophy, that's also a byproduct of the Nazi movement and his sister co-opting his philosophy for fascist ends.

>> No.20842223

>I want to have goblins around me, because I am courageous. The courage that scares away ghosts, creates for itself goblins—it wants to laugh.

Nietzsche advocated for democracy and women's suffrage only because it would increase the challenge of the game for men. He wouldn't have supported the Third Reich because it was a feeble attempt to reinstate old values that were no longer tenable, but he likewise despised the egalitarian liberal hivemind for not respecting the finer things in life, which can only come about through inequality. To make men and women less equal, not more, was his goal.

>> No.20842257

>To make men and women less equal, not more, was his goal.
Wrong, since he had a sister in the 2nd half of the 19th century, he wanted them to be able to study in universities so they could both challenge men and be made stronger, sharper and be granted opportunities that were denied to them, all in hopes of realizing the fullest self and to be given means to which they could unshackle themselves from the prison of the society that was exercised upon them in varied degrees. He didn't want them to have an easy life, that much is true, but to say he supported women's rights simply "because it would increase the challenge of the game for men" is misguided and a wrong conclusion to make here.

>> No.20842350

My point was that the end goal for him wasn't to have men and women behaving and feeling in the same manner. He hated the feminists who promoted that vision to young women.

>to say he supported women's rights simply "because it would increase the challenge of the game for men" is misguided and a wrong conclusion to make here.
Hardly. He had no pity for women. Everything he said was for the purpose of bringing about the ubermensch. Letting loose the Dionysian will to power on society through democracy would in turn create such a being who is psychically superior to the rest of the species.

>> No.20842354 [SPOILER] 
File: 66 KB, 720x540, Elisabeth Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hates women
What are you talking about? N. obviously loved women. He was probably just disappointed that no other woman could equal the one he grew up with. See picture.

>creates philosophy that supposes woman as truth
I assume you're referring to the beginning of Beyond Good and Evil. He's just using the metaphor to criticize other philosophers for being too too ponderous, too solemn, too intellectual. He thinks one should philosophize with lightness and wit, as if one were wooing a woman.

Can you imagine Kant trying to charm a girl at a bar? People for miles around would die from the second-hand embarrassment.

>> No.20842489

>to have men and women behaving and feeling in the same manner.
No one said that and that's not a thing being discussed here, anon.

>He had no pity for women
He had no pity for anyone, really, but not the point and bringing about the Übermensch is a small chunk of the entirety of his philosophy, really.

>> No.20842506

damn looks like my ex

>> No.20842512

>No one said that
Then why randomly bring up how Nazis were just as bad as liberals, as if trying to divert attention away from the accusation being made against liberals because you sympathize with them? Nietzsche was strongly anti-egalitarian, but he was a subtle thinker; too subtle for both Nazis and liberals.

>He had no pity for anyone, really, but not the point
He didn't give a shit about "unshackling women from the prison of the society that was exercised upon them" like you said, in other words. It wasn't about that even remotely.

>the Übermensch is a small chunk of the entirety of his philosophy
There's nothing small about it. The ubermensch, will to power, amor fati, and eternal recurrence are central to his entire philosophy and are interconnected.

>> No.20842529

>Then why randomly bring up how Nazis were just as bad as liberals
That wasn't what was said, however. I said that there's more than the second wave feminists reading Nietzsche and critiquing him that has impacted his image and created this view that he is a womanhater.

>There's nothing small about it. The ubermensch, will to power, amor fati, and eternal recurrence are central to his entire philosophy and are interconnected.
Of course, but Ubermensch isn't a well defined philosophical idea and there's no blueprint for him like you would see in a more systematic thinker like Kant, there are directions for becoming/creating one, but nothing hardly defined and it didn't consist the entirety of his philosophy. The same can be said for Will to Power.

>it wasn't about that even remotely
But it was, since he wanted to give you mechanism by which you would be free from things that controlled you and your individuality and he wanted you to discover who this "you" was, and that was one of the goals of his philosophy.

>> No.20842540

>He voted for women's rights to vote and wanted them to have equal opportunities
>his sister co-opting his philosophy for fascist ends

>> No.20842580

How did Nazis paint him as a womanhater? That part makes no sense to me.

>Ubermensch isn't a well defined philosophical idea and there's no blueprint
Well, he didn't finish writing, so we don't have the whole blueprint, but his books themselves were the blueprint. From Human, All Too Human onward (i.e., from the moment he intellectually distanced himself from Wagner), he wrote for the purpose of supporting the development of the ubermensch.

>he wanted to give you mechanism by which you would be free from things that controlled you and your individuality and he wanted you to discover who this "you" was
I've always taken issue with the existentialist reading of Nietzsche that this resembles because it's just not subtle enough of a reading. Nietzsche was only really speaking to a privileged group. For the majority, this type of freedom is destructive, and he made this clear on multiple occasions. Everyone ultimately falls in line with their lot, and only the rare few rise above that and become individuals; this is not a problem at all because those rare few REQUIRE that there be masses of mediocrity below them upon which they can climb. But as far as "improving" the masses go, this was not a concern for him and he thought it was rubbish anyway.

He also adhered to biological determinism more than once in his works; the discovery of the self for him never gets into "transcendental" territory where the self becomes something that can overcome the body and is separate from it.

>Body I am entirely, and nothing else; and soul is only a word for something about the body.

So as far as breaking free from "prisons" go, the only ones he was concerned with in this regard were ones imposed by Jewish and Christian morality, which included the liberal hivemind and German anti-semitism. But this isn't an achievement everyone is capable of. There will still be a hierarchy, because no two lives are equal, and life is will to power.

>> No.20842631

>How did Nazis paint him as a womanhater? That part makes no sense to me.
I wasn't saying that when mentioning how Nazis trying to coopt him worsened his image before other philosophers and academics took to rediscovering his merit within the western philosophical canon and defended him and put it all in limelight. I'm just saying that his sister editing his works to be more favorable to the Nazis so they can coopt them didn't help his image, especially when feminists started to read him. That's all.

>I've always taken issue with the existentialist reading of Nietzsche that this resembles because it's just not subtle enough of a reading. Nietzsche was only really speaking to a privileged group.
Yeah, yeah, a book for all and none, I get you, but regardless of his wishes and intents, his teachings still have use in applicability to those who don't fall in line with his ideal reader. That's the point, and I do think he was worried about the state of humanity as a whole, not just about his select few who he would call the Overman, which is also the reason he so heavily criticized Christianity and its deplorable view of the world and this earthly existence as being terrible and advocating for an afterlife in the form of Kingdom of Heaven. He was no egalitarian, but he also criticized the state often, even in Zarathustra, "On the New Idol" being one of those chapters.

>> No.20843366

Yes. OP is indeed retarded.

>> No.20843584

>They have a hard time grasping masculine love, which enjoys grooming women and pumping them with kids.
Yep, she should take as many different cocks as possible when she's young and fertile and then work for a multinational. This surely will make her happy, right?

>> No.20843724

where is the quote

>> No.20844273

You need to get off /pol/.

>> No.20844294

he wanted to rebel against Schopenhauer and his thoughts on women while simultaneously agreeing with him
he was also born too early for the hyper reality of instagram filters, yoga pants, plastic surgery, and the various lies that men can tell over the internet to get laid. thankfully we have baudrillard to read instead

>> No.20844306

no, you don't get it. The people /pol/ dislikes are subhuman, dumb, incapable of coherent though and in control of everything, opressing us at every step. This makes absolute sense and it's the reasson why my life sucks.

>> No.20844502

>Nietzsche advocated for democracy
In what fucking world?!?!
Read "The Tarantulas" chapter on Zarathustra, retard

>> No.20844531

Now type exactly that but replace /pol/ with twitter.

>> No.20844646

>The people /pol/ dislikes are subhuman, dumb, incapable of coherent thought*
>and in control of everything, opressing us at every step

>> No.20844671

>>hates women

>> No.20844697

Liberals are the ones who want women doing that, you stupid fuck.

This isn't /pol/speak, this is what all true men universally know.