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20839520 No.20839520 [Reply] [Original]

>C&P and TBK were both meant to have sequels
>Died before he could write them

>> No.20839543


>> No.20840628

>>C&P and TBK were both meant to have sequels

>> No.20840672

I know TBK was meant to have a sequel, but never heard of C&P supposed to have one.

>> No.20840681

It’s for the best. I doubt he could have struck gold that many times.

>> No.20840694

c and p not having a sequel is good
sad that tbk doesn't have a sequel

>> No.20840704

It ends with "the story of his redemtion is for another time"
There is a literal sequel hook at the end my dude

>> No.20840741

Crime and Punishment is unsequelable. It's a masterpiece and perhaps the greatest novel ever written.

>> No.20840743

>he doesn't realize Raskolnikov was reincarnated as Alyosha in TBK.

>> No.20840744

i too was 15 once
dosto is trash, as is all of russian "creation"

>> No.20840745

I do not believe for a second a sequel for C&P was ever going to happen, but the TBK sequel going unwritten is quite sad. the subject matter sounded quite interesting

>> No.20840750

you are literally a tripfag lol

>> No.20840751

The strength it must take to utter an unfathomably naive/edgy/immature opinion while calling someone a teenager.

>> No.20840753

kek BTFO

>> No.20840754

he could've written it all down but he was too happy after he received a political seat bestowed upon him by the son (Alexander II) of the man who mocked his existence (Nicholas I)

a man without morals preaching to you about them? a story as old as time. why should i listen to it? will a man without Truth get me closer to it? why should he, except as a stepping block to go on and jump out of, as one also does with adolescence?


>> No.20840767

oh...so you're unironically in the "sniffing your own farts" stage of your intellectual development.

>> No.20840781

people who go through shit and are self aware enough to honestly reflect on what they are doing/what they did are literally the best people to listen to

>> No.20841016

>There is a literal sequel hook at the end my dude
It's not. It just tells you that R will be redeemed and live a christian life. This is literature, not Marvel movies

>> No.20841020

Let me remind you to fuck off

>> No.20841036

no, it's called leaving adolescence and realizing who the proper idols are

it's just for copyright anyway. of course you wouldn't need it because you've never uttered a novel thought of reason in your life

>> No.20841080

Bro you're not a sage. You're an antisocial fag on a bbasked weaving forum.

>> No.20841090

>Bro you're not a sage.
just an adult
>You're an antisocial fag
i'm really not. the behavior is more than adequate here, though
>on a bbasked weaving forum
underage weaving forum is a better term

>> No.20841143


Whenever people write unplanned sequels they always have to respond to critics by making the tacit themes of the first utterly blatant in the second, so as to MOG the people who got what the author views as the wrong impression.

No one can avoid this desire, however; which just goes to show how much luck is inherent in any lasting legacy.

>> No.20841171

Google it.