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20839387 No.20839387 [Reply] [Original]

>I hope to wrap up the story line for one of the viewpoint characters of WINDS OF WINTER this week. Maybe even two.

>> No.20839408

it's encouraging but those are probably the first POVs he's finishing, still a long way to go.

>> No.20839476

The gardener is beginning to reap the harvest of his long labors.

And soon enough, the fruit will be on our tables, eternally fresh.

>> No.20839480

The Winds of Winter actually refer to Dany's rancid farts from drinking Ghiscari river water.

>> No.20839554

The day I get to return to Westeros will be a sweet one.

>> No.20840176

Two weeks or two characters George?

>> No.20840882

is this from his blog? that’s great news.
i bet it’s either a major character that he spent all his time working on or a literally who that he just shat out quickly. this is either jon or daenerys, or victarion or sansa.

>> No.20840900

Very well Georgie boy well done. HOWEVER - Why not ten years ago?

>> No.20841326

One of them is Tyrion, he mentioned it on a podcast a couple of weeks ago. No idea who the other one is.

>> No.20841330

Please stick to your general rather than posting than populating the board with this shit

>> No.20841331

So, Two More Years? Fuck you George you lazy fat Cuck.

>> No.20842063
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His twitter is so good

>> No.20842114

Yeah i believe he said he was wrapping up his Tyrion chapters a few months ago. Which must be good news because i think he's also said those are the hardest to write.

>> No.20842175

Yeah? what about the other fifty thousand POVs then?

>> No.20842180

The more she drank

>> No.20842372

>Board always says these books suck
>Constantly talk about them

Is this shit worth reading or not?

>> No.20842462


Tyrion? Jaime? Stoneheart? Cersei? Either way excited. These updates have been pretty nice and it seems he's almost done with it

>> No.20842556

I'm not excited for a single word he puts to paper until I see it. If he can maintain consistency with the current series, fine, but he's not written anything good in so long. The fact that he is praising house of the Dragon as being faithful should be a red flag as all we hear about the show is how political and progressive its going to be. Remember, he's now fatter, older, lower testosterone, brainwashed by the left, and become a passive aggressive social media poster. I won't hold my breath. He's a different person. Honestly he's become an unsufferable faggot. I hope he proves me wrong, but I expect to throw it straight into the trash

>> No.20842677

Sure! They're peak cozy. It's fun catching the little details that evolve into something bigger later on.

>> No.20842958

What phenotype is this?

>> No.20844541

Most this board doesn't read and you have to filter the one's that do from the pseudo (((intellectuals))). The books are very good. It doesn't help that the author stopped writing and sold out for TV audience though.

>> No.20844571

The book series is very unlike the TV series in that the characters and dialogue are actually engaging, instead of insufferable. It's good. Go read it.

>> No.20844635

That's good.

>> No.20845592

That’s good. I want more davos chapters.

>> No.20845793

lazy jew

>> No.20845907

>15 years
>for one character viewpoint
Meanwhile Sanderson churns one out every 3 months. And they're somehow better written too.

>> No.20847076

I Just finished reading memory, sorrow, thorn and I don't know what to read next.
I only read it in the first place because grrm was said to be very influenced by it and while good it lacked the political intrigue of asoif.
Where do I go from here bros?

>> No.20847083

what are the odds if, i started now, i'd catch up before the next one came out? i dont want to finish and then have to wait 5 more years.

>> No.20847092

The reason to read GRRM is not political intrigue. The reason is for the medieval realism, which he ultimately fails at, but it's still the only reason the books are successful. Political intrigue is not a genre or a selling point for a book.

>> No.20847131

Sunset found him writing on the desk, chair groaning. Every storyline was looser than the one before, and spelled fouler. By the time the moon came up, he was writing purple prose. The more he wrote the more he finished, but the more he finished, the lazier he grew.

>> No.20847149

Read the sequel series to memory, sorrow, and thorn. A lot more politics.

>> No.20847170

Its entertaining and pretty well woven (at least the first 5 books were, let's see how the sixth goes...), and since we are humans, so form of entertainment is good.
Don't expect a groundbreaking piece that revolutionized fantasy, but it's still enjoyable

>> No.20847202

very autistic post

>> No.20847935
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>And they're somehow better written too

>> No.20848340

this book series will be a complete abortion

>> No.20848415

Based pajeets

>> No.20849708

doubtful, for that to be true it’d have to be complete

>> No.20849737

>somehow better written
Sanderson himself would slap you for saying something so stupid, anon.

>> No.20849837


>> No.20850792
