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20836670 No.20836670 [Reply] [Original]

Anon I read catcher in the rey and some of the passages are very problematic.

>> No.20836672

I don't talk to women.

>> No.20836681

she's cute in an attainable way

>> No.20836682

is she that french breadtube slut

>> No.20836683

Stop posting ugly, intellectually mediocre women for (You)s

>> No.20836686

Beauty is pain because it is innately ephemeral. Beautiful women are forced to internalize this fact at a young age and therefore have a more profound and intuitive sense of mortality and transience through their knowledge/pain.

>> No.20836690

Have sex

>> No.20836695

No, I will not.

>> No.20836698

That's exactly why you shouldn't waste your time on girls like this. Every other guy thinks the same, so the competition is bigger. Go for a plain girl with a great personality or for a 10/10.

>> No.20836702

they're the worst ones, they get so many simps and orbiters it's unbearable

>> No.20836710

Bros, should I become a soiboy? She says women think they are HOT. Will I have as much success as Harry Styles and Timothy Charmalet if I become a basedboy? She says women love them because of it.

>> No.20836716

Don't listen to a single word women say, it's all vapid social performance.
They want a soi bf to cuddle and manipulate, then get beaten and raped by chad stud on the side.
Many such cases.

>> No.20836723

Have sex incel

>> No.20836727

No, I will not.

>> No.20836730

Having sex is how I've learnt this shit.

>> No.20836753

You’ve learnt nothing but subsections.
Again we see stupid boys arguing about what ALL girls are like. What ALL girls want. Boneheads

>> No.20836755

This. My girlfrienda is slightly autistic, so she isn't so bad as most women, but she still always tells me how I should open up but then when I have a problem she immediately becomes a massive bitch. Women are emotionally retarded. When they say they want a boyfriend who dares to be emotional they mean they want a boyfriend who takes care of them emotionally, not a guy who talks to them about his issues.

>> No.20836759

your gf is as bad as most women and emotionally immature

>> No.20836760

>noo I'm a snowflake
Just like all men desire sex and purpose all women seek dominance and comfort.
The sooner you learn this the better.

>> No.20836766


>> No.20836775

Women are herd animals, wired for conformity and reproduction. They aren't 100% identical but the core mechanics apply to 95% of them easily. Mixed mating strategy is the most fundamental function of their brain.
Absolutely, went through the same shit in my first long-term relationship. If you show any weakness in front of a woman, you'll end up paying for it.

>> No.20836778

We are all fucking snowflakes, you stupid asses. We are not all just anonymous wojacks. Talk about bugmen.

Most men and women, the normal ones (eeeew normies!) want LOVE.
You want this type or that type, pursue that. Simple enough

>> No.20836783

For those of you agreeing with the characters here, this scene was actually to expose the stupid and shallow side of men who think the world revolves around what they want, and not in a good light.

American Psycho was directed by a woman.

>> No.20836784

People do indeed want to take and never give. That's the number one way of flourishing socially.
You're not a bugman, but you definitely are a pig.

>> No.20836791

This post speaks the truth. The minute I stopped listening to women about dating advice, even women I knew had my best interests at heart like relatives, why track record got infinitely better. I starting slaying it.

>> No.20836799

That’s chud who wants conformity. Chud and his female counterpart. So once again you show how colorblind you are to the great variety of humanity. You do it to yourselves.

Immature society today we get a lot this behavior, yes. That’s no way to flourish though. This is why you people languish.
No, I hate the cops. You’re confused.

>> No.20836801

Bret Easton Ellis is gay and I'm pretty sure he just genuinely hates women, I don't think it's satire.

>> No.20836803
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Tits or gtfo, Krista Lee

>> No.20836809

But are you getting the kinds of women you want?
The ones who give advice talk about their sort. Duh.

>> No.20836814

Have sex

>> No.20836816

Hello, McCuckers tranny

>> No.20836824

You're upset and talking nonsense. For a woman, securing dominant genes for her offspring while also providing them with them material security is evolutionary imperative. In vast majority of cases, she's forced to consider two types of partners for these roles. Alpha fucks, beta bucks.

>> No.20836830

>Give good advice to ignorant incels
>get called cuck and trans

Die in darkness, fools

>> No.20836837

Remember: Those who can't cut it as poets become authors. Those who can't cut it as authors become professors. Those who can't cut it as professors become journalists. And those who can't even cut it as journalists become booktubers.

>> No.20836840

There aren’t just two types of males, dummy.
The rest isn’t even countering anything I said.

>> No.20836844

>There aren’t just two types of males, dummy.
As far as women are concerned there are only chads and incels.

>> No.20836850

But this girl says soiboys are the hottest. Are they chads?

>> No.20836858

Doesn’t matter what you have to say when everyone knows you’re the fag who seethes in every thread related to women — which you will never be — with your obvious posting style. The sooner you suck start a .50 cal the better.

>> No.20836859

Isn't this the same girl who complained about some YouTuber who streamed himself studying because it promoted 'hustle culture.'

>> No.20836860

What women say is worthless. We can only judge them by their actions which makes it clear which type of men they prefer.

>> No.20836862
File: 790 KB, 2294x751, 1648655915778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two types of heterosexual men and one type of woman. If you don't take my word for it, try Camille Paglia (Sexual Personae) or Esther Vilar (The Manipulated man). Picrel is Weininger's analysis of the woman problem - it's 100% consistent with my real life experience.

>> No.20836869

I actually hit one of my exes for making fun of my emotions.

>> No.20836871

>one type of woman
>Camille Paglia
Already you btfo yourself

>> No.20836872

she probably liked you more afterwards

>> No.20836879

How? She's a tranny lesbian, not a heterosexual woman.

>> No.20836881

Really wish there was a good repress of this book, every version I've come across is pure crapola

>> No.20836891

Oh yeah heard it around she fingered herself afterwards. Anyways I don't agree there's one type of man, in fact I apply dualism to women but Monism to men in a sort of gnostic fashion

>> No.20836894

>How is there not only just one type of women when she’s this other type

Are all women bulldykes? Why are you so stupid?
This place is full of stupid people.

>> No.20836909

>Do all women suffer from penis envy?
Why ask a question you already know the answer for?

>> No.20836939 [DELETED] 


>> No.20836942

Check the thread.

>> No.20836949

The heterosexuality was implied in a woman, instead of screeching about extreme outliers such as trannies you should read Paglia's book and see what she has to says about women. They're basic bitches who just want to breed in comfort

>> No.20837011

>*tips fedora*
>akshually! that scene is about le bad men
>If you like it you missed the point
>Nononono you can't be aware of that and still agree with it, that's missing the point
>That was not what was INTENDED for you understand from the scene

>> No.20837018

Trannies are the sex they are. I don’t care what Paglia or Ellen Page say, they’re women. You btfo your own stupid blanket statement and you can’t admit it.
This basic bitch idea also applies to men of course. This is the nature of getting down to basics. Some people don’t grow beyond that, many do. This is why stupid men are dumbfounded by the presence of women that don’t conform to their expectation.
Again, stop being close minded. Most people have nuance

Aside. Just saw this. It is true. Sad but true >>20835215

>> No.20837047

Eh it was written by a man though. And if that scene was in the book then it's basically by a man.

>> No.20837065

Her tits look great

>> No.20837069
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I have no idea what you're attempting to communicate with this post, but the nuance is indeed important - even more so, the differentation. Men are scattered all across the spectrum of personalities and intelligence, while women are clumped in the middle. Vast majority of them are basic bitches, conformists and midwits. Man is more likely to be a dumb swine, while also more likely to be cultured intellectual. Women have no incentive to deviate from herd, they just compete in the number of simps and chads they amass.

>> No.20837074

nuance is for midwits

>> No.20837081

>If you show any weakness in front of a woman, you'll end up paying for it.
I somehow managed to get a girl to consent to sex. I struggled to put my penis in and she had to put it in for me. I had sex for about 5 minutes and then pulled out to change positions. I couldn't get it back in no matter how hard I tried. I eventually gave up, buried my head in a pillow in shame and called myself a dumb virgin who can't even have sex because of how much of a dumb virgin I am. Needless to say the girl wanted nothing to do with me after that.

>> No.20837134

WHAT?! I'm a virgin too. I didn't know it was so hard to penetrate a woman. Do you think if somehow I manage to get a girl to consent to sex I will fail miserably too?

>> No.20837159

I don't know. I think the entrance to the vagina is lower than you think. But honestly I was holding her pussy open with my fingers like I was doing open-heart surgery and still couldn't get it in. She told me "...uhhhh you have to like get it wet or use lube..." But she was wet...Like my dick could get past the lips, but it was like her vagina wouldn't relax to let me in. Sometimes I like to pretend my dick was too big for her tight pussy...

So bring lube and aim lower than you think.

>> No.20837174

those aren't sojaboys, they're soft boys (and hot ones too ofc)

>> No.20837184

How do I become a softboy then? I'm not hot at all though. Will it still work to get laid?

>> No.20837205

>have chin
>be skinny but look fit
>have voluminous dark hair
>pale to fair complexion (no blemishes, acne, or acne scars)
That's it. And you need to highlight all of this traits with your hygiene, grooming, and outfits.

>> No.20837214

Nuance. Why can’t you intoit
Women are just as “scattered”. The lack of intellect in them is due to their natural function and the fact society has taken them from one cage to another. Men too by and large, but they’re still the leader class so often get that minimal education the Prussian machine manages to offer.
Again, the basics of people are a universal. Who doesn’t want love and security? Some. Few. More males than female, sure. They’re not that common.
So your problem is the steadiness of women, or your too hasty judgment of males as brilliant or animal.
Women are not all one way, they’re not all on tiktok, you sap.

You’re a dimwit. You don’t know what’s going on.

>> No.20837221

honestly the thing that really made me hate women (and i lost my virginity to an older woman raping me as a teen) was just hanging out and befriending them or reading female populated forums. all of my suspicions that they manipulated everyone and treated their social life like a zero sum game were proven true. the thing I dont understand frankly is the normalization of total manipulation of everyone around you in female spaces, and i dont mean manipulation of men. It seems like all or the majority of hetero women are engaged in a war of all against all seeing who can gather up the most social capital through cunning and deception, especially of other women. The manipulation of men seems petty and tame compared to their manipulation of each other, which is totally vicious and cruel. They're so open about it to each other too. Weird.

>> No.20837227

>have chin
I don't
>be skinny but look fit
I kind of have a dad bod
>have voluminous dark hair
I have dark hair but not that voluminous
>pale to fair complexion (no blemishes, acne, or acne scars)
I'm pale and I have no blemishes
>And you need to highlight all of this traits with your hygiene, grooming, and outfits
I could try being more hygienic, but I'm too poor to buy cool outfits

Do you think I can make it, anon?

>> No.20837238

Not really, when you have sex just rub her pussy a bit with your fingers since that will seem normal and intentional, through her panties at first if you can so you can get a lay of the land and make sure she and your fingers are wet first so you don't go in completely dry, then when you get rid of the panties, get between the labia with two fingers and apply a very small amount of pressure so your fingers are guided by the curvature of the whole region toward the most obvious large opening that is between her clit and her anus and there you go that's the pussy, then finger the pussy a little bit and be like "alright, it's right there, that's the target hole" and make a mental note, now do the same with your penis, think of your fingers like the laser targeting system for your penis which is the cruise missile. Your fingers and penis will slide right in because women are basically snails with legs, it's like the slime goo from Ghostbusters 2 but more watery and thin. If she's dry, something's gone terribly wrong, but she'll be telling you that before then.

Most of it is intuitive, it's kind of like kissing, only the most hardcore based robot soul autists fuck up kissing once the kissing actually starts, because human beings are designed to just regress to retard animal mode once certain activities commence. It truly takes a man with an iron soul to not basically understand where the pussy hole is or how to kiss a girl once the act commences. The only way to really fuck up kissing, short of being Data from The Next Generation, is to be overeager and start sucking her face off or putting your mouth over her entire noise and chin or something. I am as close to an alien as you could possibly get and the first time I had access to a woman's body I became a caveman and ate her ass. It's mostly instinct.

Being good at going down on a woman is different, most guys are bad at it because they aren't very empathetic. You have to think in terms of her body language and how she's responding to what you're doing, pick up on those signs and then connect them with the rhythm of what you're doing, and only experiment or change the rhythm strategically and never during a moment when she's getting more and more into whatever it is you're doing. Also ask her to be communicative and convey casually but genuinely that you love going down on her and you find her sexy while you're doing it, so she can relax and not feel like it's a special once a decade favor that is going to be mediocre anyway. Getting good at oral sex is a lot like learning to pet a dog or cat effectively, you have to enter into a dialectical harmony with where the cat or dog is angling its head and go where the cat or dog wants you to go, don't be like your uncle Jeff who grinds the cat's face off with his big thick Gulf War veteran fingers because all petting=petting. All licking does not =licking.

>> No.20837250
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Women were "caged" for millennia precisely because their only value was reproductional and they couldn't be trusted with it. As another Anon pointed out yesterday - in the half century since their liberation, they've proven every single "misogynistic" prediction true. Besides taking control of sexual matters (wild promiscuity and hypergamy, catastrophic birth rates) they've just settled for mindless consumption.

>> No.20837251

I did all of what you said and I'm >>20837081.
Fingered her. Got her wet. Did the same with my dick. Guided it down to where the fingers penetrated. She was still wet. Dick wouldn't go in.

>> No.20837252

W-what if I am Data though?

>> No.20837257

they dont talk about their types, they talk in vaguaries that are approximate. When they say they like shy guys, they mean strong silent gigachad that is a bit of a mystery and says cryptic shit that makes them seem a little dangerous.

And yes i am getting all types, you have to search through them of course but you would have to anyway you now just have more choice

>> No.20837260

Anon, I think you may have a really thick dick.

>> No.20837261

You can fake chin like Andrew Tate and fat guys by growing a stubble bird with a hard angular outline. Unfortunately you will need to lose weight. Being skinny but looking fit is possibly the most important criteria.

>> No.20837269

Approximately 5.5" girth. Is that too big for most women?

>> No.20837274

Continued: Also learn to finger girls and go for the gspot but don't treat it like a fucking science project that turns them off. If they don't orgasm from oral or really just from anything, don't be like "FUCK!!! GOD DAMNIT YOU WERE SO CLOSE THAT TIME!! LET'S TRY IT AGAIN!" this makes them stressed out and makes them feel like there is pressure on them to perform, they don't like that. Women don't wield their own bodies, their bodies wield them, so they are as confused by their own reactions to things as you are sometimes

Also not all fingering is shoving your fingers in there, a lot of girls can get off from you just rubbing their clit sort of from above, where the bone is, you'll know what I mean once you get in there, nothing really makes sense visually I couldn't draw a vagina if I had to. Some girls really like it through/over the panties too, because that's how they masturbate, clitoral sensitivity varies. Always ask what they like and how they do it, seem interested in getting them off, don't ever convey frustration or "wtf why didn't it work? what's wrong with you bitch?" autism

But also don't ever talk about how you rule at eating pussy, don't use euphemisms for eating pussy, don't even say "eating pussy" if you can avoid it. Don't brag about sexual prowess, women find it weird and desperate.

Could she have been clenching psychosomatically and didn't want to tell you that she clenches until she feels totally comfortable? Some girls have that

Then the best thing to do is to get a girl who loves you and increase the communication even more, and make sure you express you genuinely want to be good for her and for her to have a good time, so you can learn. Most guys suck at sex, there's a good chance that if you're a nice and empathetic person deep down you will end up better at sex in the long run than normies who have a superficial advantage because they just assume they're doing it right but they're incapable of communicating or doubting themselves.

>> No.20837275

What should I do if the girl laughs at my winky?

>> No.20837277
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Anon, far smarter men than your or me already dissected these issues long ago. We just need to pay attention and learn, or get simped + cucked.
>“The fundamental defect of the female character is a lack of a sense of justice. This originates first and foremost in their want of rationality and capacity for reflexion but it is strengthened by the fact that, as the weaker sex, they are driven to rely not on force but on cunning: hence their instinctive subtlety and their ineradicable tendency to tell lies: for, as nature has equipped the lion with claws and teeth, the elephant with tusks, the wild boar with fangs, the bull with horns and the cuttlefish with ink, so it has equipped woman with the power of dissimulation as her means of attack and defence, and has transformed into this gift all the strength it has bestowed on man in the form of physical strength and the power of reasoning. Dissimulation is thus inborn in her and consequently to be found in the stupid woman almost as often as in the clever one. To make use of it at every opportunity is as natural to her as it is for an animal to employ its means of defence whenever it is attacked, and when she does so she feels that to some extent she is only exercising her rights. A completely truthful woman who does not practice dissimulation is perhaps an impossibility, which is why women see through the dissimulation of others so easily it is inadvisable to attempt it with them. – But this fundamental defect which I have said they possess, together with all that is associated with it, gives rise to falsity, unfaithfulness, treachery, ingratitude, etc. Women are guilty of perjury far more often than men. It is questionable whether they ought to be allowed to take an oath at all.”

>> No.20837283

>their only value love and life itself!
And the liberal capitalist world narrows us all into cow-like consumers. All. Men like you and your good buddy Chad want the promiscuous saint mother doll, so they doll themselves up. They gave you what you wanted because they wanted you. They wanted someone to hold at night. But the generations went on and each male generation seems so defective you are seeing more and more put off family and marriage. This Onlyfans girl is just happy to have a home when so many can’t. And at least she didn’t have to resort to direct prostitution. You see no difference probably. She sure does.

>> No.20837298

you're half right. that only applies to some beautiful men. beautiful women who are truly aware of their beauty and its temporary essence will usually just go insane and get a shitload of botox.

>> No.20837323

It really is this, they are completely social-emotional beings because social-emotional form is like the maya to their brahman of sensuality-validation. The core of their being is pure sensual desirability, conveying pure desire to be validated, and vice versa, in a yin-yang sort of coincidence of opposites, desire desiring itself. This manifests as visible, tangible, conceptual reality in the form of sociality-emotionality. Everything in existence has emotional and social valence for a woman, ultimately reduces to its emotional and social character, even something's lack of emotional/social character is simply interpreted as irrelevant "non-being." In one form or another they are always either seeking to confirm to themselves that they are the primordial world-ocean of pure sensuous validness and that everything comes from them and dissolves into them.

Life for them is like a deep ocean that alternates between beautiful placid moments and hurricanes and typhoons, but there is no firm land for them to finally reach and start building something that can withstand the flux of life. They are the flux itself. There's a reason why chaos has always been gendered feminine, why the primeval dionysian and bacchanalian aspects of Greek culture were always dominated by femininity and women.

Modern forms of femininity are imperfect proxies for this and most of the current ideal types of female insanity stem from the contingent determinations of those imperfections.

>> No.20837345

>dream house

>> No.20837348

Did you know that Holden raped his teacher?

>> No.20837357

You're projecting female uniformity on men. We have a hundred different motivations and a thousand different ambitions in life, and while masculine sex drive is powerful, men can control it with some discipline. Women on the other hand are thoroughly preoccupied with socializing, seduction and fucking.
>onlyfans apologia
Unworthy of reaction.

>> No.20837370

if you're man you're best off just ignoring and pretending they don't do it, a certain amount of ignorance in life is bliss

>> No.20837372

There's one woman who beat the system and wrapped the internet around her finger.
I'm sure you know her name.
Hell, you even know about the state of her bath water.

>> No.20837414

harry styles and chalamet are hot, they just need to not be complete assholes to get women simp for them. just become cute, dress decently, and don't a jerk, it's simple enough

>> No.20837435

But I'm not hot at all

>> No.20837439
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>not attracted to assholes and jerks

>> No.20837454

has nothing to do with what i said, but sure. i do appreciate her for showing me just how pathetic a lot of men are (mostly indians).

>> No.20837520

Wtf I hate women now

>> No.20837578 [DELETED] 
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Hatred is unnecessary reaction, you just need to realize that women are walking holes and choose to either engage with them or stay away - but don't expect them to be something they are not.

>> No.20837580

you need to be extra hot if you want that, if you aren't a chad and you try that shit you will get exposed on twitter or other social media as a creep
just get fit, get a nice haircut, good clothes, and a style that matches you, you don't need to copy chad, some women like softer guys. if it's very bad maybe even save some money for facial surgery.
btw, soiboyery isn't a good strat because then you'll just get labeled as a simp or a "nice guy"

>> No.20837591
File: 35 KB, 657x527, tumblr_pfnc930biP1xhbwq8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted emotional closeness with someone I love

>> No.20837592

>that webm

>> No.20837600

thats one hell of a neovagina job

>> No.20837601

Until she got naked I thought it was a tranny. Kind of disappointing.

>> No.20837611

just because some women are promiscuous doesn't mean that you can't find emotional closeness and love with another one. don't let the demoralizing incels ITT make you bitter.

>> No.20837614

Isn’t this app intended for little kids? Why are adults using it?

>> No.20837624

Women love only their children, young frog. You can make them stupid and wet if you're a high T inseminator, or you can buy their companionship with attention, status and material security. In either case, she'll bail out as soon as become inferior to her other options... And she's constantly scanning for superior options, make no mistake.

>> No.20837643

most people ITT are straight up terminally online losers who have never known a woman and have created a perception based solely on what they see on the internet

>> No.20837676

Maybe, but not they're not wrong.

>> No.20837703

How do you fix that then? I don't know how to initiate conversations with women. The most is I'll talk about shit like how are your studies going when I accidentally bump into them.
Since I probably fall on the "losers who can't talk to women" list in my class whenever I try to initiate a conversation out of the blue, It feels forced and awkward and then when they initiate the conversation I don't know how to keep it flowing and since I can't keep the conversation flowing they just go back to whatver they were doing.

>> No.20837728

I think any terminally online loser who lives in the basement of their single mother (as often goes the cliche) is by far more qualified to talk about women in their entirety than most people using them as sexual objects and social commodities. They tend to understand the woman thanks to having lived for an eternity with one, and with some Schopenhauer reading and some awkward sexual escapades they form a theory on the opposite gender that, unless you're talking about terminally online neurodivergent dykes consumed by penis envy and a hatred of their own kind, is generally accurate.
I've never seen anyone, not even women, disprove the incel's theory on gender.

>> No.20837756
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I hate incel threads so goddamn much I am now in favor of putting all incels in prison if you don't have a written certificate from a woman proving you had sex by the age of 18 off to the gulag you go

>> No.20837770


>> No.20837786

What if we haven't had sex because we're trans and we're terrified of it but we're still super valid?

>> No.20837936

Off to the gulag you'll go.

>> No.20837943

seriously man, these guys are ruining the internet.

>> No.20837944

Ok. Sure ill go rape someone then. I mean if were speaking of gulags the October Revolution was full of rapes

>> No.20838007

If you can get the written certificate done then good job! All she has to do is hand it over to the court with her legal documents prepped.

>> No.20838342

>the primeval dionysian and bacchanalian aspects of Greek culture were always dominated by femininity and women.

hmmm. I'm going to need a citation for this

>> No.20838470

Bachofen, Mutterrecht

>> No.20838563

>19th century

Many doubts

>> No.20838633

Paglia Sexual Personae, Lawrence Phantasia of the Unconscious, Graves' White Goddess if you want guro femdom

This + Gossman's book on Bachofen and Burckhardt at Basel

Philistine, ngmi

>> No.20838741

Books for this feel?

>> No.20838761

well put

>> No.20838789

finally, the 4chan posts i've been waiting for all these years

>> No.20839030

You know I used to be a man.

>> No.20839049

Funny how, with these things, what a woman consider bad will be well received by a man.

>> No.20839191

>YouTuber who streamed himself studying
That kid is a fag

>> No.20839321

she talks waaaaaaaaaaay too much t.b.h. senpai
that's a pass from me

>> No.20839459

>lost my virginity to an older woman raping me as a teen
>just hanging out and befriending them or reading female populated forums
rape made you gay?

>> No.20839475

disfigure her

>> No.20839514

>YouTube political intellectuals
Very nasty, I hate them all, right and left

>> No.20839531

you're going to end up on the wrong side of beta uprising fag

>> No.20839675

and those who can't be booktubers shitpost on /lit/

>> No.20839678

6000 years of recorded history has proven this. The scheming sex trope has been around everywhere forever

>> No.20839700

Can confirm. Kissed/made out first time in my life at 21 and it was pretty easy desu. Same for sex, it just comes to you naturally. Of course it doesn't mean you're *good* at it, but it's like running, you know the basics of it by default (i hope)

>> No.20839702

tell me about it, then let me cum in you

>> No.20839705

But you'll never be A woman!

>> No.20839716

Ironic that you're the same types who advocate for smashing the state unless it cowers to your specific wants

>> No.20840705

Paglia isn't trans

>> No.20840852

>shallow side of men who think the world revolves around what they want
>american psycho was directed by a woman
women love those kind of men anyway. just another usual moment where women says opposite of what their pussies want.
nothing new here.

>> No.20840915

The fulfilment of womanhood isn't being young and beautiful, it's being a grandmother, mentoring a generation of new mothers and passing on to them a lifetime of accumulated wisdom.

>> No.20841319

>Your fingers and penis will slide right in because women are basically snails with legs
holy fucking kek

>> No.20841364

>beautiful women who are truly aware of their beauty and its temporary essence will usually just go insane and get a shitload of botox.
literally madonna

>> No.20841453

Bros, all this stuff sounds kind of disgusting, I think i'd rather be celibate

>> No.20841508

>society has taken them from one cage to another
What cage are they in now?

>> No.20842162

All of them do it now, someone post Chloe Moretz.

>> No.20842275
File: 45 KB, 144x155, 2022-08-15 07_48_03-k9bdha47btk21.jpg (588×1000) - Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're not implying moretz is some majestic beauty.

>> No.20842378

Hell no she's an example of a celeb getting bogged at 24

>> No.20842415

Don't be one of the simps.
Simple as

>> No.20843370

Liberal capitalism, post modernist pseudo fascism. “Capitalist realism”
We’re all in it of course.

>> No.20843713

She's not really cute at all though

>> No.20843762

Did you just go and try to fuck her straight off the bat without foreplay, anon? That'll get you nowhere and you'll end up tearing your fuckin banjo string.

>> No.20843765

You cannot blame an intelligence differential on the cage if they're in the same cage as men.

>> No.20843782

As soon as someone says "problematic" I just zone out. 99% of the time it's bullshit. It's completely deranged. I have to constantly listen to shit like this. They talk very passionately about something that "needs to be talked about" and "very dangerous" and then they drop something like "this 19yr is a pedophile because he asked for tit pics from a 17yr old!" Everything has been completely diluted. Catcher in the Rye is "problematic", oh, you mean the angry teenager is being an asshole? Wow. I think I need to sit down.

The Turner Diaries is problematic. Step up or fuck off.

>> No.20843812

Are you gay?

>> No.20843820

since we're talking about youtuber women anyone remember that dark hair woman that looked like emily blunt whose vids didn't have any music or editing
it wasn't about books but random topics related to sci/phil

>> No.20843824
File: 72 KB, 828x804, FZhSF-9XgAE7WJs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that's deep.
>the more beauty you have the more you have to lose
Does this make life more miserable to women?
Knowing men are born with nothing and have to attain their worth, justifying the suffering and giving meaning to death - for women it's not so easy.

What do you think?

>> No.20843871

Really hate the "AWFL makes 40 minute long video where she is wrong on 18 different fronts" format, because you can't disagree without becoming a Youtuber yourself who is reply guying like a simp.

>> No.20844461

Bro beans, that’s a man bro

>> No.20844480

Women are like children, except children have worth. Can I generalize the behavior of ALL children as monolith? Yes, easily. Do ALL children want candy? Do ALL children want to play all day instead of learning? Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up you vapid cunt. Your only worth is the gash between your legs and your return on investment is falling by the second.

>> No.20844482

>i've never read it but you can punish me for it if you want

>> No.20845229

Yes, you can. Males are just as degraded. You’re delusional if you think otherwise.

You people are looking at your feminine reflection. You too are just as childish. Your post is proof of that

>> No.20845238

Let me repeat in more general terms since you appear to be retarded: you cannot blame a differential between two populations on a factor that is in fact not different between the two.

>> No.20845731

He rapes his sister, Phoebe.

>> No.20845819


>> No.20845830

How many time do I have to tell you to shut the fuck up you worthless cunt? You have no worth beyond the wet gash between your legs.

>> No.20845840

She looks like June Lovejoy in the thumbnail.

Have fun.

>> No.20845892

>You have no worth
Let me stop you right there. Go gay.

>> No.20845920

>Anon I read catcher in the rey and some of the passages are very problematic.
>No comma after 'Anon';
>No capitalization for the title'';
>Incorrect spelling of 'rye";
That killed me