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20830178 No.20830178 [Reply] [Original]

I only realized this was a thing today. Anyone else getting it?

>> No.20830179

I can't hear you over living in the pod and eating the bugs.

>> No.20830184

Why would you need this? Schwab literally spells out his vision for the world in a book he himself wrote. The people behind the Great Reset aren't hiding anything, they are celebrating it.

>> No.20830197

I've always wanted Alex Jones to write a book. In the midst of basic stuff everyone has, I always like to have something fringe in my bookcase. Adds flavor.

>> No.20830305
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Where can we buy it?

>> No.20830311

The point is so when people search Great Reset, Alex Jones the infamous conspiracy theorist comes up.

>> No.20831275

All AJ does is read news headlines. he doesn't do any investigation, he doesn't provide any new information.

>> No.20831285

>Best Sellers Rank: #61 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
>#1 in Communication & Media Studies
>#1 in Fascism (Books)
>#1 in Globalization (Books)


>> No.20831292

Alex Jones is a CIA asset.

>> No.20831299 [DELETED] 

could be. when the dnc email server got hacked, instead of covering how they schemed and colluded to rig the election against bernie, he came up with the the pizzagate shit, which distracted everyone from what was actually in those emails. so yeah, i wouldn't be surprised. and liek someone else said up the thread, now when people search for the great reset, they'll get this instead of schwab's actual material.

>> No.20831312


>> No.20831317

easy to say now in 2022 when people spoonfed you all the red pills. Yes it is pretty hard to hide things once enough people have exposed it all but AJ has been around since WACO so trying to reduce what he has done in this manner reeks of NPC newfaggotry. Not everyone was lucky enough to come to place filled with 99% imbeciles and 1% actually intelligent and informed people who shit this knowledge into your brain for you that you now prance around calling other people normies and blue pilled when you did absolutely nothing to earn any of that knowledge yourself, all you did was ride on the shoulders of the people who did earn it and took a hell of a lot of risk to get to simpletons like yourself.

>> No.20831327

>Getting this mad when someone insults your fave talking head

>> No.20831338

>easy to say now
Well, we're living in the now aren't we? We're discussing a book that's being published in the now on a topic he has nothing to inform us on since he doesn't provide us with new information. I don't really care about your history lesson, I could have searched for his biography on my own. I didn't deny it, I didn't claim it. All I did was state, factually so, that this book does not provide you with anything new. So it's worthless as a book. You're just shilling it for whatever reason. Like that pointless documentary he made. All just shitty ads for shitty products. Why not just read the actual documents rather than a shitty biased book?

>> No.20831345

Im not mad, I am just pointing out what a joke midwits like you are. I am not the only one that sees it, that is for sure. AJ has been an important part of the information ecosystem for a long time, before the internet in fact when it was most crucial for people like him to exist. I dont care how you feel about him, I have just been here long enough to know you are one of the same faggots that called like me schizo not even 2 years ago for pointing out what is happening and the noses behind it all. You are just a peon no wit that absorbs memes through osmosis, you are a belief repeater, not a thinker/knower and it oozes out of your every pore.

>> No.20831357

Im not shilling anything kiddo. AJ tier red pills for kiddies I have my own website and video archive that makes AJ tier red pills look like pre-school shit. I dont care about this book or Alex Jones, what I do care about is poser midwits riding on other people's coat tails while insulting them at the same time.

>> No.20831364

Okay. You didn't really answer my question. You just are arguing over my verbiage. Conversations are a two-way street. If you don't respond to me, I can't help that.

>> No.20831365

Holy shit I'd no idea I was speaking with an actual Freethinking Truthseeker. My apologies. Send me your most redpilled bitchute links asap br

>> No.20831375

you are without question < 100 IQ

>> No.20831378
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>> No.20831388
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David Icke tier nonsense, The jews have been cancerous long before the frankists.

>> No.20831409
File: 108 KB, 390x560, חַתרָנוּת.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(((David Icke))) is a freakin' Mossad agent my dude

>> No.20831420
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go to bed jidf

>> No.20831433
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Oy! It looks like the big brained freethinker found us out! Mods! Delete this thread immediately. This blogger genius make take down our whole operation!

>> No.20831441
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>> No.20831445

Reminder that being a rightoid should be considered a disability.

>> No.20831452

Only if we accept incessant whining about them is also in that same classification.

>> No.20831460


>> No.20831465

That's the problem with people who claim to know "what's really up"... they're the most easy to manipulate people around. I bet this anon genuinely believes he's memewarring with the JIDF. Shlomo is seething with rage as his 2017 era reaction gifs appear on the screen.

>> No.20831469

a deformed bioleninist freakshow like you would know anything about it I'm sure

>> No.20831471
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chud parking
>increased gibs

>> No.20831476

See I'm too disabled to even greentext properly.
Go back to Gab you humorless faggot.

>> No.20831478

It would obviously be a mental disability. You're only allowed special parking if you have something wrong with your body. Queue an "Murricans are fat" joke here if you like.

>> No.20831485

>what is the bohemian grove

>> No.20831523

A, co-produced, arguably heavily scripted, event at that. Do you really believe they got past security?

>> No.20831578

He makes great rants.

>> No.20831603
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stfu retard TOP KEK

>> No.20832023
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imagine trying to pull off a "da jooz" meme in 2022. You didnt even mention /pol/ to set it up yet

>> No.20832112

>trying to pull off...
>trying to
Seethe. It worked perfectly... He literally came back with "You're JIDF!"

>> No.20833550

No, he's a retard.

>> No.20833595

yes I preordered. either way it will be entertaining. i like him and want him to keep doing what he is doing, sans the slander.

>> No.20833642


>> No.20833843
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>kosher histrionics this early in the thread

>> No.20833859

you know, the big lawsuit where he slandered the sandy hook actors and was ordered to pay millions of dollars to the deep state globlists.

>> No.20833956

be sure to pre-order! And also buy some InfoWars TM survival goods for when the great-reset happens! Alex Jones is pretty much just conspiracy-theory Krusty the Clown.

>> No.20835220

If you're going to read schizo shit read icke or even Mark Dice. Not Alex Jones

>> No.20835367 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20835372

>they're the most easy to manipulate people around
It's a shame you can't manipulate them then

>> No.20835566

Waco is when I got into conspiracy theories. I'm old.

>> No.20835577

Yes, getting free gibs and priority seating on public transportation too! Why not even make it a hate crime to kill one, like if you punched a kid with brain damage you'd get sent to pound-me-in-the-ass prison time for doing so. Nice can of worms you opened there freakazoid!

>> No.20835598

Waco is fairly genuine though. It probably wasn't a grand conspiracy but the ATF really botched it, seemingly intentionally.

>> No.20835609

Kill yourself retard faggot

>> No.20835610

Alex Jones is a showman who doesn't genuinely believe half the stuff he says. That doesn't mean this stuff is necessarily wrong, but I'm always amazed by the number of mouth-breathers who can't see through his shtick.

>> No.20835618

Chud's live-in nurse is on the phone to her superior
>I've been making him have sex and touch grass for months now and still no change...
>Are you saying...
>Yes, doctor, he's still racist.
>And the labor theory of value?
>He still thinks value is subjective.
>Dear God, if he's a lost cause he'll never be permitted to work again.

>> No.20836674

>Waco is fairly genuine though
Yah ... no

Watch Devon Stacks 3 part (so far) series on "far right terror"

>> No.20836687

> I only realized this was a thing today. Anyone else getting it?

You’re on /lit/ and don’t even know how to structure a sentence to make it readable? Here, I’ll fix it for you. Think about what you’ve done.

Only today did I realize this was a thing. Anyone else getting it?

>> No.20836706

What did he say that wasn’t true?

>> No.20836733
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>> No.20837801

well I'm fat and a burger so it still applies. man I love being a fat chud.

>> No.20838252
File: 527 KB, 786x1142, kwIa0Nve_sEfeKMr8oqTrg526BRDnrvqwN3Ps8zh4kY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read this nigga. I did. Maybe then you will understand what the great reset actually is instead of peddling paranoid schizo nonsense.