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20834283 No.20834283 [Reply] [Original]

Is it bad form to incorporate memes into prose?

>> No.20834294

i drank some sparkling seltzer water and now i have gas and my stomach sort of has pain. fucking dollar store seltzer, why did i buy that? as for memes in your writing? personally, i wouldn't.

>> No.20834321
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Is it what?

>> No.20834365

Yes, never good to tie your work to fads unless you just want to make a quick buck and do not care if it is laughed at once society movies on.
If seltzer water is creating bad enough gas to cause discomfort it probably means you are constipated. Gas will not buildup to that extreme if the plumbing is flowing well. Eat more fiber.

>> No.20834440

does brown rice have more fiber than regular rice? i try to keep my carbs to a minimum, but do eat some rice.

>> No.20834461

>stomach sort of has pain
If not intestinal gas, then the lowered stomach acidity may be to blame, especially if it was taken with a meal. If so, try the brand again on an empty stomach and report back.

>> No.20834467
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It seems to work for F Gardner

>> No.20834471

i only had fruit before that. i had an apple and an orange, then on a whim i bought that seltzer cuz it had like no ingredients except carbonated water and "natural flavor". my stomach feels better now and i didn't fart that much, but i felt rumblings like i was going to. still a little sketch out though, better eat something wholesome for dinner.

>> No.20834472
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Continued. Fuck this book is amazingly retarded.

>> No.20834480
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