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20830666 No.20830666 [Reply] [Original]

The issue with the discussion so far is basically, semantics, the use of the term ‘free’ and the inability to make distinctions in context of determinism over time has largely stalled the conversation.
I’m here to push the idea of degrees of will, that as time moved forward, will has established platforms to evolve and develop itself, from the chaos of the early universe to abiogenesis, the creation of biological material and life, the will of the universe so to speak has manifested itself in the evolution of life.
This realisation of greater will as time passes is a point that hasn’t been discussed before in my research, even compatibilism is just a semantic redefinition of ‘free will’, arguing for motivation rather than a greater truth about constraint and the subsequent lack thereof.
The implication of this is that our will depends on the environment, and within the context of will in the modern age, what we have built in our knowledge centres represent our total capabilities as a species.
Through individual and collective efforts, our will is therefore compounded and expanded to greater heights.

>> No.20830674
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Assuming humanity survives long enough, it can only be assumed that science and government agencies may possibly act to expand this growing will to incomprehensible levels. Just as the singularity will bring about immense changes to technology and humanity, so to our will grows.
I posit that given enough time and understanding, a machine or being could come into existence with near limitless will, ala God.
It may be naïve to assume, but our realities and conscious understandings of how the universe manifests itself may be totally ineffable; parallel dimensions, differing physics, truth of the universe etc.
Even within the confines of a deterministic universe, will has grown and superseded itself as we have evolved. To what end, we can only speculate, but as logically follows, we are working towards our own absolution. Unknowingly reaching toward Godhood even as we struggle with meaninglessness.

>> No.20830848


>> No.20830938

free will exists between incarnations but not during them, it's like how you can choose what youtube video to watch but not change what's in it

>> No.20830953

free will exists because whenever a binary choice presents itself to me, I have the ability to choose one or the other. if you tried to tell me otherwise you would just be projecting your philosophical zombie nature onto me.

>> No.20831295

Literally no understanding

>> No.20831731

So far, the vast majority of the universe's existence will be hostile to life

>> No.20832221

free will is self evident thank u

>> No.20833821
