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20824189 No.20824189 [Reply] [Original]

Why do his works give off such a powerful midwit aura? Is it the fans? Or the man himself?

>> No.20824214
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>> No.20824220

It’s probably just you.
Dimwits can’t tell quality from “midwit”

>> No.20824245

It does? I feel like they were trite and bland.

>> No.20824255

I'd say his fanbase is worse than the man himself

>> No.20824256

I’m getting that aura from your post right now.

>> No.20824266

His haters are worse than his fanbase. Fact.

>> No.20824278

He was the Breadtube of his day

>> No.20824292

You really need to go back

>> No.20824410
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>Why does this board give off such a powerful midwit aura? Is it the anons? Or the mods themselves?

>> No.20824433

>literally writes a whole novel because of his cognitive dissonance about his romanticized leftist ideals and the reality how how those ideals inevitable crush the human spirit with terrifying man made horrors

>> No.20824438

>Talks about authors he’s never read.
You don’t belong here.

>> No.20824442

my statement is objectively true

>> No.20824443

I would say he does belong here, since nobody on /lit/ reads anything

>> No.20824447

Both. Most of the people quoting his work have absolutely no idea of who the guy was personally. I presume if they found out the man was a huge democratic socialist their minds would explode. And as for the man himself, pretentious hypocrite just like everyone else who went to support republican spain. HIs books are condescending garbage even if you separate the art from the artist.

>> No.20824459

I mean I got into Orwell as a teenager. I read 1984 and Animal Farm. They were probably the first books I had read with any literary merit. I don't think he is a "pseud" but his books are definitely not advanced literature so I can see why one would consider them midwit core. I was also interested in Jordan Peterson at the time who's work is basically midwit core psychology with some theology and philosophy as well. Definitely would place 1984 and Animal Farm towards the beginning of an introduction to literature reading list, but that doesn't make them bad, as long as you move beyond them to more advanced literature and don't act like understanding Orwell makes you special (the issue people have with the fanbase is likely that they do this).

>> No.20824710

Why do you?

>> No.20824733


>> No.20824735

I've never really met a whole lot of them unless you speak of Huxley fans who aren't actually hating him per se

>> No.20824948

checked and kekd

>> No.20825759

The books are good, most people who scream about them are idiots.

>> No.20825781
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Daily reminder Orwell would be a Fascist now if he saw what Liberal Democracy has become. From the control of language, the destruction of his land and the utter contempt the elites have for the average man.

>> No.20825788

>Leftypol is trying to grift with antisemitism to make socialism more appealing
Fuck off

>> No.20825808
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Are you trying to imply Fascism is left-wing purely because it has socialism in? This is the same logic troons use, if you call it a woman it must be a woman.

Right Wing - Local/Nation, Verticle Heirarchy, class collaberation and the world-view that life is a struggle to be continued throughout life.

Left Wing - International, horizontal heiarachy, class is everything, the utopia is over the horizon.

Your shitwit take that right = freedom and left = muh gubmint is retarded.

>> No.20825813

You can't be socially conservative and economically leftist at the same time. The economic base determines the political superstructure. Licentious social spending encourages laziness. Conservative social spending encourages frugality. Your beliefs are inherently contradictory, and this is obvious you're a leftist pretending you're right-wing. Its so obvious with you types. Go back to leftypol, tranny.

>> No.20825818

His works are often the first, and only, "smart" books that non-intellectual people read. This leads to Orwell's association with idiots who quote his work without understanding it on their Facebooks or whatever, but it doesn't impact their literary merit.

Down and Out in Paris and London is fantastic, even if he made most of it up.

>> No.20825824

>Daily reminder Orwell would be a Fascist now if he saw what Liberal Democracy has become.
He became a liberal because he thought communism was too fascist. He literally fought alongside anarchists in Spain who tortured priests to death.

>> No.20825834

Leftist antisemitism isn't a new development. See Stalin's Doctor's Plot and the "anti-zionist" pogrom in Poland after the Six Day War.

>He literally fought alongside anarchists in Spain who tortured priests to death.

They were probably nonces, in fairness.

>> No.20825841
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>You haven't even read him, how can you disagree with me

>> No.20825844
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>Licentious social spending encourages laziness.
If that were true, Europe, which has the most sophisticated social net the world has seen, would never been able to become what it is. You are unwilling to admit that ethnicity is far more positively corralated with laziness, lack of motivation and general shit behavior when on welfare, but you won't admit that.

If my beliefs were contradictory, why did Germany, which had a safety net that suppassed every nation up until that point for native Germans up to and including paying up to 20% on house-loans for every child, take on the entire might of Europe and nearly win? If what you said was true these lazy, supported Nazis would never got off their hoops to invade.

And when he views what they became, it is likely he would recant and refute his position and embrace one more aligned with his highest values.

You accuse me of what you are, lefty-pol trying to discourage the exploration of a fascist government and what it can do if supported.

>> No.20825860

Please, he would be a DSA head that got me-too'd

>> No.20825993
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>hes a phone poster that not only doesnt use one of the apps like kuroba, but also uses chrome
i shiggy diggy. not reading anything you said after realizing that

>> No.20826150
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>does not refute anything stated
>jew journo

>> No.20826187

how would i refute it if i didnt read it you dumb fucking nigger kys

>> No.20826198

Orwell ripped off the Russian book "We" for 1984.
Orwell wrote a book review of "We" a year before he started writing "1984."
So his only original work is "Animal Farm."

>> No.20826219
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>I presume if they found out the man was a huge democratic socialist their minds would explode.
Orwell seemed like a more talented Paul Mason, or became something like Mason. That guy is like, yeah, we need socialism and capitalism is bad, and "I'm on the left," also I work in the British media and btw someone just leaked my emails where I'm plotting to destroy the evil tankies who criticize NATO, criticize intervention in Syria and criticize Western governments supporting the Ukrainian side in the war. There's a reason Mason, like Orwell, are "compatible" with mainstream Western opinion. Orwell was writing up lists of various communists and "fellow travelers." It's all very British and two-faced. But Orwell had some keen insights on various political phenoma in the modern age, and I like some of his journalism.

>He literally fought alongside anarchists in Spain who tortured priests to death.
Well, Orwell was part of the POUM which wasn't anarchist, but fought alongside anarchists. The POUM was like an ephemeral and quasi-Trotskyist outfit that paradoxically tended to be more "radical" in a libertarian socialist way than the Stalinists, as the Stalinists were the ones who believed in making alliances with non-socialist republican forces in the Popular Front with a "win the war first, then revolution" strategy.

>take on the entire might of Europe and nearly win
The Nazis never came close to winning.

>> No.20826230

>you are... A... LE JEW

>> No.20826291

Because they're political critique written in the form of simplistic children's stories and genre fiction so as to reach the midwit audience. Orwell is, and I say this without irony, peak midwitticism.

>> No.20826316
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>If that were true, Europe, which has the most sophisticated social net the world
But they don't? They have a regular welfare state like any country, and they only have it because many of them are monarchies with sovereign oil funds like Norway.
>why did Germany, which had a safety net that suppassed
But none of this true. And Western Europe is very degenerate. Its largely atheist, has a lot of immigration, legal abortion, gay marriage, and even transgender rights. They also make holocaust denial illegal.

>> No.20826328

>Being so new you don't realize you aren't talking to the same people
Just go back retard. Also, the EU has an unemployment rate of twice the US, and historically has higher unemployment rates than US. They are very lazy, and much of their welfare state has been privatized because of it.

>> No.20826371

The US has a welfare state, just like every other state
>Food Stamps
>Section 8 subsidized housing
>Social Security
>Pell Grants
>Unemployment insurance
>Internet subsides
>Heating Assistance
>Transportation subsides
You far-left retards need to stop lying about the US. You're just lazy.

>> No.20826386

He's right and you're seething for nothing, predditor.

>> No.20826402

First revisionists thesis were made by commie historians, and you got plenty of examples showing most commies were antisemitic.

>> No.20826424

>Why do his works give off such a powerful midwit aura?
Exactly the thing a midwit would say

>> No.20826431

Communism just means kike. Just because kikes kill each other doesn't mean they hate being Jewish; they hate being out-Jew'd

>> No.20826452

I like him but he’s definitely a mid-tier writer. He’s the kind of writer who is good to read if you want to write something yourself, because his level is good yet achievable.

>> No.20826561
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>Fascism is exactly the same as socialism because charlie kike told me
>left means less freedoms, right means more freedom
>Trump is not a jewish puppet

>> No.20827169

>falling for the "LE JEWS" conspiracy theories
>failing to realize that corporations and pharmaceutical companies hold American presidents in their pocket and dictate their moves
If only real life politics were as simple as The Jews are in control of everything.

>> No.20827192

lots of other books i think are much better in terms of overall quality but 1984 is still my favorite dystopian novel just because of how blunt it is. i enjoyed brave new world as well but i think 1984s simplicity is a strength, it feels very believable to me and its darkly compelling to learn more about this alternate world.

>> No.20827601

No. I read it again and he’s still stupid. So it would seem evident that you are as well.

>> No.20827690
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>failing to realize that corporations and pharmaceutical companies hold American presidents in their pocket and dictate their moves

I wonder what groups are overrepresented in these industries.

>> No.20827706

he was as good as you can be while having been so heavily influenced by Lenin and Trotsky.