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/lit/ - Literature

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20820190 No.20820190 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever read in public to impress women?

>> No.20820199

I've had several women tryin to impress me with reading. One arthoe asked my flatmate about my favorite authors and then always sat in front in me classes and read them. I'm gay lol.

>> No.20820203
File: 707 KB, 1070x549, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have ordered (picrel on the right), out of print ancient version of the book I already own, just to take it to the public place and unironically hold it above my head SO everyone in a public transport could see what im reading (people who have read it and like it, all have cars anyway so no one woulld get it)

>> No.20820209
File: 98 KB, 920x920, oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Pic is me. I picked up a 7/10 and shat on her back. We have a chad son now named Barry.

>> No.20820211

I don't read for women just like I don't lift for women. I do it because I enjoy it. I'm currently reading american psycho so there's no way I would be reading it in public to attract someone even if I wanted to.

>> No.20820212

A Chinese girl whipped out Anna Karenina in front of me on the metro the other day, she was <10 pages in.
I'll never forget the black girl on the train six years ago who was <5 pages into Crime and Punishment.
Me? I fall asleep if I read on public transport.

>> No.20820213

i can't think of any dudes who fuck who read. reading is gay.

>> No.20820215

This guy is reading shoe dog, a memoir by the creator of NIKE. Boring spoonfeed stuff for a dumb wannabe intellectual, I assume ofc.

What he reading?

I actively judge better based on type of content they consume. This is one of the many ways I use other people to feel good about myself.

>> No.20820219

I fuck! Dudes; I fuck and then I read. God, that's gay.

>> No.20820220

shoe dog is actually pretty interesting. running shoes didn't just drop from the sky, someone made them a thing, and the guy who wrote she dog was one of those people. i don't think anyone who would read a book by a business founder wants to be an intellectual. just look at how that dude is dressed, he's clearly not interested in posing as a dark academic or whatever.

>> No.20820224
File: 38 KB, 540x521, tumblr_ba0b7e6bff681404778c8bc82847d68e_9e6bbac2_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make sure I have at least one book in my car at all times. I guess it all depends on the time and place. Reading under a tree is way different than reading at a football game

>> No.20820229

Based. Now you gave me an idea of bringing Prousts 3000 page, 1 single book print edishon and open it 10 pages from the end.

>> No.20820232

i don't really like reading in public unless there are no men in my peripheral vision because they're all fucking gay and only think about their dicks and take me looking down at my book as showing submission or looking at their dicks because they're fucking gay and illiterate and literally satanic
fuck man, why is everyone so fucking stupid, illiterate, and gay?! and then they say that literature is gay, ugh

>> No.20820233

isn't that guy some well-known model?

>> No.20820245

No one on lit is straight

>> No.20820247

People dress liked that are exactly the type to read new york bestsellers.
They read to seem refined, and sophisticated. By reading books recommend by other intellectuals. They dont read for entertainment but because they want to be perceived better than the hoi polloi, a section of society which they obviously despise. It's a whole lifestyle for them. All of this is assumed btw

Also barefoot running is allegedly better though so there is that

>> No.20820248

EVERYONE on lit is straight

>> No.20820271

what the hell? imagine posting this on /lit/. also, if you think running barefoot is better than running with shoes, next time you go for a run, leave your shoes at home and see how it goes.

>> No.20820293

All in the game yo, best be locked into devious mindsets if u wanna stay in the game.

>No definitive conclusions can be drawn on the risks or benefits to running barefoot, shod, or in minimalist shoes.
Nothing in favor or against empirically, so logic must reign supreme.
I wonder, would a relative new intervention be able to surpass thousands of years of evolution? Now that is a tricky one... :^)

>> No.20820302

>>No definitive conclusions can be drawn on the risks or benefits to running barefoot, shod, or in minimalist shoes.
science, everybody.

>> No.20820307

yea modern academia is a shitshow :/

>> No.20820316

every morning and evening, on my way to work and back in the metro

>> No.20820318

What? what's the problem?

>> No.20820323

why does his chin look glued on?

>> No.20820324

I read books on my phone so it doesn’t impress anyone, as from their point of view I could be scrolling tiktok or whatever gay shit normies do

>> No.20820390

>my favorite type of men
Rich and handsome? How original, thank you roastie for this hindsight

>> No.20820398 [DELETED] 

that reminds me of some post from a catholic chick who was like "why are all the men at my church such weak nerds, why isn't there anyone like jason momoa"? it's like ya idk why aren't there any movie stars in your church, lady. try going to mass in los angeles i guess?

>> No.20820413

>running shoes didn't just drop from the sky, someone made them a thing
Fascinating insight, anon

>> No.20820429 [DELETED] 

ok, you can go back to reading where the crawdads sing, roastoid.

>> No.20820453

Imagine looking like that guy. Instead I was assigned a character model with -999 reputation. And if I work really hard and improve myself I can reach -997.

>> No.20820456

How long were you shagging your flatmate

>> No.20820473

>My fav type of men

Handsome and tall? Very original

>> No.20820481

ya but even if you look like that guy if you have autism you still won't fuck except maybe really horny chicks who force the issue

>> No.20820494


>> No.20820498

>My fav type of men:
>extremely handsome

>> No.20820499

>I'm gay lol.
Lol this guy is gay

>> No.20820505

Hes right. You and everyone else on this board is essentially what he described. Go browse one of the 4 Nietzsche threads and discuss shit that doesn't matter with other boring people. Maybe you can get them to read about some faggot who made shoes while you're there.

>> No.20820518

Is he wearing jeans with a suit jacket? Whoever made that has a shit taste in men.

>> No.20820568

Lol this is a fag lmao

>> No.20820632

...up gay

>> No.20820649

This might genuinly be the best looking man I've ever seen #nohomo

>> No.20820664

Dudes who fuck really do not seem to waste their time on a lot of things. They do not read for fun, they do not read to self-improve, and they do not read to learn. Of course it is silly to suppose that they are simply complete beings on their own, but that is exactly what women think. They think that a true man simply dropped from the heavens onto the earth, sort of like Mr. Bean. Women do not want a "man in progress", which is why they reject younger men and prefer older men. A man "is", while an actual male human being always "will be".

>> No.20820690

What's the pokemon book called, where can I buy it and what's it about?

>> No.20820740

You don't get out much, do you? Almost everyone who has an at least decent personality fucks and it has nothing to do with reading. There are no parrallells to draw there.

You obviously don't, which makes it weird that you make so many loose assumptions about things you have no experience in.

>> No.20820747

This video is made by a fag, you can see the creator's pfp on the right.

>> No.20820750

its not hard to find things if you arent stupid

>> No.20820756
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During covid, we got 2 or 3 hour lunches to keep more people on site during the day. I would take a book and cigar and would sit out in the stock yard to read. Women from the officr would find reasons to wander out and strike up conversation. I was too autistic to realize at the time.

>> No.20820757

Why did my reply trigger such a strong emotional response from you?

>> No.20820758

>you can see the creator's pfp on the right.
Nigga, isn't that Ryan Gosling?

>> No.20820760

>I'm gay
thats gay bro

>> No.20820766

Exactly, bitches want Mr. Bean.

>> No.20820791
File: 83 KB, 486x599, 1652924596212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women do not want a "man in progress", which is why they reject younger men and prefer older men

Nobody wants a work in progress if that progress is still below what is typically expected of their age and experience. Nobody deserves a chance to show they are special inside, if you were it would manifest without a spouse. Not all progress is valued the same.

Cultivate beauty and you will attract it.

>> No.20820804

Nigga I haven't been single since I was like 13 what are you on about? If you aren't retarded or fat you shouldn't have a problem getting laid. Hell even fat dudes fuck

>> No.20820818

He's correct statistically though. You're just in a bubble.

>> No.20820842

Ok tallfag

>> No.20820846
File: 50 KB, 414x474, 1654281298642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're implying this is not thr natural order. Poor examples of their species typically do not reproduce. If you are without companionship it is because you give off the sentiment that you are low value. The dirty sectet nobody wants to admit is that they themselves are the reason they are alone, not women, women have behaved as they always have.

Three things men can do to fix almost all their problems. Lift, wash and stop playing video games. But you won't. Like a woman you will demand the situation change to suit you.

>> No.20820853

>implying that the real reason isn't the fact that men cannot just rape their way into reproducing

Do you think physically unattractive people have always been locked out of reproducing?

>> No.20820857

No because I'm not attractive

>> No.20820860

>Three things men can do to fix almost all their problems. Lift, wash and stop playing video games.
I do all these things, were are my women? I thought they're supposed to magically appear in my life???

>> No.20820863

>women have behaved as they always have
Women had no sexual liberties for thousands of years, up until 50 years ago it wasn't normal for a young woman to have 20+ bodycount.

>> No.20820874
File: 432 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20220808-160057_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, ugly people can be high value mates.

Sucks man.

Men have also changed, it was weak men that allowed it. Now, instead of trying to remedy the issue, you bemoan it online. Your world-view is warped by the media you consume. I encourage you to change it.

You are not mad that women have a high body count, but mad you are not among them. Same as blacks, they are not mad at whites for having the whip, they resent not having it themselves.

>> No.20820877

I don't speak Ruski you goddamn commie

>> No.20820890

>but mad you are not among them
No, I actually adored women until I started having sex with them - just as media told me to - but finding out that I'm "one of them", one of many, is why I don't bother anymore.

>> No.20820918

>I don't read for women just like I don't lift for women. I do it because I enjoy it.

youre 100% a virgin and under 6 foot tall

>> No.20820927

>up until 50 years ago
Nah, quite a bit earlier than just 50 years ago, depending on the location. They started having those liberties quite a few decades earlier. There were giga sluts 300 years ago, but I guess you could say it was a little more difficult to be one.

>> No.20820938

LMFAO THat'S gay!!

>> No.20820961

You're right - pampered aristocrats, bohemians, actresses, whores etc. Women will always be sluts if it's acceptable in their social environment. But 99% of them simply weren't allowed such liberties.

>> No.20820980
File: 169 KB, 310x325, 1652235077652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christianity began with a jewish minx telling a lie. Women have always done this.

>> No.20820982

5'10 and lost my virginity at 14. So half right.

>> No.20821005

>but finding out that I'm "one of them", one of many, is why I don't bother anymore.
Scared of the competition with bigger dicks?

>> No.20821010


>> No.20821052

That's a factor obviously, my dick is average (16 cm) so any decent girl already had much larger Chad dicks pressed against every inch of her body. It's not a pleasant thought. But what's worse is that all these women have tons of emotional baggage, BPDs and grotesquely inflated egos because of social media simps. Sex is easy but they're undateable.

>> No.20821080

I tried getting girls by being the mysterious, quiet public reader of classic literature and bring up literature references whenever I can but I'm getting ZERO pussy over here. He doesn't fawn over him because he reads, she does so because he is pretty.

>> No.20821113

Oh no anyway

>> No.20821140

There are two ways a man can live his life: taking "women's being impressed" as ontologically real, or taking "women's being impressed" as something as ephemeral as what pocket monster trading card game the kids currently in primary school are playing

The latter has a kind of relative reality, it is no doubt real in a sense, you might even care about it in a local way if your little brother or the kid you're babysitting starts telling you about Sneedmonsters. But it has no objective, ontological reality. You don't go around WORRYING about whether you've failed to keep up with the Sneedmonsters meta. That stuff is for kids. It's only situationally relevant if you choose to care about a specific kid.

Whether a woman is impressed by you or interested in you or not has even less ontological reality than a little kid's Sneedmonster opinions, because at least the latter has some kind of objective content and the kid probably takes it seriously. Women aren't even GOOD at their equivalent of sneedmonsters, they just play random shit, spill the deck all over the carpet and step on the cards and so on. Sadly it is the norm for men to take womansneedmonsters completely seriously, as if it's a metaphysical substance that ought to be accruing to them. They walk around thinking "I hope that soon to be cat lady thinks I'm nifty." If a group of little kids said to me "you don't even know who Sneedler is?!" and started laughing I would just be like "haha no who's sneedler, this some kinda gay game? I used to play shit like this," but if a group of women says "lmao you didn't sneed right," men will start palpitating and stuttering and asking for their forgiveness like a pathetic loser. Always remember, you can just beat those kids / women up and take all their cards any time.

>> No.20821156

I'm 5'9" bro. But I am attractive.

>> No.20821164
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>> No.20821168

Originial poster, who just revisited thread is here.
If you'd notice, theres a heavy difference between original post and sudden emotional/unprovoked response random anon has given. Deducing from that, a conclusion can be made thats its not the same person. But due to my Pelevin shilling, that anon already knew that its translation is "Numbers" , cause I heavily believe he is not Russian.

>> No.20821208
File: 1.41 MB, 1024x1114, ellul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just reminded me. A few years ago a (female) classmate noticed and asked me what I was constantly reading on my phone. She didn't seem to get or particularly enjoy listening to me explain Ellul to her.

>> No.20821224

She was probably thinking
>why is this faggot reading a technology critic on a technological device

>> No.20821231

I read a lot in public (just incidentally) and I get asked probably 2-3 times a month by relatively attractive and young women what I'm reading, and I've never had any of them be pleased with my answer. For the longest time I wondered why, I tried adjusting my answers to be more general and vague, I tried being more honest and specific, and obviously I considered the possibility that I am being a creep in some subtle way I can't detect just by giving my answer. But I think the real answer is simply that they are hoping it will be something they can talk to me about and break the ice with, and they don't want anything "weird." What this means in their world is that they need it to be some accessible fiction, with human interest elements that can be immediately talked about. They want the conversation to go like this
>What are you reading
>It's called Sarah's Special Willow-Tree, it's about a HUMAN WOMAN who LOST SOMETHING and she's SAD
>Ohhh that sounds good should I read it
>Yes, now give me your telephone number please

Instead what happens is this
>What are you reading
>It's called Man in the Age of Technology, by Arnold Gehlen
>O-Ohhh h-haha I ain't never done heard of that before or nothing
>I like it.

>> No.20821250

That has little to do with the book you're reading. A skilled conversationalist could easily keep the conversation going, ask her a question, then shift the conversaiton to a more general level of reading and books. Say the book you're reading is boring and ask her what she's been reading, if she can recommend anything etc. There are lots of options.

>> No.20821257

This is true for most people though, attractive women or not. If they're not "cultured" or a pseud, they'll probably have no idea what you're talking about. And since you know more than them, the responsibility of driving the conversation forward is on you. You'll just have to be a good enough talker and not completely socially retarded to convey just how interesting whatever you're reading is. This usually works and keeps the interaction from being horribly awkward but the person who approached you has to participate, of course. This girl didn't.

>> No.20821258

But it's not boring, it's very exciting and Arnold Gehlen was even a member of the NSDAP. Are "skilled conversationalists" just liars?

>> No.20821267

>Are "skilled conversationalists" just liars?
No. You don't have to lie about anything. Just be passionate and well-spoken.

>> No.20821293

What the two anons said. You don't have to lie tho. When she says she never heard of it, just say
>Yeah, many people don't know it haha. What book are you reading at the moment?
And then just keep the conversation.

>> No.20821355

gen Z men can't fuck

>> No.20821359

Holy shit GAY lmfaooo

>> No.20821363

>gen Z
pick one

>> No.20821387

I used to but I'd freeze up every time they'd ask me what I was reading. I do this even with my parents, so it's probably something psychological.
Now I read in public because doing it at home feels uncomfortable, and the background noise doesn't bother me.

>> No.20821397
File: 20 KB, 350x248, 1660061459415975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and it worked. AMA.

>> No.20821440

kys sodomite

>> No.20821460

They’re either normies or people extremely good at pretending to be normies, ie: psychopaths

>> No.20821473


>> No.20821476

Where do you read? I read in the train and no one ever approached me (well not that I would want them to, my commute is just middle aged african men)

>> No.20821483

holy shit this looks like some schizo masterpiece

>> No.20821531

not necessarily. they just avoid topics that are not interesting to the other party.

>> No.20821540

fuck off

>> No.20821598

Spoken like a true person who doesn't fuck at all or even leave his house. You speak as if they are some mystical higher being lmao

>> No.20821746

Judging from the green text sample conversation down there you don't know how to talk to women. You could've easily got them no joke. You need to find a way to make it about them. I don't know what you're reading there but let's say it's about space travel or some shit. When she said "oh I've never heard of that" you could say "its a book that features ways to make long distance space travel possible, I've always found myself drawn towards the stars. Have you ever wondered what could be out there"? Make whatever it is about them.
You're welcome

>> No.20821767

dude a big part of why women dont want younger guys is because they do stupid shit. it has nothing to do with 'not made it yet'. if he isnt a retard and is developing like a normal person he should be able to find a partner his own age. older guys simply have what they want in the present.

>> No.20821817
File: 173 KB, 938x528, 21B8DBED-DD7F-47A4-B803-CEB2F4547D8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've always found myself drawn towards the stars. Have you ever wondered what could be out there"?

>> No.20821837

Yea u need to stop giving advice on women.

>> No.20821849

Love from Kazakhstan.
I hate reading more than I hate women.

>> No.20821860

Found the Kazakh nigger.

>> No.20821893


>> No.20821907

greentext it

>> No.20821932

The only way this will work is if you're reading bank statements

>> No.20821939

>A man "is", while an actual male human being always "will be".

>> No.20821944
File: 80 KB, 637x889, 1273925577342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a confession OP
While I have never read in public to attract attention I would sometimes pretend to search for something in my wallet while talking to hot girls in order to by "accident" drop my mensa membership card
And it would work, forgive me

>> No.20821946

that man could have been playing roblox on his tablet the slag would have posted the same shit.
it's never what's being done, it's who's doing it.

>> No.20822370

Okay will switch to pc soon and type it as it may be long.

>> No.20822439

What's the point even living if you don't look like this? :(

>> No.20822475

>t. The Same anons who thought i was faking my tinder threads on /b/
I tried. Keep thinking women aren't all carbon copies of eachother and you can just get any chick by saying bullshit. Good luck

>> No.20822535
File: 110 KB, 700x1050, f76-1448338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be UK Norf FC lad, 25yo
>2016 just after the election in the USA
>I wore a red MAGA hat for partly lulz but Trump is the only remotely based candidate in decades too
>I am in a very very liberal pro-EU and pro-Labour Party bar in Norf of England
>I had a kindle and was reading a book
>The two chicks sat next to me on the long bench thing
>One is a strawberry blonde qt and another is turbo autist librarian looking bitch
>Not the librarian you are thinking of, she was aspergery and smelt weird
>qt looked a bit like pic rel but not that perfect or air brushed
>After they were talking for a while, apropos of nothing, blonde wheels on me
>Little qt smirk
>She says "whattya reading?"
>She had an implacable Euro accent so I didn't say I was reading the Turner Diaries
>"Lord of the Rings"
>"Oh great! I like LOTR, but I think it is a bit of an undertaking so I haven't read it in ages"
>"I prefer The Hobbit actually" I say with my most charming and detached tone possible
>"Oh my god, thank you!!! I have been sayng it for years" she says with real lean-in interest
>Without a beat being missed she asked if the hat was ironic or serious
>I say both
>She gives me a shit test "it is either ironic or serious, it cannot be both?!"
>I double down and say "okay, let me rephrase, it is a jolly good time and it is deadly serious too"
>She starts the shit test conveyer belt
>We talk for maybe 15 minutes
>I make sure to include her friend and state my points with determination and didn't budge
>She leans in and nods along, she is interested, I do not compromise or agree to disagree ONCE
>After a while I tell her (tell) that I am buying us all drinks, she says ok, we continue
>I go up for more but she stops me and tells me it is her round (bitch buying ME drinks? sheeit)
>After however long the bar closes and we all step out
>I ask about her charming accent, she says German, so I am glad I wasn't honest
>I say where and she says it is in Europe (teasing me)
> I roll my eyes and say "no, are you Bavarian or...." and she acts shocked, and slaps my arm
>She was from Westphalia
>She invites me and her friend to a late bar but I hate the place and I reluctantly excuse myself
>She says "I am glad you didn't just blow off my questions and call me a snowflake"
>I said "no no never, I hate that nasty term, it is rude.... I much prefer Libtards"
>She is in stitches, rosy cheeks, sparkly eyes, and sweetly tells me goodnight
>I was about a month or two out of the worst relationship of my life, so I wasn't invested
>Glad it ended politely, and gave me a much needed confidence boost, I was in much pain

>> No.20822617

You can make a template out of that picture.
You can put everything between his hands. A Switch, a Sonic figurine, a dragon dildo or a Mayhem vynil.
It will still be the type of most women.

>> No.20822621

Wholesome Norf lit lad.

>> No.20822649

Thanks pal. I stayed a regular in that bar for the next 5 or 6 years. It closed down last weekend. All my current friends except one are from that place after I decided to un-isolate my self after a very bad relationship. It has been nice reminiscing about this time. Thanks again pal. I will miss that wholesome little pub.

>> No.20822661


Sorry, it just needed to be said. It's an instinctual reaction when someone mentions theyre a faggot

>> No.20822737

Good work norfener.

>> No.20822756

Ta our kid

>> No.20823015

Best post so far. I'll take that for life.

>> No.20823040



>> No.20823044

nice for being gay

>> No.20823048

I don't hate the gays.

>> No.20823059

The most boring of all personalities. Shouldn't you be watching a marvel movie or something?

>> No.20823082

you're taking life advice from an incel lol

>> No.20823102

>everything life affirming and disdainful of peer pressure is incel
>everything idiosyncratic or intense is meds
>everything noncynical is cringe
The box you twitter tourists live in is very small

>> No.20823108
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>> No.20823109 [DELETED] 

>They dont read for entertainment but because they want to be perceived better than the hoi polloi, a section of society which they obviously despise.
you're the one promoting genre fiction trash. i've noticed there are posters that are so out of it they can't even coherently engage with threads. i mean there have been a lot of chuds, shills, and wackos over the years, but now we are getting like legitimately stupid people.

>> No.20823253

based handsome gay bro

>> No.20823260

Based fagchad turning down chicks and sitting on dicks

>> No.20823272

The guy is so handsome he makes the women look bad.
So why would I prefer the women? Why can't I jerk off to men? Why has fate cursed me so?

>> No.20823275

Yeah and it backfired kek.

>reading some Carl Sagan's book at college
>two qts walk by
>I make eye contact with one and kind smile at eachother
>10min later they come back
>the girl that I smiled sit at the end of my bench
>mom's spaguetti
>literally silence from me
>start sweating and visible uncomfortable
>about 3mins later she stands up and leaved
>never bring a book again to school

>> No.20823291

>good looking
I will now read you

>> No.20823305

no, I wear YSL and stay skinny to impress women

>> No.20823352
File: 60 KB, 907x1360, 3820D3EA-AB11-4E05-9293-8CBF7EFEE64A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will reading Guénon (pbuh) in public attract qts?

>> No.20823362

I read all the time at the coffee shop and never get approached.

It’s because the women are too shy right? Right guys??

>> No.20823393

Shut up, child

>> No.20823459

yo dis nigga gay af

>> No.20824267

I wanna reply to the gay man too. I had sex with men too, I kinda liked it.

>> No.20824273

We salute this absolute legend!

>> No.20824588

based gaychad

>> No.20824595

>caught coworker(female) reading
>Chatted about books
>I'm a sci-fi autist and she likes "grounded stuff"
>Offered some of my books since she said the one she's reading is "a bit too depressing to read during work hours"
>Only have 19th century stuff meeting the criteria
>"Don't worry anon I still gotta finish mine"
I would really like to get to know her more but I haven't asked her out because our work schedule is opposite and would make that impossible, meanwhile we could bond through literature but idk what to get
Any suggestions?

>> No.20824857

I dislike gays, but I dislike women more, so based in the end I guess.

>> No.20825181

Lol that’s gay

>> No.20825324
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>have an editor at my job who has a MFA in lit, extremely well read
>she comes to my office during her lunch break and sees I'm reading Ulysses
>chat with her about Joyce and reading in general, tell her I'm reading it with an online group
>she says that her instructors in college spent a whole two weeks on the text, which was unusually long
>mfw it took me 2 months to read with /lit/

>> No.20825341

>autodidact on /lit/ discovers college kids are smarter than him
not uncommon

>> No.20825427

>is nazi
>literally doesn't understand conversations

>> No.20825458

I'm about to go do this later in the afternoon

>> No.20825644

>Going on tinder
Please stop embarrassing yourself. I swear I will get you the help u deserve, JUST HOLD ON. Don't do anything rash now!

>> No.20825663

Even never having heard of Guenon they will simply be able to tell there is not a more incel author

>> No.20825735
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Women are very easy to impress, especially with intellectual shit I'm only average looking, and I've managed to pull several women just by knowing the basic /lit/ meme books and authors.

>> No.20825741

All the time and it works great

>> No.20825882

you look better than the "average", i'd say 8-9/10

>> No.20825908

when I catch you niggers i'm so going to lynch both of you, fucking old hags. KYS ffs, you will never be young & beautiful ever again

>> No.20825915

Nice Reddit account, Gustav

>> No.20825981

anon i-....

>> No.20826015

kek based

>> No.20826041
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>this is average

>> No.20826051


>> No.20826221

incredibly based

>> No.20826556

>My female co-workers read Murder-Crime, and my male coworkers read business useful self help books
so, no. Plus any art hoe girl always just wanted to be talked to about what she was reading and never eager to discuss any other literature.

>> No.20826620

But didn’t Aristotle say that we are what we do?

>> No.20826641
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>She says "whattya reading?"
>She had an implacable Euro accent so I didn't say I was reading the Turner Diaries
>"Lord of the Rings"

Fucking jej, comedy gold

>> No.20826662
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>> No.20826667

worst fucking thread i've seen on /lit/

>> No.20826669

congrats you almost got the joke

>> No.20826696

nah he said we are what we eat

>> No.20826717

True on the low value part but the three things is normie tier advice. If you want “high value” mates it’s not a matter of “do these three things”, it’s a lot about who you are at a core. You come off as somebody who brags about attracting average women, maybe the only place somebody could brag about that and inspire jealousy is 4chan

>> No.20826777

>She was from Westphalia
Whew, dodged a bullet there.

>> No.20826796

Lmao this nigga gets fun-fun up the bum-bum lmaooooo

>> No.20826850


>> No.20826876

Ask yourself "would her behavior toward me be disrespectful or off-putting if it came from a man, and am I treating her like some special flighty forest nymph who is entitled to me casting my recommendations at her feet and hoping she deigns to talk to me about them simply because I want to fuck her" repeatedly and continuously throughout all your exchanges with her, and if she disrespects you knock all the shit off her desk

>> No.20826877

This actually bothers me the most. I've had too many girls into me because I read books. I'm like a 6/10 on a good day, and that's extremely rare since I just wear the same flannel shirts every week. But oh no, I'm somehow fucking interesting because I can namedrop meme authors! At least the girls in my lit classes are just completely stupid and don't know shit about books aside from the YA stuff they enjoy, so they're on too high of horses to realize they aren't well-read, and thus don't care for a taste of this dick

>> No.20826915

there's nothing wrong with wearing flannel shirts. you have let womeme judgements into your head. you are fine the way you are. there is no "6/10 on a good day", you are a complete human being my friend, you are not reducible to how much of a prettyboy fashionisto you are in your twenties and how many "likes" you get in w*man world. you can cure cancer, you can go to outer space, you can wear flannel the entire time you do both, and w*m*n have nothing to do with it

>> No.20826932

>i’m only average looking
Even with the obviously clenched jaw this mogs the fuck out of me. It’s over. Nay, it never even began.

>> No.20826937

My measurements are extremely precise, almost to a fault. Don't ever talk to me again, quantificationlet.

>> No.20826950

>It’s over. Nay, it never even began.

>> No.20826955

>would her behavior toward me be disrespectful or off-putting if it came from a man
no we just talked about books
>who is entitled to me casting my recommendations at her feet
It was my idea
>simply because I want to fuck her
I just want a non-scifi/non-fantasy book that both her and I can enjoy, that is also a light read because she reads during the quiet times at work
hey worst case scenario I buy, read and lend her a book I don't like that much, what could go wrong

>> No.20826957

>What he reading?
That doesn't concern you, nigger.

>> No.20826958
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>calibrating by this

>> No.20826988

A 6 outta 10 doesn't seem so bad

>> No.20827044

I don't understand this chart, I feel like there are some information missing.

>> No.20827056

>I don't understand this chart

you must be 18 or older to post here

>> No.20827062

I'm 30+ my friend. But what is this chart supposed to represent? There are no labels at all.

>> No.20827140

please leave to wherever you came from. imbecile retard fuck off, you do not belong here even as an antagonistic moron

>> No.20827149

seems like it shows the distribution of how people are rated in okcupid based on gender
Top is men rating women which turns into a normal distribution, bot is women rating man that shows the distribution being skewed towards the bottom (least attractive), meaning most men see most women as somewhat attractive, while most women see most men as unattractive

>> No.20827160

why isn't he wearing a scarf

>> No.20827213

i'm screen-capping this for future sneeding, thanks anon.

>> No.20827242

>Are "skilled conversationalists" just liars?
Yes also it helps to come from a manipulative household, can wrap most people around my finger pretty easily

>> No.20827304

Kek thanks anon I am proud of this interation and how well i handled it

She seemed very sweet what is wrong with westphalia?

>> No.20827315

Yeah but why are there 7 bars? What is this supposed to mean?

>> No.20827482
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Could be worse. At least you didn't fuck it up completely at the end like me.

>reading book in a park
>girl stops nearby and asks what I'm reading
>"lord of the rings"
>"oh, I always wanted to read that, is it any different from the movies?"
>proceed to have conversation for 5 minutes about LOTR but also book reading in general
>she mentions how after reading for 20 minutes her mind starts wandering and she has to re-read the same page like 3 or 4 times
>"I think it'd be easier if I had someone to discuss the books I'm reading with, but none of my friends are into books"
>"You could try finding some online communities for it, that's what I do"
>she says "oh alright" while staring around awkwardly for 1 minute
>excuses herself for interrupting my reading and leaves

>literally 10 seconds later the realization hits me full force
>too beta to go after her and exchange communication methods

>> No.20827503

your mother would be so disappointed if she saw this

>> No.20827529

Literally any grounded book. It’s less important that she knows it and more that you like it and can talk about it. If you think that’s really gonna give you something to talk to her about.

>> No.20827582

>>"You could try finding some online communities for it, that's what I do"
>>she says "oh alright" while staring around awkwardly for 1 minute
>>excuses herself for interrupting my reading and leaves
>>literally 10 seconds later the realization hits me full force
That's like the episode of Seinfeld where the girl asks George to come upstairs to drink coffee and he just says that he doesn't drink coffee. And right after she leaves he realizes and has a breakdown.

>> No.20827593

>Literally any grounded book
Okay but I literally only read scifi I need suggestions

>> No.20827614

Sometimes I go full sperg on purpose just to have people fuck off if im trying to read in public IP. Last time a girl sat near me on an empty train and asked me what im reading. I says Lolita. Oh cool whats it about she says. I could have just something about i was curious about all the praise it gets or i was reading it for school but i didnt feel like having a fucking conversation. I just said it was about an old man who is obsessed with a little girl who he then rapes and kidnaps her. Worked like a charm since she went and sat on another section of the train.

>> No.20827630

You read the faq?
Try some short story collections by Hemingway or Faulkner or someone to see if you like any of their writing styles. Vladimir Nabokov has a bit of sci fi in his books but they’re usually massive and I dunno if you want to commit to that.
Actually now that I think about it Thomas Pynchon might be your guy. Try Crying of Lot 49, it’s short and sweet and gets into some fun conspiracy type stuff. His books kind of touch on weird fiction/sci fi a decent bit.

>> No.20827744

haha you have SEX with MEN ahahaha

>> No.20827782

I did this multiple times in public transports and nothing happened. What's more what he writes is so unhinged that I probably looked pissed off or something

>> No.20827798

omg western civilization is crumbling! it's truly OVER!

>> No.20827834

No. I've only read once in public and I felt like a retard. I don't talk about what I'm reading unless we're already friends.

>> No.20827841


>> No.20827845

I shall buy Lot 49 looks like a fun read in general thanks

>> No.20827852

Nope. Never.

Want to impress a woman? Show competence - tell her you are self-improving and studying STEM subject. Wont elicit any reaction out of her in the short term, but after talking with her her friends she will have a higher esteem of you.
Or better yet, tell her why you are reading what you are reading.

>> No.20827860

post body

>> No.20827956

>stop playing video games
Not a chance in hell. There is nothing a woman can give me that wouldn't make me immediately regret the trade. I've only ever considered women as a fun distraction to what really is important in life, not a tumor that will devour everything else.
It's like "stop having sex and jerking off to have a successful carreer through sublimation", but worse.

>> No.20827983

I'm not trying to drag these kids to bed though, they have nothing I want, that's the real difference.

>> No.20827991

this guy probably has >>20825724

>> No.20828003

I only ever get bothered by moms advertising their daughters ...
>my, you're handsome!
>My daughter Bakes!
>you'd fit right in at our dinner table
>if I were younger...
>her current boyfriend is terrible!
It has happened 7 times now, and have been contacted by these moms whenever their daughters become single.
Little do they know that I'm set on becoming a priest. And none of their daughters are virgins.

>> No.20828011

I just wanna fuck the moms. Every time you try they just bring up their kids. A polite no thank you is all that’s required, not fuckin pity.

>> No.20828014

Can confirm, that seems to have lowered my obnoxiousness factor when getting to know new people, however women are typically uncomfortable from me being in charge of the conversaation. I'm just bad at being interested in what they bring to the conversation, or sometimes when I get genuinely interested they get scared and drop the topic, because they don't actually know much about it.

>> No.20828019

>>too beta to go after her and exchange communication methods
This is where you fucked up

I will chase down a bitch and unfold my "Please be patient, I have autism" mesh baseball cap that I always have on hand

>> No.20828040

I'm down to hear your advice, anon. The ones I get matched with usually have tomboy haircuts (don't mind much), but also "feminism" and or "vegan" in their profile. I just know I'd automatically try to offend them and listen to their reeeing to boost my battered ego.
Also what dates do you take them for, thanks

>> No.20828053
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what a post

>> No.20828069

Tell them you've read Waldun and studied Gardner and the gates to paradise will open.

>> No.20828086

So is every russian novel

>> No.20828090

Based af. Dont indulge in sodomy tho, I dont want you to go to hell

>> No.20828205

Where the fuck does this happen? Hooking up with a daughter sounds perfect.

>> No.20828275

literally all women are daughters

>> No.20828290

I've not been approached by a girl in public ever
Turning 23 this year
Should I just kms

>> No.20828299

take the acepill

>> No.20828300

Not mine, I metaphysically disowned them for being thots

>> No.20828316

You are either ugly, reek of chud aura, or are oblivious in social situations and don’t know what signs to look for

>> No.20828334
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>zoomer tarts don't like someone
>"The problem is you"

>> No.20828335

I'm definitely socially oblivious, I've not been unsuccessful in dating but every girl I did date was from my asking a female friend out, just thought that was how you were supposed to do it
Now I'm learning that there are guys who get chicks talking to them in public? What the heck man

>> No.20828349

yes but im ugly

>> No.20828350

I get your analogy and you are absolutely right but womansneedmonster is just to funny to take this post serious

>> No.20828371

>women have behaved as they always have.

On what fucking planet? Women don't even behave the way they did 10 years ago.

>> No.20828381

You would be the common denominator, so yeah, the problem is you

>> No.20828397
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poorly reasoned

>> No.20828420

Tinder can be fun to get a scouting report of a smaller area but is mostly just useful as a reminder for how completely fucked dating is anymore and deleting about an hour after you download it.

>> No.20828426
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I read everything on my phone. It's cheaper and people can't see what I'm reading. I have most of the guys at work convinced I'm well read and know a ton about literature. In reality, I only read science fiction and fantasy, easily digestible stuff. Life is so stressful, it helps me get through it all.

>> No.20828430

Ahh, so you’re one of those incel chud types, I see. Explains a lot

>> No.20828440

Anon idk if you’re aware but the guy you originally responded to wrote you back

>> No.20828451
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>> No.20828461

If I think about it, it has happened way more than 7 times.
One happened in College Biology. Teacher tried hooking me up with her daughter, she even got her daughter to grade my homework, leaving notes and such.
Another one happened when I showed some interest in a girl and her mom (she happened to be there) picked up on it. I lost interest fairly quickly, but her mom keeps up at it to this day.
Couple others were similar as well.
I started working in a lab when I was 16, and most the employees there were whamen in the 30–50-year range, work there to this day, and during that time I have been offered to meet their daughters quite a few times.
And there were a couple of randos as well, one was at Wendy's, a couple at festivals (I swear, every Mexican mom has a radar wired in).
And of course, family friends.

Out of all those times, only 2 american moms were upfront, usually it's European, Asian, or Mexican.

>> No.20828468

So the exact same thing as men?

>> No.20828477

if men swiped right on people they find genuinely interesting and want to be friends with then the % would be similar or even lower. it just so happens than men want sex, while girls don't (to the same extent)

>> No.20828479

Pay attention more. Look for girls smiling. Be more outgoing. Don’t be afraid of rejection. The cliches are true

>> No.20828496
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>> No.20828512

Firstly, you go for just looks? Secondly I’ve never taken a poll like this and neither has anyone I know. These type of charts are easily misconstrued to prove a point or are outright fake

>> No.20828518

What is data mining?

>> No.20828530

It can be manipulated to achieve desired results

>> No.20828553

gay authors are often good at writing women accurately, since they see them more objectively for what they are, without the veneer of being seduced by them.

>> No.20828565

do you unironically like old women?

>> No.20828602

bullshit. we read novellas and keep tomes on our shelves for retirement

>> No.20828618

I would rather get married to a well adjusted more mature older woman than a teenager. I’d rather just fuck the later. I’ve hooked up with some girls I shouldn’t have given my age and let me tell you, teenage girls have little going for them besides their looks. Have you ever talked to them?

>> No.20830635

Besed asf
They definitely knew what were you doing though

>> No.20830712

>never been to /lit/ before just coming to shitpost about salmon rushdie losing an eye
>first post I read is from a homo
thanks for confirming my bias about this board

>> No.20831892
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>> No.20831910

Follow your life dreams instead of going after women, then they will come to you in droves. Also, killing yourself over a woman is fucking gay. Get a hold of yourself.

>> No.20832034
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I remember once (When i was 20y old or something) reading a really basic philosophy book on a train. The train was pretty well packed with people. Suddenly a really cute girl sat next to me. Noticing what i was reading, she smiled and asked me a question about the book, something like
>Is that for school?

I said "no" and stayed silent for the rest of the trip. When i got home i felt like sticking a fucking pencil i'm my eye. Goddamn i was autistic back then. :/

>> No.20832405

I don't read on the Montreal metro because I hate homeless people and minorities, and need to keep my wits about me.

I don't read at my bookstore job because my coworker is a short, obese, pink-haired, black lesbian - and does a strange thing where she tries to both engage me in discussions on books to gain my respect / attention, and also to put down the "boring old timey" books I read, because I need "more queer, LGBT popular fiction" in my diet (or "booktok").

I also lie about my classical education at the few manoir parties that my friends drag me to. I do this because there are too many homosexual, failed 30yo men, looking for intelligent 20yo men to waste their energy and life force in order to feed their desire to feel relevant. Freaks that regret the choices they made to spend their own youth.

I have had two mid-40s men at the bookstore give me their emails or personal phone numbers because they want me to "work on a project with them" - some gay science / philosopher blog that they feel they need someone like me for.

The only place I can read in peace is the McGill university rare books section.

This city is polluted with the noise and heat of human biomass.

Silence and serenity, away from the eyes of other humans is such a rarity in modern times.

If I ever earn enough money to escape, I will never return to the overpopulated shithole of city life.

>> No.20832445

This. If you haven't yet learned that attention from other people is no longer a good thing but usually a negative, then it's because you're stuck in the infantile stage of psychological development - or your parents didn't pay attention to you enough.

>> No.20832566

You couldn't possibly sound more homosexual even with a dick in your mouth

>> No.20833531

Haha, she's probably the one who felt like an autist. Must've thought she'd offended you.

>> No.20833551

I was shocked when I realized this is a Victor Pelevin novel