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/lit/ - Literature

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20821294 No.20821294 [Reply] [Original]

I am in my late 20s. I've never been more lost in my life. Lonely, no purpose, obsessed with the past and unable to forge the future.

What should I read?

>> No.20821296

Fight club

>> No.20821304
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Start writing

>> No.20821306

French novelist Michel Houllebecq’s essay titled To Stay Alive: A Method

>> No.20821307

The myth of Sisyphus

>> No.20821328

before you get trapped in whatever self-help loop

make sure you

1. get 8 hours of sleep a day
2. exercise at least 30 minutes a day on average (3.5h/week can be spread out however)
3. Eat a sufficient amount/eat breakfast
4. Do not have a physical dependancy on any drug, including nicotine, caffeine or alcohol.
4. socialize regularly with people somewhere in some way, whether it be IRL, discord, etc

these are physical precursors to doing anything else. If you neglect these elements, changing anything in your life will be near-impossible because of how drained you will be.

>> No.20821338

>obsessed with the past
Forgive everyone who hurt you.
Also, definitely the world's religious texts but start with Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. It would also be worthwhile for you to email local religious leaders near you and talk to them.

>> No.20821346


Prepare me a seat in hell, anon, I'll be coming soon after.

>> No.20821351

I am actually writing a sort of ambitious novel, but I am always scared to write when in a downward state because it's gonna be trash.
I've seen the movie good enough right?
Will check them out thanks bros.

>> No.20821352 [DELETED] 

fuck off christnigger

>> No.20821360

Start with short stories, they're perfect for learning the craft. First novel without extensive prior practice is gonna be trash regardless of your talent, you'll end up demotivated and give up forever.

>> No.20821364

You don't have friends because you don't treat people as divinely valuable.
>no purpose
But you're writing a book. Shouldn't that fulfill you?
>obsessed with the past
Learn to forgive.
> and unable to forge the future.
I wonder why.

>> No.20821365

I feel this except I add on that I hate what I have made myself into and its bleeding into my life as resentment and self destructive tendencies (I cant stand what I do so I just dont do it and I probably will lose my job, I dont like my home life so I just isolate myself which leads to tension in personal relationships). whats worse is that I feel like im not strong enough to start over even if I knew how to do it right, even though its what I know I need to do.

>> No.20821374

>whats worse is that I feel like im not strong enough to start over even if I knew how to do it right, even though its what I know I need to do.
For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you

9 Jesus stepped into a boat, crossed over and came to his own town. 2 Some men brought to him a paralyzed man, lying on a mat. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the man, “Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven.”

3 At this, some of the teachers of the law said to themselves, “This fellow is blaspheming!”

4 Knowing their thoughts, Jesus said, “Why do you entertain evil thoughts in your hearts? 5 Which is easier: to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk’? 6 But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” So he said to the paralyzed man, “Get up, take your mat and go home.” 7 Then the man got up and went home. 8 When the crowd saw this, they were filled with awe; and they praised God, who had given such authority to man.

>> No.20821381

i can relate prettu deeply. theres a few books that have always given me a little comfort when i feel low. Books that remind me that making art is one of the greatest sources of meaning there is

The Unquiet Grave by Cyril Conolly
The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Kundera
Leonard Cohens Biography "Im your man" by sylvie simmons (yes, seriously)

hope this helps

>> No.20821391

My only advice would be, in the name of allah, not to listen any advice or book recs, you gonna get from 2022 "/lit/". Find a literary elite authority, who speaks in poetry and glows with love, while quoting western cannon in every sentense. Close your eyes and run to find that person, without reading any literary ""recs"" you get.
p.s I cant recommend one that I followed for many years, cause im 99.7% sure, you dont speak his language

>> No.20821392

You have a moral obligation to yourself as a locus of divine value

>> No.20821393

Fanged Noumena

>> No.20821396

Pynchon are you Roman Catholic yet?

>> No.20821399

I have no problem forgiving people, I have been tested at that a few time in my life and understand the relief of forgiving and forgetting people. My problem is that I am a coward and incompetent, which leads me to believe that, were I to do a full 180, trying something completely different with my life, I will not survive, or worse, survive long enough to realize its just as bad as my current situation. thanks for the attempt though.

>> No.20821404

if I could believe I was a locus of divine value I wouldnt feel this way.

>> No.20821415

>I will not survive
>But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.

>> No.20821419

You really don't have to. Talk to any priest and they believe it. I believe it.

>> No.20821454
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*mummpf..h-hummpf* *ooooohhhuumf* *heavy breathing*

>> No.20821486

I really do though if Im going to live my life in a way that takes that into account. otherwise the second shit gets bad Im going to start thinking about how bull shit that notion is and disregard it as the foolish arrogance that I actually believe it is (at least when Im in a negative mode).

>> No.20821489


>> No.20821496

>foolish arrogance that I actually believe it is (at least when Im in a negative mode).
divine value is relative to God so it's not pride at all
Misspelling canon was subtle. I'll give you that.

>> No.20821507

>Talk to any priest and they believe it.
They'll tell you whatever they need to in order to get a conversion and tithes out of you

>> No.20821521
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>> No.20821542

I'm the type of guy who would try to bribe Saint Peter to let him in through the gates.
I've been working on it for years and I want to finish the story because it's in my head. The novel being liked or successful is secondary to me.
>I feel like im not strong enough to start over even if I knew how to do it right, even though its what I know I need to do.
This hits me really hard anon. Comfy to know I am not the only one.
For me it's like, I ask myself if I will ever be happy and fulfilled again, or this is it, for the rest of my existence.
Thank you for the recs.

>> No.20821562

>I feel like im not strong enough to start over even if I knew how to do it right, even though its what I know I need to do.
>This hits me really hard anon. Comfy to know I am not the only one.
>For me it's like, I ask myself if I will ever be happy and fulfilled again, or this is it, for the rest of my existence.
thats just the weight of the world
we do what we can to get by
thats just the weight of the world
the week and the weary will never survive
thats just the weight of the world
we do what we can to stay alive
thats just the weight of the world
and we all are the week and the weary some time

>> No.20821718

Tithing doesn't exist. Have you heard of www.google.com? It's this cool website where you can find information about things.

>> No.20821735

go outside
touch grass
have sex
start with the greeks

>> No.20821742

so they don't do that collection basket thing anymore?

>> No.20821747

Oh you haven't heard of google? Maybe try duckduckgo.

>> No.20821800
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Observe the roots of your frustrations, and focus on removing them one by one. Relax and learn to follow your intuition. Deep down you know what you want to do, what is right to do. Loneliness disappears with purpose, purpose appears when you listen to yourself instead of thinking about the past and future. So just relax , and get off 4chan/internet. This place won't help ya

>> No.20821814

OK well I found this searching on brave.com

seems they still sell them

>> No.20821904

it definitely does. it may not be something the authorities condone but on a church by church bases it definitely still goes down. source: my mom allocates %20 of her paycheck to auto payments to her church and some evangelist lady she likes.

>> No.20821912

I am nearly 40. I've never been more lost in my life. Lonely, no purpose, obsessed with the past and unable to forge the future.

What should I read?

>> No.20821945
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Read near-death accounts and basically all you can about near-death experiences. Books, YouTube-videos, articles, everything. They will make you realize that

1. There is an afterlife.
2. There is meaning to life.
3. That NDErs say that the primary purpose here is to learn to love everyone and everything, no matter what. That it does not matter so much what kind of things we do, but whether we do them with no strings attached, and summon that kindness, love, and compassion on the inside of our own minds as we do it. So the meaning of life then, according to NDErs, is the small things. Whether it is helping someone with their homework, cooking dinner for our family, cleaning the bathroom, or picking up trash from the ground. Whatever it is, if we do it with love, then that is so huge on the other side, it is amazingly huge. So life is like a game where the goal is to summon as much kindness, love, compassion, and generosity as we possibly can squeeze out of our intentions. Which admittedly is definitely easier said than done!

This is by far the most compelling book on near-death experiences (NDEs) according to the actual experts in the field:


It makes a huge deal about the fact that near-death experiencers (NDErs) are representative of the population as a whole, and that when people go deep into the NDE, they all become convinced. As this article points out:


>"Statistics collected ... show that the "deeper" the NDE ... the greater the percentage of those who come away certain of the existence of the afterlife. Among those with the deepest experiences ... 100 percent came away agreeing with the statement, "An afterlife definitely exists"."

Since NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and they are all convinced, then 100% of the population become convinced that there is an afterlife when they have a sufficiently deep NDE themselves. And so would you, me, or anyone, including the most dogmatic atheists and skeptics, because it is VASTLY more self-evidently real than this puny little experience of life on Earth we have now. When you dream and wake up, you immediately realize that life is more real than your dream. When you have an NDE, the same thing is happening, but on a higher level, as you immediately realize that life is the deep, deep dream and the NDE world is the real world.

>> No.20822019

The Joyful Science

>> No.20822044

>I am in my late 20s. I've never been more lost in my life. Lonely, no purpose, obsessed with the past and unable to forge the future.
Sounds like you need to get your shit together, so stop posting on 4chan.

>> No.20822046

the closest to 100% pure cope that I have ever seen

>> No.20822234

>regardless of your talent
one thing to always remember. you can be genius, but without practice that is worth almost nothing. people might see potential in you, but that's about it. and those people still wouldn't commit, at least who could help you, when you've got nothing to show.

captcha 22222B

>> No.20822276

>NDErs say that the primary purpose here is to learn to love everyone and everything, no matter what
Gay as fuck

>> No.20822291

Let's suppose all of that is true. How does one intreprete it then? You can view it through the lens of any of the multiple world religions, spiritual doctrines and beliefs etc, and yet it still gets you nowhere. What happens after death tells you very little about your current state of existence.

And one might even interpret it as suicide being a valid option(unless you consider it a sin or whatever) - seeing as that will relieve you of this temporary physical existence and bring you to the afterlife.

>> No.20822421

show me one nde where the person has completely lost brain function. whats that? you cant because people that do lose complete brain function for even a second and are brought back are vegetables incapable of reporting their experience? weird. its almost like all of those nde's you refer to could be summed up as dreams of a dying brain trying to cope with its own demise, only to come back and tell about all the dreams it had, and not actually a report of any reality outside of its own designs. good try though.

>> No.20822431

Aren't you afraid of hell, tranny? You should be.

>> No.20822442

Not op and not religious, but this is a good option. Also contacting professors on whatever topic you are interested in. Or professionals on whatever field you have a curiosity for.
It doesn’t get any easier, but remember that there is no meaning to life, you have to make your own meaning and that whatever it is you are human and are allowed to make mistakes as everyone else. Create art anon, paint, write, read, shoot a movie with your phone.
Good luck. Wagmi

>> No.20822461

are you implying that, because I dont believe that NDEs have anything to say about what really happens after we die that I dont believe in an after life? are those 2 thing synonymous in your head?

>> No.20822468

Your king archetype is fucked like that one king in lotr. You have to read
>Warrior king magician lover
by rod boothroyd

>> No.20822660

>The authors help us profile President Trump and Pope Francis
first thing I saw while scrolling through the amazon reviews. I may still check it out but woo boy what a thing to post on the internet for the world to see.

>> No.20822711

not OP but i'm interested in who might that be

>> No.20822720

Short stories are harder to write than novels.

>> No.20823870

Came to post this.

>> No.20823887

Sartor Resartus.

>> No.20823889

Different books act as a medicine for different problems but I would recommend Epictetus as universally valuable to anyone.

>> No.20824584
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>> No.20824699

There is no helping you then. A true nigga would have had the book already downloaded on his (non amazon) ereader and not schrool through amazon reviews. Wtf

>> No.20824765

The correct answer is The Tartar Steppe.

>> No.20825771
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>> No.20826012

Go to church. Any denomination that's serious should do.

>> No.20826029 [DELETED] 

theres nothing interesting outside
my dick doesnt rise
my iq is below 100

>> No.20826342
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>your king archetype is fucked
Man, this is why people don't take depth psychology and Jung seriously. What do you even mean "your king archetype is fucked"? Just leave this stuff to brighter minds

>> No.20826437

Its all in the book. Want me to type out the entire king chapter. Get fucked retard.

>> No.20826450

>4. socialize regularly with people somewhere in some way, whether it be IRL, discord, etc
God I hate this one so much

>> No.20826468

If you read the news, then I would advise you to stop, or at least cut back to spending maybe 5 minutes a day doing so. I found myself addicted to reading the news and it would make me miserable. I only spend 5 minutes on a news site and then that's me. Try to avoid it as best you can - it's not always possible, of course, but do your best.

>> No.20826488
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12 Rules for Life

>> No.20828033


>> No.20829010
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>[..] weird. its almost like all of those nde's you refer to could be summed up as dreams of a dying brain trying to cope with its own demise, only to come back and tell about all the dreams it had, and not actually a report of any reality outside of its own designs. good try though.

>> No.20829159

number 4 filtered me hard, sorry can't do it

>> No.20829237
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I was in your position at 26 and pic related was enough of a shock to my system to get me out of it. Seeing the clear line between the way I was living and the pathetic future I could reasonably expect was profoundly unpleasant and provided the necessary impetus to change when other things (e.g. Bible, Hesse) had failed.

>> No.20829274

No shit. These don't fix anything or give you money. I've done all of this right my entire life and it got me nowhere. Meanwhile DUDE WEEED....DUDE ALCOHOL..... DOOOOD I ONLY SLEEP 4 HOURS A NIGHT retards I know have money. Basically nothing matters unless you're rich. They say money doesn't make you happy but each increase in earnings I've had monumentally improved my life. I can't believe how happy I'd be if I had enough money to not need to work ever again.

>> No.20829352

the hedonic treadmill doesn't stop spinning once you have money, poorfag

>> No.20829375
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>I am in my late 20s. I've never been more lost in my life. Lonely, no purpose, obsessed with the past and unable to forge the future.
>What should I read?

>> No.20829413

>What should I read?
Honestly, nothing, there's no point in saving you.

>> No.20830740

A Thirst for Action

>> No.20830754

>Forgive everyone who hurt you.
no way fag, the goodboy christian mentality you're pushing just makes people easy victims. the way I made peace with my past was by acknowledging that I got fucked over hard and resolving to (within reason) destroy the life of anyone who tries anything similar on me or people I care about in the future.

>> No.20830767

>They say money doesn't make you happy but each increase in earnings I've had monumentally improved my life.
Who is "they"? What this phrase means is that money can grant you freedom from work (= slavery), not that money can buy you happiness in some tangible form. This is the same view Romans and Greeks had of wealth from time immemorial, and why Aristotle did not consider labourers to possess arete, or the status of citizenship. What that phrase actually means is that excessive pursuit of wealth doesn't give you any more happiness once your freedom (= otium) is established.

>> No.20830786

i dont understand why do retards think reading will change their life
reading, like masturbation or watching tv all day, is entertainment
that is all it is
im also in my late 20s, no friends blah blah, but im joining the french fucking foreign legion next year
i quit my construction job so i can train full time, which i am doing
i have enough money for a full year of just lifting heavy things, jogging, protein dense food, and internet

the future must be built, and this is what i plan on doing, no damn book is going to bail you out, give you a meaningful or productive career or business or a family or a life goal
books are exactly like videogames, they are fun and they waste your time

>> No.20830788

>but im joining the french fucking foreign legion next year

Have fun giving your life for globohomo lmao

>> No.20830795

These threads should result in a permaban, that's the only way to save this board.

>> No.20830809

its probably completely safe, you are never fighting a superior enemy (from what i can figure out reading about recent legion deployments), you are a regular professional french unit, its no longer rapists and murderer cannon fodder, you would shoot pirates, darkies and jihadis who are too high to return effective fire, and there might be some career opportunities in it in both private sector and more professional military units if you perform well

>> No.20831005

>im joining the french fucking foreign legion next year
Why would you join some other country's B team instead of joining your own country's military? Or are you just a terminal contrarian that can't do anything you've seen people around you doing

>> No.20831099

>4. socialize regularly with people somewhere in some way, whether it be IRL, discord, etc
Fuck off, not doing it

>> No.20831108

Become a polymath.

>> No.20831454

because im from a country where average wage is 400$/month

>> No.20831481

>b team
Its a regular unit that also has paratroopers, which is usually considered elite. Especially since legionaires are extremely decorated, and much more disciplined than the regular army. Finally inside these parachutes, they have a commando group, which is a pure special forces unit.
Honestly just getting into legion snipers should be enough to land pretty much ANY security job anywhere on the globe, its probably the best career opportunity for 80% of the population.

>> No.20831501

It does if you aren't on the treadmill to begin with.

>> No.20831838
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Read the most depressive shit there is out there:

Every Cradle is a Grave
On the Height of Despair
Journey to the End of the Night
The Piano Teacher
The Loser (by Bernhard)
The Tartar Steppe
A Posthumous Confession
The Last Messaiah essay
Suicide and Attempted Suicide
The Denial of Death
Poetry of Mihail Eminescu, Emily Bronte, Edward Young and Baudalaire.

That should disconnect you from the idea that life can be good, happy and that Yaldabaoth created this world for us to enjoy :^)

At this stage you should be full of despair and hopelesness. But that's good (look up the concept of Postive Desintegration) - it's a very strong ground for what you will chose, since now you have three choices really:

a) Kill yourself.

b) Decide that you enjoy the aesthetics of hoeplesness and despair and delve into them entirerly - read books like what I've given, watch movies like them and listen to music like them. Since you write a book, it will do wonder to your art. (Read also Bataille's The Inner Expirience and Literature and Evil in that case)

c) Read de Sade's Justine, Eugénie de Franval, and Juliette. Different works will also do the trick, which is to make you a misanthrope who knows how to have fun and who will die regretting nothing.

You can connect the choice b) with choice c) - this is what I have done. It should mold you into a very interesting persona that will enjoy life in a very subjective and painful yet pleasureable way. It'll probably help you to find a very special girl with whom life won't be that much of a chore (speaking from expierience)

Also, small things but very important - exercise daily and eat well. That shit really does help.

Cheat this failed reality Anon, and live in a way that you enjoy (or not and off yourself - it's entirerly your choice) Don't compare yourself to NPC's which entire personality consists of top Netflix serieses and Spotify songs.

>> No.20831901

I felt this way a few months ago. Like the others said daily exercise, healthy diet, and socialization all help. I would also suggest a daily mindfulness practice (20 minutes minimum meditation for clinical benefit allegedly) and head over to /fa/ to start dressing better.

Reading Russian Lit (namely finishing Anna Karenina and being in wonder of the absolutely kino Levin character) began my spiral of panic, anxiety, and depression. I think Tolstoy snuck me into looking at myself as if I was actually dying. Other Russian lit is good as well.

>Read de Sade's Justine, Eugénie de Franval, and Juliette.
I got into an argument with a friend a few days when he suggested French Lit was superior to Russian Lit. Perhaps I'll read se Sade and it will say me over. I enjoy French Lit but thought it was just Russian without ripping the band-aid off.

>> No.20831935


>> No.20832872

my dairy desu

>> No.20832910


>> No.20832917

I've seen some meme chart where this is linked somehow to cyberpunk work like Gibson. What's the tie-in? It's on my read pile but curious

>> No.20833243

it's not mandatory in the Catholic Church

>> No.20833250

>but im joining the french fucking foreign legion next year
Based. Good luck anon.

>> No.20833255

at a glance, demons exist and can deceive even the dying

>> No.20833311

the combination of extreme empiricism and theological and spiritual ignorance is painful.

he takes it for granted that it is absurd to believe that every life has a purpose, that God's will is inscrutable, that God would NEVER use force in his dealings with man.

>> No.20833324


>> No.20833336

>In the New Testament, Jesus tells us that we should not judge another person, but when you die, the first thing that happens is that other beings, including Jesus, judges the soul.

like, this is such a deep misunderstanding of Christianity.

Jesus did not come to judge, but He is the just judge, and He will judge the world on the last day, just as He judges every soul at its death.

>> No.20833529

>socialize with people
No, fuck society.

>> No.20835142
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>> No.20835199

Read something fun like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Might help to take the edge off

>> No.20835293
File: 152 KB, 1137x795, 2022-08-13 22.06.36 boards.4channel.org c040c6275435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

complete works of Jarod Michael Baldwin, the Unreal One


>> No.20835601

Explain. What is this?

>> No.20835617

This post sent me into a 24hr frenzy of listening to NDEs.
I think it strengthened my faith in loving God and lessened my fear of death

>> No.20835640

This and the Prince by Machiavelli, together

>> No.20836304

>Suicide and Attempted Suicide
Who wrote this ?

>> No.20836310

isnt that the weird jrock/dubstep band that did the op for kaiji/parasyte and the ed for hxh?

>> No.20836460

You shouldn't read. You should instead go get a massage, loosen up, and then take up a sport or hobby that takes you outdoors. You have to reintegrate with your body. It'll break your depression rather quickly.

Alternatively, take up an instrument or pen / brush and create art. But again, don't read. It's bad for you in your current state.

>> No.20836542

Not OP but I'm at a pretty low point in my life right now and this post was really helpful. Thanks for this.

>> No.20836568

I'm 29 and my only job of the last ten years was working as dairy guy. i kept saying I would go to school next year and before you know it ten years had passed. I might pick up a trade, but it pretty much over for me. I can't afford to have children, housing, or have good enough money to attract a girlfriend.

>> No.20836572

Lots of chaos coming in the future imo. All signs point to it. Those are also times when a lot of opportunity shows itself to those who're paying attention. Stay driven and alert. I think all of our stories are heading for a couple significant chapters soon.

>> No.20836582

Nice photo

>> No.20836585

>Those are also times when a lot of opportunity shows itself to those who're paying attention.
This. It's funny how it works, but chaos can rather quickly dramatically change the tide for you. Game designers have known this for a long time. You have to train yourself to push forward in the face of risk rather than be adverse to it.

>> No.20836703

i am waiting for my long due mental break down ever since i quit my job and cut complete contact with all friends but i have been nothing mildly content with my hermit life style. even my fairly intense nostalgia i've had since a child is almost cured
i miss being simply in the presence of girls sure but by barely leaving the house i don't have to fight the suicidal thoughts when i come across a groups of them in tight miniskirts in town
that's one of the main reasons why you never stand in the crossroads of the normie and the incel, you commit to one or you will never be more miserable

>> No.20836971

>learning SQL in isolation
do codelets really?

>> No.20837067
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Geo Stone

>> No.20837202
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Definitely this.

>> No.20837243

Choose an ideology or religion. Become a communist or a buddhist or a devout catholic. Otherwise the only religion you’re left with is that of money, material accumulation, and power, none of which will satisfy you. It doesn’t matter what you choose, just choose something.

>> No.20837343

>81 with a 27 year old son
>having a son at 54
Imagine being Jackson. In the prime of your life and your father is on death's door. Born three generations after him so you can't even relate to him despite being related. Probably barely dodged whatever genetic disorders that come with being born to an old couple.

>> No.20837666

Imagine writing such a self-congratulatory article about your audacious violation of somebody's explicit desire for privacy.

>> No.20837811

Can you offer some details about why these books are in this list ? I mean some are obvious while other, The Piano Teacher not so much.

>> No.20837864
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>> No.20837874

Its shit bro... memelords & post quotas, nuff said

>> No.20837938
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>> No.20837984

>You don't have friends because you don't treat people as divinely valuable.
So wrong. I think most loners value others, it's just one-sided, on the other hand I know people who get a lot of attention and love and they are usually the ones who'll treat almost anyone like garbage.

>> No.20838070

>socialize regularly

>> No.20838092

everything we do is in isolation. no other way you could work in tech and actually do things not update excel spreadsheets all day.

>> No.20838104

hes a wannabe cult leader, just like anybody else who tries to say something else besides: shut up

>> No.20838165

People like this should be chemically blinded so that they can never take another photograph.

>> No.20838494

yes, the thing that will make lit better is *looks at writing on my pale, too skinny hand from malnutrition due to only consuming onions* more policing.

>> No.20838518

youll never be important enough to photograph dont worry anon

>> No.20838526

doesnt have to be mandatory for them to try to get you to do it, which is what they do. they are salesmen exploiting your insecurities to get paid, and they will tell you anything to get you to open your wallet. which was the point all along, and the fact that the best you could do as a response is debate that tithing isnt mandatory makes me think that you know somewhere deep down that its all an elaborate grift, but dont like it when thay fact is said aloud. is it painful for you to hear? who hurt you?

>> No.20838617

That's the band. He's talking about a book the band's name references.

It's interesting, the opening for parasyte sounds like it's in Japanese, but it's all in English. It's pretty neat.

>> No.20838621

There is also happiness in the present moment, as well as joy.

>> No.20838664
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Don't you know that the funniest hopium is reserved for the silliest clowns, anon? ;)
>being uncomfortable with and afraid of love, the greatest thing ever
Seriously though, as is pointed out in the book mentioned here >>20821945:
>"... what could possibly be more existentially serious and purposeful than figuring out what the best possible emotions are, and then trying our best to sustain them as much as possible? Are our feelings ultimately not the most important things in our lives? To feel good, to feel peaceful, to feel acceptance, to feel love, and to feel happy. What could possibly be more important, and hence more serious and purposeful, than that? ... Why would the most enlightened and self-realized beings not want to feel as much of the best positive emotions at all times as possible? And hence, why would a higher reality not have their entire reality overflowing with such emotions to the extent that they are capable of achieving it? Is it really that speculative to think that the NDE world is overflowing with practically infinite unconditional love, acceptance, peace, and bliss because those are what was long ago realized as the best feelings that provide the most enjoyment and purpose out of existence?"
The main benefits of learning about NDEs are that you lose your fear of death and view it more as something to look forward to. Life doesn't end at death, it gets vastly better. It really is like waking up from a nightmare. As a quote from this book >>20821945 points out,
>"For me, life is sort of like the haunted house. When you come in, you know it's just an experience. It's small, it's just one night, right? So it’s just this one life. You're eternal, you have billions of lives, so knowing that you’re going to come in just for one to have an experience, though it may be judged as tough, or difficult, or scary, you actually chose it because you knew it was just going to be an experience, you know it's no big deal. You understand on the other side that this part, life, is actually the dream, and you just wake up after. It's no different than one dream you had last night, out of a lifetime of dreams. This life that you're having right now is just one, it's just a blip."
Secondly, it teaches us how to live in a more loving, happy, fun, and meaningful way.
And to answer your question, yes, suicide is totally cool, there is no punishment for doing it. See this video: https://youtu.be/mhANf60Y4Nk
But you came here to try to shine with love as a human in a world where it is really difficult to do so, and not just suicide out of here ASAP as soon as you realize that paradise awaits you unconditionally around the corner of a ceased heartbeat. So life is a game, and suicide is turning it off. Being loving and kind 24/7 until death takes you is to beat the game comprehensively and 100%-ing it.

>> No.20838857

>bro if you feel completely alienated from others and find it impossible to form connections with people to the point it's physically painful for you to be around them just spend time with people and socialize

What's the fucking logic in that?

>> No.20838862

The Dhammapada.

>> No.20839455
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You're welcome! :')

>> No.20839471
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found some funny nde music

>> No.20841010

I agree, and very fitting with the theme of the thread.

>> No.20841085

but staying up all night shitposting, eating delicious goyslop junk at 4am, and being a degenerate on weekends drinking vodka, doing fat lines, smoking cigarettes and fucking tinder sluts are the very spice of life, anon
not being a boring moralizing self improoover

>> No.20841206

I just don't want to make dog food or car parts for money...
Why haven't I found what I want to do? There's no way in hell exercising and dieting is going to give me the answer and I can't afford a lathe or tools to make wood things. I don't even think I would enjoy that, I just like watching it on youtube.
t. 34yo

>> No.20841277

Being a hermit is ascended and I’m tired of pretending it’s not.

>> No.20841286

This just returns you to a level 1 psychological integration, and will be easily thrown into the same crisis again later.
Only way out it through.

>> No.20841295

I knew someone growing up with super, super old parents that people always through were his grandparents. He seemed extremely neglected (weight/clothing problems) and now looks like he’s in his 40s in his 20s.

>> No.20841325

As long as you're alive and healthy, it's never too late to do anything OP. Just try to figure out stuff you want to do, and do them.

>> No.20841387

Congratulations, your next step will be the beginning of the next chapter of your life. Once you stop obsessing over the past, that is.

>> No.20841437

1/ read the daodejing
2/ compare all available translations
3/ ????
4/ profit

>> No.20841442

outdated TV guides and horoscopes

>> No.20841561

>read the Tao
>most of it is”how to be a doormat that gets fucked over my everyone 101l
I lived by the Tao for the first 2-3 decades of my life. It’s no good.

>> No.20841736

Since you ask about The Piano Teacher - Erika is old and she never tried to escape from her mother and live her own life. It's a story how about how being inert can fuck you up (in this case, it's the perversion).

"Shut up" gets people living like the OP is for their entire life.

>> No.20841781


>> No.20841810

Now this is what I am talking about. Dont forget intoxicated discordhang with yer mates

>> No.20842047

Do you like pianos or something ?

>> No.20842117

Giles Goat-Boy

>> No.20842302

Have you read Appel? I'm considering a similar route to you.

>> No.20842414

>32 year old virgin

How do you get past the inexperience? Women hate it.

>> No.20842768

not this shit again

>> No.20842769
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>That NDErs say that the primary purpose here is to learn to love everyone and everything, no matter what
I have had the experience of nearly dying, seeing myself putside of my own body, and meeting "god", which it revealed to me as being more so the light that is inside all of us than it's own identity. What it communicated to me is the same as anon stated: Our purpose is to learn to love ourselves unconditionally and extend that love to everyone else around us. If you go through life succumbing to self loathing, guilt, hatred, jealousy, greed, etc you are rejecting the light, dooming yourself to endless cycles of torture and suffering.

I have also had the experience of my late girlfriend visiting me in a dream to bid me farewell just an hour before getting the chance to find out about her passing away at the scene of a car accident earlier that day. Happened last year and I'm still trying to come to terms with it.

I could go more into my theories and take aways, and have had a few more spiritual experiences than that, granted not as huge and less life changing, but the dream and the out of body NDE both felt more "real" than real life, which may be hard to imagine for those who haven't had their own experiences. The fact that those with NDEs and those who have been visited by loved ones from the other side can usually come to common ground on how their experiences played out is enough to validate what I learned from my own.

I have been interested in reading how meditation and certain drugs seem to help open our minds to this world that's more "real" than real life but we are incapable of fully perceiving.

Buddhist beliefs seem to align most with what the experiences taught me but I'd like to know if there are other religions NDErs resonate more with

Rec me please

>> No.20843622
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No dice?
Do i need to make my own thread or what

>> No.20843875

/x/ loves this type of stuff so much that I can’t go there because it gives me existential panic.
It is interesting though. I’m sorry about your girlfriend.

>> No.20844191
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Simple, The Bible.

>> No.20844253

Lol get fucked nerds I've been drunk since I turned 21, smoke weed, I even did coke last month. I still have insane amounts of cool shit, I own my car, AND I got a skinny chick who has loved me over 10 years now. Meanwhile my buddy with a masters in psychology had to sell his car and owes like 70 grand to his college and no work experience. Nerds are fucking retarded.

>> No.20844279

>What should I read?
Fight club

>> No.20844308

I’m more happy now just making ends meet than I was making six figures.
If my business fails I’ll probably kill myself though.

>> No.20845901

no one really knows what they're doing, just be yourself unironically and everything else will fall into place

>> No.20845908

Call of the Crocodile

>> No.20846375

Loners value others out of fear

>> No.20846397

>stop posting on 4chan.
The most sound advice in the whole thread. Take it a step further and just stop browsing the internet in general. It's a huge timesink and distraction and too much of it causes you to get older without actually feeling older. You don't properly acclimate with your physical nature and thus don't mature. Limit your internet usage to just the essentials, i.e., for work, shopping, news, discovery, and (very rarely) for entertainment; otherwise, 90% of your time should be spent in the immediate world around you, with people actually next to you, doing things outdoors or at local facilities, including reading.

>> No.20846499

From /out/

>this faggot has been astroturfing himself on 4chan the past 2 days. he posted his channel on /pol/ and /lit/ and got banned from both for advertising

>on /pol/ he posted his channel and said
>"get the fuck in here. the next hacker known as 4chan has arrived"
>Immediately got banned

>then he went to /lit/ and posted
>"Get in here, lads. I get the feeling that we've got a memetic legend in the making here."
>got banned after 18 replies

>you can tell by the pure clean sweatpants and jug he's just a larper trying to be the next forestanon. hopefully mods here see through his bullshit

>> No.20847824

Not OP but im trying to do all these things but i still feel i need my cuck antidepressants. Went off them for a week and didn't really want to neck myself but couldn't stop thinking about necking myself which in turn does not make one feel good and is frightening. I think after 20 years of the cunts and being indoctrinated in childhood, it's too late to live without them. Cringe as fuck i know.

>> No.20847839
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Mystery Method

>> No.20847858

I agree with this and would be even more critical in saying most modern "mental illness" is perpetuated by internet. Depression use to be for people who'd seen some shit growing up, now it's just for people who revisit the scene of the crime everyday on their phones. It's a sad state of affairs and im certainly not innocent.

>> No.20848399

I work all day, and get half-drunk at night.
There is it.

>> No.20848460

>but im joining the french fucking foreign legion next year
Parlez vous français? If not start learning it ASAP as it will GREATLY improve your experience at la Légion Étrangère

>> No.20848874
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This is literally all you need to do to get over you le ebin depression/midlife crisis/whatever you call this gay ass shit :

no porn
no caffeine
no inhaling with mouth
no sugar, no white flour
social interaction
having a pet dog/ 2 parrots
strategy and action-rpg vidya
reading new things, philosphy
writing a page for the daily journal
drumming, playing guitar, singing karaoke
whistling, improvising, creating new music
scetching common items in different positions
using pictures/ recalling images from memory
drawing emotional faces, shading 3d
empathy, teaching skills
truth, no negativity
water with ice
eggs, oats, nuts
sauerkraut/ pickles
hard cheese/ fish/ liver
onions, olive oil, parsley
potatoes/ brown rice/ beans
carrot/ tough apple after meal
gelatin jello with grug berry
long warm shower before bed
nettle shampoo, aloes honey body cream
deep pore cleanser/ exfoliating face scrub
herb mint facial mask, coconut conditioner
electric toothbrush, clean tongue and floss
not oily nivea cream on hands and feet
ceraVe's night cream with retinol on face
melatonine, eye cover mask for bedtime
growing mother-in-law's tongue next to bed
30 min meditation with wim hof breathing
no sleeping on belly, chest or face
7.5 hour SLEEP
spreading toes, sun and moon salute
hot to cold shower
single blade shave
sunscreen moisturizer

>> No.20849120

When will this retarded meme end?

>> No.20849361

Social animal needs to socialize its tragic i know...

>> No.20849366

Stopped reading when you recommended vidya