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20816544 No.20816544 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished this, what did I think of it?

>Spoiler: I think it’s the greatest book I’ve read so far

>> No.20816548

Now read Ernst von Salomon

>> No.20816597

Ignore this nigger. Read the rest of Junger. His philosophy novels are literally too manly to be mentioned in modern academia. I recommend starting with On Pain

>> No.20817475

you thought the prose wasnt good , but holy shit was Ernst a chad.

>> No.20818939
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Loved it. Continue reading more.

>> No.20819020

Huh? Junger and Salomon were friends, and Junger is intensely studied in academia.

>> No.20819602

is there a just as famous equivalent for ww2 of this

>> No.20820054

He liked war a lot more than the cover makes you think he would

>> No.20820098

Prob skorzenys autobiography, not saying it’s the equivalent, but the closest I can think of

>> No.20820298

maybe leon degrelle (if he ever published a war diary, i dunno)

>> No.20820309

is that why schools make everyone read all quiet on the western front instead of this? i figured there must be something in it that prevents it from being assigned in survey classes.

>> No.20820344

Would make sense. Storm of Steel would be an excellent book to give to a high school boy. Its not exactly pro-war as Junger did his best to remove his ideological thoughts from it and just give you the experience he had, but its definitely not anti-war. Reading it inspires a sense of adventure and daring few other books have. As well it introduces the reader to a number of older book titles that Junger read throughout the war, so this is full of recommendations for books the young man could read next.

>> No.20820773
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>Its not exactly pro-war as Junger did his best to remove his ideological thoughts from it and just give you the experience he had

What are you talking about? The first editions were accused of being anti-war because of the brutality depicted. He then clearly outlines his position on war, conflift and human struggle and the intense transformative aspect it has upon a man.

>> No.20822197

How was he so based?

>> No.20822296
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Violence, and the enthusiastic application of it.

>> No.20822346

Referring to Herr Erich Maria Remarque, the author of "All Quiet on the Western Front", Jünger declared he appreciated that "All Quiet" was a "camouflage" in that it created the opinion that Germany was dominated by internationalism and pacifism.

>> No.20822364

I'm currently reading the 1929 version, I'll let you know what you thought of it when I'm finished

>> No.20823485

Doesn't sound like him.