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20815002 No.20815002 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get into theatre?
I'm beginning to feel that the only true way of appreciating theatre is by becoming an actor and spending a lifetime agonising over character interpretation
Who are the major playwrights that are must reads?

>> No.20815049

Just got into theater myself but here's a couple of plays I really enjoyed reading:
A Dream Play by August Strindberg
Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller
Waiting for Godot, Endgame by Samuel Beckett
Blasted by Sarah Kane
The Caretaker by Harold Pinter

>> No.20815056

^Also: Oedipus Rex by Sophocles

>> No.20815082

Go to drama school like I did

>> No.20815103

Well, there was this one fella who's a little obscure and underappreciated named Bill Rattlepolearm you might want to check out.

Also, I don't know if it's a must-read, part-of-the-Western-canon play, but I enjoyed and would recommend A Man for All Seasons by Robert Bolt.

>> No.20815110

What did you do in Drama school?
How do I get started acting?
Cool thanks for the suggestions
I've seen Waiting for Godot but haven't read it yet
Might be about time to read it

>> No.20815117

Well I have been acting since I was young and did theatre and specifically Shakespeare in professional theatres so I guess that's quite a specific route. For drama school, you essentially just audition and go through a few rounds. I went to a major one in London but there are good schools in lots of places. Anyone can apply and audition without having any previous experience, but the best thing to do is to take some classes, join an amdram society, just saw you're constantly in the world and can begin to understand working with text and movement and voice and how they all work together. I would say as well that acting has helped me give to voice to characters in writing fiction as I can really try to inhabit them

>> No.20815147

Look for local theatre groups and contact them. Community theatre groups are reasonably common and not horribly difficult to get into, good place to start before attempting to get into professional theatre groups. Small town community theatre groups are one of the best things ever, they may not be exactly 'good' but they are great fun.

>> No.20815339

How accepting are community theatre groups?
I'm very socially anxious
I'll look for classes, thank you

>> No.20815375

>How accepting are community theatre groups?
Very, they work with everyone from little kids and right up to grandma and grandpa. They tend to primarily be about having fun and putting on a play. Some will take things more seriously but generally they are quite laid back.

>> No.20817120
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Do you just want to get into theatre in the sense of knowing how it works? Start by visiting local theatres, reading critiques, dramatic texts, and perhaps history and theory of theatre and acting.
If you want to become an actor yourself, you don't have to read shit, you should join a theatre school (or however it's called, I'm esl).

>> No.20817129
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