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20812181 No.20812181 [Reply] [Original]

It's out, did you read it.

>> No.20812186

Didn't you just make a thread about this?

>> No.20812218

>It's now open knowledge that Dan Schneider gave alcohol to teenagers
>He's just gonna get away with that

>> No.20812225

Dan "Wipe that tear, its for your career" Schneider

>> No.20812227

I like the name, will probably read it.

>> No.20812237

no i didn't. i wonder what she says in the book. i don't really care enough to read it, however

>> No.20812239

I believe it’s the publishers

>> No.20812244

She's just coping hard about not making it in Hollywood, isn't it

>> No.20812267

>*Sees the title*
>"Wtf is wrong with white women?!"
>*Recognizes her face*
>"Oh, it makes sense."

>> No.20812275
File: 92 KB, 509x631, Sam kissed freddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skimming through the icarly years and it's already instantly depressing

>> No.20812277

probably an advertising firm hired by publishers who bill exorbitantly for hours spent monitoring these threads and list it on the invoice as ‘guerilla marketing strategies’ or some dogshit.

>> No.20812288

She's probably justified for feeling this way, but she shouldn't flaunt this attitude in public where it will doubtlessly rub off on people who haven't gone through anything like what she did. For abuse to embitter a person is completely understandable, but it's not an excuse to promote negativity to everybody else.

>> No.20812297
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she seems to refer to dan "the foot man" schneider using a very ominous moniker

>> No.20812304
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I'll read on and see how bad it gets

>> No.20812307

Are her nudes in it?

>> No.20812316

Poor kid. I feel bad for her here.

>> No.20812324
File: 78 KB, 497x529, evil dan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yikes and oofpilled

>> No.20812329

who even is this? do i have to be a zoomer/american/both to get the hang of it?

>> No.20812344

This is cringe as fuck; there is a real world full of actual interesting/important things happening. Please stop shilling this?

>> No.20812354

Did they fuck? I hate celebrity gossip, and more than anything celebrity gossip turned shitty ghost-written pulp, but it's by osmosis from spending decades on this shithole that it's with stern disbelief that I see Dan the Feet Man giving some shitty Lolita her own spinoff without first running his thin, circumcised cock all over her feet at the very least.

>> No.20812371

women default identity is victim huh?

>> No.20812377
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>it's digusting to be a person
should have titled the book End of iCarlygelion

>> No.20812380

>lead a boring life for your mother
>get sexually abused by your mother
>discover cum at the age of 18
>dan the man isn't allowed to have off-days and get angry because he's repulsive
>no my first kiss at 16-18(?) was with an actor, this is Dan's fault, not my fault for living such a sheltered life
>muh I have issues with my food
>oh no dan the man abused his power to give me a massage at the age of 18, this is so evil
Just very boring. Like those parts of AF's diary that you skip because nothing in them has historical relevancy. She lived a boring life. And has boring unoriginal thoughts. Never do you actually hear about her trying to fix her bad behaviors. It's always just her whining about being unable to take in food. Like nigger just work out.

>> No.20812393

>Don't write books because they could influence others
Is this the 18th century? Do you also believe novels with crime will dangerously inflame the reader's imagination?

>> No.20812407

>media could never effect me! culture isn't real, we all have inviolable minds that are preordained by our genes to be the way we are.

>> No.20812411

The title should say everything. She's a very small individual who cannot face her own issues, so she projects everything outwards and avoids assuming any sort of responsibility in this weak exposé over a predatory industry. If anything it shows these people are professionals for working so easily with clearly damaged material.
The worrying part is that this kind of behavior is being made the new normal. Don't improve; don't show kindness; don't try to understand; wallow in your own misery, too comfortable and too stupid to overcome it, and never look at yourself in the mirror and ask if there's something terribly wrong with you (deep down you know the answer, blame others for it).

>> No.20812436

I feel like this would be on /tv/.

>> No.20812439

Critical thinking is dead, only write positivity. Let's all abandon literature and simply read the bible, shall we? We only want to engage in proper moralism.

>> No.20812454

I don't have a problem with the book being written, but I do have a problem with how the book is presented, with a cheerful attention-grabbing cover, juxtaposed with hatred for her mother presented without context to explain it.

>> No.20812458

I wonder where one might find that context.

>> No.20812474

You mean, in the book?

The contents of the book do not justify the book cover, which effects anybody who passes the book by on the shelf.
>noo book covers should never effect people before they read the book
That just isn't the way things work. People are effected by covers of books they see but don't read. A book cover that presents a negative message in a superficially positive manner is an antisocial book cover.

>> No.20812487

just found out about this book thanks to this thread. seems based, might pick it up actually. thanks op

>> No.20812489

And I'm sure you're gearing towards "daughters should never hate their mothers," as if the title is presenting a genuinely shocking idea and that its impossible to conceive that a mother's death could ever bring someone joy. Which is about as stupid as fearing book covers are going to damage susceptible brains.

>> No.20812543

>giving an 18 year old alcohol
The horror. Washed up celebrity confessional literature fucking sucks

>> No.20812605

Its against the law.

>> No.20812625

>offers underage girl alcohol
Dan literally got exposed as a fucking criminal.

>> No.20812676

It should be on /tv/.

>> No.20812682

It's not illegal to drink alcohol under the age of 21. Only to purchase.
18 is the legal age to purcjase ralcohol in many European countries. Some even younger.

>> No.20812787

>Only to purchase.
Nah it's literally still a misdemeanor in California even if you're just giving it to a child and the child isn't buying it themselves.

>> No.20812792
File: 96 KB, 1016x336, Screen Shot 2022-08-06 at 9.38.31 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he can't keep getting away with this.....

>> No.20812796

>retarded cunt bemoans everything as it's happening
>actually got laced up for life p.good by her mom but is such a little fucking mutant that she despise her mom for it
>the moment she could make decisions, she turned herself into a roach motel
>has and is nothing
Very cool life story!

>> No.20812863

You clearly have an idea who it is. Stop faking, liar.

>> No.20813243

unironically i assume celebrities love browsing 4chan because they can see what people really think. Hi, Jeannette.

>> No.20813591

Hello can I lick your young little feet

>> No.20813593

They're not really doing a good job of it.
/tv/ has been obsessed with Dan Schneider for decades so they do a better job than them

>> No.20813594

dan "hop in the van" snyder

>> No.20813601

>waaah don't write what you feel and experienced other people are responsibility
god you are a FAGGOT

>> No.20813610

Isn't the publisher of this book owned by Paramount/Viacom, owners of Nick, which abused her in the first place...?

>> No.20813631

Why do you have to like the author to like the book? I like the writing style, reminds me a little of The Stranger. I think it's only a post-modern disease that's why we have linked the artist's personality to the quality of their work.

>> No.20813635

why do you think the book uses "the creator" instead of a real name?

>> No.20813663

welcome to capitalism(based or you get le free helicopter rides) where multiple competing companies with contradictory audiences tend to be owned by the same single megacorporation

>> No.20813750

Everything is own by 3 people. None of the hire ups care about an adult diary to shut it down.

>> No.20813798

you need to kill yourself

>> No.20813802

>contrarianism for the sake of contrarianism
at least this is what i'll pretend, because if you read those passages and genuinely think this you're lower than a kike

>> No.20813811

>usin le heckin 4chan lingo like a real incel would!
You don’t blend in. You’ll never be a writer, least you could do is have an ounce of integrity and fuck off

>> No.20813817

you've got a mental illness, lad

>> No.20813824

where do you think you are?

>> No.20813839

He's right, you're mentally sick.

>> No.20813841

lmao speaking of "trying too hard" you fucking edgy redditor

>> No.20813854

>shills mad
Too easy. Stay forgettable, faggots

>> No.20813884

Ten to one odds the fag shilling this ghostwritten disappointing tell-all that tells nothing is the same tranny freak who spams every other thread about young women celebrities and instathots

As usual trannies have diseased obsessive relationships to real femininity, always some doll head collector shit

>> No.20813914

My first kiss was with a stripper.
At least I was too drunk to really think about it.

>> No.20813933

She didn’t get any of the money she made as a kid out of all of this

>> No.20814018

Fuck you and fuck your ghostwritten trash. Go away.

>> No.20814104

You are literally retarded

>> No.20814124

Never got the hype over this show and its cast that they’re nostalgia milking, they weren’t even that cute.

>> No.20814129

>dont write about what you feel and experience
Yes, that's teenage girl shit lol
>the world NEEDS to hear my heckin story

>> No.20814167

You're right, I'm sure you need to get back to posting frogs and jerking off ASAP

>> No.20814175

Why is this book triggering the incels so much?

>> No.20814177

>how do you do fellow 4Channelers

>> No.20814181

lol you’re still mad you got called the fuck out

>> No.20814195

A woman wrote it, even if she's calling out the slime of hollywood.
Anyways I won't read it but Schneider is an interesting case study so I know why anyone else would

>> No.20814228

You talk like a tranny.

>> No.20814244 [DELETED] 

Imagine everyone decided to write a book about all the emotions they weren't feeling. PASS

>> No.20814349

I just picked up my copy from Barnes and Nobles and it even if this book is a flavors of a week, it’s is a interesting read into the mind of a teen actor at Nickelodeon

>> No.20814361

She mentions this guy from the TMZ photo is Joe who was a coworker from iCarly who was in his thirties and started grooming her

>> No.20814363


>> No.20814370
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>> No.20814373
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>> No.20814377
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>> No.20814378
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>> No.20814379

All broads do is make themselves miserable and make everybody around them miserable, please let this 24/7 porn culture and its ecosystem of Jewish foot rapists end soon

>> No.20814380

Women confuse me

>> No.20814431

You don't understand that someone that views themselves as repulsive would get gratification from being desired?

>> No.20814436

Just finished it. It was okay. Not nearly enough Dirty Dan. Really not even enough of her being happy about her mom being dead, just the last few pages. Very misleading title.

And speaking of misleading what's with all the blurbs about this book being funny? This thing is bleak and depressing as shit from cover to cover with the occasional one liner that falls completely flat.

I mean this with as little malice or negativity as possible but this is a book for women. Women are going to fucking love this book

>> No.20814458

how could he possibly be touching her in such a way that she can't tell if it's an accident and also "wants him to touch [her] like this."? They're on a log ride, he's in the seat behind her. He should only be able to get, like, her upper back and shoulders. Like, this implies it's something scandalous, but I just don't see how.

>> No.20814466


Thats just real shit, my nigga. Life aint a fucking halmark movie

>> No.20814471

First time seeing a woman's thoughts? Now wait until you see them rewrite the past on the fly to justify their actions.

>> No.20814479
File: 110 KB, 489x750, Flume-Ride09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grabbing her tits for "support"
Ever ridden a log flume?

>> No.20814480
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>> No.20814492

But how do you "accidentally" grab onto someone's tits for support? Like, my point is that there's no way that I can see that is both ambiguous and conveys desire.

>> No.20814498

starts out as holding onto her waist then moves hands up to cup the booba

>> No.20814535


The Creator has done nothing wrong. Boring book. Threw away my gfs copy because it was so bad.

>> No.20814552
File: 122 KB, 1000x1000, 11876 - tagme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow, so brave and stunning to write the truth about schneider, only 15 years after it happened and 5 years after it became common knowledge, I'm sure the book will surprise people and be a hit!

>> No.20814582

>arguing from bad faith

Never said I disliked anyone. Just that she doesn't showcase particularly original or noteworthy thoughts.

>> No.20814589

THat's all women

>> No.20814592

She's been talking about this for a while and is a reason why it's common knowledge

>> No.20814618


>> No.20814622

capitalism doesn’t exist, whatever system succeeds it will suffer from the same centralization issue unless that issue is dealt with in its own

>> No.20814624

That bitch looks absolutely Misérables

>> No.20814627

I can fix her

>> No.20814693

I had to do a google search to see who this bitch was and holy god damn shes the child actress from iCarly and shes 30 and shes lookin fuckin ROUGH!

Is this what Dan "You better sit idler cause imma put it inside her" Schneider does to a girl?

Fuck man I wasn't ready for this.

>> No.20814766

And myy first and only STD was with a girlfriend.
Life is like a box of chocolates

>> No.20814799

> his bagel
Fucking lmao.

>> No.20814808

The crew parts like the (((Red Sea))), letting the Creator pass and walk to us.

>> No.20814818

This is just what the wall does to a woman, most women. Albeit I'd bet it's exacerbated in TV-celebrities.

>> No.20814851

>McCurdy was born on June 26, 1992, in Los Angeles to Mark and Debbie McCurdy[9][10] and was raised in Garden Grove, California.[11][12] She is the youngest of four children, and has three older brothers.[13] She was raised in what she has described as a "dysfunctional Mormon family".[14]

>When McCurdy was 3 years old, her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent several surgeries, chemotherapy, and a bone marrow transplant.[13] She was diagnosed with cancer again in 2010, and died from it in 2013 when McCurdy was 21 years old.[15]

>McCurdy has revealed that she was emotionally and sexually abused by her mother. In an interview with People magazine she said "My mom's emotions were so erratic that it was like walking a tightrope every day." According to McCurdy, her mother pushed her into acting when she was 6 years old to both financially support her family, and because her mother had wanted to become a performer herself. She stated that her mother was "obsessed with making [her] a star" and detailed how her mother contributed to her eating disorder by introducing her to calorie counting at age 11. She also revealed that until she was 17 years old her mother performed vaginal and breast exams on her and never let her shower alone.[16] McCurdy said that she refused to appear in the revival of iCarly because of the reminder of her mother's abuse on the original show, and that her appearance on Sam & Cat was done to please her mother.[17] McCurdy stated in an interview that she never received her payment from acting as a minor, because her Coogan account wasn't properly filed.[18]

so the whole story is that a little whore wants to be a starlet but her dying moms know what's up with the jews in hollywood so she protects at all cost her daughter and of course the daughter is resentful she had to wait to be 18 before becoming a full-on whore being fucked raw by a NBA team.


>> No.20814859

That's because none of them ever tell us anything interesting. Imagine if Corey Haim gave graphic detail of 18 year old Charlie Sheen sodomizing him at 13. That shit would have sold like hotcakes.

>> No.20814865

How is this thread not banned yet? This shit belong on /tv/

>> No.20814942

Shut up dan schneider you fatass jew, I can feel your gravitational pull from here and I can tell by your writing style it actually is you. Coming back to the scene of the crime to bear witness to your work eh.
>from iCarly and shes 30 and shes lookin fuckin ROUGH!
she looks pretty, there's plenty of girls far younger than her that look older than her, she looks a few years younger than her age all things considered

>> No.20814966

There is enough of this in the world. Why bring more into it?

>> No.20815007


>> No.20815025

It's a book, anon. Not sure if you figured that out.

>> No.20815072

pitiable story
unfortunate that many of you have less empathy than a chicago nigger

>> No.20815112

I don't think so
Did you not see the show?

>> No.20815118

kek, anons you have overstepped edgy and run straight on into "if daddy liked young girls he would have fucked ME not HER" pick me girl territory. be less female because ywnbaw

>> No.20815153
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the lit virgin will defend the daughter at all cost LMAO

>> No.20815199

>>>White women<<<

>> No.20815226
File: 1.19 MB, 951x1069, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you had been in Dan's place, would you have done it?

>> No.20815242

>threads about books should be on /tv/

>> No.20815251

I would have done worse.

>> No.20815309

>so the whole story is that a little whore wants to be a starlet but her dying moms know what's up with the jews in hollywood so she protects at all cost her daughter and of course the daughter is resentful she had to wait to be 18 before becoming a full-on whore being fucked raw by a NBA team.
You are both correct and accurate, in all sincerity, with no exaggeration or ironic commentary. You and a couple other Anon have hit the nail on the head with this.

>> No.20815587

>>arguing from bad faith
that's what i hope you were doing, because---like i said---if those were your real feelings, i'm thoroughly ashamed on your behalf

>> No.20815594

i'm not a footfag so no

>> No.20815617

bro you've either got a serious mental illness or you're grasping at straws to try to justify an unjustifiable position

>> No.20815624

No, I don't wanna get in jail.

Oh yea, and I am not a perv

>> No.20815634

feels good to filter footfags

>> No.20815641

>legal age to purcjase ralcohol in
i think you should stop purcjasing ralcohol, bro

>> No.20815646
File: 1.26 MB, 360x270, 1653009693276.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buying alcohol for a minor is still illegal you retard lmao

>> No.20815659

>see story of abuse
>bemoan it on an anonymous online reading circle to signal my edginess and contrarianism
>have and be nothing
Very cool life story!

>> No.20815676

>Stay forgettable
we're in an anonymous thread talking about a celebrity's diary. literally everyone in this thread is forgettable lmfao nigger

>> No.20815679

>>dont write about what you feel and experience
>Yes, that's teenage girl shit lol
baffling that you're on a literature board saying this when literally every book ever written is "muh feels and experiences" underneath

>> No.20815734

>her dying moms know what's up with the jews in hollywood so she protects at all cost her daughter
her mom literally sold her and her pussy (and feet) to the kikes and then let the jews keep all the money
it's appropriate that you're on /lit/ because you're apparently pathalogically incapable of reading

>> No.20815813
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>well can you give me a blowjob at least?

Guy sounds like human sludge.

>> No.20815840
File: 398 KB, 1255x1647, 1648790840884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

modern women

>> No.20815846

What's up with all this pastel colouring (the cover, her clothes etc.). Looks weird.

>> No.20815895

I’d be in prison, unlike Dan.

>> No.20815911

Fuck me this guy is me

Thanks for the mirror Joe, feel bad now

>> No.20815922

>story of abuse
Lmao, you have a goddamned woman's brain.
>edginess and contrarianism
There's nothing edgy or contrary in saying a dumb cunt is a stupid bitch.
>have and be nothing
I have a rich life which is very fulfilling and brimming with love, and I say that even as I'm enduring some midlife crisis stuff that has me feeling fucked-up.
You're sure taking it personally that Jeanette McCurdy isn't being universally adored and pitied here. That's very funny.

>> No.20815926

> I'm enduring some midlife crisis stuff that has me feeling fucked-up.
Boo hoo you fucking boomer, suck it up or write a shitty memoir so we can laugh at you too

>> No.20815963

>My mother knew I was a dimit dunce pile of idiocy and tried to warn me about men because obviously I'm too stupid to figure out the obvious, and I hate her goddamned motherfucking cocksucking guts for it
>Seriously, I detest my mother even existing. How dare she??!
>So some older guy who just broke up with someone and is always drunk pulled his cock out and talked to me like I have brain damage and I just gobbled that shit up in response, because he just seemed soooooo cool and we totes had a connection and would be together forever! Turns out, I'm so defective in the head that I'm actually a victim and waaaahhh!
Love to see it.

>> No.20816054

>What's cum?
Ohhhhh Joe, you retarded fucking coomer. Look what you did now.

>> No.20816061


>> No.20816165

The breast examination is normal for religious moms who had breast cancer. but the shower thing can't be justified and I'm not sure she mention vaginal examination in the book.

>> No.20816260

This is true in the "women are dumb lol" sense but also it should make us collectively realize that they're incapable of adult decisions. What we are doing by trying to integrate women into adult male society is basically child abuse, since they are mentally children. This whole last hundred years has just been confusing and awful for them.

Imagine bumbling through life entirely on the mindset, priorities, and instincts you had as a 13 year old, and instead of getting any wiser or more mentally developed, you just add external, awkwardly learned habits to the surface. Imagine 13 year old you being forced to get a job, pay the mortgage, sit through divorce proceedings, all with the same 13 year old brain. That's a woman.

>> No.20816498

She's a legal adult? Just like every 18 year old and it's normal to drink at that age

Yea, ik she's american and all that, but most of the world allows buying alcohol at 18, I don't think that making a biggie out of such a minor thing is worth it

>> No.20816674
File: 803 KB, 1342x865, cf385d25bdae38ebe6f98ca837497e1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dan Schneider
This dude should be tried in court for all the shit he supposedly did

>> No.20816745

He never did anything.

>> No.20816751

What were all the rumors and scandals surrounding him? Why was he fired from nickelodeon? Why didn't Jennette refer to him by name in the book?

>> No.20816842

>welcome to judaism(based or you get le deplatformed and shot death by police) where multiple competing companies with contradictory audiences tend to be owned by the same single jew

>> No.20816847

You've already said this. You claiming one thing doesn't make it so. Feel free to actually contribute by refuting something rather than arguing from bad faith
>if those were your real feelings
arguing from bad faith

>> No.20816979

>I think he thinks it'll make us try harder
terrible grammar

>> No.20816998

Rumors are just that, rumors.

>> No.20817000
File: 135 KB, 660x480, 1647822769837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if she wrote it in the style of a Cormac McCarthy novel. I'd read it

>> No.20817022

This, read Werner Sombart's "The Jews and Modern Capitalism."

>> No.20817799

Awful dogshit writing. I don't care about a "memoir" tell-all that can be published because it's technically "fiction".

>> No.20817809

She didn't write it, she dictated to some ghostwriter

>> No.20817827

>is 18
Not grooming.

>> No.20817840

>You've already said this
anon, we don't know each other and i have no idea which of the anons i responded to you are unless that's a really sad and obsessed samefag with daddy issues confession. maybe take whatever meds your doctor gave you for that

>> No.20817854

why are troons obsessed with meds

>> No.20817858

Does that change the fact that it's awful dog shit writing?
The answer is no, chud.

>> No.20818091

>point out anon is not one person to a schizo
kek ok schizo anon i accept your life choice to be a meds free lolcow, tell me more about my backstory

>> No.20818256

Easily baited Jeanette you greasy pig. I can hear your saliva pool swirling in your big retarded lips.

>> No.20818566

Its alleged Dan the jew Schneider raped and videotaped lots of his child actors and actresses during the runs of his shows, casting, and even his pool party "comedy boot camps" he held in exchange for roles on his shows with the jews that run Nickelodeon looking the other way. Him along with Brian Peck ran this straight from the talmud "playbook". As far as this >>20816674 pic goes its alleged that he is the father of her child. She was allegedly impregnated when she was working for him when she was 14?15? Or so. If you look at pictures of the child, she does bear a resemblance to Dan particularly the eyebrows.

>> No.20818572

>why are troons obsessed with meds
but why do you constantly say meds instead of anything interesting, why didn't you answer my question

>> No.20818671

didn't read you have a mental illness and you should kill yourself :)

>> No.20818680

Holy fucking cope
Did that post hit a little too close to home?

>> No.20818696

anon, why do you think i am every anon you've ever talked to? idk what question you think i'm meant to answer for you because all i did is point out how jelly khhv femcel two posts sounded. between being obsessed with some child star and being convinced everyone else is clued in to your crazy internal monologue, the fact you don't understand the
>meds schizo
meme is the least taxi driver schizo thing going on with you.
again, anon is not all one person, so idk what questions you asked whatever gangstalking group you think i'm a part of in whatever previous convo you're referring to here >>20816847
all i was doing itt was pointing out you sounded srsly pissed off and over invested some child actress sucked more dicks than you.

>> No.20818711

holy shit I ain't reading all that you weird fucking simp troon answer like a normal person, why are you obsessed with meds it's all you ever post aside from your "share my fetishes with me anons uwu" cringe shit

>> No.20818804
File: 912 KB, 1365x2048, MV5BMTk5NDQ0ODAwOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjkyMjI0NA@@._V1_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Creator gleamed with his camera at the stage. A worthy successor of the mycenean arena from eons ago. Frown spawn of fat within nth degrees of fat from his barilla.
His boca was full of an unknown ambrosian substance that provided the foot monger pleasurable nutrition. His nephillian footstpes shakes the ground of the escenario beneath him and walks toward Nathan and the Actress. His baby like hands held a polycentric plastic with held unlimited quantities of queso and dulces perquenios. The crew logmarithaicly backs away as the Creator waddled progressivly like he was a Mosian spirit performing an exodus for his chosen brethren.
The Creator stared at the Actress with his small pig eyes. There was silence for several increments of time. The actress mistaken the cold autistic silence as an elaborate jest. She started to vibrate her voice box to conjure up a laugh. But ceased when she peered into the irate black mars in his eyes. She assumed wrongly. Now she must repent. The Pesphille spoke.
"Mas movimiento cabeza. Por dios."

>> No.20818815

Dan "hold her tighter, she's a fighter" Schneider

>> No.20818834

The kike showrunners for Stranger Things forced the redhead actress to have her first kiss with that ugly nignog and they laughed about it.

>> No.20818913
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Excellent post, anon.

>> No.20819157

lost weight, and lose the suspicion

>> No.20819179

Absolutely criminal.

>> No.20819181

Insanely underrated post.

>> No.20819226

>quotation marks on the last line
so close anon, so close

>> No.20819244

Honestly I don't see why a memoir of this kind needs to be particularly well written. It's certainly serviceable anyway

>> No.20819277
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>getting paid millions to kiss somebody you don't like.

wow, I can't imagine doing that. Actors must have a tough life.

>> No.20819288


>> No.20819351

Why in the FUCK did this book sell out EVERY FUCKING WHERE? I live in a big city with 6 bookstores and each one has this book on back order.

>> No.20819357

iCarly was an intergenerational phenomenon

>> No.20819390

Multi-million dollar TV networks molesting kids isn't important or interesting to you? Fucking retard. You're one of those people who thinks life is boring. Everything you observe is illuminated by the dim spark of your mind.

You're expecting purple prose in a memoir of a child actress? You're a fucking retard and your writing is probably even worse.

>> No.20819426

it wasnt
this book is made only for women and is propelled only by marketing

>> No.20819437

So did he rape her feet or no

>> No.20819456


>> No.20819472

ICarly was the epitome of "I'm a kid and I wanna watch TV... oh, ICarly is on... well, fuck it".

>> No.20819489

Right. Things just happen. They drop from the ether.

>> No.20819498

I feel sorry for her.

>> No.20819511

Is Joe in trouble or is Joe rich

>> No.20819531
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I was livid when I found out. Got sloppy last second

>> No.20819540

I bought them all

>> No.20819570
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>> No.20819641

>you don't know me
>I know you, though
Again, arguing from bad faith. I hope that me simply pointing out this hypocrisy has made you realize its futility. Once you can actually refute anything concrete feel free to respond to the proper post.

Not in this memoir.
>her child
Not in this memoir
>impregnated at 14
She didn't even fucking know what cum was until she was 18. She literally has not had sex before. If you choose to believe baseless rumors, you also have to admit this memoir is false. If this book is false, then it deserves to be called shit. But I believe the book that someone attached their name to in that it's a more consistent story.

pirate it nigger

>> No.20819691

Nice try, rabbi.

>> No.20819714


>> No.20819851

>pirate literature
You need to go back

>> No.20819872

Not that giuy, but,

Where the fuck I am going to find her book in the middle of nowhere in the center of Asia, Anon? If I order it online, not only it will cost a lot, I will have to wait like a month or two to actually get it

>> No.20819932

>Once you can actually refute anything concrete feel free to
kek i called you an obsessed pick me femcel because that's how your posts read. i wasn't refuting anything, you just come across as an obsessed schizo who is homocidally jelly of girls who give amateur blowjobs

>> No.20819982
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>That one legitimately schizo boyfriend of hers that got all religious after watching God's Not Dead and started claiming he was Jesus Christ while spending his days doing nothing but smoke weed on her couch

Don't even care if it's made up, LA is apeshit enough for this to be plausible.

>> No.20820114

Cunt imagine having to wait till you're 21 to legally drink that's fucking funny Jesus man Americans are gay as fuck lmao

>> No.20820126

Hence you still respond not to the actual reply. Hence you chose poorly

>> No.20820468

he got filtered by the bible

>> No.20820484

first kiss was with an ugly drunk girl at a party, didnt like it.

>> No.20820486

>Everything you observe is illuminated by the dim spark of your mind.
even though you're a shill i kek'd, using this.

>> No.20820517

Yeah... I feel you Joe.

>> No.20820523

same fagging

>> No.20820546

Please stop writing like a 13 year old and go back to school.

>> No.20820593
File: 21 KB, 444x420, 1651648910549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your boyfriend of 5 years starts going on a set to a new show.
>You guys were talking about getting married and having kids so you are pretty happy.
>Start seeing him get a bit too close to someone so you start to worry
>He breaks it off suddenly without telling you why.
>Couple of months later you find out that he's with that 18 year old co-star
>Years later she writes a memoir about how she sucked his dick right after you broke up and didn't even know what cum was
>She doesn't even give you a mention or say sorry.
Holy shit, that poor lady. Jesus Jeanette what did she do to get hypercucked like that?

>> No.20820607

That sounds like typical Hollywood sociopathy.

>> No.20820673

>I'm enduring some midlife crisis stuff that has me feeling fucked-up
I can't imagine being in your 40s and being this cringeworthy

>> No.20820678

You left out the part where she left him about a year later. I do wonder if she thought about how fucking bad she looked there.

>> No.20820687

She made zero money off of iCarly, it all went to her parents.

>> No.20820728

Almost all child acting looks dysfunctional, with horrendous parents projecting their failures and insecurities onto their helpless kids. Jeanette seems like a decent, honest person, and it's clear she was really fucked up by everything. Our culture is fucking awful. I hope she makes bank on this and can retire and lead a normal life

>> No.20820780

happened to me but he said he was satan instead. he eventually date raped me too after I started wanting to get away, and yes this was in the Orange/LA area

>> No.20820802

How do you not pick up on the crazy shit right away?

>> No.20820814

> Let's all abandon literature and simply read the bible, shall we?
That is all we have ever needed to do to fix society.

>> No.20820848

it started online and I was impressed by what he could do, I have no friends because I'm retarded socially and we happened to live really close by so I was hoping it would just be a normal maybe fun friendship. I was hoping I'd get out of my shell or something and be outside more by meeting up, but things just got out of control as time went on. I did at least try to tell him he was a delusional schizo for saying any of that shit, but I think that only made him crazier desu since I didn't accept it. In the end I'm even more invisible online and still too chickenshit to do anything outside. thanks for reading my blog

>> No.20820850

>They're like gross fleshy piules of flesh.
Sage goes in the options field.

>> No.20820880

kek and that's why i called you a lolcow
dude if you're not going to correct me in ap style

>> No.20820899
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>I'm sitting on the log ride at Sixx Flags
This is now a log thread.

>> No.20820901

I don't know how you can continue saying nothing yet keep responding. But alas.

>> No.20820904

>Vaguebooking in a 4chan thread
Who hurt you?

>> No.20820941

Hot desu

>> No.20820966

>suck it up
>I have a rich life which is very fulfilling and brimming with love, and I say that even as I'm enduring some midlife crisis stuff that has me feeling fucked-up.
That's what he's doing.

>> No.20821053

>Let's all abandon literature and simply read the bible
>abandon literature
>read the bible

>> No.20821322

my first one was with chain smoking russian escort

>> No.20821362

My first kiss was with a childhood friend when I was like 13. She then gave me a handjob while playing The Sims

>> No.20821414

that sucks anon, I hope you're doing alright now

>> No.20821437

He's clearly talking about Jamie Lynn, nice reading comprehension. Take a break from the internet bud.

>> No.20821455

>t. molested
Does it make you feel bad knowing you weren’t even pretty enough to be raped, just fondled incidentally?

>> No.20821470

child actors are always being taken advantage of. They have very little agency and their parents are usually monsters.

>> No.20821570

Sympathy reset to 0.

>> No.20821584

>Jeanette seems like a decent, honest person
>retire and lead a normal life
she fucked a black dude

>> No.20821591

This bitch is lying for attention on the internet, riding the coat tails of an abused child star. Women are fucking pathetic.

>> No.20821635

>getting paid millions
>child actor
>on Nickolodeon
She gets "paid" as much as it takes to bribe her mom to pimp out her daughter

>> No.20821647

Hey Dan

>> No.20821809

Lmao guess it did hit close, faggot

>> No.20821866 [DELETED] 

if only. it's a saged anonymous reply in the middle of a thread on a slower board. stay mad because you read the whole thread on your own and ran into it.

>> No.20821956
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I've only read a couple of the excerpts ITT but it seems like the entire book is basically just pic-related over and over in slightly different but equally cliched uncomfortable contexts.

>> No.20822117
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>"What's cum?"
>Joe turns on his side, facing away from me, and clutches a pillow tight to his chest. He takes a long breath.
>"What have I done?" he asks.

>> No.20822134

she is a generic roastie from the entertainment industry, and it were not for her mom, she would have been a generic roastie from the middle class

>> No.20822261
File: 395 KB, 828x1118, D519FD7C-02E3-4464-9189-916878B79F20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets teenagers drunk and make them let him give them foot massages
>film and broadcast underaged foot fetish porn on network television
>news networks, journalists, and media personalities (who /definitely/ aren’t pedophiles - wink) still shill for this fat retard
>when he dies he will be noted as an accomplished and impressive creator and everyone will pretend he wasn’t a literal child-eating demon

>> No.20822610

that's not me lmao

>> No.20822712

No I will not read this

>> No.20822769

>My first kiss was with a stripper.
same kek

>> No.20822779

"My needs aren't being met" lmao who says that?? this pure fiction

>> No.20822804

looks alright. care to post an example where she looks "fuckin rough"?

>> No.20822810

the mother was the one who wanted her to be a starlet.

>> No.20822880
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holy fuck it's worst than I thought
she hit the wall HARD

>> No.20822896
File: 524 KB, 512x512, alex_grey_painting_of_a_chimpanzee_holding_up_a_bone_-n_5_-i_-S_2077566045_ts-1660155429_idx-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aboobloohoo I had to kiss someone as an actress
>oh nooo I got an offer to have a sip of alcohol as an 18 year old
There has to be some fucking end to crafting victimhood you absolute cunts.

>> No.20822921

Dan "the hymen divider" Schneider

>> No.20823100

Actually based and societally conscious.point of view and concern. Concern for how your work will impact the world around you and your readers might be "embarassing" from an aesthetic perspective but it's also ultimately more mature one.

I haven't read the book and am only judging on the title.

>> No.20823148

I thought she was a child based upon te thumbnail and my first response was on how appropriate the publisher's decision to press forth the memoirs of an obviously troubled young girl was.

>> No.20823167

Would you shut your racist trappipe up for one second as you enter into a matter of actual importance as not to tamper that mattering with the pale and dull bigotry of your personal psychosis. The treatment of child actors is too important for racists to appropriate you cunt among cunts.

>> No.20823188

He is describing part of the problem though

>> No.20823197

This is what the world is filled with.


>> No.20823300

Same, mah cracka

>> No.20823360

>I can't imagine being in your 40s and being this cringeworthy
, he lisped.

>> No.20823388

forced interaction with niggers is child abuse, what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.20823407

go back to /pol/.

>> No.20823720


>> No.20823776

No, I'm old enough to spot one-sided takes when I see them. I can tell from the title alone I'm more "wise" than this author, so I don't see any reason to read it.

>> No.20823817

Kys yourself

>> No.20823820

Any interaction with them at all is torture

>> No.20824016
File: 111 KB, 263x309, 1632193031668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from what I have seen, it's throwing a lot of dirt on how bad schneider was. that's all i care about. the mother stuff is also interesting but that fat fuck deserves some sort of torture.
yeah im surprised nick brushed this under the rug. no wonder why footman hasn't made a new show: he's probably in jail.

>> No.20824057

Looks like he bought a nook. What do you think he reads?

>> No.20824102

>yeah im surprised nick brushed this under the rug. no wonder why footman hasn't made a new show: he's probably in jail.
But he's making two new shows?

>> No.20824123

>The Creator stared at the Actress with his small pig eyes. There was silence for several increments of time.

>> No.20824512

Incel is a common term. It's used to describe you, for example

>> No.20824533
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how do you go from this...

>> No.20824536

he's right

>> No.20824637

Damn, she was never conventionally beautiful but she was still very pretty in her own way. Definitely mogged Miranda Cosgrove easily.

>> No.20824644

she looks ill. doesn't she have an eating disorder?

>> No.20824902

literally who

>> No.20824923

>this is Dan's fault, not my fault for living such a sheltered life
literally just trying to be contraian for the sake of it

>> No.20825053

You've already called me contrarian three times over. I am merely paraphrasing her own book. In fact. Her kiss was at 19 years old. They waited for these actors to kiss until she was 19 fucking years old. That's the big complaint here. I'm being contrarian for thinking that's somehow not Dan's fault. They had kid actors wait until their 19th to do a kiss scene. That's the hot potato here? It's clear you haven't read the book. And it's clear that nothing you say will be anything actually referring to the book in question.

The bible.

>> No.20825059

nvm just woke up, maths hard, 17 years old. Big deal.

>> No.20825372

you are actually retarded

>> No.20825550

I hope oneday you can become socialised and normal, it helps having a thing you HAVE TO go to.

>> No.20825571

60 year old on 4chin

>> No.20825576

kill yourself yourself

>> No.20826128

Babyfat. It makes homely girls look cute in a quirky way. But when they lose it, the look like gremlins.

>> No.20826169

Book took me two days to finish. I liked it. Each chapter is short and gets to the point. Would I read it again? No.

>> No.20826178


>> No.20826217
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It makes sense. Babies cannot communicate with language so you must learn what a baby is thinking and what it needs through observing its face and behavior. Women are grown babies.

>> No.20826500

I felt the same way. It was engrossing for whatever reason anyone wants to think, and honestly the way any biography should be written if they're trying to tell their stories anyway. What are some other books with similar writing styles?

>> No.20826659

Can confirm, every girl 23 and under looks good as long as she's not notably unattractive or fat in some way. If you're a 5/10 you're a 5*/10, if you're a 6 you're a 6*. The asterisk is an effective 1-3 point boost. But they lose it at 24-25, and most look like absolute shit by 26.

There is some confusion about where exactly the wall is. The truth is there are multiple walls. The 23-26 wall is when a girl stops being "cute," in that way that intangible glowing way that men really mean when they talk about women being gorgeous, and starts just being "hot." Still fuckable but the asterisk and the magic glow are gone. Subsequent walls (27-28, 30), are when they lose even that and just become meh.

>> No.20826675

Game of Thrones

>> No.20826725
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>> No.20826871

A child being exploited by his/her money thirsty parent figures is terrible and I'm glad she talks about it, yet this so half-hearted in many ways.
She waited until her mother was dead so she could drag her through the mud without repercussions and she doesn't name anyone directly, which could be because the hollywood would sue her in all their force or because she doesn't wants be blacklisted from working in california.
The text itself is poorly written and it doesn't even work as a confessional because it sounds so desperate and tragic, at least she could've hired a editor or a co-writer. At the end of the day this can become a promotional piece of someone who can't work beyond acting or the flavor of the month "thing" that liberals are going to support because media told them so and that conservatives are gonna hate because liberals support it.

>> No.20826999

I don't think calling him "The Creator" was due to fear of legal complications. Any one with common sense knows that's not enough to escape libel charges.
It's more that she's trying to manipulate the reader into thinking she's more of a victim than she really is despite her age, as if she were brainwashed into worshipping him.
These short abrupt sentences ("The Creator laughs. I've done well. I've pleased him. Mission accomplished.") were chosen to make you think she has the brain capacity of an overgrown infant. Just women trying to escape responsibility.

>> No.20827237

I refuse to be corrupted, kike.

>> No.20827272

>Worst she's willing to say about "the creator" is he gave her alcohol and was a dick
>Exposes co-stars personal business
>Talks about how gross it is to be human; can't comprehend the fact she's a lesbian so the entire memoir is cope
>Charges $27 for the book

>> No.20829117

>Just women trying to escape responsibility.

As opposed to men, who always take it head on, right? Typical mutt trying to drag everyone else down to its level. Mutt men aren't any better.

>> No.20829129

>were chosen to make you think she has the brain capacity of an overgrown infant.
she literally was. she was homeschooled by her mormon mother .

>> No.20829133

based jennetter

>> No.20829216

>No, you can't point out systemic abuse of child actors, this will promote negativity
post snout

>> No.20829883

Read it and loved it.

>> No.20829887

Are you naturally this retarded or do you just like being like this?

>> No.20829953

Anon you are fighting autistic Jennette Mccurdy simps here. They enjoy jerking off to her icloud leaks so any critical input here is being flakked down by these two tards. Don't mind them. You are completely right, it is contrived rambling garbage. And those two are autistic spergs defending a woman's writing on /lit/.

>> No.20829974

>>Talks about how gross it is to be human; can't comprehend the fact she's a lesbian so the entire memoir is cope
She's /lit/ material.

>> No.20829989

I do

>> No.20830000


>> No.20830006

Oppossite actually

>> No.20830315

>She also revealed that until she was 16 or 17 years old,[64] her mother performed vaginal and breast exams, ostensibly as a cancer screening, and never let her shower alone.[61][65]
god I wish that were me

>> No.20830322

>you think she has the brain capacity of an overgrown infant.
She wasn't an infant, but during the course of the show, she was just a kid. She wasn't responsible for anything, so there isn't any "responsibility" for her to escape. That's why I was confused by the way she seems to hide in the excerpts other anons were posting. Now that she's an adult, publishing the book using fake names and waiting until her mother had died is very spineless. It is a cowardly move and why it's not worth buying. I would have gotten it if she had told the truth and didn't hide behind worthless fake-names. But since it tells nothing, it didn't seem worth it.
Calling him "The Creator," and not naming names of predators just makes it so that other kids will suffer. It's just selfish.

>> No.20830345

oh god, that sounds just like me

>> No.20830360

I'm pretty sure most of those who might care get enough of narcissistic supply from elsewhere already. And probably don't really care if it's their honest opinion or not.

>> No.20830381

I dig her style, also, the design of the book is kino.

>> No.20830387

So it confirms the producer of iCarley had a thing for girls with big chins and wide mouths?

>> No.20830756
File: 56 KB, 806x960, DzHGVqfU0AA5T8m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine unironically being this retarded.