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/lit/ - Literature

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20815784 No.20815784 [Reply] [Original]

reminder that reading is for poorfags

>> No.20815826

>wants constant conflict and speed to hold his interest
That was the hallmarks of pulp, the reading material of poorfags and mouthbreathers who couldn't afford real books in that era.

>> No.20815833

man of action > wimpy sedentary dostoevsky reading edgelord

>> No.20815842

opinion discarded

>> No.20815893

Ovid was right, the age of Iron is upon us

>> No.20815896

His dad was chess grandmaster tier and you dullards think you're on his level. But fuck you for shilling for Hustler University.

>> No.20815909

>tfw not reading lately and turning into this guy purely because i need pussy

>> No.20815915

hard disagree bud
reading dostoevsky is awesome, enjoyable, insightful, and enriching

>> No.20815942

The pirate on the boat slit the soft throat of the last pathetic poorfag sailor. For a moment there was stillness, only gentle sounds of the rocking of the boat in the sea as the rivers of blood emptied from the deck.
The stillness infuriated the noble pirate, his brain was too advanced for such boring poorfag shit.

>> No.20815944

>muh daddy is cooler than your daddy!!!

>> No.20815946

So his dad failed to become GM, just like his son failed to become anything at all.

>> No.20815949

What do you pretend refering to obscure greeks? He is right and furthermore, you are precisely proving his point by bringing confusing references of a person from the bronze age with a bronze mentality.

>> No.20815951

Don't be fooled by Tate's dumb chud exterior, the guy is a very shrewd businessman who makes 60 million dollars a year taking desperate loser incels money.

>> No.20815955

Is he just another dan bilzerian selling dreams?

>> No.20815962

He wasn't recognised as a GM because of politics. He was an ex glowie that quit the military to go balls deep into chess, so you know he was legit.

>> No.20815964

Yeah but he's even better at it than Bilzerian ever was.

>> No.20815967

Tate explains it thus: Bilzerian is the customer, where Tate is the pimp.

>> No.20815974

I think you all need spend more time with your fathers.

>> No.20816048

Reminder that most retired fighters have brain damage

>> No.20816161

>no chin
>no hair
>can't read
>shit record
Why do we like this guy?

>> No.20816184

>doesn’t know who Ovid was
>doesn’t know when the Bronze Age was
What are you even doing on /lit/, you brainless nigger? Are you one of this bald fraud’s sycophants shilling him here for a crumb of approval?

>> No.20816248

Imagine he’s on a date with a girl and she asks him what his favorite book is and he says this shit lmao.

>> No.20816342
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he regards women as property (legitimately has legal proceedings tied to human trafficking) he will not care what any woman thinks

inb4 the incels commenting "based"

>> No.20816402

What is this form of gatekeeping called?

>> No.20816451

Unironically not a single great man in history was particularly well read.

>> No.20816565


>> No.20816663
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Martial arts and other contact sports are an inherently low IQ activity

>> No.20816683
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None of these "people" have fathers. That's why they hero-worship this peanut head

>> No.20816703

Why do you care so much about what women think of you? This is a very feminine trait. You should value your opinions on your reading habits more than anyone else’s. Disregarding the opinions of others (especially women’s) is a hallmark of a great man.

>> No.20816713
File: 94 KB, 215x300, 1654787951756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ovid wasn't greek.
He didn't live during the bronze age.
If anyone here has a bronze age mindset, it's Tate.

>> No.20816731

>literally any author of note

>> No.20816744

Everyday the same bait webm

>> No.20816753
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>> No.20816779

Another thread of this shit?

>> No.20816821

This again?

>> No.20816877

Newton is basically mankind's most relevant guy and he read with rigor.

>> No.20816962

You know that in every civilization before the modern West and still today elsewhere in the world, if you want a woman, you have to go see her father and give a dowry to get her?
"Human trafficking" is a modern spook to call what has always been normal and natural in every civilization, to "remove" women from the circle of families and natural exchanges and enslave them to Big Business.