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20810626 No.20810626 [Reply] [Original]

Nietzsche and Christianity cannot be reconciled.

But Nietzsche and Catholicism can.

>> No.20810817

Catholicism is Christian.

>> No.20810834

lol no

>> No.20810841


>> No.20810851
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this board gets dumber by the hour

>> No.20811063

It's Marian.

>> No.20811190

Catholicism stole their cardinal virtues from Plato and appropriated many pagan traditions. It's these aspects that are reconcilable with Nietzsche. Protestantism is irreconcilable with Nietzsche because it's based on scripture alone.

>> No.20811200

christcucks are pathetic, especially after Spinoza and Nietzsche

>> No.20811263

Spinoza was a Jew and Nietzsche spoke out against antisemitism (probably because of his beef with Wagner) and whenever I site them in arguments against Christians they bring that up.

>> No.20811274

Jesus was a Jew too, not to mention Saul vel Paul, who was not only a slimey, hypocritical Jew neophyte who was full of shit, but also wrote the vast majority of the New Testament

christcucks are the biggest cucks ever and their antisemitism is a joke.
>we wuz the real jews!!
>we don't actually hate jews!! just the synagogue of satan!!

>> No.20811308

Yeah, they are quite embarrassing. They don't really know what Jesus taught at all, they just LARP as crusaders.

>> No.20811319

the easiest way to disprove their LARP (and christianity) is by asking them these 2 questions:
>is there a single original idea in Christianity that isn't just legitimacy/continuity-cope?
>do you ACTUALLY believe in the resurrection of jesus? how certain are you?

>> No.20811325

No group on the planet is as embarrassing as the retards to engage in this kind of anti-Christian circlejerk. It's especially braindead when it's Americans doing it and attributing all the retarded Americanisms they hate to Christianity as a scapegoat for their own retardation.

>> No.20811330

Some of them are just stubbornly ignorant. I sent this to a Christian once:

>“And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also.”
Luke 6:29 KJV
>Do as Jesus tells you! Take it like a bitch, bitch! Also, give me your jacket!

He still didn't concede the point that Jesus' teachings are cucked.

>> No.20811332

>if it's not "original" then it's false
>if you have doubts about something then it's false
You are the dumbest creatures that have ever lived.

>> No.20811335

This is a good example of stubborn ignorance on your part. Then you go around proudly advertising what a dishonest brainwashed golem you are.

>> No.20811337

if it's not original, why respect it?

do you respect theosophy?

>> No.20811347

i'm not american, im from Poland. one of the most christian (catholic) nations on Earth. people actually go to church here and the vibe is really off and cultish there. i know New Atheism is cringe and reddit but if you actually had any contact with real practiced christianity instead of just tradlarping, you'd notice how much of a fairy tale for the meek and the dumb it all is

>> No.20811350

stupid tripfag

>> No.20811351

Christians claim the Bible is the divine inspired word of God. If philologists can prove the Biblical texts were not original and were rather inspired by other writings, then that disproves the notion that the Bible is the divine inspired word of God, yes? Why would God be inspired by a mere mortal?
Christians who think they can reconcile their faith with being racist to the extent of calling for genocide and telling people to kill themselves on /pol/ are delusional. Jesus taught humility, non-violence, and self-renunciation, but the Christians on 4chan don't follow those teachings whatsoever.

>> No.20811355

at least i managed not to be a christcuck kek

>> No.20811380

>if it's not original, why respect it?
If an observation matters it matters no matter how original it is. Nothing about this appeal to originality makes any sense.
I can find value in almost any school of thought excluding those like militant internet atheism that serve only the purpose of stopping thought from happening.
Continuing to respect my local traditions as I always did since a child suddenly becomes larping because now the internet exists and terminally online trannies like you have absolute authority to redefine all words to disconnect us completely from the past.
>Christians claim the Bible is the divine inspired word of God.
Means different things to different people but you don't care what it means. Fundamentalists Christians with roots in America are the second dumbest group on the planet after American inspired atheism. Both are closely related ideologies, almost indistinguishable.
>Christians who think they can reconcile their faith with being racist to the extent of calling for genocide and telling people to kill themselves on /pol/ are delusional
And the braindead political propaganda behind it all is revealed. You don't think.

>> No.20811492

No one here reads.