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20806770 No.20806770 [Reply] [Original]

What should I read about metaphysical monism versus dualism? Which philosophers have discussed this?

>> No.20806820
File: 3.93 MB, 1323x4887, Negate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Negate with the Gnostics.

>> No.20806826
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Or, start with this if you want a more scholarly and philosophical exploration of dualism.

>> No.20806896
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> What should I read about metaphysical monism versus dualism?
Rene Guenon’s (pbuh) metaphysics trilogy:

1) Man and His Becoming According to the Vedanta
2) The Symbolism of the Cross
3) The Multiple States of the Being

>> No.20807130

all of them you fucking ding dong

>> No.20807179

>metaphysical monism
Just type solipsism. it's faster.

>> No.20807449
File: 84 KB, 720x960, eggedon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ngmi! SAD!

>> No.20807525


Hume and Kant already refuted Guenon's metaphysics on causation and contingency

>> No.20807688

the fuck are you on about, monism clearly has fewer letters

>> No.20807695

How so?

>> No.20808032

Robert Bolton

>> No.20808116
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>the klaus schwab

>> No.20808125

rofl just saw soros too

>> No.20808145

Relations of ideas can't be used to prove matters of fact. Classical (rationalist) metaphysics is just dogmatism.

>> No.20808198
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>> No.20808667

Descartes, then Spinoza.
Pay attention to Descartes' substances.

>> No.20808859

category theory

>> No.20809843

calling something dogmatism is not a real refutation because dogmas can be both internally logically consistent and true

>> No.20809876
File: 1.95 MB, 3108x2840, Adi Shankara guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20810315

>What should I read about metaphysical monism versus dualism?
The better question is this: What do you gain from reading them?

>> No.20810422

Metaphysics may seem far removed from anything tangible, but it forms the foundation for supposedly more practical ideas. For example: antinatalism could only have emerged out of metaphysical materialism.

>> No.20811297


>> No.20811505

utter schizo gibberish

>> No.20811515

I've come to the conclusion whole notion of philosophical "substances", "properties", "tokens", "supervenience"and other such object oriented philosophy is syntactically inadequate to deal with the mind-body problem. The differences between "substance dualism", "property dualism", and "neutral monism" for instance are ultimately two different ways of thinking about the same thing, and you end up with essentially isomorphic problems expressed in different syntax.

>> No.20811557

The real question is to what extent can consciousness be reduced to interactions of signals. I don't think that it's computationally reducible, and as such it's probably going to be very, very hard or close to impossible to reverse engineer it.

>> No.20811623

even if it's possible to reverse engineer consciousness, how would we ever know if we succeeded?

>> No.20811631

you are just low IQ and got filtered

>> No.20811788

just take the dependent arising pill and go with the buddhists, trascending both monists and dualists

>> No.20811803
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I solved this problem.

>> No.20811819

Spinoza already solved this problem ?
Monism and dualism is the same.

>> No.20811906

by becoming a nihilist?

>> No.20811930

I am a pluralist; there are an infinite amount of substances.

>> No.20812032
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the infinite is beyond quantity and so to speak of a 'infinite amount' is a contradiction in terms

>> No.20812319

You wouldn't, probably even if we had a scientific means of telepathy. You would still have to make assumptions about the state of consciousness based on behaviors due to the explanatory gap.

>> No.20813391

what's nihilist about buddhism?
there's suffering and the cessation of suffering

>> No.20814410
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>The Buddhistic assumption that the extinction of that consciousness is the highest end of human life, is untenable, for there is no recipient of results. For a person who has got a thorn stuck into him, the relief of the pain caused by it is the result (he seeks); but if he dies, we do not find any recipient of the resulting cessation of pain. Similarly, if consciousness is altogether extinct and there is nobody to reap that benefit, to talk of it as the highest end of human life is meaningless. If that very entity or self, designated by the word ‘person’—consciousness, according to you—whose well-being is meant, is extinct, for whose sake will the highest end be?
- Adi Shankara (pbuh)

>> No.20814453

So metaphysical monism is the gnostic thing or what? What is their stance on dualism? Just a simulacrum created by the demiurge or something?
Sorry I don't know shit about gnosticism. Is this thread even about gnosticism.

>> No.20814666

what if i'm NOT schizophrenic?

>> No.20814689

The Eleatics are the only ones who offer a coherent metaphysical account, at least when interpreted as monists. If you want to know about metaphysics, or metaphysical monism specifically, you need to start with them and never forget what they teach you.

The image you posted doesn't have much to do with them, though. If you think reality is an "outward manifestation of an inward god" then the scope of your enquiry is too narrow and you've already kind of lost the plot. Not as bad as an Aristotelean though.

>> No.20814897

What a Peircing gaze that young man has, ha ha, ha ha!

>> No.20815398

you are watching a movie. you can make a distinction 8etween the state that identifies with the movie and the state that doesnt, 8ut youre always watching a movie.

food for thought and food for thought only. there is nothing a8out the 8rain that makes consciousness. everything has a perspective, 8ut 8rains can express their perspective, so we think it is special to them. in this case an idealist panpsychism is true.

>> No.20815446

>two different ways of thinking about the same thing, and you end up with essentially isomorphic problems expressed in different syntax.
Welcome to Advaita Vedanta.

>> No.20815972

Shankara didn't understand buddhism, even though his whole system was based on buddhist doctrines such as Yogacara and Madhyamaka.

Imagine confusing an aggregate with an imposed notion of a 'self'.
The tathagata is free from all forms of self-identification; it's meaningless to speak in terms of survival or annihilation.

>> No.20816014

> Shankara didn't understand buddhism, even though his whole system was based on buddhist doctrines such as Yogacara and Madhyamaka.
It’s not, you have to be pretty dumb and misinformed to think this

>Imagine confusing an aggregate with an imposed notion of a 'self'.
What Shankara is talking about (the Atman) isn’t any of the aggregates

>The tathagata is free from all forms of self-identification
A cop-out answer that answers confronting the issue that if you reduce an entity to being solely aggregates which don’t continue in Parinirvana then it’s practically the same as a total annihilation

>> No.20816378


in 'Systems Of Buddhistic Thought' Sogen Yamakami shows how Shankara completely misunderstood the buddhist doctrines of impermanence, momentariness, causality, storehouse-consciouness and many others.


>> No.20816834

>in 'Systems Of Buddhistic Thought' Sogen Yamakami shows how Shankara completely misunderstood the buddhist doctrines
Not really; he objects to Shankara saying the aggregates cannot account for their own existence by saying that the Buddhist answer is that avidya in a past life accounts for the existence of the aggregates in this present one but this is either him playing stupid or he genuinely is stupid because this is the very nonsensical idea that Shankara refutes by pointing out that it involves an impossible regress; as there wont be an opportunity for that previous avidya in the first place to be there producing the effects that lead to the current set of aggregates since the mechanism by which Buddhists account for it involves an absurd and illogical regress; it's like he went out of his way to pretend to not understand the implication of what Shankara is talking about