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/lit/ - Literature

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20804075 No.20804075 [Reply] [Original]

How did F Gardner and his books become the biggest memes from this board?

>> No.20804256

They aren't. Nietzche is.

>> No.20804278

He did it all himself.
He's a relentless shill-spammer.
This is how he got kicked off, or banned, from nearly every web site out there.
He has absolutely no following whatsoever.
It's long past time for him to stop shitting up 4chan.
Unfortunately, he has no shame, no conscience, and nothng better to do all day, given that he's a gay tranny NEET that sponges off his parents.

>> No.20804469


By writing quality novels at affordable prices.

>> No.20804486

Fuck off Gardner.

>> No.20804518
File: 165 KB, 747x1096, gardner-sucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing "quality" about Gardner's writing.
They contain rampant atrocities against spelling, punctuation, grammar, plot, and characterization.
I wrote better than this when I was 8.
But since he won't shut up, the only thing to do (after reporting the advertising/begging) is to fill the thread with the truth about him and his "books", so that each serves as a warning to any unlucky anon that might stumble across his abominations.

>> No.20804523

Fuck off Gardner.

>> No.20804533
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I know who Faggot Gardner is but I have no idea who that is, to be honest.

>> No.20804562

Fuck off Gardner.

>> No.20804563

>gay tranny NEET

Why is this every /lit/ author