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/lit/ - Literature

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20796421 No.20796421 [Reply] [Original]

>walk into typical bookstore

>UNF*CK your SH*T: a guide to ADULTING
>prominent shelves dedicated entirely to black femme queer marxist theory
>1/4 of the overall floor space dedicated to toys, knick knacks, sex toys if you're in a particularly progressive location
>remaining 3/4 consist primarily of contemporary YA genre fiction/fantasy
>sci-fi section consists entirely of a million literal who contemporary authors, women and minority groups prioritized, no heinlein, no arthur c. clark, maybe a movie edition of dune
>sad little philosophy section consisting of a single bookshelf with mostly secondary sources
>small history section consisting of pop history like 'the secret BLACK WOMAN that cracked the enigma code and brought down HITLER, the story they don't want you to know'

>turn around and leave

>> No.20796511
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>sex toys if you're in a particularly progressive location

>> No.20796678

What’s the point if this thread?

>> No.20796690

Stop being American. Selections in literally any other country are way more diverse and interesting.

>> No.20796693

Shitting on popular book stores.

>> No.20796703

That's the new thing you'll see in hipstery boutiques and progressive book stores and such places, trying to normalize and casualize them I suppose

>> No.20796710 [DELETED] 

Whining and complaining. Everyone is hopelessly mired in victimhood and resentment. On the left it's "My life is being ruined by white supremacists." On the right it's "My life is being ruined by a conspiracy of Jews and leftists." Whine whine whine.

As an aside, a B&N that size is going to have a bunch of classics. I hardly visit B&N but the last time I was there I was after "A Moveable Feast" and was surprised to see they had four different editions. There's still a buck to be made in selling actual literature.

>> No.20796712

No they're not and you know it

>> No.20796718
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>UNF*CK your SH*T: a guide to ADULTING
>prominent shelves dedicated entirely to black femme queer marxist theory
>1/4 of the overall floor space dedicated to toys, knick knacks, sex toys if you're in a particularly progressive location
>remaining 3/4 consist primarily of contemporary YA genre fiction/fantasy
>sci-fi section consists entirely of a million literal who contemporary authors, women and minority groups prioritized, no heinlein, no arthur c. clark, maybe a movie edition of dune
>small history section consisting of pop history like 'the secret BLACK WOMAN that cracked the enigma code and brought down HITLER, the story they don't want you to know'

>> No.20796725
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>>UNF*CK your SH*T: a guide to ADULTING
Why is this so true?

>> No.20796742

They are and you're just being contrarian. Barnes and Noble is notoriously low quality. Meanwhile, in the UK, I walk into a small store with rainbow flags and a blm sign in the middle of London and yes, while there is a left-wing slant, i still found a wider selection of classics. I walk into a Barnes and Noble in the states and they don't even stock Tolstoy. Why? Because the US has an anti-intellectual culture. Whereas overseas the most left wing people, actual people not your Twitter stereotypes, still see the value in "dead old white men,". You won't find Houellebeqc in a US airport, you do in European ones.

>> No.20796763
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>small store with rainbow flags and a blm sign in the middle of London
And you actually went into this establishment and purchased items?

>> No.20796776
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Yes. I dont care about the culture war and I wont pretend to, not even here. No amount of personal seething is going to change anything, nor will the 10$ i spend or dont spend on second hand books. Whether its a maga hat or a rainbow shirt, either way i dont give a shit.


>> No.20796784

Scared pol?

>> No.20796802

My philosophy section was not too bad. You could read Aristotle, Schopenhauer, Wittgenstein, Plato, and Foucault there. The poetry section also had some pretty good elves. The best section was the travel books with two rows of both soulless autism guides and travel writing. Too bad they turned it into a 24 hour fitness.

>> No.20796803

>a Barnes and Nobles in London has a better selection that one in the middle of nowhere in the US
>European airports stock more contemporary European authors than American ones do
You're so fucking dumb man. A Barnes and Nobles in New York City has a vastly superior selection to a Barnes and Nobles in a random medium sized Euro city, and American airport bookstores stock contemporary American literary authors that Euro airports don't. If you happen to like Houellebecq more than George Saunders or whatever, that's up to you.

>> No.20796815
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barnes and noble literally has their own line of classics including tolstoy and every b&n i've been in has a shelf or two dedicated just to those editions.

>> No.20796817 [DELETED] 


>> No.20796821
File: 97 KB, 483x750, 9781478952350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to Religion & Spirituality section of online bookshop
>self help with religious buzzwords
>mid 30's AWFL author's 3rd "Jesus is my boyfriend" book
>onions western abuse of Zen Buddhism
>prosperity gospel (pic rel)

just fuck my shit up

>> No.20796825

My Barnes and Noble did stock Tolstoy and I am in flyover county 21 years. Do not learn about my reality from 4chan memes. Some day you will have the opportunity to press the red button and your mental representation is going to be sad AIDs. We sold about three Tolstoy books a month to a town of around 400,000.

>> No.20796838

>You're so fucking dumb man
You shouldn't be so mean to strangers. The hate you give is the hate you get.
>A Barnes and Nobles in New York City has a vastly superior selection to a Barnes and Nobles in a random medium sized Euro city
You're being pedantic, the conversation was about general experiences. Obviously specific stores will have specific advantages, but we arent talking particulars.
>and American airport bookstores stock contemporary American literary authors that Euro airports don't.
In my experience American airports stock purely genreshit from mass published mass appeal nonsense. But ill freely admit I havnt seen many US airports so I dont know.
>If you happen to like Houellebecq more than George Saunders or whatever, that's up to you.
My point is that I have seen houelleqc in places outside of France, as well as American authors, rarely the reverse, as far as books people here would like go.

>> No.20796840

I've been in many B+N's and am only seeing this for the first time.

>> No.20796843

>Do not learn about my reality from 4chan memes
And don't claim your reality is representative.

>> No.20796844

Books are dead, dude. I’ve wanted to read and write for so long, but every time I enter a book store or talk to anyone about books I am immediately reminded what a dead medium this is.

>> No.20796855

Yeah, and it’s usually tucked away in the corner out of view and nobody buys them but let’s be honest. The complaint is not really that they don’t sell classics. It’s that 1) classics are secondary to comic books, toys, and pop books, and more importantly 2) no would-be classic contemporary books. Even if you look for the authors that people will argue will be classics one day (of which I think there are none, but people argue for them nonetheless) they typically don’t carry them unless the book has been adapted into a movie. You will not find Houllebecq in a Barnes and Noble. You will probably not find him in any book store.

>> No.20796860
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the barnes and noble at union square has two big ass shelf dedicated to this with the western canon's greatest hits and as well as obscure stuff i'm not even sure about, i mean you ever heard of this shit?

>> No.20796877

Been a while since I met a man this based.

>> No.20796881

Heinlen fucking sucks dude lol. The guide to adulting would be a better read.

>> No.20796885

You actually believe him.

>> No.20796888

Idk how you can read consistently and not know about B&N classics. I have a friend who collects them for shits. Massive collection of old works, and not hard to find in stores.

>> No.20796902

Another episode of a poltard getting triggered by everything

>> No.20796903

>You shouldn't be so mean to strangers. The hate you give is the hate you get.
Okay I'm sorry
>You're being pedantic, the conversation was about general experiences. Obviously specific stores will have specific advantages, but we arent talking particulars.
Particulars do matter because even chain stores adjust their stock to their location. I have been to very many American Barnes and Nobles and it absolutely matters where it is and, in general, the larger and/or more culturally significant the city, the better the stock, and vice versa. So comparing a store in arguably the most important city in Europe to a random American Barnes and Nobles is not fair; a Barnes and Nobles or small store in a city like New York, L.A., or D.C. is going to btfo any store in Leeds.
>My point is that I have seen houelleqc in places outside of France, as well as American authors, rarely the reverse, as far as books people here would like go.
That's just book publishers and their marketing strategies. Houellebecq is a big author in Europe; he's just not in America and is not heavily marketed there. It says nothing about the quality of the American reading public or bookstores, just how publishers sell their books based on their perception of the market.

>> No.20796947

>Particulars do matter because even chain stores adjust their stock to their location. I have been to very many American Barnes and Nobles and it absolutely matters where it is and, in general, the larger and/or more culturally significant the city, the better the stock, and vice versa. So comparing a store in arguably the most important city in Europe to a random American Barnes and Nobles is not fair; a Barnes and Nobles or small store in a city like New York, L.A., or D.C. is going to btfo any store in Leeds.
Yeah I'll have to concede to that. My thinking is comparing my personal broader experience between the US and the UK. I've walked out or more stores disappointed in the former than the latter. Theres a "book town," in Scotland and I left it with over a dozen books, including a copy of Emerson's essays from 1911. never had that level of success in the states, that being said I've never been to a US equivalent of that tiny town, which is renowned for its used books.

>That's just book publishers and their marketing strategies. Houellebecq is a big author in Europe; he's just not in America and is not heavily marketed there. It says nothing about the quality of the American reading public or bookstores, just how publishers sell their books based on their perception of the market.
I didnt think of marketing so ill give you that too. In my experience, which is the big caveat, this website is the only one where I've consistently met people that read France's current top author, and I assumed most users are American. Yet I've never seen a US store selling Houellebeqc, unless we count Amazon. Sure /lit/ isn't representative of Americans at large, but still, every American "avid reader," i know mainly touches mass genre trash, with the exception of a catholic seminarian I know.

>> No.20797195

Don't forget the 20$ 1984 hardcover, and small children yelling for an iced coffee.

>> No.20797256

Le niggas? Thats epic!!
Speaking like a bottom of the barrel white trash halfwit or just a regular nigger is so epic and cool, amirite fellow redditors? Brb going to watch netflix and get my 5th booster, why is society regressing into infantile retardation btw???

>> No.20797261

No, Canada is actually worse except for maybe some blue cities in the US with way too many blacks

>> No.20797267

Anon, a book isn't bad just because the author has black skin.

>> No.20797272

Ya, who cares that London is basically a 3rd world shithole, at least our antiWestern bookstore have LE CLASSICS XDD

>> No.20797280

This but ironically

>> No.20797292

Very astute, correlation =/= causation. Nevertheless, the correlation remains, and we are discerning.

>> No.20797293

>Unf*ck Your Sh*t: A Guide to Adulting

Wonder how many basement dwellers who never made it into the real world, yet think they are adults, are talking shit on this book

>> No.20797297

I used to find this funny, but now it’s depressing.

>> No.20797298

What does that say about society?

>> No.20797306

u mad tranny?

>> No.20797308

Dude what? Why do you pol types always do these. We are discussing the quality of a certain thing within something else and the moment you see a facet one of your dissident micro ecelebs screams about you totally forget the conversation at hand and go into MUST DEFEND MUH WEST mode.

Why be so snarky? So condescending? You could at least try to argue how skin color affects writing quality, regardless of how bullshit of a premise it is.

>> No.20797312

That they see the difference between childhood and adulthood

>> No.20797335

I barely ever go to the bookstore anymore, all the featured shit is woke garbage and it's all so pricey. I use an ereader 99% of the time anyway.

>> No.20797350 [DELETED] 

Did you also know that the more brown a city becomes, the more violent and crime-filled it becomes? Take Sweden for example. It was practically the safest country in the world, now it is gun-violence capital of Europe. We are under no illusions: the browning of the West poses a direct threat to the safety and livelihood of Europeans / the white race.

London is an absolute joke. So is Paris. Crime-ridden shitholes full of nonwhite gangs, once the greatest and most beautiful cities in the world. Disgusting. No Europeans want this, in fact every survey shows the overwhelming majority of Europeans want to drastically limit immigration, but the will of the people is not obeyed, because the system is broken.
>muh pol
I don't even go there, that's a cope for when someone speaks the truth and it makes you uncomfortable.

>> No.20797358

You mean you don't want to pay 30$ for a soyy edition of Nietzsche?

If I buy physical, it's a nice edition off ebay, to support small business and get a cool/better edition.

>> No.20797363

Dude what the fuck does any of that have to do with Barnes and Noble

>> No.20797380


>> No.20797384


>> No.20797388

Idk man just ranting

>> No.20797390

>Not walking into your local bookshop to buy an extra tight onahole and a copy of Lolita
>Also an iced latte
Common occurence in Portland.

>> No.20797405

Hey. I'm Jewish.
I disagree with your politics, but God commands to love thy neighbour, so I still love you.

>> No.20797433

>I disagree with your politics,
I didn't really say anything political, I was just stating observable, quantifiable reality. It's likely that your hugbox feelgood liberal worldview is at odds with reality, it falls apart when you let in millions of pre-medieval peasant simians from the 3rd world and they practically prove that "racial prejudice" or just "discernment" is justified in the natural world.

>> No.20797447 [DELETED] 

There was virtually NO VIOLENT CRIME in Sweden for DECADES, it was the model pacified country and the living epitome of the "high trust society," living proof that game-theoretical models of societies built of predominantly fundamentally decent human beings are correct and eventually all the human trash will be weeded out and good will beget good

Unfortunately it also feminized them (because the Scandinavian's instinctive peevishness was only oriented toward "good" in a vague sense and lost touch with aristocratic values of any kind), as Mishima noted in his book on Bushido already in the '60s, where he says the Swedes are basically a bunch of quiet spiritless women because of the perfection of their welfare state

Despite all this feminized quietism and flawed perfection, it was still a model high trust society, or the base for one. Take that and throw mass immigration in the mix, and it became "urban America" within 10-15 years. The gelded Swedes with their decades of internal pacification literally do not know what to do, they went from having not a single violent criminal in generations to having GRENADE FIGHTS in SMALL RURAL TOWNS. HOW DO YOU EVEN GET A GRENADE IN SWEDEN?

Politics really is that simple, it's all just downstream of simpler, firmer realities. High trust society good. Low trust society bad. Don't fuck up the formula if you're lucky enough to have it.

>> No.20797453

Go back to /pol/.

>> No.20797455

You clearly care quite a lot about the culture war to declare our culture anti intellectual and even prescribe which authors are acceptable and which aren't. Face it, everyone cares about the culture war. You'd have to be crazy not to. It's like if your neighbors sceptic tank was leaking into your yard and you pretended not to care.

>> No.20797456

>hugbox feelgood liberal worldview
Youre assuming too much. I'm an ultra-montenist dude. I simply don't think race is the salient causal variable with anything you've described. Race proceeds from culture, not the other way around.

>> No.20797460

>You clearly care quite a lot about the culture war to declare our culture anti intellectual and even prescribe which authors are acceptable and which aren't
Fine you got me. Now what honkey?

>> No.20797465

I wanted to believe this for so long and it just isn't true. I am not a biological reductionist but something like Theosophical root races must be true. People are different. Let people be different. Let the natural flow of things do its thing. The natural flow of things is that Swedes ain't Turks, Turks ain't Swedes. You don't have to be a skull-measuring esoteric Hitlerist to see the wisdom in that.

>> No.20797477

It's even sadder when you think about how based Sweden used to be. Feminism was treated as blasphemy. You could get locked up for saying that women are equal to men. It almost happened to August Strindberg.

>> No.20797495

>genetics are meaningless
Literal cope to keep your feelgood worldview intact. Even if theoretically you're correct, which I am open to, the data speaks for itself. Are we to just keep importing millions of african retards as crime continues to skyrocket and they suck up all the state income? Don't be a child.

I don't use pol, weakling. I don't care if you're offended, you're an oversocialized slave.

>> No.20797501

Absolutely based. Keep shoving this down people's throats till they get it.

>> No.20797507

What is so crazy about the positive fact that genetics and different hominids species exist? Everyone is conditioned to run from these ideas, very strange isn't it?

>> No.20797509


>> No.20797513

Clearly I dont deny that race exists, I disagree with your position on how important it is, however I also don't deny that in an idealistic world all nations had their own little country where they could develop doing what their unique culture wants. That would be real diversity, and it would make the world far more interesting to live in.

However thats just not a pragmatic reality. There's no questioning that a part of European success was its colonial period, there's no questioning that a part of 3rd world lack of development has to do with colonial policies. I know what the language im using makes me look like, but you'll have to take my word that im not into critical theory. The result or our world today is that, because In PART, caused by historical events non-european countries are poorer than European ones (though mostly western europe). So who can fault an individual migrant from thinking they can do better by moving there?

What im saying is that I dont think any individual avwrage people are at fault for the situation. Nor do I think any sort of ethno-nationalism is the answer.

Idk, im rambling at this point.

>> No.20797515

>Literal cope to keep your feelgood worldview intact. Even if theoretically you're correct, which I am open to, the data speaks for itself. Are we to just keep importing millions of african retards as crime continues to skyrocket and they suck up all the state income? Don't be a child.

Just wait till in 50 years Africa surpasses the western world and your grand kids become the migrants you so hate as Europeans flood Africa to try and make more money.

>> No.20797528

The Golden One and pewdiepie are still based.

>> No.20797532

>black femme queer marxist theory

Can you elaborate on this with examples and what you know of Marx or his theories?

>> No.20797536


Sorry nerd, you're just a body. And you need to cum. You're no somebody, you're a cumbuddy!!!

>> No.20797555

>Just wait till in 50 years Africa surpasses the western world and your grand kids become the migrants you so hate as Europeans flood Africa to try and make more money.

Thanks for the laugh

>> No.20797560


We aren't saying anything about the individual, we're talking about the collective.

>> No.20797572

>hahahah so funny I dont even need to think about it
You talk like a bot

>> No.20797575

Dolph Lundgren is based.

>> No.20797576

>We aren't saying anything about the individual, we're talking about the collective.

Individuals make up the collective. When you're arguing for a good it is because you think it'll be a good for those people.

>> No.20797583

>Just wait till in 50 years Africa surpasses the western world
do leftoids actually believe this

>> No.20797590

Prove me wrong

>> No.20797600

There isn't a single functioning and prosperous country on the continent, but of course you won't accept this as proof

>> No.20797602 [DELETED] 

it's obvious africa will just be controlled by china just like how africa was controlled by arab mulsims before the europeans got there.

>> No.20797606

I went there for Warcraft books a little bit ago

>> No.20797610

>There isn't a single functioning and prosperous country on the continent, but of course you won't accept this as proof
Why must that be a set in stone reality, not subject to change?

And the US/Europe is controlled too, that doesn't mean it won't be prosperous.

>> No.20797629

that might be even worse than the other horrid writings in the main shelves and displays

>> No.20797647

Wait you were serious?

HAAHAHAHAHA 3rd world retard, Africa is a toilet and it will only get worse, the best it ever was was under European rule and that's a fact. They still have slavery there.

>> No.20797660

why did the continent with the most abundant of resource, with some of humanities origins, over the course of all of human history, never succeed past mudhuts? with the effect of globalism, they will now never, ever, be able to get out of the hole they are currently in. you are more likely to have NGO funded nigger jet packs than a functioning city in any of those countries.

>> No.20797666

Yes, so we generalise and speak about the collective. The collective of 3rd worlders coming to Europe are pre-medieval peasant retards. Look at the statistics, they speak for themselves. We don't need these idiots, they should remain in their own country, the West isn't a charity. Collectively they are a blight on society, and you're thick if you think viewing them as a bunch of individuals (a purely Western construct) will make anything better. That's basically what we've done up till now and it's made things worse. Stop being naive. These people (collective, in general, einstein) would slit your throat for a few grand, then rape your daughter to death for fun over your dead body. Stop being a child.

>> No.20797670 [DELETED] 


>> No.20797673


But what about wakanda, nigga? Wait, it was literal make-believe from a white (jewish) man to grift on black children?

>> No.20797676

This but ironically.

>> No.20797682
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>I'm Jewish
>Race proceeds from culture, not the other way around

>> No.20797684

>why did the continent with the most abundant of resource, with some of humanities origins, over the course of all of human history, never succeed
That's easy, and I dont even have to touch on the variable of colonialism.
1) the size and density of Africa meant competition for resources was never on the scale seen in Europe or Asia. Its for the same reasons that Native Americans had a completely different view of warfare than Europeans when they encountered each other. Their circumstances made attrition and occupation uncenssary. Secondly, those resources of abundance you're thinking of are not something any pre-modern civilization could have ever made use of till today, European or otherwise. It takes modern technology and modern understanding to make use of.

>> No.20797692

This. At work I pretend to care just enough so I won't get in trouble.

>> No.20797698

I once went into a super lefty bookstore here in the ghetto and found a bunch of books I had been searching for for a while including The Coming Race and A Hero of Our Time. I was really shocked.

>> No.20797700 [DELETED] 


>> No.20797708

Yea, noble savages are a thing.

>> No.20797711

Anotha /pol/ thread. Can’t say I’m surprised

>> No.20797738

Cry more redditcuck

This but ironically

>> No.20797741

Why do you /pol/tards shit up /lit/?

>> No.20797748

They had all food simply provided for them by the land, which is a resource. Endless animals. No competition is a stupid point since they were different tribes constantly warring and enslaving each other. None of them had the drive or inner fire to innovate and truly conquer, they were and still are only concerned with base material instinct satisfaction. Have you ever worked with blacks? They really are extremely lazy. Dark indians are much harder working.

>> No.20797752

>critiquing postmodern culture is muh pol
Take your meds tranny

>> No.20797753 [DELETED] 

>None of them had the drive or inner fire to innovate and truly conquer, they were and still are only concerned with base material instinct satisfaction. Have you ever worked with blacks? They really are extremely lazy.
Wow, they sound almost as pathetic as you

>> No.20797758 [DELETED] 

>screeching day in day out about jews and black and blah blah blah blah is muh pol

>> No.20797798

Stop being jewish and we'll see about it.

>> No.20797805

Found Stirner.

>> No.20797811 [DELETED] 


>> No.20797816

No. The fact that you can’t ever shut up about it, and obsessively and autistically turn every thread into it on a literature forum makes it pol

>> No.20797845

This but ironically

Just ignore the thread dude, chill out

>> No.20797853

You're the one screeching, i dont care about jews or afriturds.

Seething shitskin

>> No.20798022

/lit/ is being naturally replaced by /pol/ and it's beautiful because it introduces more diverse opinions to /lit/, this is just natural progress.

>> No.20798026

>whites are being naturally replaced by non-whites and it's beautiful because it introduces more diversity

>> No.20798036 [DELETED] 

>everyone who disagrees with me must be black AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

You seem like a very well balanced individual.

>> No.20798037

He was obviously making fun of the usual liberal multicultural narrative you idiot.

>> No.20798039


>> No.20798094

Unironically a good read

>> No.20798105

Gaskell is a pretty big name and associated with the Bronte sisters. It is you who is uninformed

>> No.20798131

This, my country's bookstores also have some retarded self-help books and bad YA but they are in their respective sections (wich are not big at all). You can easily avoid the if you are not interested, I usually have a really pleasant time every time I visit a bookstore

>> No.20798134

Vile post.

>> No.20798139

>Be shopping for stuff on a reading list
>Pass through fiction
>See the Communist Manifesto
>Walk by "Banned Books"
>See the Communist Manifesto
>Check the history section
>See the Communist Manifesto
>Step towards philosophy
>See the Communist Manifesto
>Literally look to the left at politics
>See the Communist Manifesto
>Look at a classics sale they were having
>See the Communist Manifesto
I was afraid to check the kids section and see if it was following the same pattern.

>> No.20798154

>Pass through fiction
>See the Communist Manifesto

>> No.20798201

>>Walk by "Banned Books"
>>See the Communist Manifesto
Why do commies pretend to be so edgy and cool when their ideology is what every basic bitch 19 year old college student believes
Neo-nazis are legitimately edgy, but they probably don't have a gay little """banned books""" section for that.

>> No.20798213 [DELETED] 

>Why do commies pretend to be so edgy and cool when their ideology is what every basic bitch 19 year old college student believes
>Neo-nazis are legitimately edgy, but they probably don't have a gay little """banned books""" section for that.
It's because they are stupid and you are smart. You figured it out!

>> No.20798219


>> No.20798226 [DELETED] 

About what?

>> No.20798229

What a rollercoaster of a thread

>> No.20798233

anyone's guess this time with your ilk

>> No.20798241 [DELETED] 

>your ilk
Who's that?

>> No.20798243

you don't know who you are?

>> No.20798247 [DELETED] 

What a pathetic attempt at deflection.

>> No.20798260

pathetic attempt at deflection

>> No.20798269

ask yourself why you're seething and i'm not

>> No.20798273
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>>small history section consisting of pop history like 'the secret BLACK WOMAN that cracked the enigma code and brought down HITLER, the story they don't want you to know'

>> No.20798290
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>The Secret History of Quantum Physics (And Guess What, It's Black AF)

>> No.20798303

Seeing books with swear words on the cover is really weird. When did this become normal?

>> No.20798311

It all started with the black-body problem, after all

>> No.20798320

It's because the term "banned books" has a specific meaning in America, and it doesn't mean books that are actually banned.

>> No.20798335


>A Barnes and Nobles in New York City has a vastly superior selection to a Barnes and Nobles in a random medium sized Euro city,

This is true even in Australia. I've noticed that the selection of books that Dymocks has varies widely depending on location. Some of them have large sections on philosophy and religion with books I'd actually read, whereas others just have pop philosophy ("How Plato can help YOU increase productivity and stop stressing!") and New Age shit on a single shelf.

>> No.20798503
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>"banned books"
>they're just books some school district somewhere pruned off the curriculum because the students are getting less literate with each passing year and they can't fit too many in
Every time.

>> No.20798513

Canada is an American protectorate

>> No.20798780

Really though, how do I unfuck my life as a virgin in my 30s who still lives with his parents?

>> No.20798871

YouTube playlist of Black Phillip Show episodes. It's like 14h long but I've listened to it a few times because it's funny as fuck. just ignore any fatalist cuck shit t. Now married, happily.

>> No.20798873

Either become a sociopath, and make news with your Manifesto about your hate for the hegemony above you. Or become a better person, fundamentally. Each small part, from opening a door for a elderly septuagenarian, all the way to comforting a hurting man. Life is absurd, continue.

>> No.20798914

I got the Library of America Walt Whitman from Barnes and Noble.
I just walked out with it lol.
Went there again, about a month later, back to the poetry section, there was another copy. I was tempted to take that one too.

>> No.20798915

Now listen to the four hour long Opie and Anthony "Don't get married" supercut of Ant's stories about divorce rape

>> No.20798936

>Classics are all just orange penguins and a buncha Austen and Bronte books.

>> No.20798948

To be fair to bookstores, that seem to be all that's published nowadays. If you want anything else you have to find it secondhand.

>> No.20799017

There was a cultural shift. Before the current cultural paradigm, such book titles would have been considered unthinkable, and neither consumers nor large corporations would ever associate themselves with this. However, now such titles are now considered edgy, vulgar, and provocative, but socially acceptable, because nobody will bat an eye if they see this in a bookstore or in someone's hand. In the past, maybe a store would have had its windows smashed if they displayed such books. So it became normal in our time because society allowed it to become acceptable

>> No.20799277

I'm willing to bet this is a recent release to try to get their numbers up on women and minority authors in their classics line.

>> No.20799372

Far from it I'd say, Penguin is still publishing many normal classics that can be bought online or in non-chain bookstores. Add to that other publishers like Oxford, Norton, and etc. who also still publish a wide array of classics.

Just look online on sites like Book Depository, Amazon, and etc. and you can buy brand new versions.

>> No.20799381

I would buy the black women books if they were hot. Sadly they're not.

>> No.20799384

>>small history section consisting of pop history like 'the secret BLACK WOMAN that cracked the enigma code and brought down HITLER, the story they don't want you to know'
actually kek'd

>> No.20799548

This. There's a whole section at my local one and that's where I've got all my Tolstoy, dosto, heart of darkness, Moby dick.. Only thing he got right is the philosophy section being to small but there is some good stuff there.

>> No.20799581

i bought a copy of vico at barnes and noble

>> No.20799687

Sounds like OP was larping.

>> No.20799810

lmao the philosophy section at my barnes and noble from my hometown was about 2 shelves, closest to the floor, about 3 feet across. There were almost more copies of that "Too Much and Never Enough" book about Trump than there were books of the entire philosophy section. I come from a clean, well developed, pretty white suburb in the midwest so I get it, most of the people who live there are your WASPS, and probably aren't buying that shit. But its just something you have to chuckle at

>> No.20799892

They're right by the door at mine. Most people miss it coming in and don't think to look for it leaving. They're fair priced and of better quality than Penguin Classics. Selection has stagnated, which is probably for the best.

>> No.20799907

>blacks living in the area affects the selection at bookstores

>> No.20799918

I just went to one
It's all true, it's all so fucking true
Except there was a massive Manga section, larger than the entire section for "world history", philosophy, and the pathetic classic corner combined
Classics being two shelves mixed with literary criticism, and one shelf just being penguin cloth reprints

>> No.20800026

Your high school spirit is showing edgelord.

>> No.20800028


t finn

>> No.20800032

>He took his geography and social studies classes from /pol/

NGMI incel

>> No.20800144

>philosophy section

>> No.20800155

Not to mention every god damn book is $30+

>> No.20800178

>>a Barnes and Nobles in London
dude we don't have barnes and noble in london
the closest equivalent here is waterstones
and yes they are fucking miles better than barnes and noble

>> No.20800237

>walk into Barns and Noble
>jump up onto summer reading table
>kick the books away, try to do a backflip, land on my back
>pick up the two largest Stephen King books I can find and bang them between my head
>make eye contact with the Starbucks barista
>oh, she just made the biggest fuck up of her career
>make the Michael Jackson zombie eyes at her and sprint on all fours across the shelves straight for her
>throw myself at the glass display of baked goods and bounce off it like the joker
>security says I'll have to purchase a funco pop vinyl toy, a coffee, or a manga, or else leave right now
>laugh politely
>"Excuse me, officer. I believe I'm in the wrong bathroom."
>pull down pants and poop over starbucks cash register
>no one wants to touch the poop master
>its like I'm super mario with star power now
>time to run run run
>take armfuls of Dean Koontz and fling them into the nonfiction section
>realize I'm not in a bookstore
>realize bookstores are a myth
>bookstores were never real
>Barns and Noble is a front
>purchase a sick tiger bookmark and ask if the plastic is vegan
>clerk says its free, just leave
>fucking Barns and Noble I'll get you next week

>> No.20800255

In germany its exactly how OP described. It will happen to your country as well. Unless..

>> No.20800388

So is Europe, much of SEA/Oceania, much of the Americas, Israel, Kuwait, and some of East Asia.

>> No.20800718

Yeah, it's women who buy physicals books, so it makes sense.

>> No.20800795

>go to strip mall franchised bookstore
>the selection is catered to average readers, trash books and commodity toys
>what a shocking and upsetting experience, I will now defend capitalism online for the rest of my life

>> No.20800796


>> No.20800809

lmao. good work anon

>> No.20801719
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>the US has an anti-intellectual culture
I'll take it if it means not being anything like the English. I hate hate hate the UK. I mean this sincerely. How meek and pale everyone is. How subservient and oppressed and accepting of this subservience and oppression. The slow, retarded accents elongating every word. If an audiobook narrator has an english accent I can't make it through no matter how captivating the material is. Inbred. Stupid faggots.

>> No.20801819

>Because the US has an anti-intellectual culture.
This. Burgerstan was always fucked. The left wants to burn the classics and the right doesn't read books to begin with.

>> No.20801847

You can still find good books in them. My local Barnes and Noble has the complete Écrits. Granted, it's a college town and that might make a difference

>> No.20801858

>maybe a movie edition of Dune
You went to far. There’s not a popular book store in the US right now that wouldn’t have 20+ copies of Dune.

>> No.20801890

alright u just accepted cultural suicide because the english (who u dont even know) live rent free in your head. americans who think conspicuous consumption and being a public irritant is freedom are dragging down the USA and you're more worried about some guy who calls shopping carts "trolleys". the absolute state of the americlap inferiority complex

>> No.20801998

Whose language are you speaking, chump? I couldn't imagine ranting about pajeets with such venom and then monolingually allowing them to cuck me with every single word my interior monologue uttered. We've soul-cucked you, and that's why you're bitter.

>> No.20803166

this is a good solution to the barnes & ignoble problem

>> No.20803239

Fucking this
>no church fathers
>no Lewis, Chesterton, or Elliot
>no Bibles apart from KJV, NIV, or NABRE
>no prayer books
>no missals
>no books on saints
>no catechisms
>nothing on the popes

>> No.20803251

>stop being American
Good god I wish

>> No.20803262

sorry you didn't find how to not be a fucking faggot OP

>> No.20803333

>I walk into a Barnes and Noble in the states and they don't even stock Tolstoy.


>> No.20803348

Fuck off B&N has acres of books- Waterstones has like a room.

>> No.20803388

Go fuck unmarried women-they have enormous pressure to hook up at that age.

>> No.20803398

>typical bookstore
>marxist theory
Either take your meds or tell me where it is

>> No.20803413

>The left wants to burn the classics
Never happened
there's no left in the united states
probably never was

>> No.20803435

>implying america was a "quiet, peaceful, functioning society"
Holy fucking meds
America delenda est

>> No.20803442


>> No.20803450

dude i love unf*ck your sh*t that's my favorite book

>> No.20803454

Are you implying the US isn't heading towards the same fate? We absolutely are. That aside their point is correct and you did nothing to refute it. Quite the opposite in fact.
If you really want to prove them wrong then research our literacy scores. Go ahead. See for yourself.

>> No.20803462

The only people who buy books are AWFLs and this is what AWFLs want.

>> No.20803463

Meds? Lad, that was literally what I saw. I'm not joking or being hyperbolic, that was what the store was selling in the sections they were being sold in. Get off the internet, it's rotting your brain.

>> No.20803472

LMAO i chuckled fr anon

>> No.20803481

See niggers see what you want to see. Focus and obsess over a handful of books while ignoring thousands of others

>> No.20803631

this is real oppression. poor white boys :(

>> No.20804054
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>>implying america was a "quiet, peaceful, functioning society"
>Holy fucking meds
>America delenda est

>> No.20805129
File: 261 KB, 1300x960, 05B08687-DEE9-4E9E-B24C-84B6EC8EFA83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>abstract political conflicts

>> No.20805164


>> No.20805171

>walk into bookstore
>put every single copy of Anne Franks diary in the historical fiction section

>> No.20805320

Africa is rich in minerals also, especially Iron yet they used it to make worthless scrap

>> No.20805332

Extremely based

>> No.20805338

Can confirm i have a variety of classic and unknown, old and recent books in any bookstore in my country lol
There are some self help books and othere memeshit but they are not proeminent

>> No.20805483


>> No.20805596

>Typical bookstore
Barnes and Noble, you mean Barnes and Noble. Other bookstores continue to cease to exist because of the Walmart of books.

>> No.20805600

I bought Hadji Murad at a Barnes & Noble you must have just been to one that was out of stock or you didn't look hard enough fucko

>> No.20805613

yeah bro just uhhhhhh upend your life and severely limit ties to friends, family, and career by moving to a different country
unironic retard

>> No.20805617

Nothing, your concession has been accepted.

>> No.20805625

Hastings, which was a media store (books, music, video games) had stuff sort of like that toward the end, like beer bongs and pole dancing kits, but I wouldn't call them outright sex toys. Does B&N really have dildos now?

>> No.20805626
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Just go to library. Here are the books I picked up other day.

>> No.20805644

Oh wow. I didn’t know anyone remembered Hastings. I worked there when I was a kid. Miserable job.

>> No.20805681

I went to a book store, not that I buy books on bookstores i just get them from bookdepository, but just to browse because bored.
there was an entire section that was essentially a shrine for zelensky. like a whole isle with books titled "unexpected hero" and shit like that. In contrast, there was a sort of "hate room" for putin, with books titled "the new czar", etc. Does anyone have similar experiences? I fucking hate normalfags.
The actual literature section is pretty mediocre, just your dostos and such + national literature big names doesn't go further than that. Also there was the harry potter shrine with funko pops, because apparently theres a new movie or something? She is definitely not cancelled in my country, i guess. I went to the religion section, and was pretty annoyed to find that there wasn't a SINGLE book that wasn't christian. History section is hitler books + stalin books + books about our own dictatorship we went through (portugal)

>> No.20805686

God I fucking LOVED Hastings. I was so fucking butthurt when they finally went under.

>> No.20805693

Bong here. Actually impressed by the selection on display at my water stones. Picked up pessoa and cioran there.

>> No.20805703
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Don't forget the manga shelf
Our history shelves are better tho, there are ususally a few good natural science books around which are not just popsci and there is the genre of historic fiction which is unusually popular here.

>> No.20805916

Free Palestine
Fuck """U$rael"

>> No.20805925

>there was an entire section that was essentially a shrine for zelensky. like a whole isle with books titled "unexpected hero" and shit like that. In contrast, there was a sort of "hate room" for putin, with books titled "the new czar", etc.
>Does anyone have similar experiences?
I don't, but that's probably because I don't go in normie bookstores

>> No.20805985

>3/4 YA
There’s more manga than YA, in Barnes and Noble at least

>> No.20806171
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>hello everyone im Jewish
>Race proceeds from culture, not the other way around
Yeah you didn't need to bother revealing you are

>> No.20806176

/pol/troon meltdown

>> No.20806361


>> No.20806425

People that make these books should be shot. Exploitative horse shit.

>> No.20806436

>walk into a typical bookstore
>walk to the classics section and look at the quality of a few editions I’ve been eyeing lately
>see price tag and I suddenly feel outraged
>it’s way more than the $1-2 I spend on each of my books second hand
>start looking at more classics and moaning and groaning as I remember how expensive books are
>start muttering to myself about how I bought that copy of War and Peace or Ulysses for $2 and charging $20 is ridiculous
>go to discount section just in case and then leave, trying not to look awkward as I walk past the security guard

>> No.20806442

Not the guy you are talking with but
>That would be real diversity, and it would make the world far more interesting to live in.
>However thats just not a pragmatic reality
>b-because europeans colonised other countries... soooo you should do it anyways out of guilt
Sounds like the opposite of what pragmatic means

>So who can fault an individual migrant from thinking they can do better by moving there?
Literally nobody does other than a few uneducated idiots. Obviously people will always try to move to better their quality of life, we judge noone for that. The only people on this earth that I truly hate are the snivelling, treasonous rats who let them in unheeded, and have gaslit us into believing it is not a problem. Whether they are Jewish or native european or foreigners or whatever is irrelevant to me, I live in the hope that one day me or a descendant of mine will be able to spit on their graves in vindictive celebration at having overcome this 20th century delsuion

>> No.20806454

I think it’s still cultural but people don’t really respect just how much different cultural landscapes affect thought processes. Like everyone’s all aboard developmental psych and how early experiences shape someone’s personality even within a culture they understand. It’s sort of weird to me that there are some who don’t get that it isn’t just “mommy hugged me enough so I’ll grow up secure,” there are entire ways of understanding and processing the world that are radically different from how we see the world that spring from the variety of environments and cultures of the world. Which I think is cool, but yeah, one group is simply not going to just suddenly be the same as another, or even interact well, just because we want “one world one love.” Not even anti immigration, you just have to realize there are going to be growing pains and it’s not nazism to notice that.

>> No.20806489

>”The rrrrrevolution will not be held between these butt cheeks, these tittays feed the worrrrld”

>> No.20806496

If you wanna jerk off to the covers you can just google image it bro

>> No.20806502

I don’t know why specifically bookstore greentexts always reduce me to tears but they do.

>> No.20806506

Your actions have consequences and "not caring" - everybody cares once they have to face it - doesn't change it. You are just a moron like the parrots parroting "based".

>> No.20806618

Why do you have rainbow flags and blm posters in London, that stuff is all pretty exclusive to America

>> No.20806649

great story
this is the power of reading

>> No.20806653

As right as this is for the most part, my B&N has a pretty extensive Bible section, even if it's downstairs, which surprised me. ESV, CSB, NRSV, RNJB, NIV, KJV, NKJV, OSB. Study Bibles, regular Bibles, gimmick BIbles (think of the NKJV "flipbook"), etc. At most, I only expected to see the B&N "leatherbound" KJV, so I was pleasantly surprised.

>> No.20806799

>that stuff is all pretty exclusive to America
Sadly, you impose your shit all over the planet
Ever heard of the war going on in Ukraine?
>Coca Cola, sometimes war

>> No.20807972
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Yeah, they even have "Staff Picks" (and anal plugs if you go to their website.

The names of the vibrators are hilarious at least.

>> No.20808226
File: 332 KB, 512x812, 1605589102683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck.
And there's people in this thread making excuses for this kind of shit, this gradual decay of things. Fuck you niggers.

>> No.20808236

But where are the onaholes?

>> No.20808237

>vibrators are being sold
>the world is coming to an end!!
You fags need to lighten up and not take life so seriously. Sex is a huge part of what it means to be human

>> No.20808243

More excuses, more temporizing. Nigger.

>> No.20808267

You puritans sure do blush easily for being on a website who’s claim to fame is gore and porn including CP, rape and weird degenerate fetishizes

>> No.20808272

No, he's right. A bookstore should, at least ostensibly, be for selling books, which is mental pursuit, even in the most minimal of instances like with YA garbage and self-help schlock. Selling dildos alongside is just admitting the slide into the erosion of mental activity in favor of base sensual input. Might as well sell meth.

>> No.20808288

We live in a capitalistic society where money needs to be made anyway possible, especially in a dying industry

>> No.20808290

>no heinlein, no arthur c. clark
I bought some Dick and Heinlein last time I went to BAM, the real crime was the limited biography selection.

>> No.20808292

What a weak strawman. There's no cause for blushing anymore, but that doesn't curb contempt for slavish coomers.

>> No.20808293 [DELETED] 

what if i told you the category "bookstore" is a social construct and businesses can sell any combination of goods and services

>> No.20808299

In that case, why NOT sell meth? Supposedly it feels even better than sex. More bang for your buck.

>> No.20808303

Government regulations. Come on anon, you can do better than that

>> No.20808307

That's a good enough reason?

>> No.20808315

Yes. Are you fourteen? If you sell illegal substances, the government will shut down your business and probably find somebody to throw in jail. The same isn't true for sex toys

>> No.20808333

It's just as much a non sequitur as selling sex toys in a bookstore. Your justification of "feels good and profit" tempered by "government said so" is insufficient.

>> No.20808357

You didn’t think this one through, did you?

>> No.20808384

Dunno what you mean.

>> No.20808402

Your asking why a company wouldn’t sell meth over sex toys to get bigger profits. Imagine being the guy who brings up the idea of selling meth during a board meeting with a straight face

>> No.20808424

I am asking that. By what degree is meth less acceptable as bookstore merchandise than vibrators?

>> No.20808429

By being highly illegal.

>> No.20808451

Holy shit, you're an idiot.

>> No.20808463

Man you fags are boring. Can't even be proper hedonists without kowtowing to a boot. You'll say it's good to set up a stand with sex toys next to the YA but then cringe and back off from going all the way. Garden variety coomers.

>> No.20808484

Jesus Christ, go outside and stop being online 24/7

>> No.20808487

Make me shitbag

>> No.20808498
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>> No.20808500

My first impression is you are underage or retarded. But my second thought is that you are picking this hill to die on despite making a retarded analogy. This is the downside to an anonymous website. Anyone can be stubborn and argue dumbass shit with no reprisals

>> No.20808505

>without kowtowing to a boot
Confirmed underage. Only kids think they have a choice

>> No.20808528

The point is that the initial premise itself is retarded. I'm not literally advocating to sell meth in bookstores. The fact that you first went with an appeal to the law for why meth couldn't be sold rather than any notion of propriety is indicative of the problem.

>> No.20808531
File: 33 KB, 598x448, CCDF9244-93A8-4971-AA49-334536C8B131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20808532

I accept your concession.

>> No.20808552

Your race has had war declared upon it and all you can do is act smug and plug your ears. You are a disgrace, absolute utter scum.

>> No.20808722

>small history section consisting of pop history like 'the secret BLACK WOMAN that cracked the enigma code and brought down HITLER, the story they don't want you to know'

biggest kek i've had here in sometime.

>> No.20808764
File: 245 KB, 1162x787, kekd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and based. Be thankful this happened last weekend though.

>> No.20808778

how much for their big black dildos

>> No.20808844

Complete AIDS. I don't know why /lit/ is losing its shit over this, it's true.
If the bookstore you're entering isn't an obvious fire hazard and doesn't smell a bit musky with a hint of rotting wood, leave immediately.

>> No.20808849

You are not a European aristocrat. You are a 17 year old skinny-fat eternally online room-dweller from Ohio with acne, flat feet, and a stutter. The black kids at your high school were never “replacing the valiant white race” when they slapped you on the back of the neck with hand sanitizer, you just look weird.

>> No.20808854

>says "no cops at pride"
>has no security
I'm shocked. /s

>> No.20808860

The more gays, the more bitches for me. Be the 20% not the 80%

>> No.20808938

Think you need some meds dude, you're seeing shit that isn't there.

>> No.20808960

>decay is bad
Explain why you think this.

>> No.20808988

the book store at the mall had a philosophy section consisting of: Kierkegaard (only either/or) Schopenhauer (WWR only volume 1) Berdyaev (3-4 books of his) Darwin (????)

>> No.20808991

Darwin in philosophy is based considering he rendered every previous philosopher obsolete

>> No.20809003

Most Americans are too poor to travel, including myself. Also, rent free

>> No.20809024
File: 188 KB, 864x864, 2E114637-0ECE-4F86-B99B-550F30528BE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy... Absolute... Fuck. What the hell is happening?

>> No.20809081

Man FUCK it just had to be a Canadian store that did this shit, fuck

>> No.20809088

idk why I laughed at "The Tennis Pro Vibrator"

>> No.20809101

> BLM sign in London

What do blacks have to complain about in London? They've been given everything despite the fact that most of them are violent criminals.

>> No.20809112

run by a female belonging to the long nose clan

>> No.20809113

You won anon, congratulations!!

>> No.20809115
File: 61 KB, 600x380, indigo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Surfer Vibrator (!!Staff Pick!!)
>The French Lover Vibrator (cultural stereotypes in...current year!)
>The Billionaire Vibrator (women, ffs)
>The Tennis Pro Vibrator (imaging being a lawyer, coming home, and finding this in your wife's underware drawer)
>The Firefighter Vibrator (classic)
>The Poet Vibrator (literary at least)
Which one is Heather's Pick?

>> No.20809129 [DELETED] 

Wow, anon! Be sure to put this on your resume right under the information about your Queer Studies degree.

>> No.20809316

your fault for not going to the second hand book store run by the old guy who is going to die any day now

>> No.20809353

It's a shame that that bookstore hasn't turned a profit in twenty years and the old man is only holding onto it because he doesn't know what else to do. The coffeeshop that takes its place after he dies and his kids decide to liquidate won't have nearly as much soul

>> No.20809366

In Canada used book stores are just as expensive as ordering new books online.

>> No.20809442
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I want off this ride

>> No.20809443

>The culture war
>Implying it is a war
>Not a one sided march of tyranny and insanity that will destroy everything

>> No.20809466

No man, he's like, above that stuff. He doesn't care about le "culture war."

>> No.20809467 [DELETED] 
File: 2.51 MB, 3024x4032, BE8694A7-B655-47A5-AEE6-E138FF99548B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20809487

If I buy one from her stupid store do I get to shove it in her? She told me she loves them.

>> No.20809493
File: 272 KB, 1000x788, 1000_F_215764053_g3ffyur6WlWTstRwunVkZ8gpVCZWHubn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be wine aunt
>go to book store to pick up The Poet Vibrator and a copy of The Handmaid's Tale
>she marked down scented candels
>they're sandalwood so you decide to splurge
>rush home, kick the cats out of the bedroom and shut the door
>"Alexa, play 'Can I touch you there' by Michael Bolton"

>> No.20810260

Personal use only.

>> No.20811226
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It's amazing that white men think they can be published when this is their competition

>> No.20811685
File: 15 KB, 500x333, Best fitlit book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20811699

>>prominent shelves dedicated entirely to black femme queer marxist theory
stopped reading there
you are living in a hell of your own making

>> No.20811719

Muh determinism

>> No.20811725

Darwin is not a philosopher. He doesn't "think" he just assumes based on mere sense perception

>> No.20811741

Brainlet cope

>> No.20811903

have my dubs

>> No.20811956

A Romeo Y Julieta Churchill be enjoyed today and in your name.

>> No.20811973

I have no clue what you're on about. Went to Thalia the other day, they have multiple shelfs of English language books that range from the classics to modern fiction and then non-fiction. Right next to those shelfs you'll find other foreign language ones; French, Spanish, Italian, Latin, Greek and so on.

>> No.20812224

"Cope" as a concept isn't real though, so you have no argument, life-denying peon

>> No.20812332

>mere sense perception
Yes, and?

>> No.20812483

I have yet to see a bookstore or library that doesn't prominently display woketarded anti-racist/queer stuff the second you walk in. Like even most small independent places are like that now, your average librarian or bookstore owner in this day and age is a twitter leftist

>> No.20812813

>that doesn't prominently display woketarded anti-racist/queer stuff the second you walk in
Let me teach you something real quick
That's the kind of books illiterate people read
You put them on the front of the store to attract them, get money, and then they can fuck off
This way, the shop can get enough revenue to buy the stuff that actually matters, which is stored deeper inside the premise

No need to thank me

>> No.20812840

It's more black-pilling than that. Those types of books are read exclusively by young women. All young women think like that.

>> No.20812873

gay pride parades are just an excuse for women to dress slutty (as if there weren't enough)
they don't really care about gay rights
they like being fucked by men, they don't care about gays

>> No.20812928

Not the same as what OP is handwringing about. Queen is whatever, and there is nothing wrong with anti racism, obviously.

>> No.20812938


>> No.20812955

The fact that "anti racism isn't bad" is seen as bait is pretty insane.

>> No.20812957


>> No.20812961
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Why do you people even care about physical books?

Just pirate an Ebook.

>> No.20812963

How did /lit/ get to this state where "i'm not racist" is seen as bait? Honestly?
If I get another troll response then this is my last post to you, but I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.20812967
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>> No.20812994

I appreciate your persistence anon I was having a hard time not biting and your posts helped me abstain

>> No.20813004
File: 1.78 MB, 1244x750, 00000 WIZARD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am racist and I spend everyday performing magic rituals to hasten the race war.

>> No.20813007

Good man, don't give these people the satisfaction.

>> No.20813092

women have destroyed the humanities writ large. literature, films, art, all of them are individual currents that break off from the river of the humanities. women have polluted and destroyed the humanities with the politics of grievance, it is a vast, extensive campaign intended to destroy the humanities, which they view (rightfully) as the pinnacle and summit of manhood. by destroying the humanities they avenge themselves against manhood. thereby justifying their own powerlessness and indignity.

women have destroyed everything.

this is the murder of pentheus by the maenads. this is agave decapitating pentheus in an intoxicated frenzy. only pentheus is culture, while agave and the maenads are women. cursed, wretched women, drunk off liberation, senselessly murdering the only thing that gives meaning to life. only a god can save us now.

>> No.20813110

cringe desu

>> No.20813189

Not here. Brazilians like to mimic Americans for some reason. The history section is filled with WW2 Hitler shit (occasionally there are national history books) and some pop-his books, and we don't sell sex toys in libraries, but the rest is the same

>> No.20813262


>> No.20813289

Can confirm

Women need to be given their own spaces to do things in their own way, when mixed with men they have a double effect of diluting and degrading the way men do things, and distracting the men and making the men run interference for them when they get criticized because men (especially the kinds of neurotic men who create things) are dumb fucking simps

>> No.20813519
File: 33 KB, 680x763, 66f-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree and think you're just a pussy. Women are women, go about your own business. You're just projecting a lack of work ethic onto their simplicity.

>> No.20813527

Explain why the publishing industry is the way that it is if not for women

>> No.20813555

No, I’m just stereotyping you based on your demonstrable retardation and pointless seething.

>> No.20813564
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I don't give a fuck about the publishing industry, I read textbooks, classical literature, scholarly works, scientific papers, etc.

This whole thread is a waste of time. You could be reading and studying right now, but you choose instead to throw hissy fits about women, of all fucking things, reading literature that you personally deem beneath you. We could easily discuss some literature that is well, well beneath you, my freind.

Compared to me, you're a woman.

Women haven't had any selection pressure put on them as regards the employment of the faculty of thought, but hey, neither has your bloodline.

>> No.20813580

>stores put the most unpopular products at the front
yeah no, go fuck yourself.

>> No.20813834

Go to a Christian bookstore retard

>> No.20813886
File: 14 KB, 228x233, 1659992949898871_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arguing with leftists:

>th-that doesn't happen!

>okay it happens, but here's why...

>it happens and it's a good thing!

>> No.20813934
File: 261 KB, 1200x900, elizabeth-s-bookstore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walk into my local bookstore
>walk past the clickbait table and "blind date" section
>excellent classics section
>exquisitely stocked scifi section (nothing after 1990)
>cool collectables and rare books
>cute countergirl reading and getting flustered for interrupting her to make a purchase
luv Elizabeth's

>> No.20814121

Does Elizabeth own it?

>> No.20815105

I'm one and three that you quoted. How am I contracticting myself? A queen book is not the same thing as the buzzword salad that I quoted from the OP.
Gay author=/=gay black femme marxist etc etc etc.