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20793466 No.20793466 [Reply] [Original]

Where to start with tradcath/sedevacantism?

>> No.20793476


My home town is down the hill from one of their American enclaves. Occasionally, their novices would come into town and get basic supplies like office equipment and things. Apparently that particular location is still going and they give mass for the public and other social events. t. atheist

>> No.20793490

You start by realizing that Catholicism is false and move on with your life. This simple argument should unironically be enough to deboonk the faith:
>Biblical inerrancy has been infallibly declared a doctrine of the Catholic faith by the Church
>Matthew 27:3-10 and Acts 1:18-19 contradict each other regarding how Judas died, who actually bought the Field of Blood and from where does the Field of Blood receive its name
>Therefore, biblical inerrancy is false and with it, Catholicism as a whole

>> No.20793711

Judas hanged himself and his rotten corps fell down and his swollen stomach burst open.

>> No.20793721

he purchased it through the rabbis who received the silver

>Judas did not possess the potter's field, but he furnished the price to buy it, giving back the thirty pieces of silver.We often say in common, that we have done what happens in consequence of any action of ours, though it was not in our first intention.

>> No.20793727

it's effeminate to fixate on superficial things like smoking cigarettes. that's not true machismo, neither is parricidal rebellion against the see of Peter. A good man honors his father.

>> No.20793780

Unironic non sede books below.
>Eamon Duffy The Stripping of the Altars: Traditional Religion in England, 1400-1580
>Michael Davies Pope John's Council
>Anne Roche Muggeridge The Desolate City: Revolution in the Catholic Church
>Ralph Wiltgen The Rhine Flows into the Tiber: A History of Vatican II
>Dietrich Von Hildebrand The Devastated Vineyard

>> No.20793913

rama coomaraswamy - the destruction of the christian tradition

>> No.20793987

>Matthew 27:3-10 and Acts 1:18-19 contradict each other regarding how Judas died
no they don't

>> No.20794181
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>> No.20794221
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>only through christ can you -ACK

>> No.20794243


>> No.20794261


Start with this:

Contra Sedevacantism: A Definitive Refutation

The book is free, and downloads are authorized by the author (who uploaded the document).

Sedevacantists should also read is Thomas G. Guarino, The Disputed Teachings of Vatican ll: Continuity and Reversal in Catholic Doctrine.

These two videos are also helpful:

Leaving SSPX Behind

Critique of Sedevacantist Arguments

>> No.20794525

>Every greentexted statement I make is true.
>You are not a faggot.
1+1 does not equal 3. Therefore, my claim to always state truth is false and with it, my post as a whole.

>> No.20794538

start with Nietzsche, if u still believe in Christianity afterwards then read whatever gay bullshit u want

>> No.20794666

Holy post.

>> No.20794696

>tfw the Trads are going to take over the Church because they're literally going to be the only ones left

>> No.20795412

Start by looking east, we'll be waiting with open doors.

>> No.20795571

Are the works of Seraphim Rose a good starting point?

>> No.20795577
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It's just aesthetics

>> No.20795617

God I hate women

>> No.20795659


>> No.20795673
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>> No.20795689

No, they aren't. Simply because there are barely any trad bishops in the hierarchy, let alone cardinals. This is actually a huge problem for sedememers because how do they even plan to have a "legitimate" pope without legitimate voters to elect him?

>> No.20795893

what the hell is that? you don't recognize the sitting pope?

>> No.20795967

Sedevacantists believe the current pope is illegitimate.

>> No.20795981

Basic research into the Pseudo-Isidorian Decretals and the Filioque clause should have you dismiss Catholicism entirely, sedevecantist or otherwise.

>> No.20795994

And that’s probably true, but the problem is not that he is illegitimate but that the whole office is illegitimate. Were that not the case you’d have no choice but to submit to this illegitimate pope anyway thanks to the decisions of previous popes. I don’t see how they argue any of this anyway. If there is no legitimate pope then they have no church. when this illegitimate pope eliminated ever TLM and condemns tradition into oblivion (as he just did on his recent trip to apologize in Canada) what will they do? No pope. No liturgy. How do you even have a church?

>> No.20796005 [DELETED] 

it's hard to commit to catholicism because it's inevitable that vatican 3 is going to be woke. you just know it's coming.

>> No.20796028

Unrelated but can some anons here give me some advice (and pray for me if possible) about two sins with which I am constantly struggling?

The first is addiction to technology and social media. I feel as though I am enslaved by my smartphone. I cannot even have a moment of reflection and stillness and prayer because my mind is so consumed by constant entertainment, chasing the next dopamine high. The result of this is not only that my attention span has been destroyed, but even my relationship with my family is faltering, since my mind is always occupied with whatever meaningless 4chan argument or YouTube video. As a result I have become curt, lazy, rude, and unpleasant to be around.

The other sin is masturbation. When I was baptised last Easter I truly felt the grace of God and the Holy Ghost. I didn’t masturbate for at least 3 months. But since then I have fallen into my old habits, and it makes me feel impure and cut off from God. This feeling then engenders further thoughts of atheism and apostasy; characteristically I blame God for our distance even though it was I who walked away from him. Every time I masturbate I go to confession as soon as I am able to, but this repeated repentance does not make me feel any closer to God; for does the parable of the prodigal son really hold if the son keeps injuring his father through his bad conduct over and over again after he has been forgiven? It seems like the best remedy for this would be to get married quickly (I am 20). I plan to do so, but even then, given the Church’s condemnation of contraception, I will have to practice extreme restraint.

If you have any advice I’m open to hearing it. If not then please say a Hail Mary for me. Every day I’m getting closer and closer to the Devil and further and further from God.

>> No.20796032

I don’t see what difference that makes. The realities of Catholicism here and now are plenty enough to take issue with. Either the office of the pope is legitimate or it’s not. Either the sitting pope is legitimate or he’s not. Either the theology and dogma of the church is correct or it’s not. I think it’s obviously not, and it’s not been correct since the beginning. Everything since Vatican I and everything to come is really just proof of that rather than the primary issue.

>> No.20796124

why? just because he's some argentine commie?

>> No.20796131

The woke faction in the Church is a small, dying branch. There are woke people in every denomination and every religion by the way. They are a virus but don’t define the Church as a whole. People say that the current Pope is woke but this is just sensationalist slander. Pope Francis is firm in his condemnation of homosexuality, transgender ideology, “European guilt” historical revisionism, abortion, etc.. His encyclicals on environmentalism, if one actually bothers to read them, are not the typical woke sjw stuff. They talk about man’s need to live in harmony with nature and condemn modern degenerate urban planning practices and “smart city” dystopias like the WEF envisions. Contrary to the typical environmentalist hogwash, Pope Francis has characterised low European birth-rates as a “social emergency.” And this is one of the most liberal Popes we’ve ever had. The Church will never “go woke” or compromise on her teachings.

>> No.20796139

The Pope himself just went to Canada to apologize for the crimes of white Catholics and then turned around and have a speech to Jesuits calling traditionalism a dead memory and paganism of thought to defend his decision to close traditonal latin masses while promoting clown masses and ecumenist Islam and hindu apology because they are “advanced civilizations”.

The Church IS woke. There is no woke faction. The church itself is woke.

>> No.20796150
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I also have the phone problem.

I also had a major jacking problem and was heavily addicted to BDSM awful stuff. I found that when I converted it did get significantly better. Not perfect but vastly better.

Not sure what best course for you would be but nearly everything in my prayer life has gotten better after getting in habit of daily Rosary. I would recommend that. Start with a decade or two then work up to whole one.

>> No.20796153

He also suggested that the morality of the church is always evolving. Imagine that. “Always evolving”. What sort of eternal truth is “always evolving”? What a cop out. It implicitly suggests that not only is the moral dogma of the church derived not from God but the whims of the pipe, but it also suggests it’s relative. What is good today can be bad tomorrow, and vice versa. No wonder he praised Hindus while Hindus in rural India sacrifice children to demonic gods even today! All

>> No.20796184

Woke ideology is defined by the desire to destroy family values, defend things like “gay rights”, “transgender rights”, feminism, and the idea that white people are inherently evil and oppressive. The Pope condemns all of these things.

Of all the things you mentioned, only the Canada issue has anything to do with wokeness. The 1962 Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo are particular liturgical forms and have nothing whatsoever to do with womeness. The average “woke” person doesn’t even know what they are.

As for the Canada issue, I’m not sure what to think about it. On the one hand, what occurred essentially amounts to cultural genocide, but on the other hand, their cultures were savage and the Christians brought the true faith to them. Some of the practices, like taking children from parents, were inexcusable.

Lastly, even if you could prove the Pope was woke (you can’t because he’s not), it doesn’t mean “the Church itself is”. The Church is not just the Pope.

Go find a good parish and stop focusing so much on what the Pope does or doesn’t do. Jesus is in control.

>> No.20796191

Can you post the quote in context because it sounds like a quote mine.

>> No.20796275

What do you think about this argument? I’ve been struggling with it and I see no way out of it.

Some Goods are only available to a finite being. For example courage. God could never have courage because he is all powerful and unassailable. He doesn’t need to fear enemies or situations and so he doesn’t need to have courage to confront them. Another thing is repentance and asceticism and self-denial. Since God never sins he doesn’t have access to these goods, which Jesus implies are goods in and of themselves (there is more rejoicing in heaven when one sinner repents rather than 99 righteous men). So it seems that, by our finitude and weakness and sinfulness, humanity has access to goods which God does not have access to. This seems to be absurd though, since we know that divine simplicity is true, and God IS the Good, so he must embrace all goods. Then, it follows that we are all God, that God took on our form so he could embrace the Goods which only a finite creature can possess. This would be more like Emanationism or pantheism rather than the traditional Christian conception. I’m a Catholic but I’m convinced by this argument.

>> No.20796291

the church is basically a just big ngo now

>> No.20796401

> Hindus in rural India sacrifice children to demonic gods even today!

>> No.20796411

Start with the Gibsons

>> No.20796420

I'm not an expert, but I would say that attention span issues are a sign of having too much energy lying around and not expending it in any way. The best solution is replacing the original stimuli (social media, internet content) with another stimuli, such as weight lifting or exercising. Technology in a way is a tease - it stimulates you, but since it does so without requiring any effort on your part, you can never get tired of it, and so you end up with an abundance of excitement and energy - it breeds desire but never fulfils it. Lifting is the opposite - it provides the joy and fulfilment in it's excercise since it works both the mind, in forcing you to keep pushing your boundaries, and the body, obviously through the lifting. By the time you're done your mind will be at ease and over time your attention span will get better (at least mine did). Needless to say this is also an opportunity to turn a bad habit into a good one

With masturbation, the only effective way I've seen is just forgetting about it. For me, the more I tried to fight it the worse it got. If you and your mind are pre-occupied with something else, then the desire shouldn't arise. At the same time, it's a bit akward to execute, since you can't just forget something - by wanting to forget about it you're just placing it at the center of your attention. Once again, a good way of at least partially achieving this is by expending that energy into something else, like lifting. The again, I struggle to masturbate less than once a day, so maybe there are better ways of combatting desire

>> No.20796425

“we’ll outbreed them!” is such a retarded cope

>> No.20796471
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>Infiltration by Taylor Marshall

How has nobody recommended this yet? This isn't Sedevacantist, but it is a traditional Catholic book. It's great to give to normie Catholics, and makes a convincing case on why the current Church is corrupt.
It is surprisingly at a lot of libraries that I've went to in the past few years. I read it for the first time when I checked it out at a library near me, and it initially attracted me because it had a hardcover, which is unfortunately becoming rarer for modern books nowadays. Within the first chapter, it got me hooked. It immediately proves that Freemasons sought to target the Catholic church, and when I tried to research this to see if the book was exaggerating, I found that it was actually true. There's an official Freemason document that admits they plan to attack the Church (mind you, this document was written before the twentieth century).
The author also has a decent podcast where he criticizes the current Church hierarchy. Many in this thread will probably know about him, and I wouldn't be surprised if many Sedes hate him. At the very least, he's good at appealing to normie Catholics, and getting them to at least start to look down the Sede rabbit hole by acknowledging that people in tne Church are corrupt.

>> No.20796474

Get a prostate massager instead, so you won't want to waste time on reactionary bullshit like this.

>> No.20796517

>rapidly dwindling priesthood largely seem like gay weirdos
>uncannily similar to the pharisees
>”N-no you NEED US to get right with God! Just read these infallible church documents it says so right here”
>muh unchanging doctrine
>that part that changed? that wasn’t REAL doctrine

Why do people still fall into this

>> No.20796519


>> No.20796538

What debunks Catholicism is that there was no Bishop of Rome in the first century. So the entire doctrine of Papal supremacy is at the very least non-apostolic. This was argued by a famous Catholic historian: https://www.jstor.org/stable/43250245

>> No.20796549

This is the argument of the Eastern Orthodox

>> No.20796769

This. Smoking isn't a sin and is actually conducive to elevating the mind and make it focused on reading and intellectual thought. If they weren't smokers they probably wouldn't of read anything and would have gotten caught up in bad habits like cooming.

>> No.20796809

>No wonder he praised Hindus while Hindus in rural India sacrifice children to demonic gods even today!
What's the functional difference between sacrificing children to volcanoes and burning people with different opinions alive to appease an angry desert demon? Doesn't harcore "trad" Catholicism literally insist that unbaptized babies get set on fire in Hell forever by Yahweh?

Seriously, what's the difference?

>> No.20796862

One is real and still occurs and the other is a largely overstated myth that arose mostly out of a result for demonically inspired power grabs. Thank you for affirming my point that Catholic dogma affirms basically what Hindus do, while asking you to like “be a good a person because…”.

>> No.20796871

And maybe more importantly, the difference is that one is convicted in its dogma while the other is an empty relativism that says “do whatever you want, no matter how demonic”. Can’t see how that’s a problem for Christians? Then you’re an idiot. Sorry. Christians don’t believe reality is an illusion or that God is indifferent no matter how many not niceties you could point to.

>> No.20796879

Yeah, but they say it’s still justified because it’s implied in scripture.

Just Google “Hindu child sacrifice”. You’ll find recent news articles. People kidnap kids and sacrifice them to Hindu gods. The authorities don’t even close the temples though you can go to them and see their covered in human blood and bones.

>> No.20796899

It isn’t basically a big NGO. It IS a big NGO. How can church dogma change? That makes no sense. The church is just reforming itself either because of popular sentiment or political power. Guess which is more likely.

The cancer seems to be somehow organic though. Maybe the Church does have ties with the CIA but whether you’re talking about glowies and congressmen or popes and cardinals, they all seem to believe the same things. That’s what depresses me the most. It’s not that the Vatican is simply controlled by a corrupt CIA. It’s that the church has literally reformed itself into oblivion and we have nothing left and nowhere to go.

>> No.20796909 [DELETED] 

dude, i saw an article about a hindu suicide temple where they have like a pit that the suicidee jumps in and there's a big ass blade across it like 10 feet down and it's supposed to cut him in half but more likely he bounces off it with severe internal damage and then slow dies in the filth of the pit below. man i had forgotten about that, seriously fucked. i think i saw a mention of it in the golden bough and thought no way that has to be folklore but if you google it you can find images of it. people really should not romanticize paganism, that shit got dropped for a reason.

>> No.20796914

Church dogma didn’t change. Just go to mass and stop listening to traditionalist idiots like Taylor Marshall. The liturgy isn’t a dogma.

>> No.20796940
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>and the other is a largely overstated myth that arose mostly out of a result for demonically inspired power grabs.
Dude your own saint who's literally called "Doctor of the Church" said that all heretics should be murdered.

>> No.20796982

That's hardly a central example. E.g. you don't find Ramana Maharshi, or Nisargadatta Maharaj, or any other guru of note talking of child sacrifice.

>> No.20796994

Catholic officials fuck kids, did for centuries, and it's widely documented. Not to mention that
Pope Francis recently traveled to Canada and apologized to the nation's Indigenous community for "deplorable evil" on Monday after mass graves were found under several schools.

>> No.20797006

Demiurge worship is a hell of a drug

>> No.20797014

Traditionalists are closed-minded idiots. How can you look at the deep and varied culture of Hinduism and take from it nothing but “child sacrifice”? I’m a Catholic, but I have no qualms in saying some of the Hindu writings were inspired by God, that the Tao te Ching was god-inspired, that Socrates and Plato were god-inspired. Do you traditionalist morons really believe that Christ would leave millions of people with no guidance, his own children whom he loves? To claim the truth is only in Christianity and no other religion possesses truth is pure cultural prejudice and nothing else. If you were born in a Muslim country you’d be saying similar things, that Islam is the only religion which holds truth and Christianity is just a demonic lie.

>> No.20797018

Oooohhh I can tell you're gonna get some very nasty replies from the traddies for this (totally correct) post

>> No.20797040

Good Lord, a post made by a human being.

>> No.20797092

Not only the current pope. Most sedes reject John 23 to Francis. I have no idea what is their answer for how to appoint a new legitimate pope since the current situation makes basically the entire hierarchy illegitimate.

>> No.20797211

oof someone hasnt read his infallible church documents

>> No.20797327

Vatican II:
> Men expect from the various religions answers to the unsolved riddles of the human condition, which today, even as in former times, deeply stir the hearts of men: What is man? What is the meaning, the aim of our life? What is moral good, what is sin? Whence suffering and what purpose does it serve? Which is the road to true happiness? What are death, judgment and retribution after death? What, finally, is that ultimate inexpressible mystery which encompasses our existence: whence do we come, and where are we going?

>2. From ancient times down to the present, there is found among various peoples a certain perception of that hidden power which hovers over the course of things and over the events of human history; at times some indeed have come to the recognition of a Supreme Being, or even of a Father. This perception and recognition penetrates their lives with a profound religious sense.

>Religions, however, that are bound up with an advanced culture have struggled to answer the same questions by means of more refined concepts and a more developed language. Thus in Hinduism, men contemplate the divine mystery and express it through an inexhaustible abundance of myths and through searching philosophical inquiry. They seek freedom from the anguish of our human condition either through ascetical practices or profound meditation or a flight to God with love and trust. Again, Buddhism, in its various forms, realizes the radical insufficiency of this changeable world; it teaches a way by which men, in a devout and confident spirit, may be able either to acquire the state of perfect liberation, or attain, by their own efforts or through higher help, supreme illumination. Likewise, other religions found everywhere try to counter the restlessness of the human heart, each in its own manner, by proposing "ways," comprising teachings, rules of life, and sacred rites. The Catholic Church rejects nothing that is true and holy in these religions. She regards with sincere reverence those ways of conduct and of life, those precepts and teachings which, though differing in many aspects from the ones she holds and sets forth, nonetheless often reflect a ray of that Truth which enlightens all men. Indeed, she proclaims, and ever must proclaim Christ "the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6), in whom men may find the fullness of religious life, in whom God has reconciled all things to Himself.(4)

>> No.20797946

I can advice you inon masturbation. I struggle with lust too. My lowpoint was being drunk and fuck a prostitute.
I actually spoke to a priest outside confession to ask for some advice and I've found it quite good. I have prayed and prayed to God to give me strength againts my urges and my lust, but experimented the same sensations you describe. So the priest told me the following:
Jesus says in Matthew 10:16 "Behold, i send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves", and Romans 5:20 "Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound".

Those passages tell us two things:
1) You need to be wise in order to know the near ocassions of sin and what induces you to sin and cut it. It might be internet porn, chinese cartoons, books, etc. If you can't cut it, for example, the gaze of a woman makes you horny for the entirety of a day, you must use your will to overpass the temptation, but more important, use your mind in other things. You may pray, exercise, walk, but keep your mind out of those thoughts. Remember that is not a sin to have those thought, but it is a sin to consent them.
2) You are like you are because God made you like that. That means that you are full of love and graces,but the devil bends it towards lust or any other sin. You have to think why are you commiting sin. Is it that you're lonely? You want to express your love but don't have a woman? Things like that. You have to express your gifts in a healthy manner. When you repress the love or your gits, the devil use that energy to deviate you into sin. So be more friendly towards others, talk to the cashier in the supermarket, me harmless as a dove, express love in everything you do. And when you feel like the burden is unbearable, be wise as a serpent and know yourself so you can act in a good manner that turns you away from sin. Put your mind in other state.

Ask for the strenght that God can give you in order to do all this. And remember, if you're baptised in the Catholic Church, you are part of the Mystic Body of Christ, therefore, your suffering is part of His suffering in His Passion, so it's part of the redemption of humanity. that's why saint choose to suffer jointly with Christ.

I hope it can help you, my brother in Christ.

>> No.20798117
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When I was a catecuman before going Catholic I read a lot of Father Seraphim, he has a very simplistic view of the world as a monk and is very digestible. Although Orthodoxy is a silly larp and a blackmail of tradition.

>> No.20799452

>Yeah, but they say it’s still justified because it’s implied in scripture.
The point is that it's untrue because there was only a bishop of Rome in later centuries.

>> No.20799478

non-retard detected

>> No.20799553

i said infallible church documents not satanic freemason documents

>> No.20799592

Trads aren't going to win because all of their representatives are too unhinged to interact with the public and proselytize. Do you think Vigano, Schneider or Burke could convert anyone if one of them became pope?

>> No.20799796

I don't understand you guys. Why don't you think Sneed is a legitimate owner of the chairs in front of the store?

>> No.20799805

Gnostic trannies can NOT shut the FUCK up.

>> No.20799814

You sound like an effeminate pussy. I'm not Christian but I would prefer them over you pussies.

>> No.20799912
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Yaldabaoth bootlickers hate us cuz they ain't us

>> No.20800009

rama coomaraswamy essays
then read destruction of the christian tradition

also check out malachi martin

>> No.20800039

>The Papacy is wrong because there was no Bishop in Rome
That's like saying America is wrong because George Washington didn't live in the White House.

>> No.20800704
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I think pic-related provides a good primer on the battlefront and the amount of subversion, lies and deceit that one has to be aware of in order to get to the bottom of the situation -- that is, the Rock and true remnants of Roman Catholicism.

>> No.20800719

That actually does not matter. You can read the documentation. If a commune of 200 heretics was siezed, 5 would face charges, and usually none were put to death. Lay people were almost never condemned and simply taught proper teaching.

Hinduism broadly leaves a space for it. It doesn’t really matter if it’s not common or less common than it used to be. Why don’t authorities shut down these temples? They in fact tolerate them to a degree because it’s built into the religion.

The pope himself said it’s changing. And Catholics implicitly believe it’s changing. No Catholic believes that you absolutely have to be a Catholic for salvation anymore for example. They don’t have the same beliefs about divorce, the death penalty, all sorts of things.

>> No.20800729

You are still confused. Read Malachi Martin's works for your own good.

>> No.20800779
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Once I started to read Denzinger and some Vatican II documents it became really obvious that the Catholic Church is a chameleon that changes and flip flops according to the times, and doesn’t believe any of the nonsense it teaches. The modernists condemned repeatedly in the 19th and early 20th centuries have completely taken over, and ecumenism, Rothschild money, WEF politics and Pachamama rule the day. Trads are just a pathetic group clinging to what Satan had destroyed because it was a false church founded on forgeries from the beginning.

>> No.20800803

This is no joke what made me struggle with faith as a teen and what led me to become agnostic for a while. Have absolutely nothing against Catholics and now I know for certain God exists, Im reading more to make a decision first however because this fact is what bothers me, they all share a similar concept but there is never a single "correct" one, they have different approaches. I can't in good conscience ignore this, I have no problem with faith or any of that, faith stopped me from cooming and other sins but I cant ignore other people and their divine works.

>> No.20800805
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ok faggot

>> No.20800812
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The pope us an atheist but wont admit it

>> No.20800820


>> No.20800827

None of these are truly arguments. Most if them are fallacies actually. And they don’t even matter. Why would it matter if someone changed their religion on a search for the right religion? It seems implied. Only a Catholic could think that’s a refutation because Catholicism is nothing more than clinging to submission to the Pope no matter what he does out of some misguided cultural affinity.

>> No.20800838
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I recently hit a breakthrough in stopping my cooming habit which is by far and away my worst habit so I'll give you what helped me in hopes it assists you as well anon. Out of curiosity I was thinking of deadly sins and realized mine is probably lust, but an important thing to realize is lust isnt just sexual, its intense desire in general. You likely have something else that you hold a strong desire for, love, power, knowledge, beauty, ideas, etc. It's not that having a intense desire for these things is bad but you have to realize that when you have an intense desire then that desire itself captures you and makes you a slave to it. The easiest to notice is cooming because once you accept it then it becomes habit and next thing you know you fap once everyday and look at the most degenerate things imaginable.So first word of advice is do what you can to keep desire in check, meditation works wonders for me and many others and doesnt have to be a lotus position it can be as simple as listening to some religious chants or going outside in the morning and absorbing the peace and quiet. The second piece of advice I would say is Im unsure what you're religious or spiritual stance is, but what clicked to me is when I looked up verses that help with the sin of lust, it emphasized that lust(desire) clings to you it clings to you by making you think there is no other way out. This is why very logical people can easily fall prey and why its important ot remember lust isnt just sexual it can be intellectual desire as well. You have to slightly turn off your faculties a bit and realize that even if you may be unable to fully see it, there IS a way out you just need to believe in it and hold out for it. Im still dealing with the few remains of my coomer habit and now and then get urges, but everytime I think in my head," theres a better way than this.". Ironically enough, after you do this you realize that logically there was no problem at all you just made it yourself. Its an example of you making a cage for yourself by being in your mind so much. For context, >>20800803 Im this anon. I dont have everything spiritually figured out but as long as you have a belief something is out there anon you have to realize there is a path out there and to believe in it.

>> No.20800849

Also forgot to mention but your tech usage likely has a very big impact on this, get off the phone for goodness sake. I still come here and have social media without problems but at some level you have to start restricting it a little bit, not even because someone might post porn but just because when you use tech you have to realize unless you're doing something explicitly productive, your brain is off. It's why porn is nearly hypnotic, you can't think of a better route to escape porn because your brain is off but if you put it down and go outside then as quickly as that urge arose it goes away twice as fast when you remember the beauty of life. Best way to this is replacing it with productive hobbies instead like reading, gardening, programming, whatever strikes you.

>> No.20800866
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Read Justin Popovich.

>> No.20800894

gross & nasty. YWNBAW

>> No.20800896

based St Justin of Ćelije poster
is his work even translated to English?