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/lit/ - Literature

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20791669 No.20791669 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20791679


>> No.20791684

you probably fantasize every night about getting prowled by a studly werewolf/10

>> No.20791764

Great taste, good recs.

>> No.20791877
File: 97 KB, 700x698, A57FCE16-A8B2-4425-8CE3-BDFF03971C14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Including Musil and Zw**g on the same list
I'm laughing at you because you clearly think you have taste.
0/10 for including Zweig.

>> No.20791976

Someone who just started reading books this year but has a superiority complex so they feel the need to arbitrarily select books they have not simply because of he books have a certain connotation to serious readers

>> No.20791982

…have not read*

>> No.20791994

The hell is wrong with Zweig? I got a collection of his novellas and have only read Chess Story so far, but I liked it.

>> No.20792008

Why do you treat books like music albums stupid faggot

>> No.20792066

The biggest problem with this kind of post is that (outside of the obvious fishing for compliments), you don’t have “taste” in books simply because you’ve read certain books—a retard could have the same stack and read them, genuinely enjoy them too—but not owing to the fact that he has any taste, because he would enjoy any book that came his way, except he didn’t happen to choose to read any genres fiction that looks like bad taste.
So in a world where a Google search can shit out a top 100 of the greatest works ever handing out your reading list means nothing. It means you can listen to other people’s recommendations or navigate a bookshop.
Tell me why any of those books are important to YOU.

>> No.20792173

>The hell is wrong with Zweig?
Zweig is bad. He's a claptrap sensationalist, a woman's writer, a YA writer, and was never respected by any of his peers (Musil, Mann, Hesse, etc.).

>> No.20792201

I think that the only way to really know of someone has good taste is how they explain why they like a certain book. The book doesn't even have to be amazing, but giving a thoughtful review of a pulp novel means more to me than some trite 2 liner about "the canon" and trying to sound off classics like they're funko pop collectibles. Reading shouldn't be done to sign off a bingo card of top 100 best novels, it ought to be done for plaina nd simple enjoyment and gratification. Reading is an indulgence of the respectable but not a sign of respectability.

>> No.20792452
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>> No.20792497


>> No.20792519

The normie of normies

>> No.20792534

What the hell is wrong with Cioran?

>> No.20792559

Tell me how I know yoy have a neckbeard.

>> No.20792744

The worst of Sebald. You have no taste, tastelet.

>> No.20792893

Not bad; I do strongly prefer My Friends over A Winter Journal myself though

>> No.20792941


>> No.20793076


>> No.20793813

alri, especially bernhard, but nietzsche is a bit childish

>> No.20794047
File: 759 KB, 919x659, 5 stars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is everything I have given 5 stars

>> No.20794179

>Rate my taste
havnt read any of those books so cant say what your taste is

>> No.20794229

Based 10/10

>> No.20794233

based, post goodreads

>> No.20794266

Did you read the poems in the original language? I Just don't see the point of reading translated poetry unless it epic poem with long story. One of the joys of poetry is how it sounds in the original language and that is lost in translation. Shakespeare plays make me diamonds hearing some of those soliloquies

>> No.20794268

>Capitalist Realism

>> No.20794321

better than the cliche dosto, homer, tolstoy tards who all have the taste of an artificial intelligence

>> No.20794330

Sounds like you and the OP

>> No.20794331

Are you a 30 something arts grad student?

>> No.20794554

>Over half are translations
You are getting less than half of what a native speaker gets from the experience of reading these books. There being no english-language books indicates that either you are incapable of appreciating what is sublime in literature, or that you are posturing to strangers on the internet.

>> No.20794589
File: 1.14 MB, 2048x2048, 5FFBE0A5-B869-46BF-9D54-77BD836FB5E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF this is my topster of what I read last year why are you are posting it lmao

here is my year in music so far since you hijacked my literally taste, go ahead and steal my music taste too!

>> No.20794593
File: 455 KB, 1149x2048, D06FCAFF-340D-4F91-A6E0-66A06689B3E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Films I watched last year:

Now you can have a personality!

>> No.20794596

I've read everything on the chart

The idea of a serious reader is laughable, not something to strive to be

>> No.20794601

It's not to show my taste but what I've read last year

None of these I read because they're in x greatest book list

>> No.20794607

>trout mask replica
ah another pretentious tryhard

>> No.20794608

Yeah I preferred The Rings of Saturn, the chart in OPs (mine, btw) was simply 2021 reads!

>> No.20794611

I started my friends earlier, when does it get good?

>> No.20794612

>mother and the whore
>night train
>the noose

>> No.20794626

How is Nietzsche childish? You clearly haven't read him
No translated. I don't agree with your sentiment, nor do I read for the musicality of poetry. I think serious poets have something to say, and most translators do a fine job of getting the meaning across fine in a different language. Pic related, you can understand it just fine in English.

I'm 24 compsci major

Filtered! It's good music, light and fun.

Translated works aren't lesser if the translator is good. In some instances it can even improve upon the original.

>> No.20794630
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Forgot to include pic related

>> No.20794647

Do you have any recs? Haven't watched anything in a while.

>> No.20794670


Ligottichad spotted

>> No.20794677
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>e mi sovvien l'eterno
>and the eternal comes to mind
jesus fucking christ

>> No.20794679

>he thinks the only way to know Cioran and Bernhard is from Trangotti
This board is irredeemable

>> No.20794683

Ligotti is mid.

Suggest an alternative translation, of the whole poem. I will critique it.

>> No.20794688

>Suggest an alternative translation
I don't know, I'm not a translator. What I do know that the one you posted is terrible. I also don't know if a good one is possible, nor do I care.

>> No.20794689

Where's the Bible?

>> No.20794691

Du côté d'Orouët
Údolí včel
Malá mořská víla
A tanú

>> No.20794695

Its terrible because it doesn't adhere to the original word for word? The important thing is preserving the heart of the poem, getting its meaning across. Does this translation alter the meaning significantly?

>> No.20794717

It completely butchers the delicate and deliberate movement between ideas of the poem (among other things, this is the most noticeable)
>The important thing is preserving the heart of the poem, getting its meaning across.
A pedestrian understanding of poetry. If the heart of the poem was solely in its meaning then a paraphrase of a poem would be neither more nor less valuable than said poem, in which case poetry would be worthless as an artform.

>> No.20794732

>Thread we're everyone but OP is being a faggot

>> No.20794733

Also there's stuff that's just flat out wrong, silenzio is silence, not stillness; voce is voice, not noise.

>> No.20794798


Poet. Take or leave the prose.

>(Musil, Mann, Hesse, etc.)

>> No.20794987


>> No.20794997

You gotta give to Ligotti for making those writers popular in Anglo spheres. Before Ligotti they were almost obscure.

>> No.20794999


>> No.20795301

I'm 24...

>> No.20795369

Niggercattle thread. Chart makers are subhumans

>> No.20795407

>How is Nietzsche childish? You clearly haven't read him
i'm mistrustful of any philosopher who does not have a firm grasp of mathematics

>> No.20795416

Found the analytical cuck.

>> No.20795505

Lolichad... I kneel

>> No.20795767

HAHAHAHAH homy shit you are a retarded pseudointellectual. Go back to /tv/ so you can true detective post

>> No.20795800

Keep coping retar, that's the fucking truth. Ligotti is responsible for the new popularity of Pessimistic writers and this also includes Mainländer and Zapffe along them.

>> No.20795801

Keeper of the sheep! Only poem I ever bothered to learn another language for. Good taste my friend. I will finally read musil because of this.

>> No.20795803


>> No.20795806

Every time I try to read Cioran I end up with a massive headache afterwards. Not because his prose style is bad, in fact, it's exceptional. But his neuroses bleed all over the page. I can hardly handle my own, I don't need to handle someone else's.

>> No.20795812

Cope harder

>> No.20795863
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Cool. Rate mine.

>> No.20795887

Late 20s schizoid artfag who likes to likes to go on night walks to ponder in total silence

>> No.20796620

Enjoy, friend. Musil is best taken in small doses.

Is there even a more neurotic author?

Based for blanchot and beckett. Will check the others

>> No.20796640

It was difficult to imagine anyone have worst selection of books than OP, but here you are, m8.

>> No.20796654

>Enjoy, friend. Musil is best taken in small doses
Only for pseudo-intellectual faggots who are clearly punching above their weight by reading him simply because they can’t even define taste

>> No.20796661

so this board is just /tv/ or /mu/ now?

>> No.20796665
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>> No.20796689

You sound insecure. I suggest you go outside and socialize for a bit.

>> No.20796699

Why is my selection bad? All fine books and authors I'd say, what's the issue?

>> No.20796727

>you sound insecure
Nice projection. Must have been looking at your reflection in the screen as you typed that.

>> No.20796748

It’s a selection of book carefully chosen by someone who has read less than 100 books in their life and is pretending to know what constitutes good taste for approval by others. It’s what I’d expect—yours and OP’s—from someone who is new to reading, but gets mad when they realize others have read some author they thought they were only aware of

>> No.20796851

That's a third grader's comeback. You shouldn't be on here buddy
Show me your oh so erudite taste. Those books appealed to me, simple as.

>> No.20796973

Reddit comment

>> No.20797076

What’s this site?

>> No.20797199


>> No.20797783

at the first page

>> No.20797786

I was referring to the CP

>> No.20797818
File: 108 KB, 499x739, 61CAB3CF-1DB9-4781-A47B-076B874FB23D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's a third grader's comeback. You shouldn't be on here buddy

>> No.20798006

the ones i've read were great, i'll check out the rest
thanks for the recs, anon

>> No.20799676

There is none
If you haven't read Sebald make sure the first is Rings of Saturn

>> No.20800200

actually i'm more into the likes of Husserl, analytic philosophy is, with some exceptions, of little interest to me

>> No.20800228


>> No.20800686

I made the chart last year to post in the 2021 reads threads. How is that asking for approval?