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20789635 No.20789635 [Reply] [Original]

The greatest philosopher of all time

>> No.20789639

>because..... HE JUST IS OKAY

>> No.20789640

Was Nietzsche. We know.
Why post a priest?

>> No.20789662

Nietzsche wasnt a philosopher, he was a hylic cheerleader.

>> No.20789668

Why do things made by the art of the artificer need to know the artificer? This isn’t even a good quotation if it’s even real which I doubt. This is fucking nigger iq tier

>> No.20789685

you didn't even form your rebuttal correctly, maybe the nigger IQ thing is just projection?

>> No.20789691
File: 39 KB, 500x415, A8742795-0A77-4B52-9F0D-669A5470A211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still no gods up here.

>> No.20789695

It was already refuted >>20789639
do better

>> No.20789710

Not a philosopher.
Put your trip on Buttercuck.

>> No.20789725

where is the refutation?
ousted yourself as a homosexual

>> No.20789765

>that philosopher christfags bring up to prove that, ummmm, akschually, christianity is intellectual too dude!

>> No.20789770

Most great persons of history believed in Christ retard. Don't have to look very far to find that out.

Not even a Christfag either.

>> No.20789929

tradcaths only have augustine and aquinas. those are their big thinkers

>> No.20789936

You know, the fact that a hilariously obvious midwit like Aquinas is thought as one of the brightest thinkers in Christianity tells you a lot about Christianity and its followers. Cattle filth.

>> No.20789963

>Cattle filth.
an insight surely you created, and are not just regurgitating from the last 300 years of seething pagans?

>> No.20790120
File: 48 KB, 474x528, 880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So true atheistbros, they're nothing compared to the might of the great Dawkins and Hitchens!
How does my fedora look, by the way my enlightened fellows?

>> No.20790194
File: 189 KB, 1280x554, soyboys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uhm ACKTUALY there is no god
>everything just created itself magically, ok?
>your skydaddy isn't real
>its not possible for god to have created the big bang, it just created itself
>you have to prove god is real but i don't have to prove he's not or back up my claims
>Christians are literally filthy cattle, how dare they have a religious framework instead of following quirk post-modern trends?
>uhm acktualy morality is subjective

>> No.20790242

God is literally magic. Get rid of the God part and you have no greater or lesser understanding of the universe, but you have far less contradictory theological bollocks to parse and untangle

>> No.20790642

Unironically yes to all of them besides christians being cattle

>> No.20790671

i'm not an atheist
>comparing nietzsche with dawkins and hitchens
genuinely embarrasing

>> No.20790688

>Get rid of the God part and you have no greater or lesser understanding of the universe
Get rid of God and you have nothing to understand, and no point to understanding. Without God you either create your own god out of necessity (like personifying evolution or "mother Nature so wise!") or just exist as an animal without purpose
You don't believe in God, therefore you're an atheist.
>b-but actually I'm agnostic, it's totally different
You're an atheist.

>> No.20790701

i'm a deist, retard.

>> No.20790747

It's saying things made by the artificer need to be known by the artificer, and so the artificer's knowledge is the causa of their being and coming into being. In other words God knows their essence or being and that gives them existence, but does not control everything that happens to them, in the same way an artificer creates a thing and so far as he as created it, is its cause, but is not necessarily its cause of being destroyed or clean or useful. I think the quote is used because there is another interpretation of it which is almost equally plausible on the surface.

>> No.20791918

He was a necessary foundation upon which to build a new connection to the divine in the West, since ours had already died by the time he was writing, in the 1870s
Even the enlightenment thinkers were mostly Deist, halfway on their way to atheism

It is necessary because without his utter debonkings of many concepts you'd have christians whining like "buh why can't we just go back to the good ol' days, worship a semitic desert god waa" which they still do but only midwits believe them

Funny though how all these nihilist-adjacent types like Nietzsche, Foucault, Camu come up with some convoluted way of saying "But forget everything I just said in this book, because u just gotta live ur life man"
And I'm saying "that's what we've been trying to tell you goddamnit, the is-ought gap must be bridged by a faith in something, and that's where the arguing gets interesting"

>> No.20791945

>Scoince is li'erally magic. Get rid of the Scoience part and you have no grea'a or lessa understanding of the universe, but you 'ave far less contradictory theoretical bollocks to parse and untangle like quan'um gravi'y

>> No.20791967

But that's the only one that's true!

>> No.20792117

>Thomas Aquinas

>> No.20792282

Dude its basic Aristotle stuff, please

>> No.20792348

You're an atheist.

>> No.20792394

Prs-scientific philosophers can't be held to the same standard of post-enlightenment philosophers.

Aristotle thought that the primary function of the brain was to reduce body heat generated by the heart.

>> No.20792397

I get following a religion, life can be lonely and confusing and I'm sure it's easy to fall back on, but why the fuck would anyone pick Christianity, and even more so, protenstantism? It's like you want to be a weak cuckold and live by the rules of another one.
Christianity is just a jewish sect for people who praise weakness, and at least catholicism redeems some of that, but why would you not pick some cool or helpful religion?

>> No.20792399

Deists are atheists

>> No.20792400

Man, christians are actually becoming more obnoxious than the original reddit atheists

>> No.20792483

One thing that I consistently fail to understand is how IF there is a god (which I'm not necessarily denying), then why does he have to be the god depicted in the bible. The bible could be a complete schizo retard's fantasies but an actual god can still exist. I personally think it would be funnier if the actual god did write the bible but bullshitted christfags and just made shit up as he went on writing the bible. Actually impossible for us to tell what or who god can be.

>> No.20792495

How in the fuck can people be this retarded. Actual google-deprived cucks in this thread.

>> No.20792523

Your too dumb to understand. Just stick with playing video games.