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File: 49 KB, 640x480, 9EDFE5F8-2BA4-40E2-B1EF-F32CD77703CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20786251 No.20786251 [Reply] [Original]

This reads like something DFW would write.


I didn’t choose this letter for any particular reason - there a heap of letters and content to read.

>> No.20786318

>This reads like something DFW would write.
Are you joking or is DFW the only non-genre fiction you've read?

>> No.20786320

Every last gangstalker of this mentally disabled person should be hung.

>> No.20786375

The fact that Chris Chan has better grammar than most of the fags on this board is hilarious.

>> No.20786389

Chris is just proof that the elderly should not be having or raising children.

>> No.20786408

>Mainly, word has become conscious a heard by my Body of a number of obvious false statements, even with fake, edited, “photographs”, But my Body and I both Know better an positively certain without any doubt the true facts and the outcomes.
>word has become conscious a heard by my Body
What did he mean?

>> No.20786410

>it's not demonic posession it's """""""mental disability"""""""
fuck off modern

>> No.20786416

and heard?

>> No.20786427

Bad transcription, the scan of the letter shows it's "and heard by my Body".
Probably meaning "my Body has heard word of, and become conscious of..."

>> No.20786508

Go back to /x/

>> No.20786512

go back to /sci/

>> No.20786516

Stay here, retard. Magic is real.

>> No.20786529
File: 15 KB, 466x349, 1648076521323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. I don't think he would have done half of the fucked up things he did if he hadn't been routinely tortured and psychologically abused. These people should share some of the responsibility for the way this has ended.

>> No.20786532


>> No.20786541
File: 392 KB, 1068x1465, Snapchat-1169184687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cast a spell to delete this board and /sci/ then you fucking monkey. It would totally own the people who actually try to understand things through observation and study instead of believing in shit that doesn't fucking exist.

>> No.20786551

>show me the love particle retard, stop believing in made up shit

>> No.20786565


>> No.20786571

not an argument

>> No.20786576


>> No.20786581

No, and what particular DFW text at you even comparing to this?

>> No.20786587

everyone that has an account on kiwifarms should be hanged

>> No.20786590

not an argument

>> No.20786595

This is basically, an anon uses LSD for 5 years and writes a letter. DFW was mentally ill, but I dunno. I don't think it shows in his writings. You can definitely feel some kind of "boredom and marasm", however it is basically it, no crazy bs.

>> No.20786615

>DFW was mentally ill, but I dunno. I don't think it shows in his writings
>anon asks for source
>op doesn’t give one, in fact prob has never read dfw
>insults dfw instead

You are the next Chris chan. Nice schizo thread

>> No.20786747


I don't understand how what they did to Chris isn't illegal. In any other context it would be considered harassment. We need better laws surrounding internet conduct so this type of stuff doesn't happen again, it's literally leading to our society's collapse

>> No.20786757

toasting in a moralfag thread

>> No.20786779

Ah yes laws and morality, two famously related concepts

>> No.20786792

>Aaaah yes outrage and moralfagging, two famously unrelated concepts

>> No.20786801

Defend the stalking of Chris Chan.

>> No.20786803

>>Chris chan is a good case study in the endless capacity of psychologically normal "moral" people to justify high school bullying behaviour as anything other than what it obviously is. the amoral trolls who interfere in chris' life directly are less odious than the middle class homebodies writing long articles detailing all of a severely disabled man's "moral failings" in a victorian tone of self-righteous disapproval (oh dear, the man with the alien neurobiology said something taboo and socially inappropriate, how dreadful!). what i find particularly amusing is the repeated refrain "i used to sympathise with chris, but he has never gotten better despite all the advice we've given" as if the unqualified platitudes of random internet retards constitute some kind of legitimate therapy. it's rationalisation, pure and simple. imagine a layman trying to help a down syndrome person, failing, getting frustrated, walking away and saying "he deserves everything that happens to him, because he obviously doesn't want to help himself." milquetoast liberal redditors and kiwi farms browsers are more willing to deploy this bootstraps sort of rhetoric against a man who had the whole deck of cards stacked against him than against their own able-bodied, neurotypical, tertiary educated peers. what a joke. if chris were not an "internet personality", if you were a social worker going to work to treat a disabled man, you would not hold things like his "homophobia" against him, and consider him an "asshole" because of it, and you would certainly not consider any of this roman colosseum style public humiliation remotely appropriate to his situation. note also the high functioning autistic people -- who either would never have had symptoms as severe as him or who received therapy from an early age (unlike chris) -- who like to chime in and say there's "no excuse" for his behaviour (probably because humans like to believe their good fortune is the result of their own merit, rather than circumstances beyond their control). it is like a medicated schizophrenic saying there's no excuse for un-medicated schizophrenics to believe they have thoughts injected into their brains by radio towers. when you watch those videos of autistic adults who literally can't even speak and compulsively hit themselves... do you think they say the same thing there? they're just choosing that? there's no excuse? stop using autism as an excuse? etc.

>> No.20786805

>do what I tell you

>> No.20786812

I see. You can't defend the stalking of a mentally disabled person.

>> No.20786826

he said, adding another notch on his desk to enumerate all the times he had showed himself more righteous than a stranger on the interweb

>> No.20786840

He's expressing his position on the Mind-Body problem, his stance is radically dualistic. Chris seems to have concluded that his body and his mind have separate intuition, such as emotion versus reason, and what Truth he can discern he will only accept if his mind and body concur.

It's genius, and more insightful than the sum total of what people here have written, especially for all their reading and proclaimed philosophical excellence.

>> No.20786846

Bro please don't cast a spell on me bro I'm freaking crying and screaming right now please don't turn me into a newt and drop me in your big boiling cauldron please nooooo

>> No.20786868

What's wrong with being a moralfag?

>> No.20786869

If he weren’t mentally disabled and destitute half of them would have had serious legal problems years and years ago. Criminal harassment, stalking, some of them have financial logins (fraud), criminal threatening/intimidation — the people deepest in it have been committing multiple felonies (since state lines) for years.
But crimes against mentally disabled people and autistic people don’t get prosecuted because 1) they don’t understand that crimes have been committed and are easily manipulated/lied to about it, and 2) no one gives a fuck about the legal or moral rights autistic people of any mental capacity and most would be secretly happy if they were all hunted down and shot.
Most “lolcow” shit is literally a league of distributed psychopaths partaking in long-term criminal harassment and stalking.
Well put.

>> No.20786876

you tell me, you're the one who projected a statement of negativity

>> No.20786884

>mentally disabled

>> No.20786888

>keep posting videos of yourself dicing up puppies on camera
>after seeing it posted in unrelated places that it doesn’t belong dozens of times someone calls you a piece of shit and waste of life for making and posting animal gore
>”wow get off your high horse”
You are mentally broken in a way that is not and will never be fixable in any way by anyone.
The sooner you die the better.
Please get sterilized.
You are categorically evil.

>> No.20786892

When did I do that?

>> No.20786896

I don’t give a shit about what word you want to use baby’s-first-worldview-fag. He is not playing with a full deck. He is not sending his best. He is not closing in on a Nobel prize. He is fucked.

>> No.20786899

who are quoting?
in your post

>> No.20786902

I don't know, anon. I'm not some fucking DFW specialist or whatever. I'm definitely aware that he was mentally ill and what does that mean? That the fact that he might have written a bunch of nonsense isn't that absurd?

>> No.20786919

>pretending to be retarded

>> No.20786942

>pretending to win an >argument

>> No.20786979

>He is fucked
by Satan. Why are you playing advocate for the Devil's minion?

>> No.20787037

>i used to sympathise with chris, but he has never gotten better despite all the advice we've given" as if the unqualified platitudes of random internet retards constitute some kind of legitimate therapy. it's rationalisation, pure and simple. imagine a layman trying to help a down syndrome person, failing, getting frustrated, walking away and saying "he deserves everything that happens to him, because he obviously doesn't want to help himself."
Chris bullies are moralfags you dumb piece of shite

>> No.20787054

and a good day to you too non sequitur poster

>> No.20787064

>If he weren’t mentally disabled and destitute half of them would have had serious legal problems years and years ago

This is what I hate about America. It's so fucking wrong that only rich people can afford to defend themselves and have the laws work for them

>Most “lolcow” shit is literally a league of distributed psychopaths partaking in long-term criminal harassment and stalking.

I go on that lolcow website sometimes and lose all faith in humanity. It's worse than anything I've ever seen on 4chan, and I've been here since 2008. Kiwifarms is really bad too. Incidentally I used to know someone who browsed there and they were one of the worst people I've ever known in my life.

>> No.20787087

why the blank lines?

>> No.20787122


>> No.20787126

Kiwifags are honestly pathetic. They’re practically gossiping housewives

>> No.20787133

you got the name field and text field mixed up

>> No.20787154


>> No.20787159

This is literally exactly what this person was. He was a dude from a rich family who hated trannies despite being a repressing tranny, hated gays despite experimenting with bisexuality, couldn't finish college due to severe mental problems/drug abuse, and had pedo tendencies. He was also racist. He couldn't stop gossiping like the upper class housewife that he was. That's literally who browses there

>> No.20787167

Chris-chan will ever be more successful and well-known than any of the wannabe writers on this board lmao

>> No.20787195

Which post would that be? Please be more specific.

>> No.20787201

it is not unclear

>> No.20787207
File: 280 KB, 1802x1355, wblp hiddentruth cvr both.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he makes nice enough poems, but does he make mooooh-veeeezzz?

cynthia hanson / wogglebug lover
oz / genoma

Hidden Truth. 2014 v2.
01: https://files.catbox.moe/15nycp.pdf
02: https://files.catbox.moe/numwor.pdf
03: https://files.catbox.moe/1lgbhi.pdf
04: https://files.catbox.moe/5b18ju.pdf
05: https://files.catbox.moe/7c7f66.pdf
06: https://files.catbox.moe/ru5osg.pdf
07: https://files.catbox.moe/nwhmxl.pdf
08: https://files.catbox.moe/3ar5em.pdf
09: https://files.catbox.moe/5ayp01.pdf
10: https://files.catbox.moe/ul0amo.pdf
11: https://files.catbox.moe/t3lsq0.pdf
12: https://files.catbox.moe/e861gx.pdf
13: https://files.catbox.moe/zjq8e5.pdf
14: https://files.catbox.moe/wy8igx.pdf
15: https://files.catbox.moe/e3wvyl.pdf

Truth Pond. Read July 2014.
01. https://vocaroo.com/1biKZZL4FcZw
02. https://vocaroo.com/1cEyZYjUSiEB
03. https://vocaroo.com/19HR6lw4a1oG

Video Archive (last actv: sep 5 2021)

>> No.20787211

Hey, I just got off the phone with the pope and he said you're in big trouble, mister.

>> No.20787217

we all are

>> No.20787220

Then it shouldn't be difficult to point it out to me.

>> No.20787233

it makes it unnecessary

>> No.20787250

So what is the deal with DFW that makes trannies seethe?

>> No.20787361

All people in power throughout all ages of time believed in it. Still do.

>> No.20787368

my bad this nerd

>> No.20787371 [DELETED] 

not so good at the old context are we

>> No.20787464
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, 1648036789146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just quote the post so I know what we're talking about.

>> No.20787468

you should be able to figure it out since it's completely obvious

>> No.20787476
File: 107 KB, 750x735, 1649652124996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teenage girls and delusional schizophrenics also believe in magic, should I believe them too?

>> No.20787487

Just answer the question before I kiss you on the lips, faggot

>> No.20787490

>do what I tell you

>> No.20787502
File: 39 KB, 500x500, artworks-VzPsYrZVGHmztNAA-A8cB4A-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I tried to warn you, bro

>> No.20787599

NO. Chris has a good Vocabulary by knowing a lot of big words and such but has NO CLUE how Sentence Structure works. Chris pretty much writes the same way she talks which is to say not very well, very rambly and pretentious and with no focus or Understanding with many mistakes as well.

>> No.20787685

>Chris Chan

>> No.20787712

guy who made My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy

>> No.20787819

Well in my experience there's only one kind of person who both uses 4chan and yet simultaneously believes that kiwifarms is morally reprehensible: people who are lolcow material themselves. It really is the only possible explantion for faggots like you who come here every day lamenting the evils of the jews and the black crime rates and oh muh Evola muh esoteric nazi intellectual and the holocaust didn't happen and gays are degenerates and trannies deserve to be murdered and so on and so forth. All of this vile ideology you embrace, or if you don't embrace it then you're at least actively surrounding yourself with it, and yet a bunch of people on a forum gawking at retards and weirdos is somehow crossing the line?

I'm not going to pretend there aren't users there who take it too far but it's mostly just people passively observing the freak show. And let's not forget that a sizeable portion of those freaks are narcissists, sociopaths, grifters, pedophiles, munchausen by proxy mothers, you name it. They have a massively overzealous hatred of trannies there nowadays as well but then again, so does 4chan. Pot meet kettle.

>> No.20787835

>4chan is one entity
Go back

>> No.20787840

>kiwifarms is one entity

>> No.20787847

You're right.

>> No.20787860

He’ll go down as the greatest outsider artist if the 21st century.
Sonichu is a crowning achievement in meta fiction, name one other author that is bold enough I included his real life enemies into his work and beat the shot out of them so unapologetically.

>> No.20787874

Kiwifarms is much more hiveminded than 4chan
They have to actually worry about reputation and their posts being attached to an identifiable account and members who can't hide their power levels get threads made about them. And they all worship certain members based on seniority
You can't compare it to 4chan

>> No.20787925

Maybe Kiwi Farms is actually reprehensible though? For all of it's ills, 4chan has only ever really been a space for people to talk. Kiwi Farms is explicitly a community for bullying retarded people, and that's all it is. That's why it exists.

>> No.20787972

You can't compare pretty much anywhere else to 4chan by that logic though. Every traditional forum has a level of hivemindedness that we have never had here and hopefully will never have, all due to the fact that the posters aren't anonymous and neither are the mods. The fact remains though, kiwifarms is a big place that covers a lot of different "interests", much like 4chan. There's people who go there just for Chris Chan stuff, there's people who go there for the other "featured" lolcows like DSP, there's people who go there for some of the lesser lolcows and there's basically a whole portion of the site catered towards female users. It's like acting as if all of 4chan is just /pol/.

You know they don't actually encourage actively going after the lolcows over there right? You'll get banned if you try to personal army someone or go there and brag about how you ordered 500 pizza's to a cow's appartment. All I'm saying is it's pretty hypocritical to be a 4chan users who also clutches his pearls over kiwifarms.

>> No.20787979

>a 4chan users

>> No.20787983

It’s a site for women, essentially

>> No.20787988

I think engaging in lolcow culture at all says something about you as a person I don't want to be friends with the kind of person who hate-follows DSP. I don't want these people near me, because they're weird in a bad way.

>> No.20787997

It is very much the internet equivalent of a horrible old woman who just wants to bitch and gossip, and drag everyone else down because she's miserable.

>> No.20788005
File: 151 KB, 455x420, 1629366256614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread does make me wonder. It seems to be like people regard autism etc. as some sort of veil, and some separate "true personality" is behind that veil. Something like, "He's a good person, but he regularly commits crimes because of his autism."
But why can't I apply this to every personality trait, retardation or not? "He's a good person, but he beats people up and robs them because he's greedy and aggressive." It's not like everyone can just decide to stop being greedy and aggressive. Just because the autismo is an even more hopeless case he gets a pass morally?
Moralfags, explain yourselves.

>> No.20788011

It's more like he can't help being a retard, so you shouldn't really get at him for being a retard. Life itself has punished him enough.

>> No.20788034

Chris-chan embodies all seven deadly sins

>> No.20788051

>It really is the only possible explantion for faggots like you who come here every day lamenting the evils of the jews and the black crime rates and oh muh Evola muh esoteric nazi intellectual and the holocaust didn't happen and gays are degenerates and trannies deserve to be murdered and so on and so forth. All of this vile ideology you embrace, or if you don't embrace it then you're at least actively surrounding yourself with it, and yet a bunch of people on a forum gawking at retards and weirdos is somehow crossing the line?

2008 oldfag here again. 4chan was anti-Bush, anti-Iraq War and pro gay up until the mid-2010s. It was alternative and anti-establishment, but not right wing. It’s only right wing now because Steve Bannon poured money into ruining it by turning it into Trump’s personal army during 2016 (a really ignominious end to the “not your personal army” meme).

Also fun fact - 4chan is the website where I discovered what trans people are and that I was trans myself. It was NOT tumblr lol

>> No.20788062

>getting memed on by ironic anime trannies in the 00's

>> No.20788063

>4chan is the website where I discovered what trans people are and that I was trans myself. It was NOT tumblr lol
Pasta or just future pasta?

>> No.20788066

These are concepts. Vague abstractions. When someone says "fucking Jews" or "fucking niggers", they're not blaming a single individual or projecting their ails at anything more than empty air. You'd be right if the scale of things wasn't so massively different, because the group of 20-somethings that mostly browse this site is, too, projecting their own failures and inadequacies outwards in a community that's vastly filled with similarly-experienced losers. But at least they have the moral decency to wave their fists at the tune of Evola's tepid schizophrenic ramblings, not the death march drum-beat of flies congregating around human shit exaggerated in scent and texture, drumming for more to come so they can cope with their own failures.
4chan posters are just a cute kind of pathetic. They identify with autistic frogs tripping over at McDonalds. lolcow-chasers are looking for the next public execution to cope with their terrible lives, and I'm sorry, that shit's not healthy.

>> No.20788132


Chris writes like someone from the 17th or 18th century, it’s fascinating.

>> No.20788166

I'm well aware of this because I'm an oldfag from the same time period. Even back then I would have thought it was pretty rich for 4chan posters to turn their noses up at a place like kiwifarms. I'm just going to chalk this up to the "website wars" mentality that was as pervasive on 4chan back then as it is now. I guess I'm just too old to play along anymore, especially when I seen what the site turned into over the years.

>> No.20788277

Chris Chan gangstalking has extended way beyond kiwifarms/lolcow into its own thing. The one person I know irl that’s deranged enough to be into it might not know what kiwifarms even is. His primary way of following it is some 50-hour (or some insane length like that) ongoing YouTube channel, other YouTube videos, and Reddit.

>> No.20788405

It started after he got shut in a cell for a week with only a bible. After that he decided he was Jesus and started writing in faux-biblicisms

>> No.20788431

>All of this vile ideology you embrace,
>all of 4chan is/pol/
You know we literally have an /lgbt/ board right? Or are they all self-hating homosexuals?

>> No.20788446

Some of them are self-hating bisexuals.

>> No.20788467

I mean that’s still genius though

>> No.20788509

t. dirtbag leftist untermensch
>people who are lolcow material themselves.
Even your thinking habits are womanly.

>> No.20788518

I will murder you, faggot.

>> No.20788529

What I don’t understand is why they feel the need to document his every move. It’s disturbing honestly

>> No.20788539

I’m sorry you can’t handle the fact that you want to dress up in lace panties and suck the girlcock.

>> No.20788547

How many people are into this in real life? Why do we all know at least one of them?

>> No.20788551

I'm not a moralfag, but men should aspire to higher pursuits. Also see >>20787037

>> No.20788572
File: 26 KB, 2337x71, slave morality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your attempt at attaining humanity will always be facile and plagued by your neuroses.

>> No.20788581
File: 352 KB, 1027x1794, 805BF839-5164-4620-B3B9-458EC43CB94A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it is.
Apparently a lot of people missed not having anyone to bully at the office anymore.

>> No.20788589

>also see [post that was replying to the same post]

>> No.20788600

Remember that this is the kind of poster grandstanding about how awful kiwifarms are for making fun of retards. Obviously if any of you had even a shred of self awareness you'd see the hypocrisy here, but then again, a lack of self awareness is a pre-requisite for for this type of attitude in the first place.

>> No.20788615

I think you mixed up the reply chain.

>> No.20788653

Not the same thing at all, but a tranny like you doesn't understand the nuance in these things.

>> No.20788655

Wow good job, big brain. Did you figure that out yourself? No fucking shit all of 4chan isn't /pol/. Just like kiwifarms doesn't consist solely of an evil cabal of "gangstalkers". You don't like when outsiders reduce 4chan to being about reactionary politics so why do you see fit to be just as reductive with other websites? When it comes to kiwfarms, or just lolcows in general, most people just want to see what they're do next. Following Chris Chan's exploits doesn't make someone a stalker or a bully. He's a morbidly fascinating human being who has lead an interesting life, most of which he has shared on the internet in one way or another.

>> No.20788674

>Oh my god some poor innocent freak just uploaded a video of them doing and saying freakish things and now kiwifarms is mocking them for it! How terrible! This website is pure evil and has ruined my faith in mankind.
>Me? Oh yeah I regularly post on 4chan about how much I hate niggers and trannies and want to brutally murder them because the jews are using them to destroy the white race for no particular reason and the holocaust didn't happen but it should have. Anyway let me tell you about these awful kiwfarms posters...

>> No.20788728

bro you just posted reddit bro

>> No.20788740

The real question is why everyone who claims to support Chris Chan in this thread is misgendering her

>> No.20788767

Dude don't blow your top at me, im not the guy you're arguing with. I actually agree with you, I just didn't think your characterization of this website was fair. My bad if that's the point you were trying to make, about generalizations. Can we kiss and make up?

>> No.20788786

Because even moralfags and leftists are uncomfortable calling a trans person by their preferred pronouns if they don’t look the part

>> No.20788815

That depends. Are you that tranny that posted earlier? If so then yes.

>> No.20788816


>> No.20788819

I don’t know why you’re leaning so hard into the idea that polfags and people against gangstalking are the same people. They’re clearly not.
They were obviously manipulated into that by the stalkers.

>> No.20788849

I don't know. Chris is definitely partly culpable. He routinely makes bad decisions and communicates with people who are clearly trying to troll him. There was even a girl that genuinely cared about him and wanted to date him at one point but he said no and kept talking to girls trying to troll him. I don't really have any sympathy for him

>> No.20788857

who cares about what do you think? Get a life, faggot.

>> No.20788858

Those people are on 4chan too, and they're people I disapprove of on 4chan too. Do I have to defend everyone on this website? I'm here to talk about things I enjoy, mostly.

>> No.20788866

Being a part of a community that exists solely to stalk, bully, and gossip about retards does say something about you though.

>> No.20788886

Anon he has an IQ of what, 75-85? You may as well blame your dog for not building a car.

>> No.20788906

>bait dozens fake women personalities at mentally disabled man for a decade
>why is he so hesitant this one genuine!?

>> No.20788916

Chris may be amoral, but he’s not functioning on the same social level as the people trolling him. People with Chris’ level of autism are supposedly only 2/3 their developmental age, so Chris at 39 is developmentally about 26. He also has schizophrenia and lives an isolated NEET existence with an elderly parent, and has very little money. Do I need to elaborate on why it’s wrong to troll him? I find the mother rape disturbing too, but as other posters said, I’m pretty sure it couldn’t have happened without the involvement of the trolls. He needed intervention from a social worker long ago

>> No.20789083
File: 788 KB, 1887x2545, feminine posting style.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20789096

>All of this vile ideology you embrace
You will always be a modernist cuckold. Now run off back to your forum for barren wombs and effeminate pedantic males. Also, trannies aren't women.

>> No.20789242

>No you don't understand I HAVE to stalk and troll the mentally ill it's my DUTY! I HAVE to go through his trash! H-he'll learn his lesson!

>> No.20789285

Another real question - how many people are there out there who want to gangstalk Chris chan, and how many who want to hang the gangstalkers? My take - the stalkers are good at making their numbers appear large on the internet, but I bet there aren't so many of them out there in real life

(I am not saying I condone violence of any kind btw. Just observing the phenomenon)

>> No.20789303


His prose is nothing like DFW you fucking spaz gb2r

>> No.20789570


Tbh retards getting got is probably good for the health of the species

>> No.20789602


Most of the online trolls who fuck with people like Chris are sociopathic or personality disordered

>> No.20789625

This needs to be discussed more istg. Online trolling of this nature correlates really heavily with antisocial personality disorder. Which is obviously way higher in incidence than the 1-3% we’re told (I’m sure it is a spectrum but it is clear that more like 10% or higher possess these traits).

This applies to 2022 political discourse more generally too. See: anyone who still associates with Alex Jones after he spent a decade harassing the Sandy Hook parents and claiming the shooting wasn’t real

>> No.20789705

>ee: anyone who still associates with Alex Jones after he spent a decade harassing the Sandy Hook parents and claiming the shooting wasn’t real
Doesn't deserve to be fined literally millions of dollars for it.