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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 9 KB, 201x251, Mediocre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20781898 No.20781898 [Reply] [Original]

From the TIME 100 author of the Sunday Times and number 1 New York Times bestseller So You Want to Talk About Race, a subversive history of white male American identity -- now with a new preface.

>'One of the most admired writers and "internet yellers" around... [Mediocre is] ever more vital... Oluo's meeting the time -- this movement against white supremacy and systems of oppression. But the question she keeps asking in her work: Are we?' IBRAM X KENDI

>'Mediocre paints an urgent, honest picture of how white male identity has spawned unrest in the country's political ideology... It's a necessary read for the world we live in' CHIDOZIE OBASI, Harper's Bazaar

>As provocative as it is essential, Mediocre investigates the real costs of white male power in order to imagine a new white male identity, one free from racism and sexism. '[An] analytical and compassionate book' New Statesman

Has anyone read this yet?

The reviews suggest it's very good.

>> No.20781913

This thread will be very gay and I won't read it, but I hate white people and hope for their inevitable extinguishing.
But I despise all women too, though.

>> No.20781974

Ich bin weiß, danke.

>> No.20781980

I already read that in the Toronto Protocols

>> No.20781996

Anything that makes White people realize that they're White and under attack for it is a great book to me.

>> No.20782016
File: 121 KB, 647x757, 2E9A26D7-62F9-44B0-94D8-9E58B41EF083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Based.

>> No.20782063

Based, shoot up grocery stores

>> No.20782106

kys tranny

>> No.20782127

When will they stop

>> No.20782130


>> No.20782138


>> No.20782155

it really, truly, is incredible how people who hold themselves in such high esteem as empaths can peddle such prejudiced, mean-spirited ideology

>> No.20782164

I remember when she first started showing up on twitter and even memebase had an article about her "trolling" some racist around 2015. She is without a doubt a paid shill of wall street. Pure propaganda, anon.

>> No.20782216

when you stop them

>> No.20782446

>it's literally bitching about a demographic
About a compassionate as a fat black bitch complaining about the McDonalds workers speaking Spanish to each other.

>> No.20782476

Like, everything out of the left is so whiny and bourgeois. I don't hear these bitches complaining that their white manager worked their asses on a Fedex line, or that they couldn't get a certain day off because their team lead at a grocery store was a cunt. No, they don't work those jobs. They don't produce anything but waste that no one will care about in 5 years.

>> No.20782634

>Mediocre investigates the real costs of white male power

This is the part that libtards refuse to accept. Just like a fish doesn't see water as "other" - they just take it for granted because it's all they've known, libtards see the luxuries and safety of white male dominated society the same way. They believe that prosperous Western-type societies are just the default that different cultures end up with after being left to their own devices for a long enough period of time. The reality that they refuse to accept, is that the luxuries and safeties of white male dominated societies are the EXCEPTION to the rule. They are societies that for one reason or another, can only be built by and have only been built by white males.

>> No.20782734

DEAD white males

>> No.20782755

Imagine spending your time "researching" and whatever shoddy work you do just to seethe about one race.


>> No.20782849

You fags won't do shit, and sure as fuck neither will all the normie whites (right or left).
Face it, your race is full of midwits (hence: your ongoing downfall).

>> No.20782951

(eventually) DEAD black female

>> No.20783164

Based. Fuck white “people”

>> No.20783167

You're quite clearly insecure that you aren't white. Sorry you're asian and white men don't even have to try to hook up with your women. Also do you know what midwit means, you imbecile? you're saying whites are in general around 110 IQ, which is correct. Also, whites are the only people who stand up against tyranny, it's why all these 3rd worlders like you and your faggot immigrant parents flee here, because we are the best.

>> No.20783170
File: 44 KB, 992x567, orc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Lurtz

>> No.20783178

Get back in your mudhut, cheeky monkey.

>> No.20783193

what a fucking bitch

>> No.20783215

what is DEAD white male going to do?

>> No.20783234
File: 281 KB, 972x1452, 1625704552245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is such a white supremacist country then why are they allowed to publish these gay books all the time

>> No.20783256
File: 381 KB, 2544x4000, 17876427632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk but they brutally subjugated most of the known world which to be quite honest is so fucking based, especially when one considers that your faggot brown ancestors probably worshiped white men to the point that you're speaking in my language while your language is completely irrelevant.

>> No.20783288

that is the past whiteboi, now it is the age of black. dead white male is dead, the future is dead black female

>> No.20783400

black is already dead, white is life, metaphysically speaking. All energy and life on earth ultimately comes from the sun, so what are the metaphysical implications of black people's skin blocking out sunlight? you do know that melanin blocks sunlight, right? white skin absorbs it all.

>> No.20783421


>> No.20783475

>imagine a new white male identity, one free from racism and sexism.
I'm somewhat interested in what kind of identity a black woman would imagine that white men should have.

>> No.20783494

Boy aren't you a delusional one

>> No.20783517

I will NEVER read a book written by a darkie

>> No.20783556
File: 804 KB, 498x230, fire-sunglasses.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entire civilization converted into a stage for useless, helpless, resentful, neurotic, professional email-senders to whine and cry about how maligned they are and boast manically about how invincible they are
>the same civilization has been eroding and buckling under the pressure of all these insane freaks, who can't survive without its hundreds of supports and their three different drug prescriptions
>it was already at a crisis point 20 years ago
>instead of trying to slow down or brake even slightly, someone cranked the throttle full speed ahead and broke it off
>like a chinese building made of cardboard, everything could break down at any moment
>the slightest shock could start the chain reaction
>when it does, an entire generation of zoomers who don't know how to do anything without "apps" and can't function without drugs will be demanding "The Government" fix it for them
>mfw thinking about that day

>> No.20783557

>writes and releases a book that will only resonate with people she is already ideologically aligned with and will further alienate, and perhaps more importantly, piss off, those she doesn't, as if the situation will be helped in any way
holy fuck far left retards need to fuck off forever. im so tired of it

>> No.20784284

just a metaphysical fact, profane brown dogs like you wouldn't know.

>> No.20784295

>be me, ijeoma oluo
>want attention
>write meaningless book about current buzztopiks
>get attention
gg suckers!

>> No.20784317

33.8222985, -104.7845644

>> No.20784324

African immigrants know how to make money. Nasheed is right, ADOS are getting screwed by them and mixeds.
Her brother is married to Lindy West, I see. KEK!

>> No.20784328

If it's any comfort, the whole of the racial dialogue in the West is being fed by liberal elements which are dying, and which on some level have begun to realize that they are dying. Their defeat is inevitable, their death throes will be dangerous. But on the other side all races will live in peace.

>> No.20784361

>African immigrants know how to make money
They are the underclass of uber eats drivers providing the services for the middle and upper economic classes, how unfortunate that they will never get up to that level, since the Western financial system will rugpull in the next few years and these brown retards will be left bagholding in the hellish inner cities, while all the relatively wealthy whites will already be out of there in a comfortable white suburban area or in the country, like what is happening right now.

>> No.20784445

Nigerian immigrants (like her) make more than whites on average, stop with your weird bullshit.

>> No.20784507

I have no clue what the book is actually about, but that title is right for all the wrong reasons. Modern white men are mediocre and effeminate compared to our ancestors. If we weren't, this shit would never have been published.

>> No.20784689


Guess all that weird crap about white privilege is a lie then, huh idiot?

>> No.20784695

Yes, it belongs in a camp.

>> No.20784697

Checked and you're both white nerds posting on /lit/, a 4channel board, so give it a rest.

>> No.20784832

oh no no no no whiteboi! you won't tell me what to do!