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20778899 No.20778899 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking to read some anti landlord kino

>> No.20778906

Imagine not owning a house. Lmao @ your life

>> No.20778920

You probably pay a mortgage slavefag

>> No.20778928

Michael Hudson and Steve Keen

>> No.20779163

Imagine hating on the most productive parts of the society.

>> No.20779189

Rentiers aren’t productive. They’re essentially retired

>> No.20779218


>> No.20779222
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>> No.20779223

Imagine making it through covid lockdowns unscathed and not have some bailed out billionaire snatch up your property with imaginary money QEed away

>> No.20779226

Really? They just sit back and collect money

>> No.20779247

Earlier parts of Crime and Punishment

>> No.20779609

You can be anti landlord and still behave like a gentleman. You picrel makes you a nigger.

>> No.20779913

>Can I buy your house?
>Alright, give me X money
>Err... I don't have that...
>I'm sorry then
>Can I still live in there?
>What if I pay you?
>Alright, give me X/10000 money
The left sees this as an indescribable act of rape

>> No.20780160

What we see as “rape” is when a single wealthy man holds hundreds of thousands of places, extracts a rent from a good deal of them and leaves empty and overpriced houses in others with homeless problems increasing. But what’s worse is when they get trillions of dollars for the covid19 scare while the laid off, shuttered small businesses, and mortgaged families got $1200 (or whatever it was). This of course resulted in the already wealthy stealing more lands.
Do you even realize there’s no way this system won’t result in just that same situation every time?
This, this is what leftism, socialism, not that liberal capitalist appeasement reformist shit, this is what we try to address. This evil must stop somehow.

>> No.20780187
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>do no labor
>most productive

>> No.20780202

How did he get all those houses?

>> No.20780211

>OP posts /lit/ related thread
>/lit/ offers no lit

I'm positive this board doesn't actually read.

>> No.20780232

>OP posts /lit/ related thread
No he didn't. You're just retarded.

>> No.20780237

>Cult of work

No thanks, as far as the economy is concerned I'm an Austrian chad not smithian retrograde.

>> No.20780341

Thanks for your contribution retard!

>> No.20780677

This is a cucked realm that goes defensive mode if you criticize certain protected classes like landlords

>> No.20780733

He’s not asking for any books, he just wanted to post his new peepeesneedy image
Don’t be s gullible