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/lit/ - Literature

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20778873 No.20778873 [Reply] [Original]

What was your favourite book when you were a prepubescent boy?

>> No.20778878

the hobbit and beowulf

>> No.20778886

Goosebumps series

>> No.20778891

Percy Jackson, Cherub, Geronimo Stilton, etc

>> No.20778894

Gregor the Overlander by that bitch who went on to make Hunger Games, was a much cooler story.

>> No.20778898
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Ramona Quimby

>> No.20778904

cccute boy

>> No.20778911
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Leviathan by Scott Westerfield

>> No.20778921


Keep your pants on

>> No.20778922


>> No.20778936

I wanna see Ramona Quimby, Age 38, now.
>Life as a unmarried middle aged woman is tough

>> No.20778946

Alice in Wonderland, hands down.

>> No.20779016

Diary of a wimpy kid

>> No.20779021

General knowledge and psychology books. I wanted to be a Sherlock Holmes/psychoanalyst super genius.

>> No.20779024

The Way Things Oughta Be by Rush Limbaugh. No, really. I kid you not. My dad gave it to me.

>> No.20779025
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>> No.20779062
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Encyclopedias like this

>> No.20779070

Holes and Eragon

>> No.20779155

Enid Blyton's Famous Five/Secret Seven

>> No.20779211

Salem's Lot

>> No.20779215
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CHERUB was pure kino.
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Hobbit
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
Alex Rider
Horrible Histories
Commando Comics
Wolf Brother
The Laws of Magic

>> No.20779224

Probably The Hobbit

>> No.20779237

>The Hobbit
Is there a better book for a child to read or is Tolkien truly the GOAT?

>> No.20779275
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Tolkien is and always will be GOAT. Nobody can compare to him, in my opinion.

I was just reminiscing with some mates about the books we used to read as lads and it made me realise that they don't write books for boys, or young people in general, like they did in the 90s and early-00s. There were some masterworks back then that have all but been overshadowed by your Twilights, City of Bones, Shadowhunters girl-power, dystopian female love-triangle oriented YA that over-saturates the market nowadays. It's a damn shame. I'd hate to be a boy growing up now.

>> No.20779282

Where my Fablehaven niggas at

>> No.20779294

anything roald dahl
alex rider
young bond
skulduggery pleasant... how embarrassing

>> No.20779364

I enjoyed Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.
All of Jack London books were great especially White Fang
Most of the Jules Verne books

>> No.20779374

I met Derek landy (skulduggery pleasant author) at a book talk he did at the tiny library of a primary school. he was fat and self satisfied :^)

>> No.20779379

Calvin and Hobbes, the Egypt Game, Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.20779381

Artemis Fowl
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Captain Underpants
Guinness Books of World Records
….cookie cutter scholastic shit
And I never read a book for pleasure til age 20. Then I read everything.

>> No.20779392

Da Hobbit strikes a pretty good balance between being accessible for children while also pushing for higher reading comprehension, and has instructive themes of camaraderie and bravely stepping outside of your familiar surroundings to achieve great things. At the same time it's an entertaining, fairly well structured story, likely to inspire children and stimulate the imagination. I'm somewhat biased though since I was 8 when the Fellowship film was released, and read The Hobbit shortly thereafter. Even without that, though, I'm sure it's an appreciable story for children with a cursory interest in fantasy... if they still read in this day and age.

>> No.20779419

I'm unfortunately well aware how much of a fat onions redditor he is

>> No.20779487

I used to really love Skulduggery Pleasant. I read the whole series several times back then. A few years ago I tried reading his continuation of it but honestly didn’t like it much.

>> No.20779502

The Odyssey
A Lovecraft anthology

>> No.20779518
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I loved Paul Zindel books

>> No.20779536
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How come you could read and comprehend all those books as a child, but you weren't capable of consenting to harmless and enjoyable erotic intimacy with an adult?

>> No.20779552


This shit right here. Pretty famous in the Netherlands, not so much anywhere else. A solid medieval adventure story.

>> No.20779564
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>> No.20779570
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Howard Pyle is absolutely blessed. His prose sparkles off the page.
Mine were his four King Arthur books.

>> No.20779583


>> No.20779916

Grimbles and some science fiction book that my mom had. I forgot its name and never managed to find it again.

>> No.20780166

dragon riders of pern and the tortall series

>> No.20780185

Holes, Goosebumps, Animorphs

>> No.20780210

Biggles Series
Harry Flashman Series
Treasure Island and Kidnapped
Discworld Series
Commando Comics

>> No.20780238
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Redwall books.

They will teach you two very important life lessons.
>Nothing is more important than good food.
>The lesser races are evil due to their genes.

>> No.20780253


>> No.20780309

Forgot the Redwall Series. Probably because I don't own my old copies anymore.

Stoats, weasels and ferrets were the best and I wish they won at least once. FUCK badgers.

>> No.20780312

For me, it's cats

>> No.20780359

You're right. However we chose to follow arbitrary societal norms and not natural instincts, for better or worse.

>> No.20780407

percy jackson

>> No.20780428

I was kept away from most adult books by my dad, who was insanely sensitive about racial issues and anything to do with Jews or homosexuality. As a kid I didn't really understand where the borders were between what would get me in trouble and what wouldn't, so I avoided pretty much everything. Eventually I started reading adult books surreptitiously, starting with Michael Crichton (because I loved the film adaptation of "Jurassic Park") and Thomas Harris and moving on to Orwell, Kafka and then the Beats by the time I was in my late teens. Since then I've really been playing catchup with literature. I remember I had a book jacket for the "Attack of the Clones" novelization that I would put over other books that might arouse my dad's wrath.

>> No.20780434

Random Brazilian authors.

>> No.20780455
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Willard price books. The older ones are wonderfully unPC.

>> No.20780463

>I remember I had a book jacket for the "Attack of the Clones" novelization that I would put over other books that might arouse my dad's wrath.
that's cute, sad and extremely stupid. You should make a poem around it.

>> No.20780478
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loved the edge chronicles as a kid

>> No.20780504

>that's cute, sad and extremely stupid.
Say what you will, it was effective.

>You should make a poem around it.
I'm not much of a poet. Instead I write short stories where all the characters come from dysfunctional families.

>> No.20780528
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Watership down
Good question

>> No.20780669

Hatchet by Gary Paulsen

>> No.20780681
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William Gibson's Burning Chrome. The collection, not the story itself.
I don't know what made that one click. I had read probably deeper stuff, but this was the first time I started reading an adventure and realized there was subtext to be understood in it.

>> No.20780684

Rakkety Tam, the best Redwall book

>> No.20780685

I’m saddened and disgusted that a pedophile likes the same book I do.
It isn’t a good question. Reading a book with an adult theme, sex or violence, isn’t the same as getting groomed or forcibly raped by some manipulative pervert who doesn’t see you as anything but a sex toy.
Asphyxiate yourself

>> No.20780692

I don't know about effectiveness. But I do care that using bottom tier material to hide the things that matter for you worked. There's symbolism that can be extrapolated from that.

>> No.20780745

>you weren't capable of consenting to harmless and enjoyable erotic intimacy with an adult?
>harmless and enjoyable
Kys pedo
It's not harmless. It's profoundly damaging. And sex isn't for recreation. It's for reproduction within the context of a Christian family.

>> No.20780777

>But I do care that using bottom tier material to hide the things that matter for you worked. There's symbolism that can be extrapolated from that.
That's a fair point. Surprised I never thought of it myself.

>> No.20780836

It is so recreational. His awkwardness around women his own age is due to your cult’s puritanical age. Christianity breeds more deviants like that.

>> No.20780969

The curious incident of the dog in the night-time

>> No.20780980

how to train your dragon

>> No.20780983

Unfortunately I didn't read much as a child but I'm improovin now.

>> No.20780997

any book that seemed mildly interesting and then read only 10 pages of it.

>> No.20781102

I know that feel. Better late than never!

>> No.20781124

Based & Hope-pilled.

>> No.20781369
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Basically everyone I know in my generation that grew up loving reading read A Series of Unfortunate Events, myself included. They're fantastic books that, while written for kids, don't talk down to them at all and deal with darker themes that most other children's literature shies away from. It's not gruesome or anything, but kids like morbid shit and the books deliver on that. Also The Hobbit, for the reasons >>20779392 mentioned. That book (and the animated movie, if I'm being honest) really shaped me as a kid. I don't think I'd value travel as much if I hadn't read it.

>> No.20781374

Flowers for Algernon

>> No.20781388

Kys pedo
Also what the fuck is that image? It isn’t okay for a human to have sex with a monkey at any age, which is the actual comparison. Whether monkeys rape baby monkeys who then have non-human-measurable psychological problems from that isn’t even the right analogous act.

>> No.20781403
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I found this one extremely relatable as the family scapegoat.
I too am a ferret chad.

>> No.20781407

Apparently warrior cats is the zoomer Redwall. If/when I ever get severe brain damage or Alzheimer’s I’m reading them.

>> No.20781412

ender's game

>> No.20781415

Did you turn out normal/successful? I never know what to think about child sheltering.
I was reading stuff like The Color of Water in grade school, which freaked out the school counselor enough to tell my parent, but they didn’t care. The only time they expressed any degree of concern was when I was reading a Dan Brown book and described what I thought was a hilarious scene of a super morbidly obese man dying during sex with a prostitute and crushing her to death. Even then, they didn’t take away the book.
I came out pretty fucked, but I’m not sure to what degree it’s related since there wasn’t much to work with genetically in the first place.

>> No.20781417

I read Lord of the Rings 8 times in elementary school so I guess that
I read Calvin & Hobbes even more though

>> No.20781428

Mertensian mimicry.
This is why I pretend to be retarded IRL

>> No.20781626

>Did you turn out normal/successful? I never know what to think about child sheltering.

I have a bourgeois "successful" job and a girlfriend, if that counts. But I think I was too sheltered. My dad was in his 60s when I was born, and he had a rigid opposition to pretty much everything invented after the late 1950s. I spent much of my childhood in a sustained state of fear that I might get in trouble for doing something "wrong," knowingly or unknowingly. (The hell of it was sometimes I was assigned to study something at school that would be considered forbidden at home, so I'd have to complete the work in secret.)

I was not a very well adjusted child, but I doubt that's unique here on 4chan. I've tried to overcome how I was parented. I was raised to be timid and unobtrusive, which are sometimes desirable in women but are unforgivable for a man.

>> No.20781750
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The Halo books and I don’t care if that makes me gay or autistic, shit rocked.

>> No.20781836

>anon complains about his life
>another anon asks him to give a synopsis of his upbringing and later life
>invariably substantially better than mine
>still fucking complains like a 19 year old girl
Fuck off. Life's hell and you've got the best anyone could hope for or expect.

>> No.20781862

the hobbit

>> No.20781870

>No phantom tollbooth
Disappointed in /lit/ again today

>> No.20781991

I think you're projecting. I'm not complaining about the events I described upthread; I know many people (most people, globally) have it worse than I do.

>> No.20782223

>You think your life is bad? Kids in Africa don't even have anything to eat!

>> No.20782232

I used to read a lot of nonfiction books about pirates and ghosts and other topics that interested me

>> No.20782381

kino book

>> No.20782397

Armour by John Steakly

>> No.20782422

If you'd asked me as a kid, I'd have said lord of the rings, but I'm pretty sure I read history books more. Started with horrible histories, then onto those kid history books, then specific era books from the library. Finally onto historical fiction, where I think I read either Agincourt or something else by Bernard Cornwell and learned they weren't all brave heroes marching off to battle, but mostly rapists and thieves on all sides

>> No.20782453

Does reading goosebumps really qualify me for being molested by a pedo?

>> No.20782455

>Mad Dogs
Pretty sure I coomed to the scene where he has implied bath sex with a chick

>> No.20782460

Same. My mum bought all of those books and would read them with me

>> No.20782461

I'm a poor mf from a third world shithole. I read everybook I could get, mostly classic because they are cheap in second hand. Doyle, Maupassant, Poe, Lovecraft, Papini, Huxley, etc. I never readed Harry Potter or YA shit.

>> No.20782484

Robert Muchamore (Cherub) had a suspicious dedication to writing increasingly tense sex scenes between teenage characters

>> No.20782595

So.. exactly what teens want to read?

>> No.20782600

Favourite Maupassant?

>> No.20782617

Shalom, my LGBTQIAL337kkkLMNOPCIANSANPRC++ friend :^)

>> No.20782622


>> No.20782650

It's LGBTQWERTY+, bigot.