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/lit/ - Literature

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20778446 No.20778446 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the year is almost over. What did you guys read this year so far? This is the first year ive ever tried to read books consistenly probably in my entire life. This is my list. Its not very long.

The Hobbit

Lord of the Rings

The Count of Monte Cristo

Several short stories by phillip k dick and F Scott Fitzgerald.

The Iliad.

Currently reading

Gone with the wind

What about you anons? Currently reading and what did you read prior.

Pic unrelated

>> No.20778453

>the year is half way over

>> No.20778523

Foundation trilogy
New York trilogy
Didn't finish
Crime and punishment
War and peace
Gone with the wind
Portrait of a lady
Currently reading
Poe complete tales
Man without qualities
Foundation's edge

>> No.20778550

several thousand chapters of web novels, and one extremely mediocre fantasy book

>> No.20778582

Name them

>> No.20778589

Thats a solid list anon. I will have to remember some of these books for the future. As i havent heard of them all.

Webnovel??? Whats a webnovel? Thousands of chapters?

>> No.20778607

Web novels are a style of serial fiction where authors publish individual chapters online as they write them. More popular in East Asia, but there's an American scene as well. The chapters tend to be individually shorter than in a normal book, but the series as a whole often exceed traditionally published series in length. It takes me about a day to read a standard fantasy novel, and a couple of weeks to read a web novel.
The Menocht Loop
Ending Maker
Legendary Youngest Son of the Marquis
Villain Hides his True Colors
Swordsmaster's Youngest Son
I Am the Monarch
The Boundless Necromancer
Max Talent Player
The Beginning After the End

>> No.20778631

Never heard of it before. Sounds kind of interesting. Has anyone crossed over from webnovel to real book?

>> No.20778642

It's very common for that to happen in Asia, where web novels are sort of a trial ground for aspiring authors. If I remember correctly, the biggest website for them in Japan is actually run by Kodansha, who use it as a way to find and publish new works.
In the west, I only know of people self-publishing from it. With the exception of 50 Shades of Gray, I guess, which began its life as Twilight fan fiction.

>> No.20778661

Hmm thats cool. I didnt even know that. Learn something new every day. I mean i know people posted writing online. Creative stuff fan fiction like you said etc. But i didnt know that it was that big in asia and around the us.

>> No.20778675
File: 62 KB, 550x770, D984B5A9-4FD8-4ECA-AEB1-F0B4138E8DC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The House on Mango Street

The Citadel of the Autarch
The Conquering Sword of Conan
Child of God
His Pretend Amish Bride
Swords and Deviltry
The Fifth Head of Cerberus
Amerika: The Missing Person
Kull: Exile of Atlantis
The Great Divorce
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, and it’s All the Small Stuff
This is Water
Night Winds
As I Lay Dying
Thieves’ World
The Bizarchives Vol. 1
The Three of Swords
The Sunset Limited
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
A Gentleman in Moscow
Death Angel’s Shadow
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
The Tarnsman of Gor

The New American Bible
Good list OP, highly recommend the Silmarillion if you like Tolkien.
Interesting Gone with the Wind is on both your guys’ lists. Never read it myself.
Are you the anon that usually posts about them on the /sffg/?

>> No.20778679

>Are you the anon that usually posts about them on the /sffg/?
I don't think I'm the only one, so hard to know if you're thinking of me specifically. The guy who makes the charts for them and the one who posts solely about Chinese stuff are both retarded

>> No.20778708

Thanks brotha good list yourself. I have been recommended the silmarillion and i do intend to read it at some point for sure. I am also gonna have to check out Ulysses and Joyce's work at some point. I also remember the house of mango street from school. But i dont remember much from it. Im gonna look it up and read it.

>> No.20778715
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Also check this copy of huckfinn i got for a dollar. I intend to read this also never read it before. Maybe school but i dont remember

>> No.20778763
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>the year is almost over.

>> No.20778765

I fixed it. Its a little over half way over.

>> No.20778774

I haven't read anything so far

>> No.20778860

Why not anon?

>> No.20778944

>solely about Chinese stuff
That’s the one I was thinking of. Surprised there are so many fans of the genre but glad you have a chance to talk about them.
Nice edition of Huck Finn there anon, looks comfy. I highly recommend Joyce too, but just a heads up he can get really tricky in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Ulysses is a big challenge. Completely worth it, though, in my view.

>> No.20778966

It's not that i've not read anything, I've finished nothing. I have zoomer attention span

>> No.20780546

Checked. Alright anon i will remember your words and heed them when the time comes to potentially read Ulysses

Checked you can do it anon

>> No.20780564

Don’t they have shitty prose quality? I’ve only read Zeroth maria.

>> No.20781707

Not bad Anon, that’s about how much I read my first year. It gets easier as you continue to read and especially once you start finding authors you love — you won’t even realize you read so much. This year I read:

Crash by JG Ballard
Notes From Underground by Dostoyevsky
Serotonin by Houellebecq
Atomized by Houellebecq
A Confederacy Of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole
The Broom Of The System by David Foster Wallace
Heart Of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
The Fall by Camus
Factotum by Bukowski
Harassment Architecture by Mike Ma
The Flowers Of Evil by Baudelaire
His Name Was Death by Rafael Bernal
Less Than Zero by Brett Easton Ellis
The Sluts by Dennis Cooper
White Noise by Don Dellilo
Vineland by Thomas Pynchon
Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy

Currently reading Cats Cradle and 2666. It’s been a good year.

>> No.20781869
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Solid taste. Keep on reading anons.
I didn't read The Weird of the White Wolf twice, the screenshot is a bit glitched.

>> No.20781880
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Currently reading pic related.

>> No.20781938

I don't keep a list because I'm not a poser faggot. reading is just what I do, and have done, since I was a child

>> No.20782098

I love when special snowflakes think they are better than the rest.

>> No.20782183

Can you list some books you remember reading?

>> No.20782230
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you mean like all the tryhards listing their books like it's an accomplishment to read?

yeah sure, I recently read pic rel
``Negative Spaces'' - by BR Yager
Truly a masterpiece and the only book I've read that ever nails what it's like to be a TRUE 4chan poster. Not a reddit tourist, not a /pol/ tourist, not a lost normalfag. Some call it transgressive, I call it a mirror on my life.
I will not list the other books I have read this year because I am not a bitch

>> No.20782314

Thanks man i havent heard of all these books but it looks like a good list overall anon.

Thanks bros. Were all readint and its glorious

>> No.20782329
File: 221 KB, 720x1778, Snapchat-1720848398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Romance of the three kingdoms (4 volumes)

King James Bible

Ahmadiyya Quran with Imam Commentary

HP Lovecraft complete works

Julius Ceaser Conquest of Gual & Civil Wars

Tolkins Legend of Sigurd and Gurden(I think is the spelling)

Right now I'm on the Book of Mormon with 134 pages left and then after I have Shakespeare's Julius Ceaser planned; Typically I bring 4 books to work and read them on lunch then reload on 4 more books, so I think I have a couple more in me before the end of the year

>> No.20782391

If someone asked me what movies I’ve seen recently I would just tell them. But since you think reading is a special accomplishment you refuse to divulge what you’ve read out of some desire to be a dark academia esoteric larper.

>> No.20782416

Do you really have a list of every hollywood garbage popcorn flick you have watched this year?
I do not keep a list of the films I watch. Why would I do that? What's the point? I watch a film to watch it, to experience it, not to tell other people I have watched it.

>> No.20782512

Okay, but people who enjoy films typically enjoy talking about films they've seen. You're hardly any better than people who think they're special for reading a lot of smart person books if you think you're special by refusing to stoop to the level of ... *gasp* divulging the books you've enjoyed this year.

>> No.20782518

>year is almost over
It's August

>> No.20782535

how many of you here are using e-readers to read? and have they helped you out?
i'm a thirdworldfag who lives in a fairly remote place, and due to the limited supply of (somewhat interesting) physical books i had to rely on reading stuff on an android phone, which turned out to be a bit more challenging than i thought it would be + really strains my eyes sometimes. considering buying one of those guizmo gadgets if they truly are effective.

>> No.20782550

God this guy is a huge faggot. Imagine being such an anti-intellectual you can’t even stand to discuss books that you’ve read. Please die.

>> No.20782852

Its interesting you brought up the caesar in gaul book. I read something that maybe his books were alot more accurate than previously thought

>> No.20783656

Pretty much. I haven't found any great writers in English, and it's hard to tell with translations. There are a few I'd recommend for their thematic work or character development, but nothing I'd call great prose.

>> No.20784348

let us know how it turned out!

>> No.20784369

Never Let Me Go
Absalom! Absalom!
Three Theban Plays
The Master and Margarita
The Golden Gate
A Streetcar Named Desire
The Blind Owl
The Road
Will You Please Be Quiet Please?
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love
Moby Dick
Convenience Store Woman
The Virgin Suicides
Several Flannery O’Connor Short Stories
The Aleph

Letters To A Young Poet
The Sun Also Rises
Leaves of Grass
Four Quartets

Want to read:
All The Pretty Horses
Night On The Galactic Railroad
Reread The Brothers Karamazov
Read some Yeats and Keats

>> No.20784373

so far

Vladimir Nabokov Bend Sinister
Maaza Mengiste The Shadow King
Patricia Highsmith The Talented Mr Ripley
Samanta Schweblin Mouthful of Birds
Sergio Pitol Mephisto's Waltz: Selected Short Stories
Ryszard Kapuściński The Emperor
Stefan Zweig Beware of Pity
Roberto Calasso The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony
Vladimir Lorchenkov The Good Life Elsewhere
Elizabeth Taylor Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont
Thomas Savage The Power of the Dog
Elias Lönnrot Kalevala
Henry Green Nothing
Lucia Berlin A Manual for Cleaning Women
Jonathan Coe The Rotters' Club
Yasunari Kawabata Dandelions
Edward St Aubyn Never Mind
Edward St Aubyn Bad News
Edward St Aubyn Some Hope
Edward St Aubyn Mother's Milk
Edward St Aubyn At Last
Stanisław Lem The Cyberiad
Iain Banks The Crow Road
Ivy Compton-Burnett A God and his Gifts
Anonymous Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Jean Rhys Wide Sargasso Sea
Ian McEwan The Cement Garden
Knut Hamsun Hunger
Juan Ramón Jiménez Platero and I
Joyce Carol Oates Blonde
Raymond Chandler Farewell, My Lovely
Han Kang The White Book
Lydia Davis Can't and Won't
Thorkild Hansen Arabia Felix: The Danish Expedition of 1761-1767
Fernanda Melchor Paradais
Philip Gourevitch We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed with Our Families
Louise Glück Averno
Eliot Weinberger An Elemental Thing
Olga Tokarczuk The Books of Jacob
Jon Fosse The Other Name: Septology I-II
Jon Fosse I is Another: Septology III-V
Jon Fosse A New Name: Septology VI-VII
Graham Greene The End of the Affair
Edna St. Vincent Millay Poems
Douglas Stuart Shuggie Bain
Bora Chung Cursed Bunny
Alice Munro Open Secrets

>> No.20784708

damn, pretty sure I know who you are