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20773829 No.20773829 [Reply] [Original]

How do you not come across as a whiny brat just lashing out at the world?

>> No.20773836

Write in third person

>> No.20773843

Don't write a note. Kill whoever wronged you the most, then yourself.

>> No.20773885

dont kill yourself at all. The best revnge is a life well lived. The other posters here are literal retards. go to SIG and improve yourself anon. The world needs you.

>> No.20773888


>not realizing that those are frequently the same person

>> No.20773899

But I’m tired anon. I thought I found someone who cared about me, who gave me motivation to live in the first place, but she doesn’t. I don’t have the strength to go through life, putting an effort in interacting with people, and saying the wrong thing most of the time. I have nothing going for me, and just want everything to be quiet.

>> No.20773945

>killing yourself because of a girl who doesn't care about you
Don't do that, anon. Most of us have been hurt by a girl we thought cared about us at one point. You just have to accept that some people are shitty and move on. There are people out there that genuinely will care about you and make your life better. But the important thing is to start caring about yourself, so that it doesn't matter if you get burned by someone else. Figure out what you enjoy doing and find something to work on every day. And don't give me some bullshit about depression, because I've been clinically depressed and know that it's something that can be worked through.

>> No.20773955

If you end it for this reason, then that is the end of your story. You'll never get to see what comes next.
Life is a progression: you the protagonist of your story have met an obstacle. In overcoming it, you open up a wjole nee set of possibilities.

>> No.20773973

I would write like
“I am a coward and cannot take the pain of life anymore. This act is shameful and I am at once both accepting the shame of who I am as a person who commits suicide, and consenting to the lie that I will find peace in death. Since I have turned my back on the God who bought me [Jesus Christ] I will expedite my journey to hell by removing God from the throne as master of life and death, and instead usurping His rightful authority and deciding myself when my life should end. Though I did not decide when it should start, I have grown wicked enough to determine that I should have a say in the matter. As for you all who love me and will be hurt deeply by this I hope this proves a token of how little I feel for you all. No the pains of life were not worth the comfort I brought you all. Good bye”

My mom killed herself when I was 8 and left me and my mentally challenged brother in the care of a mean drug addict who tormented me until I left. I pray to God I can get my brother under my care soon.

>> No.20773991

I’m sorry that happened to you but I’m in college anon. I don’t have anybody who will be heavily impacted after I die.

>> No.20774028

>I’m tired
Eat raw beef liver

>> No.20774035

They will man, I promise you. The bad thing about depression is that it makes us look inward toward ourselves and all we can see is our own suffering. You are unable to notice the people who care about you while you are sick with depression. I’m not telling you to get over it, I understand how it is. I’m just trying to tell you that there are people who would be devestated, even though you can’t see them because of your sorrow. I’m praying for you bro.

>> No.20774087

There is no reason more pathetic than killing yourself over a girl.

>> No.20774092

If you kill yourself, you become
>the guy who killed himself
and nothing more.
Your personality, your talents, your memories, all narrowed to a single fact.

>> No.20774099

You can't. A suicide note is just attention-whoring. If you're not done with the world you shouldn't kill yourself. If you're done, just do it. If what you leave behind matters to you, then you're not done with the world and attempts at suicide are just whiny bitching.

>> No.20774101

Write a 2000-page essay on American ehnography/history/politics through a Nietzchean lens. If you can't do that, read until you're good enough to do so.

>> No.20774103

You gotta leave a note of some kind ao they don't investigate murder.

>> No.20774109


What do you care? You're dead, existence has ceased to have meaning because the most important person in the universe, you, has ceased to exist and become nothing again.

>> No.20774110

Your life is more valuable than you seem to think

>> No.20774111

Why? But if for some weird reason you actually care about poor porkie's time or the taxpayer's precious dime, then you can buy a cheap camera, set it to record video, and let it run as you do the deed. You don't need a note for that.

>> No.20774115

Just leave a note apologizing or something.

>> No.20774123

Reminds me of the lead singer of Badfinger, who killed himself because of financial troubles from his thieving manager, and cursed him in his suicide note.
Why didn’t he just kill him first if he was going to rope anyways and the guy was the cause of it?

>> No.20774126

>how did I get here, you ask?
>well it's a funny story
>it all began when...

>> No.20774143

>Just leave a note apologizing or something.
Yeah, that works too. All I'm really trying to get across to OP is that if he cares about how his suicide is going to be perceived or interpreted, he's not ready to part with life just yet.

>> No.20774224

>But I’m tired anon
Caffeine pills
>I thought I found someone who cared about me
Stop acting like a woman.
>who gave me motivation to live in the first place, but she doesn’t
That's what you get for taking women seriously. You must be young and stupid.
>I don’t have the strength to go through life
Eat more, sleep more, lift weights >>>/fit/
>putting an effort in interacting with people,
Don't interact with people then.
>I have nothing going for me, and just want everything to be quiet
Sounds like a hormonal problem, eat raw eggs and red meat.

All of your problems can be fixed by taking a hike in the woods. You become more child-like when in a forest.

>> No.20774228

Take the bastard with you

>> No.20774289

I think a dramatic way to end your life in a literary style would be to disappear while hiking the Appalachian Trail. Not without a trace mind you- the idea would be to leave a fake diary at your abandoned campsite that details the last days of your life and how you were haunted and HUNTED by an otherworldly, cosmic, entity.

I'm thinking something similar to H.P. Lovecraft's "The Color Out of Space."

Imagine leaving a string of tantalizingly vague diarly entries that build up to a feeling of of all encompassing tenebrous dread.

>Day 4 of the Hike. I saw strange lights in the the far distance behind the thick trees. Color hard to describe.

>Day 15 of the hike. The lights have returned and are closer than before. I struggle to find words. Shadows cluster thickly around the lights almost as if their peculiar illumination does not banish darkness so much as starkly outline it. I thought of investigating but for some reason I dared not go closer.

Day 23 of the hike. I woke up in the dead of night. It was as if someone had shone a beam of light into my eye so powerful that it pierced through my closed eyelids and blinded me as I slept. I screamed as I awoke in both pain and fright and for a long time all I could see were dazzling phosphenes. When my vision slowly returned I saw that I was sitting in pitch darkness with no light anywhere. Even the pale moon and stars were cloaked in layers of clouds. Did I imagine the light? Surely not.

If you play your cards right your death won't be just any suicide. Think of all the cryptid hunters and paranormal researchers who would be fascinated by your diary. Think of the legends your disappearance would spawn.

>> No.20774376

>saying the wrong thing most of the time
But anon, it's impossible to be wrong in this life of ours. Just do what you want and you will be fine no matter. Have fun.

>> No.20774442

kek do this OP. Create a legacy around yourself that isnt "faggot who killed himself". You'll be immortalized.

>> No.20774450


>> No.20774457
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>> No.20774489

Because the thieving manager wouldn’t be known as a thieving manager but as a victim of a murder. Even though the singer realized that his life was over, he understood that his legacy could still live on after his death.

>> No.20774522

I uploaded something important to /gif/ for you to watch. I don't post it with any hostility, but because I think it may open your eyes a bit. I am in the exact same place as you are and feel the same way. The woman I was with aborted our child and then left me in the same week. I have wanted to kill myself for about 9 months now, and have quit my job and am living off dwindling savings. I will be homeless soon, or maybe I will kill myself. But, well I am not sure. Just keep trying I suppose.


>> No.20774541

This and make sure the entire "hunted down" story ends up as "it was a metaphor for depression leading to suicide"

Then you'll also get listed in the western canon for writing one of the best stories

>> No.20774757

>How Should One Go About Writing a Suicide Note?
By writing it.