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/lit/ - Literature

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20772293 No.20772293 [Reply] [Original]

>greatest book to exist
>BTFOs all philosophy
>only objective truth to exist
>one simple book which is the solution to all issues
>Still popular to this day and doesn't rely on complicated words
>Makes philosophers seethe
>pic rel

>> No.20772298

you haven't read it

>> No.20772312

I go to church every sunday and that's all I need.
Get fucked anti-christ

>> No.20772402

i like harry potter more

>> No.20772432

i eata da magic apple

>> No.20772468

I read Genesis recently and it was boring as fuck.

>> No.20772481

What have you been drinking? I want a sip of that.

>> No.20772547

you have to go back.

>> No.20772586
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Amen brother. The only instruction manual required for life. The original "self-help".

>> No.20772590


Jesus was originally based on Satan.

>> No.20772608

>literally links Jewish lies

>> No.20772649

>"Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men."
— Matthew 16:23 KJV

Your deceit does not fool me, jew.

>> No.20772668
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IM 25 STOP TELLING ME THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.20772687

You never responded to my simplified and clear reply in the Nietzsche thread

>> No.20772695

The Bible isn't a philosophy book. That isn't a statement about its literary quality or importance to the Christian faith. Is just isn't a primary goal of the Bible.

>> No.20772696

I bet you masturbate, eat pork and wear clothes of mixed fabric though

>> No.20772718
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>he hasn't read the book he's shilling
I have read it and its pretty bad. Most of the book is just jews doing stupid things. There is no philosophy in it. Just Hebrew stories like pic related.

Do you still have your foreskin btw? I heard its pretty common among American protestants to just cut it off. Especially the puritan women are keen on cutting the babies dick off.

>> No.20772753

You have to be 18+ to post here

>> No.20772759

I bet the statistician gets questions wrong on every test too, so we should get rid of statistics.

>> No.20772768

>Worship my desert jew demon!

>> No.20772805

The Bible is a call to a greater world that doesn't yet exist. Might never exist here. You have two keys, one that unlocks the door to this kind of existence, one to yet another kind of existence. You have the keys to all ideologies and forms of life and the whole is a sandbox simulation of wills. The Bible says all that. God is true. But you are here. You can zoom in and you can zoom out. Sometimes you worry about bills, sometimes about holiness, sometimes about your liver. Sometimes you see the Virgin Mary, sometimes the cars honk by your window in morning traffic. There is no answer or conclusion to it. You just go through it. The Bible is the book about that, about mundane and metaphysical, about mythological and real, about superficial and about depth. You don't only look at the book, the book looks back at you. Think about it years of threads that go nowhere. Years of philosophy that goes nowhere. It goes nowhere except to the spirit of its age, it is its own thing. You aren't getting a solution from the world. You will see the Virgin sometimes and hear the cars honking other times.

>> No.20772818

I mean Christ gives a hard solution but this is fantastic

>> No.20772836

It's just some old stories and moralizing and explaining the world from the point of view of people thousands of years ago. Not a bad book but certainly not essential to anything and not any different/better from the koran or torah or the vedas or eddas or kalevala or gilgamesh or any other ancient foundational text

>> No.20772885

You are a Worm.

>> No.20772902

>Spiritual Semite idiots falling for controlled opposition
Kys, fags. I bet you fags read the Kaballah.

>> No.20772955

Now, if you read Zorba the Greek. This is what it is about. For Zorba, only the honking of the cars is real. For Zorba, it's food, the mine, work, looting and death. Zorba could and maybe was a criminal, maybe a trickster even, but a honest one. The protagonist ie the man writing about Zorba, is the only one who switches between the metaphysical and the actual, hence why he is drawn to Zorba. The protagonist is, like all men, eventually suspicious about a metaphysical interpretation of things. But to the yet more mature mind, indeed as it comes to all men with proper maturity, it is clear that the human condition is precisely this uncertainty between the actual and the metaphysical, between fact and interpretation. And my reading is that ultimately, even Zorba, who can be superficially interpreted as a pure Dionysian character, is not that at all. Zorba is the man of maturity who understands that the eternal question is something that remains always concretely unanswered unto death and so it is no point in being consumed by the curiosity of it. The protagonist, the writer, Kazantzakis is instead being consumed by it. Contrary to the superficial reading, which portrays Kazantazkis as a modern detached academic and Zorba as a man of the soil, I think the true tension lies in the acceptance of human condition, which is one giant question mark, that question between actual, the here and the metaphysical, the what. For Zorba, the rocky beaches of Crete, the mountain, the prostitutes, the gambling, love, death, murder, aren't things without metaphysical significance, they are things that are unanswerable questions and left that way. When summer rain falls on his brow as he reflects on some past love he had as a young man and his current worn out condition that is nearing death...he doesn't jump to metaphysical interpretation...but he doesn't reject the metaphysical significance of it either. Instead, he accepts the metaphysical significance of it...through his *body*, as something that is expressed in tactile feeling rather than interpreted by reason. He knows, without knowing. This is what you hear in Zorba's music (not the movie track), the rocky mountains of sunbeaten Crete... it's life that neither has to apologize for itself nor find interpretations for itself, yet the mistakes and errors, the victories and losses, the happiness and the pain are all part of it. Zorbas is far from a saint, but he could be one. He is not too far removed from the good criminal next to Jesus at Crucifixion. The point is not to exult criminality, but this literary device or reflection, is to point out the alienation between men and life as such. Zorba the Greek is a mediocre book, but it makes one strong point which is deeply needed, to reintegrate an alienated man into life.

>> No.20773024

>It's just some old stories and moralizing and explaining the world from the point of view of people thousands of years ago.
The bible texts were carefully crafted for political effect.

>> No.20773048

>There is no philosophy in it
What is Ecclesiastes and Proverbs, you absolute baboon? Even i as an atheist know this and have read them. And judging by that book you posted which also pushes shit like "gay david" you're obviously just a twitterfaggot who's mad at christianity for the wrong reasons.

>> No.20773124
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You're the one falling for the controlled oppositions of "light and darkness", which are both sides of the same coin. God does not belong in that satanic dichotomy.
I have never read and never will read the Kaballah, there's no need.

>> No.20773222

>Doesn't say a single word about abortion

Not all issues, abrahamicuck

>> No.20773229

Ahh yes, 25 is the new 15. Get wrekt kiddo

>> No.20773338

>thou shalt not kill

>> No.20773367

>give the woman bitter herbs in case of infidelity

>> No.20773435
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The NT didn't retcon "thou shalt not kill". Nice try tho.

>> No.20773448
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>mad at christianity for the wrong reasons
I know things about christianity that most people have forgotten.

>> No.20773464
File: 176 KB, 1024x832, early-christians-were-marxists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
