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20765794 No.20765794 [Reply] [Original]

I really like the concept of aristocracy of the soul, but I'm not really into Evola.
Is there any other author that talks about this? What should I read to become an aristocrat of the soul?

>> No.20765808

You are either born an aristocrat of the soul or you are not one.

>> No.20765818
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Nietzsche of course.
The cross between aristocrat and anarchist.

>> No.20765822

Just start calling yourself one. No one can prove you wrong.

>> No.20765917

I think there is a great difference between normal aristocracy and the aristocracy of the soul: with normal aristocracy you have to be born into it, while with the aristocracy of the soul you can cultivate it.

>> No.20765929

kek this shit is literally just "starseed" but for incels instead of spiritual white women, cringed right out of my soul when i first read that phrase in ride the tiger and put it down shortly after

esoteric fags are not sending their best

>> No.20765930

is this another "exit strategy" cope thread?

>> No.20766110

Exiting what?
Not if you take Nietzsche instead of Evola.

>> No.20766166

>The cross between aristocrat and anarchist.
That would be Jünger. Nietzsche hated the Anarchists.

>> No.20766189

>t. commoner of the soul

>> No.20766224

Yes, Jünger would be another author that an aristocrat of the soul should read.
also, checked

>> No.20766253 [DELETED] 

have you guys ever looked at the website of the publisher of revolt against the modern world? i couldn't help wonder who is this "inner traditions international", so i went to the website as listed in the front of the book:


check it out, browse their catalog, read the history of the publisher, and who knows, maybe you'll find more "traditional" authors like evola!

>> No.20766273 [DELETED] 
File: 246 KB, 1400x2072, becoming-a-garment-of-isis-9781644113936_hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op after you become a aristocrat of the soul the next step is to become a garment of isis

>> No.20766312

How has no one mentioned Plato's Republic

>> No.20766318

Evola was a huge larper who coined that term to feel special

>> No.20766368

Nietzsche penned the phrase I used. He hated the Tolstoy anarchist. He didn’t keep up with that crowd and it’s variations.

>> No.20766393

Is aristocracy of the soul the same as spiritual aristocracy?

>> No.20766422

Holding yourself up the way an aristocrat would. Not being the toady they need. Not so much an egotist, but someone with supreme confidence. I would argue charitable good nature as well. Sovereigns of old would be expected to treat other sovereigns with as much curtesy.

>> No.20766429

What books are about this way of being? Could also be novels with this type of characters.

>> No.20766435


>> No.20766445


Life is a meat grinder where luck, cunning, and cheap tricks get you ahead.

>b-b-but I'm so smart and good looking, I deserve success I don't want to cheat!!

Shut the fuck up loser faggot

>> No.20766451

I mentioned Nietzsche above, also Stirner, but some classics with such characters or lower classes dealing with the differences, like Barry Lyndon. I’ve also read some Goethe and Stendhal. Interested in reading Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography atm

>> No.20766463

yes, prayer is absolutely essential for the aristocrat of the soul

>> No.20766468

This systemic age is made of pirates and despoilers of life. Immature and sociopathic. It’s coming apart at the glued seams.

>> No.20766474

It's more "modernity sucks let's just bug off and read books" ascetic larp shit.

>> No.20766582

>literally walks around during shelling raids during the war to ponder his own mortality and becomes paralysed from the waist down as a result

>> No.20766590

>Life is a meat grinder where luck, cunning, and cheap tricks get you ahead.

This is true. Competition is for losers.
Art of War is literally all about how you should never engage in a fair fight, and only fight when you have a decisive advantage.

>> No.20766680
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A toast... to my fellow aristocrats of the soul!

>> No.20766741
File: 11 KB, 480x360, Saiyad Nizamuddin Ahmad(pbuh).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highly doubt you are one of us...

>> No.20766953

Goethe and Stendhal seem to be perfect choices for the aristocrat of the soul.

>> No.20767156

>There is only nobility of birth, only nobility of blood. (I am not speaking here of the little word "von" or of the Almanach de Gotha: parenthesis for asses.) When one speaks of "aristocrats of the spirit," reasons are usually not lacking for concealing something; as is well known, it is a favorite term among ambitious Jews. For spirit alone does not make noble; rather, there must be something to ennoble the spirit. - What then is required? Blood. (Will to Power, §942)

>> No.20767304

A Masonic liberal. Literally anti-aristocratic

>> No.20767317
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Hmmm, highly doubt you are one of us...

>> No.20767617
File: 56 KB, 680x256, low-sexual-status-Obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are all le aristocrats of the soul
holy shit, is this why people like Ebola so much?
Did your mommies give you too many headpats that your brain got all fucked up or something?
grow up
you're not special
not even actual aristocrats are that special at the end of it all
get back to work, wagie

>> No.20767693

Also a member of the Bavarian Illuminati. An agent of the counter-initiation if his version of Faust doesn't make it obvious.

>> No.20767704

No, it’s almost in conflict with it. Aristocrat of the Soul is a ridiculous new age LARP for disaffected young men like I was when I was younger. A spiritual aristocracy would be deeply pious, which they would necessarily not be.

>> No.20768351


>> No.20768359

Really reveals how pathetic this mindset is. It’s just a cope for disaffected young people to feel special and justified.

>> No.20769379

So what do I have to read to become a spiritual aristocrat?

>> No.20769415

It is a meaningless rank

>> No.20769484

It is a way of being in the world without being a part of the world. Its the way of cultivating dignity, virtue and faith. It is not a worldly rank, but a spiritual one which makes it eternal in value.

>> No.20769581

This is all something achievable on ones own and without fancy titles to gloat on. You are this “spirit”, no matter the way one interprets it. You sail it how you like. This is how some people’s spirit can be so lowly, pessimistic, or wicked, and in turn high-minded, cheerful or virtuous.

>> No.20769593
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>> No.20769928

Delete this! This is a serious thread.

>> No.20770091

>he can't get away from the title

>> No.20770805

I am the one that doesn’t attach the title to myself.
It is a worldly rank