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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 408 KB, 1200x1556, 1200px-Ezra_Pound_by_Alvin_Langdon_Coburn,_1913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20763955 No.20763955 [Reply] [Original]

>/pol/tards claim to like him
>not a single one actually understands him
why do rightoids do this

>> No.20763976

>women claim to like cocks
>not a single one actually understands what its like to have a dick
why do femoids do this

>> No.20764004

I wanted to like him too but his poetry is just too hard to understand, i do like his imagism stuff though that really short poem in a station at the metro or whatever is brilliant.

Anyways, ts elliott and ee cummings were also right wing poets so there

>> No.20764008

Yeats was too.

>> No.20764019

This is not the same thing

>> No.20764025

literally who

>> No.20764036

true, im the only one intelligent enough to understand him

>> No.20764093

EE cumming on ur face

>> No.20764216

Ezra Pound dat ass

>> No.20764542 [DELETED] 

> ts elliott and ee cummings were also right wing poets
Hmm, e. e. cummings was a real mixture. He was friends with Pound and defended him when he was accused of treason, which is probably enough to get him cancelled these days. But he was very much not stereotypically right-wing in a lot of ways. Half his poems are constantly attacking what he sees as mindless hypocritical jingoism, fake patriotism and macho posturing. "How do you like your blueeyed boy Mr Death" and all that. And the other half are about having sex with prostitutes (and never feeling guilty about it).

>> No.20764558

Rightoids like him for his books on usury, not his poetry. Retard.

>> No.20765803


>> No.20765810

Start from the politics rather than the music and you'll be lost in the woods.
Every single time.
For all other than those who would themselves seize power, politics is a hindrance. Only beauty is true and eternal.

>> No.20765812

and if it were, mind you anons, then all rightoids would be fucking gay. so mind your words -976.

>> No.20765813

I prefer Pound the critic and Pound the fascist to Pound the poet

>> No.20765816

I have never claimed to like him.

>> No.20765817

Yes, did that to your oneitis last night after she did not respond to your triple text

>> No.20765835

>recessed chin, DYEL claims /pol/tards do not understand Pound
>struggles to lift the Cantos up to xhis chest without breaking into a deep sweat
why do leftoids do this

>> No.20765836

Because they know deep down that they are retards. The whole reason of the resurgence of baby boy fascism in the West is because they grew up with mommy wiping their butts and happy meals every Sunday, and now they actually have to compete to buy a home, because guess what? Mommy and Daddy need one each and no one gives a shit about little Johnny's fentanyl habit and his inability to read even the FUCKING LIBTARDS FUCKING TWEETS at least orange man keep his tweet short and pointless
Fuck /pol/

>> No.20765844

>uh oh it's an antifascist post, these always get gay and weirdly stream of consciousness
>maybe this one will be different
tapped out halfway

>> No.20765858

I mean, it's been said that jews have a weird obsession with shit and piss...

>> No.20765860

>tapped out
Of course you did brainlet, and of course you pretend like it's somehow in your favor
Of course you also pretend the boys in the gym who used to piss on you should mind how their piss tasted
I am not talking to you, fuck off and die

>> No.20765864

>of course
>of course
Post chin, fag.

>> No.20765865

Like it's been said you closet homos like to project

>> No.20765872

Of course the repetition is all your addled mind could even parse. So of course here's another just for you

>> No.20765880

I am the only one of us who has actually read and understood Pound

>> No.20765881

>of course
>of course
>of course
Post chin, fag.

>> No.20765890

Based schizo kike

>> No.20765895

Curious what your med shelf looks like, bud.

>> No.20765904

Italian Fascists and Spanish Falangists shaking hands after ending Jewish usury. Do you want to see my Nord shelf too

>> No.20765911

Actually, instead of posting chin and wrist, just pose your nose instead.

>> No.20765922

/pol/ is redd*t, who cares?

>> No.20765925

The right can't read

>> No.20765926
File: 386 KB, 640x549, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chinlet seethe. do you even know the dozen languages necessary to even begin to understand the cantos?

>> No.20765927

Ts eliot and pound are both cringe, a fake chinky and a fake brit, such is the american pseudointellectual (i.e. the american intellectual) way

>> No.20765934
File: 391 KB, 750x993, E113A36F-0DDD-4845-89A9-545FEE26E082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only high IQs like pic related understand Pound

>> No.20765949

Tits or gtfo.
You know that's an fbi agent right?

>> No.20765957

The McCullers-Sally Trooney-Ducks, Newburyshart troon is, in fact, a federal agent? Proofs? Big if true

>> No.20765965

Thats just some tranny (who is now apparently screenshotting his own posts?)

He is NOT the same tranny as the Mira spammer

>> No.20765975

Now that’s poetry in motion

>> No.20766013

>now they actually have to compete
Isn't the whole point of leftism to cry about competition and how it's just not fair not fair NOT FAIR?

>> No.20766019

Gertrude Stein and Robert Frost too. The only leftist among the major American poets of that time was William Carlos Williams.

>> No.20766028

The leftist will affirm any aspect of capitalism if means owning the chuds.

>> No.20766054

See this is always your only response, fabricate some image to excuse all your own shortcomings. You know nothing about me except that I'm pissing, so cleeeearly I must be a Jew, right. Cause when you were bullied before, it was always the Jews right? Fuck off, it was just normal guys, with normal lives, who don't give a fuck about all your made up excuses. You're losers, it's nothing to do with Jews, or niggers, or women. It's you. Just you.
Both sides of your online culture war bullshit are rightist. You think some tranny screaming about muh prouns knows fuck all about Classical Liberalism? They know as much about Adam Smith as you do about Pound. But at least they got bigger balls.
I don't give a shit about your left or right, I despise you for being stupid, illiterate fucking spambots

>> No.20766105

>if I act all sanctimonious and above it all I'll convince them I'm not just another seething commie


>> No.20766123

Unparalleled levels of projection, may God have mercy on your poor soul.

>> No.20766129

>See this is always your only response, fabricate some image to excuse all your own shortcomings. You know nothing about me except that I'm pissing, so cleeeearly I must be a Jew, right. Cause when you were bullied before, it was always the Jews right? Fuck off, it was just normal guys, with normal lives, who don't give a fuck about all your made up excuses. You're losers, it's nothing to do with Jews, or niggers, or women. It's you. Just you.
I never said anything about jews. I was just calling out lefty hypocrisy. Like the way you become a hardcore individualist when someone has frustrations that you don't approve of, as we can see here:
>See this is always your only response, fabricate some image to excuse all your own shortcomings.
Let's put this in the context of what you said earlier:
>The whole reason of the resurgence of baby boy fascism in the West is because they grew up with mommy wiping their butts and happy meals every Sunday, and now they actually have to compete to buy a home, because guess what?
You're essentially telling people that the answer to dealing with a serious decline in material conditions in their lives is to focus on themselves. In that case, what's the difference between you and someone like Jordan Peterson.

>> No.20766409
File: 7 KB, 240x240, 54e7dbafcd506_corneliu_zelea_codreanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>/pol/tards claim to like him
>>not a single one actually understands him
>why do rightoids do this

The entire Left is build on this idea with Marx.

>> No.20766418
File: 65 KB, 700x942, agRj7YRo_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're losing ground.

>> No.20766437

kek you chuds will perish in the revolution

>> No.20766447
File: 1.66 MB, 1008x760, udjm4blzti121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What revolution? The Marxist/Far left have been in control right now for decades and have done a terrible job administering every city, province, state, county and country. A revolution is coming, but you will not be on the end of the gun barrel you think you. People are tired.

>> No.20766660

>why do rightoids do this
Because they don't read.

>> No.20766661

I read the entire Cantos Of Ezra Pound beginning to end, but I can't pretend I understand it. It was good though, an enjoyable read.
But I can't pretend I understand it.

>> No.20766668

Do /pol/tards really claim to like Bob Dylan?

>> No.20767266

>I prefer Pound the critic and Pound the fascist

>> No.20767359

The slightest hint of weimar-esque tribalism in the OP and the retards like this will come flocking like carrion to a battlefield. Fuck, this site is in poor shape.

>> No.20767394
File: 197 KB, 1636x853, 1647589679474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20767789

he looks jewish

>> No.20767797


>> No.20767816

>t. The /pol/ /pol/ whiner whiner

>> No.20767822

>Men claim to like pussy
>Not a single one understands what it's like to have pussy
Why do maloids do this

>> No.20767976

Is summer over yet?

>> No.20768090

do you have any examples of this happening?

>> No.20768105

I'd just read it for the prose really.

>> No.20768185

i have a doctorate, make 100k and i still think this economy stinks and can't afford to buy a home at current mortgage rates and prices unless i want to permanently indebt myself. I hope a bullet comes for your kind quick, we need the fucking space.

>> No.20768223

At this point, are these stupid social commentaries even making sense? Alt-right fascie boys have a love affair with Ezra Pound? Holy fuck is this shit getting old. "/pol/fags don't get it." What the fuck are you talking about? Who are these people and where are they mentioning it?

>> No.20768242
File: 1.62 MB, 1280x897, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand him. Be basically endorsed fascism because he knew that humans fundamentally need some kind of king/monarch/dictator as a natural hierarchy. Human nature doesn't operate under weak leadership and weak leaders like Biden lead to morally currupt countries

>> No.20768533

>comes to /lit/ to bitch about /pol/
You're retarded
This. Seething liberal/progressive retards live to straw man.

>> No.20768538

Beauty is subjective and you have garbage taste.

>> No.20768621

This thread is so weird lmao. 99% of /pol/fags don't even know who this guy is.

>> No.20768731

It's not even about his poetry either wtf.

Anyway--i can't get into his harder weirder poetry but a lot of his early stuff and select later works are extremely beautiful.

>> No.20768775

No we arent?

>> No.20769085

>I understand him
>that description of him
>that photo
No, you don't understand him lmao

>> No.20769528

Pound was notoriously esoteric. Not even academic critics understand him. He had a whole secret cabal that he was controlling, during his St Elizabeth detention. They were going out and spreading the gospel of Pound but in the meantime studying esoteric race theory and trying to understand the political philology of the Cantos.

>> No.20769539

I think you should be on medication dude

>> No.20769773

I'm right wing and I love his poetry, what's so hard to get? Imagism is like Western haiku

>> No.20769936

Take em

>> No.20770513
File: 298 KB, 640x573, 1625243584262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't have rising racial tension?
We don't have increasing inflation?
We don't have a corrupt and ineffective government?
We don't habe a returned army of veterans, jaded and mad at how the war concluded?
We dont have sexual and moral breakdown in the streets?
We dont have increasing anger at the jewish people?
We don't have massive polarization?
We don't have food shortaged?
We don't have recession?
We don't have a break down in law and order?
We don't have soaring violent crime?
We did not have a putsch on the capital buildings?

We have half the nation on the cusp of realizing the other half are of absolutely no value. We are at peak Weimar Republic, what comes next is the match to burn it all down and something better replace it and you.

>> No.20770517

contrarianism is not an ideology

>> No.20770658
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>> No.20770731


>> No.20770794
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Shallom rabbi

>> No.20770856
File: 335 KB, 1202x604, EternalWolverine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((The Eternal Wolverine))) Fears The Silver Samurai

>Sin City: The Hard Goodbye

>> No.20770861
File: 2.66 MB, 300x498, 00-27-38-noose-knot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20770863
File: 170 KB, 1024x685, JustAGirl3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20770874
File: 38 KB, 666x400, PoliticalSpectrum1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>rainbow umbrella

interesting image

>> No.20770877

What kind of a moron made that diagram

>> No.20770880
File: 115 KB, 800x450, Quota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strength Through Diversity

Diversity Through Quota

>> No.20770887
File: 61 KB, 768x594, PoliticalSpectrum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how judeocapitalism, judeocommunism and judeoislam are all represented by dhe pentagram.

Dhe power ov an immortal. Dhe soul ov a human. Dhe heart ov a hero.
Love Life & Anarchy:
All Ov Dheir Strengths
None Ov Dheir Weaknesses

>> No.20770920

It is exactly the same.
Someone who gets it.

>> No.20770982
File: 50 KB, 414x474, 1654281298642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not do it, rabbi, it is not worth it.

>> No.20770992
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>> No.20771044
File: 583 KB, 2560x1440, glitch-wallpaper-20120513311927-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fascist Democracy
Stop slapping words together. This is the political equivilant of anarcho-communism. These turms are mutually exclusive.

What you wish for is oligarchy or aristocracy. Be honest and open with your political beliefs. Fascism can fullfill this with a strong, robust heirarchy.

>> No.20771340

No, read Schmitt's Crisis or simply read any classical republican theory like Machiavelli.

>> No.20771568
File: 106 KB, 771x676, 1640178673256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you tell me what your retarded combination of words mean. I should not have to navigate two or more books to accurately decipher what it is you think you mean.

>Do you mean an Athenian style limited democracy?
>Do you mean a oligarchy head of state with a difficult military service required to vote?
>Do you mean just no liberals or leftwing people?
>Do you mean corperatism and the combination of authoritarian governments and business?
>Do you mean camarelism, Juche?

Use your fucking head. Be clear and say you are a Fascist and own it.

>> No.20771876
File: 85 KB, 1024x375, 1650418258926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20772151

You misunderstood me. I don't care what you, personally, the pond scum retard, agree with or don't agree with. I was just stating for the record that you're wrong, in case people who are intellectually curious happen to read our exchange. That way they won't be dragged down to your level.

If you, the mental retard, personally decide to start dragging yourself up out of your level by reading books and broadening your horizons, I'll be the first person to celebrate. But I wouldn't put good money on it.

>> No.20772199
File: 466 KB, 1012x1012, 1655224924392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have stated nothing, but furiously typed a dozen slurs in order to obfuscate futher your idiotic point .
Instead try to make it clear instead of slamming terms together, like a chimp in the zoo banging rocks.

>> No.20772232

>Make a shill thread with a retarded straw-man opinion, that's not really a question, but just anon expressing his views while not having the confidence to do it normally.

>> No.20772258

To add onto this, Christopher Lasch also has interesting thoughts on the nature of democracy from a classical republican standpoint. I recommend skipping Culture of Narcissism (at least, at first) and reading The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy first.

If mankind is going to survive the damage done by false, mass, "liberal" democracy in the last century, he has to revise his understanding of democracy entirely by going back to the roots of the concept. Even the concept of liberalism has been dragged through the dirt and muddled on purpose. Democracy is not synonymous with mass democracy, and liberalism is not synonymous with disintegrative individualism. All liberal movements were nationalist and all nationalist movements were liberal, hence national liberalism, the dominant ideology of the 19th century.

Better to read Rousseau and Montesquieu on your own, and form your own ideas of these concepts, than waste four years of your life being propagandized to about "democracy" and "liberalism" at some university so you can be another band-aid on the dying system.

>> No.20772368

i have zero idea who this guy is

>> No.20772900

98% sure picrel is dasha, and jan 8 poster is not

>> No.20774363


>> No.20774870

How is that filtered?

>> No.20774877

Because you don't even have the capability to read a filename. You're browsing the Internet on the retard filter technology.

>> No.20775315
File: 70 KB, 800x800, 1630021631212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came here to post this

>> No.20775357

“Nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidi
in ampulla pendere, et cum illi pueri dicerent: Σίβνλλα τί ϴέλεις; respondebat illa: άπο ϴανεΐν ϴέλω.”

>> No.20776180

now this is based....

>> No.20776357

>>/pol/tards claim to like him
No they do not.