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20765055 No.20765055 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't women today write anymore?

>> No.20765058

Did you forget about Harry Potter?

>> No.20765065
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>> No.20765082

It's because less people are willing to talk about the bigger picture or are unable to comprehend the 21st century so they write about something they can understand.

>> No.20765091

But why does that specifically apply more to wmen than men? Are they just inherently less worldly and more narrow-minded than men?

>> No.20765106

Because they don't have the based mental illnesses anymore (depression, schizophrenia) but the cringe ones (BPD, narcissism). Women have been gradually turning into trash for half a century now but social media made them insufferable.

>> No.20765114

Can narcissism be a full-on mental illness? I thought it was just a flaw/trait, like arrogance. Social media has definitely played a role in their regression.

>> No.20765115

Virginia Woolf was a dreadful writer, it's actually really strange how even /lit/ drank the feminist kool-aid on this one, you guys usually see through it

>> No.20765117
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>why does that specifically apply more to women than men?
I didn't say that it did, but if it did it'd be because women are more easily deceived than men because trusting people who don't deserve trust makes them feel good.

>> No.20765120

Still better than the rubbish modern day women will shit out, notably so

>> No.20765125

They are too busy having sex with not me

>> No.20765127

Nice cat anon

>> No.20765135

Would you rather have your literary pursuits disturbed by the common whore's carnal pleasures?

>> No.20765137

It's a personality disorder, but the degree of narcissism displayed by average e-thot is definitely bordering on mental illness.

>> No.20765148
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Anyone else read pic related? Weirdly comfy.

>> No.20765152


>> No.20765174

Because most women didn't write at all and those that did were exceptionally weird. The pool's been diluted now that everyone is taught to read and write. Also the usual greater male variability is in play here.

>> No.20765182

Schlock written by a Jewish industry plant

>> No.20765228

Ha, fair enough.

>> No.20765233

Unironically Harry Potter is 80x more kino than anything the wench that is the woman in OP's picture made

>> No.20765237

Because no one can write anymore.

Back in ancient times, a poet (literally, "maker") was basically a half-priest. Formulas, kennings, riddles - it was all very serious business, meant either to ensure your immortality via κλέος (glory), or to provide some everlasting wisdom.

Nowadays, high-brow literature is mostly just subverting conventions for the sake of subverting conventions. Low-brow literature is just some random pile of worthless shit. There is no purpose behind this.

>> No.20765280

>high-brow literature is mostly just subverting conventions for the sake of subverting
literally everything is like this nowadays--politics, television, gaming, you name it. people seem to think this is an inherently groundbreaking technique

>> No.20765517

Social engineering for conformity and maximum obedience flattens culture and dries up creativity.
It’s capitalism. State-capitalism.

>> No.20766670


>> No.20766688
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*blocks your path*

>> No.20766771


>> No.20767665

>implying women in any era could write

>> No.20768339

Harry potter is kino.

>> No.20768843

sure it is

>> No.20768849

To be fair, the 21st century moves way too fucking fast for ANYONE to genuinely understand.

>> No.20768854

>today anymore
You learn first dickhead

>> No.20768865

You learn first, dickhead. *

>> No.20769954

nobody can

>> No.20770081

Very few women could write before but now its even worse as more and more of them waste their intelligence on hedonism.

>> No.20771197

Unlike men?

>> No.20771240

It's strange because there are some more competent female writers people could turn to. Mrs. Humphrey Ward for instance. Woolf is an excellent tool for them though because her books are very shallow and very easy to teach through the lense of political fads.

>> No.20772067

Only suffering can make great artists and women do not ever suffer
modern woman lives a life of godly luxury with everything handed to them on silver platter, they are spoiled with so much love and affection a feeling of sadness can never grace them

>> No.20773220


>> No.20773233

Probably wrong but interesting take

>> No.20773319

Men have declined too. Except they still mog women in every single creative pursuit.

>> No.20773413

I did until this post, unfortunately.

>> No.20774603

But they do.

>> No.20774709

there are not any readable male authors post Kenzaburo Oe

>> No.20774832

For me, it's the Dick. Emily Dick.

>> No.20775777

what about the classics that subverted the expectations of their times that you so praise? or can your brain only operate within the parameters of a "culture war" or whatever current brainrot you consume to convince you as is?

>> No.20776049

Notice how women were good writers only in the 19th century. That century was an anomaly. You should be asking why women were so good then.

>> No.20776068

simp men worte their books