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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 213 KB, 1024x1024, bookstore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20762097 No.20762097 [Reply] [Original]

None of you understand the importance of browsing a bookstore (used or chain or independent) or a library's stacks. Unfortunately, the lack of this skill often leads to a lack of taste and a lack of confidence in trying a book which you've never heard of before. Most of you rely on the "canonical" nature of a book to even consider reading it. None of you will read a book unless you feel it is "pre-approved". Start browsing shelves. Start taking risks. Actually develop some taste you charlatans. Browsing shelves are important because it lets you know what other books are out there, and what other books are related. I can't tell you how many books I discovered by just browsing a shelf and taking a chance on it.

I guess what I am saying is you fag dark academia zoomers are too focused on "curated" images.

>> No.20762117

Indeed OP
I browse book shelf around town and enjoyed free original books I would never have bought.
Also I know all the bookstores by heart.

>> No.20762119

I rarely see libraries or book stores anymore and what few bookstores I’ve seen are like these weird little liberal fetishist shops or Barnes and Noble, which as we all know sells more gadgets than books.

>> No.20762125

You're absolutely right and that's how I operated often. But the book store tends to have a lot of the famous fancy usual books you always hear about and I usually go there to hunt down a book I already have in mind, even if it's not one of those.

>> No.20762134

look at the image you posted. notice something?

>> No.20762138

The other day I went to a bookstore and it had a yoga section but no classics/literature section. Not uncommon for bookstores around me

>> No.20762140

I read what i want shutup tag. If lil zoom zooms wanna read garbage that's their poor choice

>> No.20762147

She isn't wearing socks despite wearing athletic shoes. Her feet must be really sweaty and stinky...

>> No.20762154

i get the same effect by browsing audiobook pirate sites. they always have a wide array of shit that i wouldn't seek out or consider myself, but i think wow that looks comfy. even if for connivence i just buy the shit on audible, i still browse those sites for the random assortment of shit people post and request.

>> No.20762155

>Independent Bookstores are run by women
>Mostly YA
>No greater books
I'm starting to think Jeff Bezos was right and Amazon is the shit

>> No.20762156
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I go to Barnes and Noble every now and then to check out the light novels or penguin classics. Don't really care for the Starbucks people, lol. Some board games there looked cool

God knows they shill femishit and cope books for like half off and still nobody buys them. Lmao

>> No.20762164

I would never make fun of someone who's just beginning to enjoy literature (my own journey has been... "non-linear"...), but when they're starting it's important that they have a mindset of "This is just the first rung of a very long ladder."

I don't appreciate chart-toting zoomers, lecturing me on how I'm "doing it wrong." The fault for this usually falls on the video essay redditors and chart-spamming wojaks, who present their "analysis" as "The One, True Way, and All Others Are Heathens that Will Burn In Hell." It's a great way to get students pumped up and engaged, but has... drawbacks, and can damage communities.

It depends on the mindset we take with us to our first pieces of literature beyond the high school curriculum, and our eagerness to learn. I feel that charts and lists cater to people who are serious about bettering themselves, but who may not have a sense of personal Fulfillment and Discovery from reading. My own schooling was at a "redneck" engineering college, which somehow had humanities lecturers that would have made Amherst green with envy. It was exactly the kind of thing that popped up in droves, after Vietnam, to mine the GI Bill, and folded, not too long, after. The school, itself, was no great shakes, but it taught me Discipline, and encouraged a sense of Wonder, that still pays dividends, to this day, years later.

Welcome to Hell, kid. The reading never stops.
Welcome to Heaven, kid. The reading never stops.

>> No.20762165
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oh man...

>> No.20762174

the only reason i go in barnes and noble is because the one in tribeca by wtc has some literary journals like paris review, kenyon whatever, n+1, and a bunch of glossy music mags like fader, etc. whenever i'm downtown i can't help but go in there and peruse that shit. for books though, nah, i'll just get it off amazon.

>> No.20762177

I want to read those Avatar comics

>> No.20762178

I'm sorry that city you live in is so cucked it doesn't have a used bookstore.

>> No.20762189

I have drive an hour just to visit the nearest reasonably sized up to date bookstore

>> No.20762219

I hear you OP. Used book stores are pretty much the only nigger free venue where I live.

>> No.20762233

I don't get no show socks. Why would you want to trick people into thinking you aren't wearing socks?

>> No.20762249

i agree with most anons that many bookstores don't have a very wide selection and are more gadgets than books, though i agree with you as well. your method is how i found nabokov's dream diary book.
/lit/ charts, the way i see them, are a good way to get started but by and large shouldn't be followed religiously. there's a chart for memoirs, where i found possibly my favorite book i've ever read. does that mean the only worthwhile memoirs in the history of literature are on that chart? of course not. i found somewhere a rec for Anus Mundi by Wieslaw Kielar, who spent 5 FUCKING YEARS in Auschwitz. not on lit's chart, but still good.
it takes a mix of the two. lit makes a lot of fair points on modern lit being trash but not all of it is. like anything, take what they (or others) say with a grain of salt and make your own decision

>> No.20762253
File: 100 KB, 1000x667, socks_shoes_pants_trousers_combinations-9608_1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Socks need to go over the calf, anything else is heresy...

>> No.20762255

Yeah, cause we got something called the internet
Take it up the ass pops

>> No.20762269
File: 18 KB, 319x463, 1aa077d643472250914969b47cf48b14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it's a 100 degrees out it's too fucking hot for some choloesque knee high socks

>> No.20762272

Borders was so much better than B&N

>> No.20762275
File: 206 KB, 692x1100, 1626906947959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best thread on this board in months, not even joking. You get so much more depth and richness by browsing at a library rather than using curated online lists (yes, that includes /lit/ charts).

>> No.20762276

It is never to hot for mid calf socks and its a cool look

>> No.20762318
File: 27 KB, 474x304, 2398498324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

socks are never too hot. I have dedicated knee-high reading socks.

>> No.20762333
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Socked readers assemble!

>> No.20762340
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especially if u order the on brand shit

>> No.20762501

The Big Book of Pokemon. I've been wanting to get my hands on a copy for ages.

>> No.20762530

I went to pick up some new books I bought online in the local bookstore and there were a lot of cute girls.
I just quickly made my way to the counter, took my books and left.

>> No.20762536

The Book store near me is filled with tranny fat people and YA novels

>> No.20762539

Same story here recently, but they were underage.

>> No.20762549

Also there’s a lot of the astrology and witchcraft shit, and the only philosophy is shitty versions of nietzsche that are already run down even though they’re new. They do have a bunch of classics for 6 dollars but they have really ugly covers

>> No.20762584

You're obviously trans, but do you want to be my e-gf?

>> No.20762807

I've gone to book stores just to swap out my Penguins and manga with ones where the spines align.

>> No.20762808

>t. Didn't start with the greeks

This is a joke

>> No.20762820

Ok OP. You've expressed concern for a behavior I may or may not be engaging in. I will meet your expectations. I'll spend a few hours at the library each week, selecting books as you describe.

>> No.20762833

I did start with the Greeks. Your ego is just bruised.

>> No.20764275

Based on your picture it sounds like you’re just replacing one aesthetic for another.

>> No.20764288

My ego is fine thank you

>> No.20764391

Thanks for the callout anon, I will specifically choose I book I've never heard of and won't read a review before buying it the next time I visit my local bookstore. This is not sarcastic or passive-aggressive, I will be doing this

>> No.20764495

where do I get my own qt /lit/ gf

>> No.20764506

That's what I did at my university library, used to spend hours there each week just browsing
I also do it at charity shops but there's no way I'm buying a new book on a whim

>> No.20764617
File: 462 KB, 403x219, 135577910198.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you think her feet smells like anons

>> No.20764661
File: 68 KB, 800x534, FB9E5153-F1C8-4FAD-B56F-1CDE1FFEAD42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I randomly browsed a used bookstore a few weeks ago but I didn’t find too much of interest. I did walk out with “Complete Gaelic” but that’s a meme book, I’m never learning fucking Gaelic.

>> No.20764678

>You're browsing your favorite bookstore and this chick with her starbucks coffee sits across the bookshelves and blocks your path, what would you do?

>> No.20764718

Luck, my friend
Is only luck

>> No.20764762

I'd walk past her with my ass facing her and very clearly say "do I give you the crotch or the ass" like in Fight Club lmao

>> No.20764836

Probably wearing no-shows. I wear loafers all the time and have wool socks that don't show above the shoe.

>> No.20765046

>uihh pls move over i wnat to get to the minecraft book