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File: 146 KB, 400x400, Jay-Dyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20760483 No.20760483 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the final boss of philosophy?

>> No.20760492

Ayn Rand.

In classic JRPG fashion she is also the first boss.

>> No.20760498

my diary desu

i'm writing a book titled
>new rationalism, toward objective truth against the cult of the capital: the critique of solipsism and autodestruction, or hegel and nietzsche for the modern era
>the analogical brain: the illusion of dualism

>> No.20760500
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>atheist materialist
She's not even a boss. She's just some low level grunt.

>> No.20760508

For us? William of Ockham.

>> No.20760518

A is A, you stinky irrationalist mystic.

>> No.20760519
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>> No.20760526

Yeah, too bad you cannot justify any metaphysical framework to validate any such claim, materialistic roastoid.

>> No.20760532

Definitely not someone as worried about their hair as that faggot.

>> No.20760533

Right. The task is to prove it wrong. If it is wrong, then everything Jay Dyer suggests would be worthy of considering indisputably and that would mean we’ve had logical fallacy built into Western philosophy since the moment of the West’s conception.

>> No.20760549

Literally a meaningless word come from a materialist.

>> No.20760552

Existence exists, no matter how much you try to deny it.

>> No.20760559

No one is denying it. You cannot justify it within your paradigm though.

>> No.20760563

It is axiomatic, fool.

>> No.20760564


>> No.20760566

This is a logical fallacy known as begging the question.

>> No.20760572

Adi Shankara (pbuh)

>> No.20760578

It is the axiomatic basis of all logical discourse. You are attempting to saw off the branch you are sitting on. You have nothing to stand on since you are an irrationalist.

>> No.20760587

You are arguing for rationality, which is not material, and thus you contradict your own worldview when trying to defend it.

>> No.20760588

Logical fallacies are just semantics

>> No.20760593

If you deny the laws of logic then you can't make an argument.

>> No.20760595

Monism can't resolve the dialectic of unity vs multiplicity.

>> No.20760605


>> No.20760613

Advaita Vedanta and Shankara isn't really monism to begin with anon; they have their own consistent explanation for unity vs multiplicity that involves everything being predicated on a transcendent Absolute or God (Brahman) that's not strictly identical with the manifested universe but rather underlying it

>> No.20760629

Stirner Nietzsche

>> No.20760716

The ego.

>> No.20761154


>> No.20761167

Why do you need to refute dualism when it has been done many times over?

>> No.20761173

Certainly not Jay fucking Dyer

Imagine unironically thinking some pseud is the final boss of anything

>> No.20761179

And yet I’ve never heard anyone make a good argument for why anything in particular he says is wrong.

>> No.20761181

Plato is the first boss then he returns as the final boss

>> No.20761183

>refutes dualism
>by responding to someone else
checkmate non-dualist

>> No.20761208

>thinking non-dualism denies that there is apparent dualism in ordinary empirical experience

>> No.20761231
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>> No.20761239

I assumed you meant mind-body dualism

>> No.20761241

That's because no one gives a shit about Jay Dyer and have no idea who this dipshit even is or what he believes in

>> No.20761245


>> No.20761251

Why should I watch any of these? If this idiot had anything relevant to say, I would've known by now

>> No.20761255

not an argument desu!

>> No.20761267

Nobody cares, this is christtard sophism and by sheer virtue of irrelevance, I'm required to ignore this

>> No.20761273

Not this guy.

>> No.20761281
File: 142 KB, 560x655, JayDyer-inSummary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay Dyer is cool if you're a cringelord I guess.

>> No.20761291

Gay Dyer is a pseud. see pic in >>20761281

>> No.20761309

Probably the Charlatan. Managed to filter even his students.

>> No.20761321

Some of these are true (and he is right), some of these are literally false, and some are true but he repented and doesn't do that anymore (like smoking weed).
Basically you have no argument desu.

>> No.20761322

Every single one of these ad hominem. This is really pathetic.

>> No.20761333

Nobody here is actually engaging with Jay's arguments, but rather only insulting him and misrepresenting him.
Also he explains clearly why actus purus is a retarded and anti-Christian belief.

>> No.20761335

They can’t be said to be true. Saying someone misrepresents an argument is not itself an argument.

>> No.20761339

Yeah you are running away, but telling yourself it's because you are above this.

>> No.20761341

Good thing you have the experts to agree so you know what to think.

>> No.20761347

Jay is very clear on the essence/energy distinction.

>> No.20761351

Some are true but Jay is right, like saying that Jay denies the Roman Catholic doctrine of actus purus. Yes he denies and he's right because actus purus is a false teaching.

>> No.20761358

Also Jay is very clear that the Trinity and the Incarnation are real. He argues very strongly against non-Trinitarianism. That is one of his main points against Muslims and Jews.

>> No.20761363

Anyone going to the Dyer book release event today in Nashville? I came from out of town. I'll see you there.

>> No.20761376
File: 482 KB, 1280x960, 1280px-Jake_0314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but I like Jay and Fr. Peter Heers and Fr. Spyridon Bailey.

>> No.20761381

>Nobody here is actually engaging with Jay's arguments
By his own position, you actually can't. The entire point of Suppositional Apologetics is that you are right and everyone who doesn't agree 100% with you is 100% wrong. It's a position designed for ritualistic shitflinging between Protestant denominations, not actually demonstrating the truth or falsehood of a proposition or collection of them because it totally rejects the idea of truth as a meaningful thing. Whenever he argues with anyone who isn't sucking his dick, from that Platonist dude to those Sedes, this point always comes up, again and again.

He does this because he's a massive clinical narcissist. Whereas Suppositional Apologetics is supposed to replace truth with "adherence to the groupthink of a specific denomination", Dyer just replaces truth with his own ego. It, and his bizarre undefinable 2bigbrain4u """""""theology"""""""" are just the logical end point of Christianity: cults of personality talking past each other, filled with hyper-individualists, each with their own denomination, sucking each other off for throwing up the right meaningless gang-signs.

>> No.20761388


>> No.20761426

>it totally rejects the idea of truth as a meaningful thing.
No it doesn't. Truth is the whole point.

>> No.20761444
File: 94 KB, 593x518, Slav-Orthodoxy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No but I like
every prot to ort cringefag
tell me, what is your favorite Ort flavor, you little religious swinger?

>> No.20761459

Also it's not true that presuppositional apologetics or the transcendental argument for God were invented by modern Calvinists like Van Til or Bahnsen.
Church Fathers like Saint John of Damascus made the same kinds of arguments.
Sometimes Roman Catholics act like it's ironic or hypocritical of Jay to use a "Calvinist type of argumentation" to defend Orthodoxy or something. But that's not even true anyway because it goes back to the Church Fathers.

>> No.20761462

Why are Catholics so rude and nasty

>> No.20761484
File: 203 KB, 816x646, Council-of-Florence-Russian-Subversion-of-Catholicism-and-Orthodoxy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rude and nasty
you're projecting, faggot.

>> No.20761566

people were making arguments before "laws" of logic, and will be making them afterwards, you higher-power worshipping nigger

>> No.20761602

You worship some nasty old pedo in the vatican

>> No.20761611

Me. You can know this is true because any philosopher worth their salt knows that writing is bad and nothing i have thought up is written down. The worlds best life philosophy lay in my mind and mine alone.

>> No.20761616

Hey its the retard from the thread yesterday. No you arent the best. You actually had the gall to compare existence to algorithms and binary code. You are on the same level as every other comp sci faggot who gets too big for their britches

>> No.20761704
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>> No.20761795

Nice try Ayn Rand, it's clearly Max Stirner.

>> No.20761976

It’s not defensible anymore. They know this so they have to double down and resort to being nasty or else there’s no more position to hold.

>> No.20762462
File: 236 KB, 1208x771, ROC-Junior-Patriarchate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do know that the guy that you're replying to was literally projecting, as shown by this reply of his >>20761602, right? This kind of behavior is indefensible and betrays an ill soul. The fact that you agree with such people is a reflection of your very own spiritual illness. Seek help.

>> No.20762491

god sez i can't smoke weed?? what a lamestain

>> No.20762660

Did she ever marry? All that posturing for what?

>> No.20762750

Laws of logic are not man-made inventions. They are inherent in the structure of reality as created by God.

>> No.20762881

While I agree with Dyer, why did you made this ego-stroking thread? Ecelebs, even if correct, make a poor basis for philosophical discussion.

>> No.20762988

I really learned a lot about the Holy Trinity and Christophany in the OT as well as some pretty cool philosophy/history from Jay’s channel.

The problem I have with jay are primarily his format and secondarily his aesthetic. Format wise, all of his vids are just stream rips, and are super long. He’s constantly rambling and interacting with his chat instead of saying anything of substance.

With jay I feel like I’m dissecting a turd in order to get to the tiny pieces of gold here and there. I usually catch myself zoning out as he just babbles on an on about some debate he had and change channels.

Jay if you’re here please make your videos more interesting/ focused man

>> No.20763031

I dont. Heers is a giga exclusivist who thinks silence, yoga and meditation is satanic, bailey is better probably

>> No.20763069

philosophy is gay and a waste of time

>> No.20763211
File: 75 KB, 539x360, 1658627539623246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yoga is satanic
Isn't this the normal view of all Orthodox Christians

>> No.20763512

i'd take SpottemGottem over Jay fucking Dyer t b h famalam

>> No.20763528

Andrew Tate

>> No.20763548


>> No.20763791

He doesn't feel like a genuine Christian at all. Seriously, he just uses Christianity as a crux for his own ego, he's also like Jordan peterson in a way, pseudo Christian who actually only worships his ego and intellect. He's exact type of person Jesus talks about in Mathew 7:21

>> No.20763817

As an orthodox christian, I dont have any problems woth hinduism, islam, zoroastroanism, gnosticism, catholocism, buddhism, judaism or even with protestantism.
I view hesychasm as a christian yogic practice, I dont buy the ambiguos church father explanation that the pagan Gods are "fallen celestial intelligences" or that there is such a thing as an indepndent God, God is in everything as its principial origin and final destination, in the wind, fire, water and earth, I find the notion of a plurality of Gods to be an absurdity, plurality is all together illusory, so even if someone says they are worshipping independent autonomous Gods, named fire, water, air, etc. They are not actually doing anything of the sort, so idolatry is a metaphysical impossibility, all it is, is an unbalanced psychic delusion, whilst that is admittedly incorrect there is no sin in it, infact there is no sin in God, and we are in God, so thete is no sin, every blasphemy is actually praise unto God, every fall is a exaltation.

>> No.20763827

Thales of Miletus /thread.
The highest truth: all is water

>> No.20763829

>hegel and nietzsche
Why is it these two authors that pseuds always try to appropriate?

>> No.20763833

im sorry philosophy (relativism) is so retarded, seculrism basically desu

>> No.20763835

Thales meant something like the al-nafs al-Raḥmān and not a corporeal water by any stretch of the imagination of course.

>> No.20763850

Of course.