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20754564 No.20754564 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most Chud book you own in your library?

>> No.20754568

>chuds reading

>> No.20754570

The bible.

>> No.20754573

It’s not about the Chuds, but a proclaimed “Chud Book”

>> No.20754574
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Probably this. I can get away with having The Bell Curve on myshelf but once you have norse runes on the cover it becomes a little sus. Might hide it in my closet

>> No.20754575

Does Houellebecq qualify as a chud?

>> No.20754576

I do not read books written by seething propagandized machines

>> No.20754581
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>> No.20754584


>> No.20754691
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>> No.20754692
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I dare someone to chudcore harder than my 15 year old son

>> No.20754705

I'm calling the CPS

>> No.20754774

Your 15 year old son seems like he'll become a 15 year old school shooter.

>> No.20754781

So, what is it about Ellul's book that has OP in an incel rage?

>> No.20754845

Wow your sons a little faggot

>> No.20754851

That's absolutely nothing.

>> No.20755023

This is what you get for naming him 'Skyrim'

>> No.20755069

Oh shit that does look bad
You need to talk to your son, no offense.
Unless he is an incredibly avid reader and this is only a small portion of his books.

>> No.20755195
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Fame of a dead mans deeds is even worse since it's not such a tiny pamphlet. White power from Rockwell is also pretty bad to show on the shelf

>> No.20755220


>> No.20755238

>THe Brigade - H.A. Coovington

it says 1488 but the synposes I have found didnt hint at all at anything white ethnostate.

QRD on the book your "son" read?

>> No.20755268
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Probably BAM, the Way of Men (which I will be tossing cause Donavan somehow became a boomer while being a fag), or the Evola collection. No clue how I would explain these to people other than my friends.

>> No.20755309

I'll ask him. Hopefully he doesn't give me a meme answer like "it was certified kino", kek

>> No.20755396

>W-what will other people think?!
God you lot are fucking pathetic

>> No.20755538
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>I can get away with having The Bell Curve on my shelf

>> No.20755547

Chud Haag is smarter than anyone who posts here.

>> No.20755554

Just kys fascistic rightoid imbecile.

>> No.20755556

Yea I do care that people might think I’m a fucking weirdo, it’s you hide your power level in the first place.

My friends don’t give a shit but I can imagine it would be hard to explain what BAM is to a normal, non internet poisoned person.

>> No.20755565

Are his book great ? He write so fast I think he has like 20 book published by now

>> No.20755597

Most his readers are women

>> No.20755648

psychiatrists are just a priest class of liberalism made to sloppily damage control the harms of modernity with drugs and an invented job for women.

>> No.20755655

I have shelf full of Mein Kampf editions, some in languages I can barely read if at all, and all sorts of secondary and critical literature. My wife always bitches about it but who since I keep books in our home office and she sometimes has people come over for meetings and shit.

>> No.20755698
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>> No.20755725

I have a copy of Sun & Steel.

>> No.20755769

Probably John Stormer's None Dare Call it Treason. I have two paperbacks and a hardcopy that he signed. Not enough people know how bad soviet/communist infiltration of the American government was and is.

>> No.20755830

Does everyone just strawman and act like its a philosophical win now?
Can someone recommend Karencore? Soccer-mom-core? Bernie-bro-core? Woke-core?

>> No.20755836

My entire non fiction library is neetche, klages and various religious texts and criticisms of the jews. So the entirety of my non fiction collection

>> No.20755885

He said it was written badly and he hasn't finished it

>> No.20755936

>The Prince is Chudcore
Someone's never read The Prince
>Starship Troopers is Chudcore

>> No.20755944

I don't even know what chud mean but it's probably either Technological Slavery or Ceremonial Magic: A Guide to the Mechanisms of Ritual regardless.

>> No.20755955
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This one

>> No.20756032

.t chud in denial

>> No.20756138

The bible

>> No.20757505
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You have no idea how much this makes the Establishment seethe.

>> No.20759419
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>> No.20759493

Your son is based

>> No.20759511

Probably Storm of Steel

>> No.20759613

Either The Turner Diaries or On The Jews and Their Lives. Have in a hidden locked box so my Jewish gf can't find them.

>> No.20760198

looked into "Silent Brotherhood"
>racist added to cover

>> No.20760215

Schopenhauer, Houellebecq