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20753746 No.20753746 [Reply] [Original]

I am looking for books that will challenge a /pol/-esque worldview. My brain is fried from le net, i am looking to develop more original thinking.

>> No.20753750

Read more tranny authors like F Gardener

>> No.20753756

you posted the exact thread a few weeks ago
fuck off and use your brain

>> No.20753759

depends on how old you are. if youre 19 now you should read something that takes 6 years to finish and youll be 25 and not an edgy teen anymore. if youre 23 read something that takes 2 years and so on. /pol/tardation is really just an illness for Teens and people in their early twenties.
if youre older than 25 and a /pol/tard you should genuinely kill yourself

>> No.20753762

Read something that takes 6 years to finish?

>> No.20753772

dream of the red chamber in classical chinese

>> No.20753788

You'll be okay. I was one too.
Have you read Plato? Read his complete works.

>> No.20753802

Read Aristotle's Politics if you have the attention span, it's a good bridging work from /pol/emics into actual political theory, which is neither SJWorthless nor /pol/emical.

>> No.20753806

embrace BNWO

>> No.20753814

Don’t listen to Pseuds like this. These guys were pedos and tolerated slavery in their society. Pretty much don’t read anyone born before 1800 because they’re basically /pol/acks (pedo racists).

>> No.20753829

Touch grass, but unironically. Pick up a hobby, or ideally a sport. Something where you can't just stay inside. I like skiing.

>> No.20753848

Aristotle refutes homosexuality in the first book of Politics. Also his conception of slavery was very little different from what is considered acceptable in modern society, he considered even technicians and specialists who did not own land to be functionally slaves.

>> No.20753854

Going outside is when I become a polchud. Though if you're some affluent ski-resort frequenter, your surroundings might not be the same.
And to answer OP's question: you're already right. Just read classic literature and stop thinking about politics, you've attained all the answers.

>> No.20753859

What's wrong with /pol/?

>> No.20753916

Found the jew

>> No.20753936

>i am looking to develop more original thinking.
Then it does not really matter what you read but I would recommend reading all that stuff which used to make you seethe if you really want to break old habits.

>> No.20754025
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>Going outside is when I become a polchud. Though if you're some affluent ski-resort frequenter, your surroundings might not be the same.
If you live in the mountains it's actually not that expensive. Aside from the initial investment (which can actually cost you), you just get an epic local pass for $650 a year.
Costs even less (in theory) if you get into backcountry, but you need friends for that, and you need to be a proficient skier with proper safety training and equipment.

>> No.20754215

are you 18?
read Jünger and Evola

>> No.20754260

Good question. I just kind of grew out of /pol/ retardation as I grew older and interact with real people in the real world.

>> No.20754268
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>> No.20754269

stop using /pol/ and you'll grow out of it. crab bucket

>> No.20754317

Read notes from the underground. If it clicks for you, it'll change you. Short book too.

>> No.20754326

Interacting with real people in the real world pushes one more towards /pol/. At least in Canada. These people are fucking weird.

>> No.20754327

This. Switch to reddit instead and you'll be fellating transwomen in no time.

>> No.20754743
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Go with this. Best volumes on state building and what makes high performing countries high performing. It's not so much Fukuyama's own additions that make it so good as it is that he summarizes all the work on the topic, from ancient philosophers to modern polsci and lists the arguments for and against them well.

Fukuyama had a reputation as a neocon, but this is pretty far off the mark and just due to his political work. But you don't have to love an administration's policy to work there. I find he's much more idiosyncratic and willing to challenge assumptions.

The End of History is good to. The article is fine, the book adds detail but the thesis doesn't change too much. Or read the book but stop after he explains Hegel's theory of history if you want. It's a great lens for reading history and explains Hegel in easy to understand ways. Unfortunately, he fuck up Hegel, doing Kojeve's truncated version and doesn't get that the dialectical will keep producing contradictions in modern liberalism, which we've seen in the years since. But it's still a good work.

The Great Courses political philosophy course is ok too.

But really to expand your horizons I would actually look at their courses on Monday Body Philosophy, Chaos Theory, and Information Science. Absolutely excellent primers. The Rise of Information is a good book if you like the information course. I will warn that it starts math heavy, but after a few lectures it gets into how information theory is applied to physics, biology, and economics.

/pol/ is simplistic drivel aimed at fueling outrage.

>> No.20754749
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*Mind Body Philosophy

Also pic related. Expand your horizons and you find that the /pol/ mindset of imagined manichean struggle is incredibly small minded.

>> No.20754757

>t will challenge a /pol/-esque worldview.
There are no unironica /pol/-users you moron. It is an entirely satirical website where any and everyone goes to attack, get attack and laugh at it all.

YOU are plebbit or even discord with your mentality that your political view is serious and a true conviction. You are the reason /pol/ has been a lot less fun in recent years, and you should leave Immediately!

>> No.20754760
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Last rec on the expanding horizons front.

The Great Courses econ class is decent enough too. It's sort of milquetoast neolib in some places, but definitely will get you to realize /pol/ argument around econ are generally based off profound misunderstandings of the field and its findings.

Great Courses are way cheaper on Amazon. You can either subscribe to the videos for $7 a month or get a bunch of the classes for free off their Audible platform.

Their modern philosophy course is good too, but a bit too wide. The Conservative Tradition one is quite good, and shows how current /pol/ conservatism has gone way off the rails.

>> No.20754773

Nah, I have a friend who went full /pol/ and basically alienated himself from all his friends and now lives with his parents at 32 because no one wanted to be roommates with him anymore because of the political spewing. And he can't move out because he spends all his money on guns and his Boog load out, but also doesn't work out.

It really fed his oppression complex, but he was the one who kept bringing up politics and attacking people. Sort of afraid he's going to shoot himself or shoot up some random place. Also lost his GF and never got one again after 2016.

He's an ok guy at hear through and not full /pol/. The only openly 1488 people I know are convicted felons and drug addicts with illegitimate kids they don't support, who don't work, which is pretty ironic.

>> No.20755062


>> No.20755247

Read absolutely anything you find interesting
There are many libraries online so you don't have to spend

>> No.20755300

fukuyama is a lightweight, acemoglu is better.

>> No.20755308
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This is the forth time you have posted this thread.

>> No.20755336

Never stop using /pol/, they're telling you the secrets to the universe. Just get more racist, buy lots of weapons and let's see what you'll do

>> No.20755371

Read poetry

>> No.20755394

Gee, I wonder (((who))) is behind this post!

>> No.20755429
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Seconding, it worked for me.

>> No.20755483

Don’t worry my man, you’ll be good. I’ve found that David Foster Wallace’s writing has helped me become a more compassionate and happier person. If you’re looking for somewhere to start with him I’d recommend listenan to his speech, “This is Water.”

>> No.20755490
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It is not perfect but it explains some of the psychological mechanisms that lead to dehumanisation of out groups.

>> No.20755505

I've been down the same road.
My radicalization wasn't intellectual in nature, so I have no book recs. But you should understand that radical online communities largely work by severing your connection to greater society. The best thing you can do is reforge a connection to your community/society, make new friends and try to spend your free time with people.
Hatred, alienation, and fear are more difficult to hold on to than you think, and they can't survive friendship/companionship.
Best of luck.

>> No.20755535

>alienated himself from all his friends
That's how it goes. They made me into an overly-aggressive weirdo who desperately inserted politics into every conversation in an attempt to either root out sjws who wanted my head or hopefully convert sheep to this Truth I'd discovered.
Naturally people stop wanting to be around you, which feeds your sense of victimhood.

>> No.20755537 [DELETED] 

whatever shit they got in your head with do like that pepe meme and "just stop caring" like whether the people were fascists, communists, religious nuts, whatever just stop caring. jeff bezos has a really big yacht? i don't care.

>> No.20755786

Does that include the dehumanization of unborn children?

>> No.20755891

>The only openly 1488 people I know are convicted felons and drug addicts
Wow, what a surprise! The only people who openly support an ideology that's taboo in modern society are those who operate on the fringes of society. Weird how that works.
Anyone with half a brain who holds /pol/-tier views hides their power level until they're anonymous or around like-minded individuals, because they like being employed.

>> No.20756471
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Watch Destiny

>> No.20756505

Blackshirts and Reds by Michael Parenti has a good critique of fascist/ultranationalist thought and how it arose, if that helps.

>> No.20756511

This won't fucking help you. TradLARP shit will not help OP.

OP, read the news and take notes. Mainstream sources. Financial Times, The Diplomat, CFR, all that cuck globohomo shit. Read Schwab unironically if you're brave.

There's a series by Oxford called Very Short Introductions, they average around 200 pages in length and cover a variety of topics, all written by experts. Go to libgen to find any book you're after.

Honestly, writing will benefit you just as much as reading will at this stage. When I wanted to tear myself away from /pol/shit I kept a diary and would ask myself "why do I believe x?", then tease out any contradictions and difficulties in my thinking from there. Doing that and sticking with it will help you a lot more than reading Aristotle will.

>> No.20756518

Ok faggot go fuck yourself, this board is literally full of retards who don't like reading and literally come here to promote their garbage philosophy no normal person cares about, seriously
>inb4 "Noooo you can't attack MEEE!".
I literally don't care what they do in /pol/ but saying it's ironic is literally stupid, there are plenty of unironic idiots there because they are driven to the site owing to its previous history.

>> No.20756526

>ctrl+f start with the greeks
>0 results
This board has really gone down the drain
Start with the greeks OP

>> No.20756624

As others have said, /pol/brain is really an ingroup/outgroup tribalistic bias, rather than a rational intellectual proposition per se, so it's difficult to recommend books to overcome it. I think the best thing you can do is make acquaintances with people in your outgroups IRL (be that left of centre people, women, Jews, whatever), and realise most people are just ordinary human beings trying to make their way in the world, the same as you.

That said, it may help to read empathetically (that is, with empathy and understanding, not necessarily sympathy with their conclusions) some tracts by authors in your outgroup who explained their position in society. W.E.B. DuBois' the Soul of Black Folk and Mary Wollestonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Women, maybe. But those are just suggestions.

>> No.20756665

What's right with it?

>> No.20756698

if your first inclination is to bring up trannies and jews in a conversation then you might be a pol neck.

First off you must come to the conclusion that jews while being highly successful arent the only ones that control the world, there are wasps, arabs, han chinese, its almost like its multiple groups and tribes with their own agendas battling to control things

>> No.20756718
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>> No.20756727

This, read short but effective book.
Notes from underground
Beyond good n evil
Theory of everything
Camus books are a little longer but a good start

>> No.20756886
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blame the eternal anglo instead

>> No.20756896

>wants to develop more original thinking
>be reading others thoughts
Maybe... Just maybe, you should just spend some time thinking? And challenging yourself? You dumb fuck

>> No.20757001

Alan Ryan on Politics is way better than the fukuyama shit

>> No.20757026

I know multiple people offsite who are poltards and they are successful in their 30s buying houses and having kids. You're a retarded faggot, probably a triggered tranny, /pol/ is based and will make you smarter, you kill yourself.

t. Doesn't use pol

>> No.20757040

It's redpilled. Probably the best place for news online since its an uncensored aggregator with people posting from all over the world. They are basically right about everything, you're an sjw faggot or a newfag if yoy disagree.

>> No.20757044


>> No.20757090

The mind rot is strong with this one

>> No.20757205

>t. Leftist

>> No.20757209

>t. tardist

>> No.20757249

>replies instantly
>i have a masters in chemical engineering and run a chemical plant
Cope, brainlet.

>> No.20757262

Great comeback, r*ddit.

>> No.20757267

I am a different poster Idk if I replied instantly.
Also, why would the poster need time to consider the complexities of ">t. Lefttist" so that he wouldn't reply instantly

>> No.20757273

Great comeback to the comeback idiot

>> No.20757328

Idk but you seem pretty stupid (and new). Maybe lurk pol a bit before posting, newfag, or graduate from high school, ok?

>> No.20757353

>muh job defines if I’m a slave or not
ask me how I know you have never even read Aristotle or any Greek/Roman

>> No.20757360

Ok my man, I will do that since you ask me kindly

>> No.20757361

> As others have said, /pol/brain is really an ingroup/outgroup tribalistic bias, rather than a rational intellectual proposition per se
Try define the in group bias

>> No.20757371

Thank you sir. Know that you are fulfilling your dharma when you awaken to the nature of jewish supremacy and the greatness of the Aryan or indo-European race.

>> No.20757379

Start sitting down in absolutely peace and quiet, preferably outdoors, for an hour or two every day. Even in bad weather and start to come to the realization that hardly anything can be truly understood

>> No.20757387

He's/xer is a pseud. Anyone complaining about pol is a pseud, they are controlled more by emotion than by data and reason. The exception is newfags, who may have not had enough time to be redpilled/deconditioned.

>> No.20757388

Incel autocorrect. You don't really need books to rid yourself of such a mindset

>> No.20757393
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First page looking like pretty interesting news from all over the world

>> No.20757398
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>> No.20757406
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And yes I know three photographs debunk your entire argument, no need to seethe and pretend it doesn't

>> No.20757507

Probably you because I'm pretty sure that is an ironic post

>> No.20757516

Aristotles politics is stupid
>Grug uses stick, stick tool, grug happy

>> No.20757884


>> No.20757896

literally stop reading or caring about politics, work on yourself, find religion and/or read good fiction

>> No.20758214
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All that matters is feeling sore in the knees and a love for Our Lord.

>> No.20760111

A few pages of any beginner's book on logic will do, since all their views are based on logical fallacies such as ad hominem.

>> No.20760127

You just need to realize that most people are stupid, and not that great. Then it is not that hard to not take most things too seriously. If you feel like developing original thinking, maybe read the classics of opposite views, and seriously learn that shit. As in reaching a level of being able to lecture other people in them, it is not that hard, but it does take effort and some time. Definitely doable in a year or something by yourself if you are a fried brain neet.

>> No.20760478

>I recognize a thing is bad for me
>I continue to do the thing

Kill yourself. God I hate people like you.
Bro, get off the internet.
That is the only way.

You could also do Jordon Peterson’s self authoring suite. But I know it’s fun to hate him soo…

>> No.20760586

Just judge people as individuals. It's not hard.
The average person everywhere is pretty shit. Animals are better.

>> No.20760776

I don't know man... people that talk like this just seem such a loser.

>> No.20760811

your existence retroactively justifies the existence of abortions

>> No.20760818

Well, reading Orthodox jews explain why Hitler came to power (because of social decay, oppressive war treaty, rampant pornography and prostitution, and immigrants) made me stop being so anti-semitic.

>> No.20760827

Sounds very inauthentic. But if you are good at self delusion it might just work.

>> No.20760838

Hitler was controlled opposition and called a "Moshiach" by many Jews. The whole goal was to create the thesis of degeneracy and then the antithesis with Hitler, so they can manipulate Germany into a devastating war with Russia and have their blood sacrifice of gentiles to scapegoat their sins. Also, top rabbis wanted to sacrifice some of their own people for assimilating.

Read Christopher Jon Bjerknes.

>> No.20760854

So basically it agrees with your worldview? Got it

>> No.20761820

Read The Bible

>> No.20761836

you posted the exact thread a few weeks ago with the exact image.
fuck off and use your brain

>> No.20762062

>original thinking
>plz gib me something to fill the void
You're trading one cult for another. Start meditating and your brain will start to unravel your conditioning and think for itself.

>> No.20762560

He probably means thinking by himself, instead of being spoonfed whatever he is "supposed to think". This probably has nothing to do with coming up with new stuff or whatever.

>> No.20762569


>> No.20762570

Unironically watch Destiny's debates with White Nationalists. Best way to deradicalize

>> No.20762612

>/pol/-esque worldview
Can you elaborate?

>> No.20762628


>> No.20763291

Chrono Trigger is the shit. Best OST of all time.

And the characters and rascists. They don't totally shit in the dinosaurs, the mystics, the robots, etc. They just try to solve problems.

>> No.20763327

Fanon. Bear in mind he was as idpol as it got and could be called the father of a lot of that shit.

Also Capital is unironically a nice read.

>> No.20763525

>I know multiple people offsite who are poltards and they are successful in their 30s buying houses and having kids.

Sure you do. Typical coping faggot. You will never own a home, and you will never be happy.

>> No.20763538

revolt against the modern world julius evola

>> No.20763566

The World to Come by Christopher Jon Bjerknes. All races in the world need to unite against (((them))) by de-Abrahamizing.

>> No.20763592

it's hard to have real discussions on nu-/pol/ when the catalog moves so damn fast and the 2020 newfags don't even read