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20748823 No.20748823 [Reply] [Original]

After thinking about "God" for a while, I have realised that the most honest and simple conclusion, is that the Absolute just is, infinite Pure Being, without any elaboration, incommunicable in its infinity, unencompassed by discursion, infact the Absolute is Nothing, the illuminator of the intellect - the light of discrimination, not a person, not an animal, not a body, not a name, not a revelation, not in the heart or in the brain, not in the sun or the moon, not in visualisations or in voice and speech, not even in silence, or in breath, the Absolute is nowhere to be found, and is Nothing, there is nothing intelligable about the Absolute, he is not in prayer, time, space, history, the earth, water, fire, wind, neither is he a he, or a she, or an it, or a this, or that, there is nothing neither a beginning, middle or end in it, it is not morality, or law, not scripture, revelation, realisation, contemplation, and it is also not an observer or something observed, it is nowhere, encompasses everything in it incomprehensible infinity, and the only real union with it i see as plausible is in the deepest sleep, in which the mind ceases, the absolute is not in history, not in initiatory lineages or in esoteric orders, and is not in some "Tradition," or in some practice, it is also not a sensation, or a feeling, thought, or concept, it is not partite, mutable and is totally without fluctuation.

Why do people here pretend otherwise?

>> No.20748827

religion can generally be boiled down to whatever flavour the creation myths have fermented into. it's strange that there are people following religions without any inkling of this fact. it's kinda nuts that a schizo desert merchant created what is now the largest religion though

>> No.20748829

What would be the point of the absolute?

>> No.20748834
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Didn't read faggot. God loves me and I love Him.

>> No.20748836

>After thinking about God for a while
Kek, think some more retard

>> No.20748841

G-d and the bible is a source of strength and purpose in my life.

>> No.20748853

*tips fedora*
*awards gold*
*dilates troonhole*

>> No.20748855

I think having a religious tradition is better than just following pop culture or whatever agnostics do. But you're free to make that choice.

>> No.20748883

>I think having a religious tradition is better than just following pop culture or whatever agnostics do
jury's still out for me. if you're only practicing religion for the sake of having culture then by virtue of that you have to be aware you have no real culture. religion is history, if i started dressing in a toga and worshipping Romulus that wouldn't give me any more culture than i started with, if i joined a christian church that wouldn't be culture, if i joined a mosque or a synagogue that isn't culture. i personally don't have an issue with anyone who practices religion, but how is bandwagoning on an even bigger, longer-established form of pop culture under a different name not the same as regular pop culture?

>> No.20748895

You don't have to follow pop culture if you're an agnostic. Besides, religious people follow pop culture themselves.

>> No.20748898

it cannot be pointed out, the absolute is not a point, or something pointless, it is neither will nor intentionality, personality, impersonality, reason, purpose, it is neither ground or groundlessness, there is nothing, neither absence or presence in it, it is neither embodied nor disembodied, it is neither influential nor insignificant, it is not something, and it is not nothing, and it is not not anything,
it has no flux, or stability, it is neither an is or is not, it is not before or after anything,
it is not energetic, compassionate, it has no feeling to it, it cant be transmitted, and it cant be with held, it is neither outside, inside, above, below, east, west, south, or north,

it is Being, encompassing all in all, but the all is not in it, but it is neither a king, nor a ruler, a father nor a mother, a son, or anything of the sort, it is unswayed by an appeal to it, it cannot be commanded, it is not a sound, it is not a reverberation, or a vibration, or some sort of sensual energy, its not a pleasure, and its not a pain, it is neither free nor unfree, it cant be said to come or go, so it cannot come into union, or go out of union, it cannot fade, subside, or even stay around and be cleaved to, it is neither emptiness nor fullness, it is not a negation or an affirmation, and it is not a creator or something created,

>> No.20748918

Religions are inevitable because of vocations. Some people are born to be priests (or monks or whatever) before even knowing about religion, just because they aren't suited for the civil life. Similar case happens for the military. If it weren't for religion, those people wouldn't have a reason to live and would be basically misfits, criminals, addicts and some of them would end up killing themselves. It's in the DNA and in the personality type, there's nothing you can do about it. Just embrace it and enjoy it.

>> No.20748921

>Some people are born to be priests (or monks or whatever) before even knowing about religion, just because they aren't suited for the civil life. Similar case happens for the military.
the idea of "castes" is not absolute but it has basis in reality

>> No.20748927
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At least you’re thinking about God, anon. Next try praying to Him.

>> No.20748933

>I think having a religious tradition is better than just following pop culture or whatever agnostics do. But you're free to make that choice.
there is no "having" there is nothing to have, there is nothing to respect, or to accept, or reject, there is no cessation of it, there is no beginning to it, there is nothing better about it, it is what is best and even then what is above what is best,
>But you're free to make that choice.
Yes but what is the real game with religion? is it a scam, why did people start religions, why did people popularise religions, why do they hold to strange beliefs like God is such and such, he is the Logos, in the Quran as revelation, divine speech, or he is the Incarnated Logos in the flesh,

it seems to be all total nonesense, and what does it have to do with the Absolute, it seems like some degenerated popularised vulgar magic which appeals to the sensibilities of the illiterate, who see peace only in submission,
even though it is nothing to get "sick" about, or dejected by, of course, it still puzzles me, it seems to be just like useful fiction, concocted by people who were deluded, religion has created alot of suffering, has lead to all manner of exploitation, and seems to be the pasttime of the dull and ignorant who cannot truly seize the eternal moment, religion creates dependency, religion is an illusion, it affects your dreams, people have religous dreams and hallucinations, everything about religion is fake, a fraud, a joke. Accepting anything is false, Rejecting anything is false, Religion which comes into effect through Accepting and Rejecting is false,
Pretend "natural theology" is deceitful and there is nothing more unnatural, Religion is a disfigured abomination, a grotesque historical mongrel, set into play by the sick and weak, Religion is a beast which devours and clouds the Pure and Simple Absolute, it is full of obfuscation, its proponents default to obscurantist code language they call theology, religion feeds on weakness, on instability, The absolute is beyond human judgements of true and false, religion is not better off dead, it is fake,

all religous people should be spat upon and shamed for spreading ignorance,
is the real test - accepting and coming to terms with these disgusting mongrels? they are not really disgusting, they are arrogant and ignorant, there is nothing wrong with religous people, I am sorry religous people.

>> No.20748964

praying to god is not necessary, the absolute demands nothing, no prayer, or love, or humility, or pride, or vanity, or peace, or conflict, or happiness or healthiness or sadness or sickness,
I have throughout my life been sickly, I have had a disfigured body, skin diseases, there is no mercy, if i take a knife and drive it through my body i bleed out and die, god does not intervene in anything, god is nowhere he is not a father, or a mother, or a son,
there is no prayer to anything, prayer requires effort, effort implies a movement between inactivity and activity, there is no movement in God who does not fluctuate between active or inactive,
stop trying to fool me with this emotional deception,
God is not real, he is not offended by blasphemy, he is not upset by my lack of prayer, or impressed by my increase of prayer,

God does not circumabulate as activity, we do and we rotate around god in circles of pointless activity which causes suffering, despair, dejection, depression, happiness, joy, bliss, love

theres no point to it, atheism is the truth. there is no ugnliness in the absolute, and neither is their any beauty, there is no image of god to stare upon and admire, there is no image of god to conjure up in the mind and revere, god is beyond both reverence and admiration, and also their contraries, and all contraries which we receive.

God is Gone he is Never coming, Only Death awaits.

>> No.20748974

Dont delude yourself! Your spirit cannot be vanquished, it cannot be lost, it can not be invoked, it cannot be believed, none of it is real, the bible is false, its all false, there is no satan and there is no god, there is nothing, and that nothing is god without all the scaffolding and emotional support to be found in these books which play on the emotions

if there is anything that seems true, it is that all religous people are cattle who will somehow serve the archons who developed their religions enslaved in illusory heavens and world postmortem, harvested for energy to sustain the generated illusions, this is more believable, its all fantasy

>> No.20748992

>Yes but what is the real game with religion? is it a scam, why did people start religions, why did people popularise religions, why do they hold to strange beliefs like God is such and such, he is the Logos, in the Quran as revelation, divine speech, or he is the Incarnated Logos in the flesh,
this is nondifferent from people who watch team sports, and all this, its just more historicla sophisticated and elaborate, no amount of pseudo-intellectualism can change my mind,

>> No.20748999

Such a drama queen. The funny thing is that behind all that edginess you're secretly very interested in religion, you're meditating, thinking, probably even praying or pretending you're praying, fantasizing about having a devout life and looking for that sign of God to show. I can't help but being so happy when somebody attacks religion with such viciousness because that means there'll be another sheep back to the flock in a matter of months or years. Joke is always on us, anon; remember that.

>> No.20749031

>fantasizing about having a devout life and looking for that sign of God to show. I can't help but being so happy when somebody attacks religion with such viciousness because that means there'll be another sheep back to the flock in a matter of months or years. Joke is always on us, anon; remember that.
You are close to reality, ever since I was a child, my biggest idols have been the priests, sages, wise old men, types this is what I view as superior above all else, but I have also had this anarchic antinomian, liberative tendency which has been evident from my youth, uncontrallable, but permanent, solid, immutable, center, core, if anything this is God to me, whenever I read or watch fiction, the "OP" character, or the extremely wise character is always my favourite, the "transcendent" man, the true man, the guy who has risen above all forms,
so I was naturally drawn to pilosophising, and also eventually to religion, but then i encountered the "religous..." these people, so belligerent, so convicted, i even interacted with priests, in my case Christian Orthodox priests,
they Betrayed me, they were not the wise sages, the enlightened philosophers, I have always naturally idolised, i started to realise that "the strong and healthy" purely intellectual tendencies, where absent from modern religions, instead in their place we have this docile "submissive" law-abider, who cries alot, and "cleaves" to his imagination "god" who deludes himself through the repetitions of prayers, who at the same time says he prays to God but does not even acccept the universality of God, "muh exclusive revelation" and all this signalling to the modern slave culture,

so I have decided that enough is enough, religion is a cancer, i feel disgusted by it, these bastards and their submissive, even aggresive behaviour especially with the proseltyism - its disgusting,

i have nothing against genuinely saintly people, but these people do not associate with these corrupt instituions i have noticed,

religion is a betrayal of God.

>> No.20749040

Wait a second this isn't literature

>> No.20749059

>Next try praying to Him.
"Oh, thou all-mighty, I, insignificant worm, kindly ask you to change the pre-determined laws of the universe to my favor, despite the fact that I just debased myself, acknowledging my insignificance. Because I am that speshul, that I am sure that you give a fuck about what some furless ape on some planetary rock drifting in the empty void-space around some giant fireball mumbles to you right now..."

>> No.20749074

> Religion is insufferable bullshit - Why do people here pretend otherwise?
Why do you pretend otherwise? You just made up a religion of your own, and your braindead followers will conceivably be worse than Protestantism.

The problem is not religion. Reality is what it is. The problem is religious organizations and their midwits and NPCs who want to control, govern, and "civilize" people and especially enslave their minds, and souls.

>> No.20749079

Lol keep hating on religion like that and you'll be back in less than a year. I would believe you if you showed indifference towards it, that's hard to fight against. But hate can be turned into love easily. Just give it time.

>> No.20749085

Monotheism outlaws idols. Religious communities do not submit to the changing pop culture to the same extent. See Judaism or Islam in Europe.

>> No.20749086

i didn't read the OP, or any other post in this thread, but i'm going to ask my own question.

how do you start believing in what the bible says? my biggest problem with faith is actually believing things like the story of adam and eve, noah's ark, the fact that Christ truly did rise from the dead and perform various miracles.
i'm too deeply entangled in rational "scientific" thinking, and despite the fact that i'm aware it's cringe, i'm literally stuck in it. it's like a trap.
any anon's that went through this and can give advice?

>> No.20749091

I care very little about belief in particular myself. (not Christian) It is a way of life.

>> No.20749093

not /lit/, go back to plebbit

>> No.20749095

Sola Scriptura is heretic. Don't try to understand it or rationalize it on your own, reason is not the tool to know God. Just start praying and attending mass.

>> No.20749096

i respect that. i'm personally not able to live life without some sense of higher purpose; perhaps that speaks to my cowardice or somthing, but frankly i don't care. this life is too bleak without something justifying the suffering.
i'm curious though: how do you cope with such horrible things as the meaningless suffering of children and stuff like that?

>> No.20749111

this doesn't compute with my brain at all. i don't know how to believe something without reason to believe it. maybe that's my problem; but if the only solution is to believe in spite of the lack of reason, i may never get over the hurdle

>> No.20749135

>i'm too deeply entangled in rational "scientific" thinking, and despite the fact that i'm aware it's cringe, i'm literally stuck in it.
it's right under your nose, anon. these stories you want to believe are based on even older, pre-christian stories. noah's ark is one of many tellings of the great flood, based upon an earlier mesopotamian legend. if is to be asserted that the entirety of history before christ was tailor-made by ne'er-do-wells to subvert christianity, then it would imply literary genius beyond the works of the world's greatest known authors. for some reason, i don't particularly believe that every other world religion ever was created to tempt people away from christianity
>yes i understand that's an exaggeration
what i often remember is that the eastern woodlands native americans have oral tales regarding the flooding of the minas basin on the atlantic coast, in terms of relevant timeframe the stories also generally anthropomorphize what is now known as the giant beaver.
i don't know what it is you seek to gain by "believing" in christianity because it seems like you are already well beyond

>> No.20749149

Reason is a human tool. It's limited and flawed. It works fine with issues from the material world at our scale of space-time but fails at other levels of reality or when that scale in the material universe goes higher or lower.

Us trying to know God is like your red blood cells trying to know you. They don't have the tools to ever meet you, they don't have any proof of your existence in their immediate world, a lot of them won't believe they are a part of another human being from a higher level of reality, and yet you are real.