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20743924 No.20743924 [Reply] [Original]

>being born is... LE BAD

Unironically antinatalist is right.

>> No.20743934

seek christ, tranny. there's no "non-existence" it's your loose asshole frying in eternal hellfire

>> No.20743944

What if souls pre-exist and you're saving one from suffering more by having it be born in a first world country instead of a dimension where you live 1,000,000,000,000,000 years and the only sensation is pain.

>> No.20743960

Being born is one of the greatest treasures you could get. It is beyond the dichotomy of good and band. Antinatalists lack the Faustian spirit of a growing people. They do not see the great adventure in being alive and reduce everything to whether or not they receive pleasure from it because they are defective. Defective minds will have defective beliefs.

>> No.20743984

Refuted by St Augustine long ago.
Absence of good is evil. Not just a particular kind of evil, it is reversible. Evil is the absence of good.

>> No.20743985

Granted if you weren't here, we wouldn't be posting in this dumbass thread so, so far so true.

>> No.20743988

/lit/ literature?

>> No.20744004

>Doesn't know about David Benatar or heard about his masterpiece of a book

>> No.20744011
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>> No.20744017

>The jewss!!!!

Typical poltard.

>> No.20744035


>> No.20744037

And they were right this time

>> No.20744040

>the absence suffering is good
>the absence of pleasure is neither good nor bad
how is the absence of suffering, as a total absence, not just as neutral as the absence of pleasure

>> No.20744052

Because suffering is... LE BAD, unironically

>> No.20744054

You still had to check?

>> No.20744066

I did not have to, no. I already knew. I posted for the retards who read and spam that schlock because they just started reading and anti-natalism is fashionable for midwits on twitter and tiktok

>> No.20744079

Weirdly, they do create a lot of horrible things. Even their art is rarely beautiful or pleasing.

>> No.20744086

Just dumb rationalization.

>> No.20744093

I hate my parents so much; I wish I'd never been born. Who could possibly inflict this hell on another? What kind of monster could? The average fucking human. What a joke.

Fuck existence.

>> No.20744095

That's not the point, the total lack of qualities of a non-existent thing is.

>> No.20744103

you're being childish, lemme fix your life for you
>hit the gym
>find a good job
>start going to church
>get involved with local community
>find a white wife and pump her full of kids
happiness guaranteed, and not just in this life

>> No.20744107

People will say this and then spend their whole life watching Netflix and doing nothing.

>> No.20744118
File: 142 KB, 1221x1007, Kill Yourself.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do a flip the, faggot.

>> No.20744127

Life is worthless regardless of what you do or how accomplished you are in it. See: Voltaire, Charles V, Julian, Johnson, etc..

You are the sort of mouth breather who probably actually enjoys existence. Go fuck yourself and your girlfriend.

>> No.20744140

Many such cases

>> No.20744145

>See: Voltaire, Charles V, Julian, Johnson, etc..

You're under the impression life exists to give worth. Life is happening and it's your choice not to enjoy it, especially in the modern world since life is easier than it ever has been, but struggling and learning knew things and having adventures is the most fun for me.

>> No.20744147

Imagine truly believing this - you must be shielded from all suffering and live the most mothered middle-class existence to think this is an answer to anything

>> No.20744156

Not everyone is a pathetic loser like you, bud

>> No.20744166

Read Ecclesiastes

Neech died miserable and alone—as we all will. If life isn't pleasant to live through then there's no point. If there's no value than there's no way to mutate that value into anything else, anything, else. An individual can only throw himself on God or some collective. God is dead and collectives are comprised of humans, the most abhorrent creatures imaginable.

>> No.20744171

Post chin

>> No.20744178 [DELETED] 
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>no u

>> No.20744184

>the way you die dictates your life

He lived a very robust existence and nice life for a scholar. Summers in Switzerland and winters in Italy. Hiking mountains daily. Vigorous readings and exercise. Sounds like paradise.

>> No.20744188
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The only reason you idolize the life of your average middle class normie is because you can’t achieve it yourself.

>> No.20744195

I have a trust fund and live on a beach house and will surf, read, and write every day of my life until I die. Sad, pathetic miserable fucks like you deserves to get bullied for being mentally weak losers who are crying out for attention

>> No.20744205

Jesus Christ you sound like you have low IQ.

>> No.20744213

How can you not enjoy the fact this planet is capable of intelligent life. Why wallow about this anomaly and not embrace it? Even if you eradicated everyone, this planet could just repeat it all again.

>> No.20744224
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IQ is lame. It's not a coincidence that antinatalists have such pathetic bodies and lives. It's weakness incarnate, and incarnate at the choice of the antinatalist. I'd respect antinatalists more if they'd actually follow their beliefs and kill themselves.

>> No.20744231

>Read Ecclesiastes
Funny how Chrysostom, Evagrius, Jerome, Procopius, Theodore of Mopsuete, etc didn't read any such cringe bullshit in there. The based inspired writer recognized how lame was life with a still transcendent God and longed for mystical union that would only start later. Sure was about antinatalism.

>> No.20744394

Step 6
>post on 4chan about it, rendering it obvious you do none of the above

>> No.20744400

Oh yeah? My uncle works at nintendo and I have playstation 6 already

>> No.20744414

>attempts to refute that suffering is bad by using threats of eternal suffering as a deterrent
christards ain’t too bright

>> No.20744525

you don't even have one of those? seriously?

>> No.20744650

Antinatalism is for numales

>> No.20744724
File: 7 KB, 300x168, 23E32EC2-8739-453D-82EC-CFA76ED84089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am rich
Being normcattle would not make me happy, thoughever

>> No.20744732

Very cool post, anon! Thanks for sharing!

>> No.20744737

You didn't sound very christian though

>> No.20744738

ok, now name ONE person who has achieved non-existence

>> No.20744746

>mouth breather who probably actually enjoys existence
You know that the ones who don't enjoy existence are way more likely to be mouth breathers. I don't even have to state this.

>> No.20744747

>x doesn't exist, it's just lack of y
sounds like nihilism

>> No.20744754

>Give me crack and anal sex
>Take the only tree that's left
>And stuff it up the hole
>In your culture
>Give me back the Berlin wall
>Give me Stalin and St. Paul
>I've seen the future, brother
>It is murder

>> No.20744760

>if you post on 4chan youre a loser
Bullshit. If I told you how successful I am, you would call me a lier.

>> No.20744791

In an intuitive way I feel that the question 'would it be better no have never been born' is somehow meaningless or self-contradictory but I can't figure out how to articulate it. Like it's one of those Wittgensteinian things about how philosophy problems extend words beyond the contexts that give them meaning, and therefore create these insoluble-because-meaningless problems. Too midwit though.

>> No.20744802

I don't mind having been born, it's the "being abandoned by God himself" part that I take issue with.

>> No.20744859

Could you give me the address of Christ ?

>> No.20744876

>Unironically antinatalist is right.
You're agreeing with homosexuals and trannies and billionaires. 100% not right.

>> No.20744882

that's jsut hedonism and freaking out when boredom sets in

>> No.20744895

yeah women, bourgeois and generic atheists live for hedonism

>> No.20744937

>getting phone fixed
>pale softspoken girl with same posture as virgin meme, dark college shirt and black gym trunks walks into store
>locked out of her phone
>stifling my laughter hysterically when she keeps putting hands in her pockets, cant take a picture of it so it didnt happen

>> No.20744938

So being wage slave is such great fun for you.
>struggling and learning knew things and having adventures is the most fun for me.
Sound like cope to me.
I would much prefer killing myself than to have wake up 9oclock every fucking morning and sit down to computer iny remote job doing shit I don't care about and no one I like even needs it
I would kill myself if I was so sure only thing awaiting me is comfy nonexistence with 0 pain and 0 pleasure

>> No.20744947

its not being born is LE bad but "being is LE BAD"
You just saying "is" is (lmao) confirmation of being

>> No.20744960

How about you post your name and address and we'll see how much of a big man you are, fucking pussy.

>> No.20744977

Everyone that off themselves.

>> No.20744987

I'd get banned for a week 30 seconds after making a thread like this
Fuck janniggers

>> No.20745245

Why do you larpers come to 4chan?

>> No.20745250

Cry more, bud. Maybe if you continue wallow like a little bitch on 4chan you will eventually realize you are a loser and hopefully become a man one day

>> No.20745261

>"being abandoned by God himself"
Man abandoned God. It was also upgraded 1992 years ago, anon.

>> No.20745271

Yeah thought so. You're just another LARPing faggot on the internet, like all the rest of them. Sissy bitch.

>> No.20745272

Suffering is not necessarily bad and pleasure is not necessarily good. I don’t understand how people can reach this conclusion. It is like saying broccoli is bad since I don’t like it, but candy good. All suffering is, is a compass that points the way to survival. Suffering is the only true catalyst for growth and improvement. If I stub my toe, I learn to walk less like a jackass. Since I think growth and improvement are the ultimate goal and how could I view suffering as only bad. I dunno the whole anti-Nataist philosophy comes off as childish and I am not even a natalist.

Also life is optional. No one forces people to live to continue to live. Anti-Natalist will complain that our biological urges make us want to live while forgetting that we are literally our biological urges.

>> No.20745670

Anti-natalism is a product of the brainrot known as anglo philosophy