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/lit/ - Literature

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20740043 No.20740043 [Reply] [Original]

If you're bad at video games or chess or the like, just stop reading, you dont deserve it. You only deserve to do manual labor because you were born with passive slave brains.All reading should be earned with objective display of intellect: if you are bad at those, you are actually a dullard no matter how esoteric books you read.

You're on the level of people who have nothing to do in life but become alcoholics and addicts and the like, except you're even stupider for not realizing thats your only choice.

>> No.20740063

Play me. You play with the white pieces, I play with black.

>> No.20740074

no. only booze now.

>> No.20740093

Yeah because you're bad at chess.

>> No.20740103

yes but so are many others here, they need to take a good look in the mirror and stop jerking off becuase they'll never be actually intelligent and creative and embrace the only real solution that exists that is pyschoactive substances.

>> No.20740104

Wrong. Reading through my passive peasant IQlet brain gives me whole new and different experience, not like your nerd analysis but like banal copying melting in another copies of other people's work producing retarded amalgam which is massively superior perspective and more broad in scope.

>> No.20740106

>If you're bad at video games
does this mean 99,99999% of women are stupid?

>> No.20740116

Why should anyone here take advice from your passive slave brain? You're not even good at chess.

>> No.20740119

drown in your pathetic defeatism but stop bothering other people with your shit threads.

>> No.20740127

because theres so many retards here who are just barely hiding it. to them i say, just let it out. you'll never be good, you'll never be perceptive, you'll always be average. There is nothing in books for you. Only in booze.

>> No.20740129


>> No.20740145

lol i fucked up. Not op btw

>> No.20740146

I'm the challengeposter. GG, what's your rating? I really suck against the english so I was worried for a bit.

>> No.20740174

I used to be ~1300 on but I haven't played in over a year. I'd probably be 1000-1100 if I made a new account.

>> No.20740197

Is that a lichess rating? I think you'd be higher than that. I'm 1800 which is nothing to write home about either (nobody respects the retards bellow 2000), but when somebody posts garbage about chess and intelligence like the op, I'm always 99% sure I can beat them.

>> No.20740220

it doesnt matter what i am but what i said is fact. too many people think attaching themselves to books like some retard mbti (guenon = mystical infj etc.) makes them intelligent. it doesn't, they're still stupid, actually even stupider than the bums who at least were smart enough to make the conclusion of giving up.

>> No.20740243

Playing chess is a skill that can be improved upon and so is reading. The only one connecting these things to some nebulous concept of intelligence is you. You must be really insecure if you think that people only read to farm IQ points.

>> No.20740581

>video games
>objective display of intellect
Bait post

>> No.20740598

wow you guys sucked at chess, no attack

>> No.20740678 [DELETED] 

Yes and 0,00001% are even stupider than those!

>> No.20740720

you need jesus

>> No.20740790

Doing well at chess or games will make you a worse reader, and you would deserve it for training the wrong muscles, king.

>> No.20740796

imagine telling yourself this

>> No.20740802

I am telling this to you. I already knew it.

>> No.20740816

Reminder that everyone itt but me is a pathetic fatalist and atheist coward.

>> No.20740822

Imagine making such a supercilious post whilst also having such glaring errors in said post.
I’m embarrassed for you and your grotesque hubris.

>> No.20740827

Hmph. You are not worth my time you pathetic little insect. Good thing your kidneys will fail soon.

>> No.20740831

>I am telling this to you. I already knew it.
lol that must've been a really witty comment in your simple head, much like your meme investment in anti-atheism makes you feel pride for blatant displays of stupidity that everyone can see through.

>> No.20740835


>> No.20740844

OP here.
I suck cocks.

>> No.20741053

People who are good at chess >2400 FIDE don't have time to read anything that isn't about chess.

>> No.20741095


>> No.20741113

>You need to be pathetic like me
What creates people like this?

>> No.20741117


>> No.20741119

Svidler is a big fan of Terry Pratchett and think I remember Aronian mentioning somewhere that he loves reading fiction.

>> No.20741128

Lol wtf was that? It's been a while since I've seen somebody blundering their queen two different ways at the same time.

>> No.20741156

you think reading books isn't pathetic? books exist just for very high iq to either influence and manipulate others directly, or as social capital or, if actually read, as a self-satisfied ego stroking that one can learn so much other things and still also find the time to read all sorts of silly things. beyond that, books are useless, they have no point, and reading them is stupid. and anyone that broadcasts their reading without the halo of actual achievement is just stupid for not realizing the above factors, eagerly participating in other people's egostrokes.

>> No.20741161

so this is the power of /lit/...
willing to give you fags one more chance to redeem yourself

>> No.20741164

I'm currently getting filtered by Sekiro's final boss and I agree desu

>> No.20741165

Are you OP?

>> No.20741182


>> No.20741198

books are just easier to create compared to something like a film, also cheaper

>> No.20741202

That disgusting blunder.. it's past 1am where I live. Good game anon

>> No.20741203
File: 67 KB, 730x630, 1585744256702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed mate in 1, Jesus I'm retarded

>> No.20741206

That flag with mate in two on the board was peak clownshow. Thanks for the wild ride, boys.

>> No.20741210
File: 954 KB, 220x249, 1657170705515.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20741211

That wasn't me but I'll play you.

>> No.20741212


>> No.20741216

>you think reading books isn't pathetic?
Yes. A book only exists to record information. Reading it is not inherently bad because not all information is the same.
>I jack off all day, can't actually play chess and get wasted on booze but you need to be pathetic like me
Fixed your whining for you.

>> No.20741218
File: 47 KB, 702x468, tig-e1571747076416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20741221

>putting video games on the same level as chess
Sounds like you have the “passive slave brain” kek

>> No.20741224


>> No.20741234

Dumbest shit I've ever read. You could make this argument about any form of art or creation in general. Honestly you just sound like a paranoid midwit. In what way is something like Karamazov "self-satisfied ego stroking"? This is pure projection. Aristotle's Categories exist to influence and manipulate me directly? Get the fuck out of here. If anything books embody this phenomenon much less than any other medium of communication. Ever been on social media?

>> No.20741255

Fuck I got smashed.

>> No.20741261


>tfw literal alcoholic retail worker and have been learning chess theory on and off for the last 18 months

Well this hit close to home.

>> No.20741272

You up for a game?https://lichess.org/0vkC3eOA

>> No.20741293

Awww poor baby is having a drunken meltdown because he's bad at chess. Let's leave the poor sullen anon alone. He clearly has it hard than most people.

>> No.20741295

If you have to learn theory you will never make it to 2800. Chess is all about instinct.

>> No.20741333

Somebody should've told that to the super GMs, I'm sure they'd love it if they didn't have to have entire teams of people sifting through opening lines and then presenting them with mountains of theory that they have to study.>>20741295

>> No.20741343


No, he's 90% right. The reason why a few kids excel at it is raw talent, then learning theory is just polishing your game at that point/doing it as your job since it's how you make a living.


>implying I'm capable of blitz

>> No.20741367

Well yeah if you're aiming to become a strong GM then obviously there's talent at play, but that's no reason to just skip opening theory early on. When GMs say that they didn't start studying theory until 2XXX rating, it doesn't mean that they literally knew no lines until then.

>> No.20741377


>> No.20741392

You're fucking pathetic op. Your post is classic incel behavior 101 where you see the world through black and white and think you have it all figured out. Start by using less of your incel, sulky behavior and go do something with your life ffs.

>> No.20741401
File: 1.14 MB, 1123x628, anima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philosophical exchange is akin to playing board games.—in both cases you predict moves, and get so ahead that you could set traps if you wanted to; poetical philosophy itself slides as smooth as a deck of cards, except that instead of dwelling on numbers, one roams in letters.

>> No.20741402

top-tier b8

>> No.20741408


>> No.20741420

Holy shit this is the seething anon who was refuted by Guenonchads.

>> No.20741451

babby's first time reading life: a user's manual ?

>> No.20741456

I'm good at a kind of chess: boxing