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/lit/ - Literature

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20739688 No.20739688 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ Hate You Guys. Srsly.

Previously >>20733415

>> No.20739697

I've never met a person who disliked Nietzsche who understood what he meant

>> No.20739715

I'm not even sure which one Nietzsche is.
Is it the mustache man?
I don't like philosophy and I hate literature.

>> No.20739724

Haven't posted on this site in a while and this new captcha system is driving me nuts.

>> No.20739726

Indeed he is mustache man. Curious you'd find yourself in this thread given those tastes

>> No.20739728

isnt the most misunderstand comes from alleged that Nietzsche and Nazism connection?

>> No.20739730

/lit/‘s been slowly improving.

>> No.20739736

I think I have NO MEANING OCD so whenever I experience something meaningful my mind goes BUT THERE IS NO MEANING BENEATH IT and not even in a reddit nihilism type way like uhh the sun goes boom later Xd but just a picture of two people in a room with the lights on while it's raining and stormy outside, just this cozy feeling BUT IT ISNT REAL BECAUSE ABOVE THE CLOUDS THE SUN IS SHINING so that was what's in my mind BUT IT DOESN'T MATTER

>> No.20739757

I felt the same and thought I would never get used to it. you will get used to it surprisingly quickly.

>> No.20739762

I need to do something about my life, take risks, get something moving, try something

>> No.20739779

What's stopping you?

>> No.20739791

Think I'm gonna start acting more like Michael Keaton and Burt Reynolds, like some sort of hybrid of the two.

>> No.20739803

Haven't been here for a while but I do check in every month or so, the board has become something I'm willing to post in again.
Focus on yourself and what you can do in your area of influence. You can always look on a grander or smaller scale to see how little we have control over. But you have control over what you do, does anything else really matter to you?

>> No.20739844

Artificial Intelligence rather refers to a crowd of idiots who have been fed contrived mis and disinformation; a "constructed; manufactured, intelligence," which is, in other words, the denizens of the clickbait internet with their small consensus of manufactured popularity serving as a peer review basis (or a fake version of humanity) to generate perceptions of popularity for this, dislike for that.

Artificial Intelligence, in the sense of a "thinking machine" is impossible; a machine can impersonate and pass better than a human in some instances, but actual "genius intelligence of a machine" is a kind of religious desire. At best a human exoskeleton with a plastic face and a TSS reader keyboard will be used by a human.

>> No.20739890

Sod off faggot.

>> No.20739894

I fucking hate people that psychoanalyze now.
I make a post describing that I'm in-between happiness and sadness and now I'm bipolar.
So fucking cringe, just shut up.

>> No.20739917

I've always found it a bit ironic that the industry standard machine learning models involve scraping huge data sets from the internet, when broad swaths of the internet is a howling abyss of idiocy and misinformation. There is no way for such statistical induction system to exceed or transcend its inputs. At best it can get successively better at mimicking its inputs. General intelligence is autonomous and is not constrained by its inputs. Until we have AI that can "think for itself" independently of training data, current AI models will merely demonstrate an unsubtle imitation of its inputs.

You do have some models that for example can generate scientific hypotheses or detect fraud or solve various biochemistry problems like the protein conformation, but even so these are just brute force results involving the aggregation of vast statistical data and combinatorial possibilities. There is no such thing as a creative AI.

>> No.20739919

Every day is a blessing.

>> No.20739936

>make a post describing that I'm in-between happiness and sadness
>So fucking cringe, just shut up.

>> No.20739960

fear and a feeling that everything will go wrong no matter what

>> No.20739962

On a write what’s on your mind thread.
How new are you?

>> No.20739966

check these quads

>> No.20739975
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>> No.20739982

So close bro

>> No.20739989

so close, yet so far

>> No.20739988

Don't try to be cute.

>> No.20740001

Maybe next time mate

>> No.20740003

I hate myself and my fellow man.

>> No.20740006

I love Jesus

>> No.20740013

He loves you too :)

>> No.20740014


>> No.20740015

Hate him too. Cunt.

>> No.20740022

It's probably just a sex thing.

>> No.20740035

Whether I should continue my Japanese studies.

>> No.20740037

I dont understand the anticapitalism screeching. We live in a society (tm) where all the filthy poors deserved their poverty. Doctors and engineers are all very well paid. So is all the skilled labor. Hell even most mechanics, plumbers and electricians can go private contract/self employment route and own houses. Most of the working class is voting conservative/center right because capitalist status quo is working out for them.
Hell we can even have these comic relief side careers such as entertainers and sportsball stars and soundcloud rappers and onlyfans and nepotism/welfare/diversity hires making it.

If you are poor in modern society, I dont fucking understand how are you justifying this.
Everyone has access to buy/sell stocks and bonds.
Everyone has access to universities.
Everyone skilled has access to good jobs, im talking retirement in your 40s jobs.

You pretty much have to be a certified retard to fail, you know, the gulag fodder if we lived under some soviet type government. If you are a face tattoo convict with credit card debt to buy gucci lattes and fashion jewelry complaining 20 hours a day on twitter you cant get a job other than mopping floors, I dont get how is this capitalisms fault.

>> No.20740054

Fucking stupid bait bro. Try harder next time.

>> No.20740070

Is there something you can comfortably try to change?

>> No.20740092

People keep parking next to a yellow line which blocks traffic where I live. It's only slightly annoying. I told a guy that parked there he's a vegetable. He told me to have a good day and I told him to go fuck himself. I regret it a little now. He should still go fuck himself with his fake veneer of courtesy.

>> No.20740120

Not an argument.

>> No.20740139

stop wasting so much time in front of a computer I guess

>> No.20740142

Neither was your post.

>> No.20740168

That's a good step, what are you going to do with your time instead?

>> No.20740196

Jesus loves me, this I know
For the Bible tells me so

>> No.20740210

I think you'll find that's only true,
if'n you're a dirty jew.

>> No.20740231

>Until we have AI that can "think for itself" independently
Why would this be desirable when a human in a job thinking for itself and figuring out better faster ways to do the job better is gone to great lengths to be put out of that job?

Still I don't think this is possible anyway, but if it were possible it would be desired by nobody for the same reasons that a smart child pointing out some obvious local social conceit (a lie taken as truth on part of one society which is immediately obvious as a lie and as a bad/error/cause-of-problem to outsiders) is punished for doing so.

>> No.20740244

I've been growing weary as of late.

>> No.20740260

Indeed, the truth that many people never understand, until it is too late, is that the more you try to avoid suffering, the more you suffer, because smaller and more insignificant things begin to torture you, in proportion to your fear of being hurt. The one who does most to avoid suffering is, in the end, the one who suffers the most: and his suffering comes to him from things so little and so trivial that one can say that it is no longer objective at all. It is his own existence, his own being, that is at once the subject and the source of his pain, and his very existence and consciousness is his greatest torture.

>> No.20740273

There's a book I really want to read that's not on z-lib. but the only way to read it is to buy it on amazon kindle and I have a kobo.

>> No.20740275

Common misconception, this. Currency debasement ad speculation on credit isn't nessecarily the same as Consumerism; your hypothetical manchild with his face tattoos is a victim of 'both' of course but the worse of his two gimpy legs is the Consumerism which has him act as if he were a capitalist, by borrowing money, but with no government to bail him out and no manner by which to write off his losses and shutter his person when his debts escalate.

I feel there is a happy medium for the two things to co-exist, but I'm not sure it would be worth the bother to make that argument instead of simply declaring Stalinism and shooting the dissenters. From a statist pov, this is the most reasonable course.

>> No.20740288

What do they smell like?

>> No.20740309
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>> No.20740314

Jesus is Lord.

>> No.20740318
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>> No.20740528

It's improved immensely since the Peterson craze began to run out of steam. It was better back in the early 2010s tho.

>> No.20740556

I don't think there's a philosopher who goes harder than Heidegger.

>> No.20740588

>anon is a Heidnigger

>> No.20740595

convince me not to buy an e-book that's not on z-lib

>> No.20740601
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I entrust my whole life principles to LindyMan
There has never been a pill redder for me. This shit's crimson, vermillion pilled.
It may seem mere conservatard "old things good" at first glance... but it's actually far wiser, and yet so simple.

It's Lindy.

>> No.20740606

try soulseek and if its not there then you are truly out of luck

>> No.20740703

Wagie, wagie, you seethe and you ragie
Hurry up and answer the beeping pagie
It’s no time to masturbate nor be lazy,
You need to get to work and get inside the cagie,
There’s outcomes to manage and community to engagie,
So eat your slop while your threads get sagey…

>> No.20740706 [DELETED] 

why hasn't biden asked everyone to stop having anal sex orgies for two weeks to stop the spread of monkeypox?

>> No.20740709

better than the image bullshit

>> No.20740726

What comes first, thought or neurotransmitter movement? If the former, then what and where is thought? If the latter, then we can control molecular movement? Neither makes sense desu. What am I missing.

>> No.20740733
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; Then I drove to the car wash, and threw away some trash from the passenger footwell, and vacuumed the remaining mouse shit: particularly the mouse shit I have always neglected to vacuum out under the rear window; Then I drove to target, bought laundry detergent, and an electric razor (one suitable for maintaining a beard, not eliminating one, as does the electic razor I have had); Then I went to sprouts, bought a GALLON of raw milk, some potatoes, and EGGS (which I have forgotten to buy the past several times I have meant to). At sprouts, they had 3 unusual carts perpendicular along the way of the self-checkout -- These small carts were labeled with "everything 99c". I picked out some oat bars -- pretty good; no seed oils, only seeds, and no puffed rice!! -- and an entire container of these chocolate-colored seed bars. "Seed powered" they were advertised. The package was unopened, but partially perforated through. These were probably meant to be on "display" within the cart, but I tried it and made out to purchase the entire thing. It rang for 20 dollars. The assistance came slowly, and in time I found I had access to a 'Remove' button side on the list. It did nothing but advertise what "help" I needed on the screen. Understaffed, one member was busy coupon clipping some bitch in front, next to my stand. Another was busy disassembling the machine opposite, presumably because the fitbunny bitchdumb couldn't get her cash back. Finally, the former came to swipe a card through the redscan. But when I clicked the checkout, the coupon companion came second time about then FINALLY I could slide. My card's old, I push it in. No cash back for me today, I'm saving.

>> No.20740741
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>> No.20740753

Was it about the food?

>> No.20740815

Do not read the character of the logically primitive phenomenon off the model of its logically alienated counterpart!

>> No.20740824

I've been growing tomatoes

>> No.20740858

How are they doing? Ripening?

>> No.20740869

Based and redpilled.

>> No.20740877

What are you saving for?

>> No.20740895

the people I see at the gym and the people I see at Walmart are a different species

>> No.20740919

I learned that all my mental problems disappear when I stop caring. I get all those intrusive thoughts in my head and then I think "who cares?" and they go away. Wtf it's that easy to get rid of depression?

>> No.20740921

They're both the same species, actually. What you're thinking of is demographics.

>> No.20740969

Over the last few years, I’ve become really interested in film, but I’m probably way too old to get started in something like that now.

>> No.20740971

I have finally admitted to myself that I believe in communism

>> No.20740979 [DELETED] 

finally gave into resentment and envy huh?

>> No.20740980
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Girls can smell autism through the screen, I'm sure of it. I'm attractive enough to regularly match with good looking girls but I can't stop scaring the hoes away. It's the way I come across in my messages, it has to be. Unironically, how do normies message eachother in 2022? Someone needs to write a comprehensive guide for this shit man, I'm so fucking out of touch

>> No.20740999

Finish things I have to do, mostly related to college because I'm late to finish it, I'll start some physical activity to become healthier and I'll also try to become more social and meet new people to stop being the awkward hermit I was my entire life.

>> No.20741021

1st of all don't post women on 4chan with their location, that's not very nice and karmically bad.
2nd of all give us an example of how you text so we can actually help you.

>> No.20741032

>1st of all don't post women on 4chan with their location
shut up bitch

>> No.20741045

this isn't how you will find love

>> No.20741082

I still get it wrong some of the time. I hate the sliding one so much.

>> No.20741090

i'm married you dumb cunt i don't need love

>> No.20741097

What am I looking at

>> No.20741104

>karmically bad

> help you

how are you married? surely just try and remember the few sentences you used on that dumb cow and repeat the same formula, dodo.

try and look as pitiful as you can, like you did with that one, and you may find yourself asked in for a can of soup.

>> No.20741108

Men don't love you. They call you a bitch and a cunt behind your back and will cheat on you.
Don't date them.

>> No.20741111

macduffins patented bi-polar cure-all,
usually the mood turns sour when the moon is in the green, but i think we're in the red at the moment, which is odd, because i've felt unusually impatient today and noticed the same in others. this anomaly was last observed three years ago. it's actually very rare.

>> No.20741115

grabbed that bitch by the throat threw her into the ropes body slammed her and told her dad she's mine now

>> No.20741123

jeez, anon, sounds like her dad can fill in for her tonight.

>> No.20741124
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How do the japs feel about being such a popular country? Like there's probably millions at this point, of people around the world learning your language only because they enjoy your cartoons, videogames and because the writing system looked real cool on some cyberpunk pictures. How do they feel about that?

>> No.20741131

no he's a big burly fella he could fuck your dad up whore

>> No.20741134

Hardnigger is okay but Sharpnigger is better.

>> No.20741146

sounds like he has a really tight arsehole then, no? Why don't you see if he's lonesome tonight? i mean, you may as well keep it in the family, senpai.

>> No.20741147

hi Alex

>> No.20741153

I unironically wish you would kys

>> No.20741157

Do firstoids really

>> No.20741160

why don't you ask him yourself? give me your home address and i'll tell him to stop by

>> No.20741189

my address is route 1 box 127, stilwell oklahoma. i'll be at charlies chicken in a few hours for my supper. you're welcome to swing by with the big girl and ask for Frank.

>> No.20741219
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Sadness is the natural state of existence, those who are not sad are intoxicated by "will". They are trapped in the cycle of pain and boredom.

>> No.20741231
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I made this.

>> No.20741271

I imagine they find it a combination of flattering and embarrassing, maybe endearing. Reminds me of all of those people from Africa and the middle east who tried to copy Hollywood and make 'big American movie' with a bunch of tribals wearing blue jeans and pretending to have western names. Although given that their culture is really fucking old and runs deep and ours much less so they may find it somewhat insulting for a foreigner to think they can grasp what they perceive as superficialities, like 'what the language's written characters happen to look like' or something.

>> No.20741291
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Your autism will never leave you, but you can use it. You must evolve. Grow. You must embrace a weakness to create a strength.

>> No.20741294

>given that their culture is really fucking old and runs deep
mud and sticks is not culture

>> No.20741302

That's literally enlightenment. Just remembering to go "Wait I don't give a shit" when stuff happens is 99% of the way there.

>> No.20741309

If your ancestors have been passing down the same mud and sticks along with a thousand years worth of stories about them since time immemorial I'd call it culture or at least something close enough to function as it.

>> No.20741312

git pull

>> No.20741360

based and capitalistpilled. look at all the seething pinkos

>> No.20741375

>If your ancestors have been passing down the same mud and sticks along with a thousand years worth of stories about them
then they'd have a thousand years of stories in addition to everything africans did

>> No.20741382

You've lost me, what are we talking about?

>> No.20741384

Have you tried apathy towards the problems of the world and of those around and near you? You stress too much, why do you stress? It all goes to zero, so gamble or enjoy with whatever you have in life.

>> No.20741386

How you're wrong.

>> No.20741389

No I got that but wrong about what part and in what way specifically

>> No.20741395

they dont really think about us

>> No.20741502

>Want to learn French
>Civilization will collapse by 2040 and Spanish will be a more useful second language (I'm a burger)
What do

>> No.20741524

ce n'est pas tres difficile.
especially if you just want to be able to read it

>> No.20741533

Learn Old Norse.

>> No.20741684

Ive been gone for about a week. Did I miss anything?

>> No.20741692

Yeah i stopped posting for a while

>> No.20741735

My end goal would be to read and write in French

>> No.20741752

I'll call you a bitch and a cunt to your face

>> No.20741755

you could accomplish that goal faster than you think

>> No.20741881
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Just read Hume's Of Suicide. Nice, short read and surprisingly uplifting.
Link if anyone is interested:

>> No.20741933

Been thinking about how there isnt anything natural or spontaneous about enjoyment. Meaning everything that people find enjoyable is connected to our learned behavior and culture. If we were to put a person from the 21st century to lets say to the year 2300 he would probably feel miserable because he feels completely disconnected from society.

>> No.20741979


>> No.20741986

I'm learning French now and I don't know why. Sometimes I think I'm stupid for doing so because I have no end goal. I just think it's cool and it isn't too difficult or too easy.
Why? What kinds of things do you want to read and write?

>> No.20741992

I appreciate your transparency. I know right away to avoid you. Cheers.

>> No.20741994

>not “based and red sauced”
Missed opportunities anon.

>> No.20742016

apprends le
still dont know what this means lol

>> No.20742019

I didn't mean it baby, I love you.

>> No.20742041

It astounds me that there are anons here who spend all their days here, shitposting on /lit/.

>> No.20742056

I rolled a six-faced cube that has a range of six dots, one dot in an indent in the middle of one of the faces and six dots, three on one side of the face and three on the other side of the three dots of the other side of the face in a uniform pattern, on the face of the opposite side of the face with the one dot on the indent of the face of the six-faced cube, the two dots of the face with two dots on the six-faced cube that has a range of six dots has one dot in the corner of one of the faces and the other dot in the other corner of the two dotted face and the five dotted face was on the opposite face to the face with two dots on the six-faced cube, the other two faces had one with three dots similar to the two dotted face but with another dot in the middle totaling three dots and the opposite to the three dotted face is the four dotted face with one dot in each corner of the face of the four dotted face of the six-faced cube with a range of six dots, and the face that the roll landed on was the face with only one dot that has one dot printed in an indent on the face of the one dot of the six-faced cube.

>> No.20742116

Why do people make threads about questions they can search up in a minute.

>> No.20742191

As an elite I can confirm most of what the distinguished scholar says in this video. We use boards like this as a tool for communion with spirits like people used to use sheep intestines.

>> No.20742229

I wish I could stop panicking and crying so easily. I go from perfectly fine to in tears and flipping the fuck out at the drop of a hat. I cry a lot at night but that's more so because of the constant anxiety about the future.

>> No.20742266


>> No.20742269

they like the attention

>> No.20742286


There is subtle cues of social normalcy depending on status and what part of the country you live in. The middle and working classes in America have devolved into orcs at this point so unless you made it into a good college or live in a nice area, you won't have an easy time making friends or finding a good partner. Act more like a nigger when texting women and you'll seem more "likeable"

>> No.20742291

to interact with frens

>> No.20742305

Is there anything comfier than a Snoopy comic?

>> No.20742426

Bros why does my dad keep hounding me to get a gf? Why can't he respect that I'm a volcel

>> No.20742493

he's right

>> No.20742501

>but it's actually far wiser, and yet so simple.
Yes, it's literally "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".
Can you? What search engines do you use? Google doesn't even let you search for exact phrases with quotation marks anymore. It's fucking impossible to get any actual information, and 90% of results are from content mills featuring listicles written by people with no expertise just rehashing content from other listcles that probably has it's origins in a Gladwell-tier popularist book

>> No.20742507

/lit/ is healing

>> No.20742515

can snakes literally fuck themselves

>> No.20742518

suspects you're gay

>> No.20742521

what school of thought believes in solving all problems with violence?

>> No.20742532

ayo stop apropreatin our culcha

>> No.20742542

violence as in literal violence or violence as in compulsion and use of force?

>> No.20742546

>White viking, crusader, reformation, colonialist, world war waging, genocidal, serial killers, mass shooters
“Culcha”? Your impression of a Brooklynite, I presume?

>> No.20742554

Crips, Bloods, Sinaloa Cartel, Hells Angels

>> No.20742558

same thing
do you know how exhausting it is to go yippity yap with retards all the time which goes nowhere
people don't respect words simpler to kick their face in
lately i think it's more satisfying that way

>> No.20742566

so why do you need a school of thought to back it up? just decide to fight people and fight

>> No.20742573

so just guided by petty pragmatism? nah

>> No.20742592

where do i get the pep talk to go against bigger people (organizationally) and deal with backlash from society

>> No.20742606

>I'm just gonna beat people until they accept my word unquestioningly
>But in like an ethical kind of way
do not know how to help you with that one bud

what the fuck are you talking about? backlash from society? consequences have actions pimp, if you're gonna beat your way out of problems then you've got to be your own problem solver

>> No.20742717

I freaking hate men desu. If women didn’t have to align themselves financially with men, all men would be alone. Men are unbearable. From their worldviews, from their condsencian, from their everything always. Please stop being the way you are

>> No.20742737

It’s important not to generalize.
I know. The boys on this board always generalize. They suck. Not generalizing, condemning them all, gives hope however small.

>> No.20742743

I don't think that's true. Women need some to talk at.

>> No.20742745

Kill yourselves

>> No.20742768

I wanna believe in the idea of a good man, but even the least objectionable ones are selfish, playery, users

>> No.20742770
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>> No.20742776

People like you give me the impression that being a sociopath is better than being taken advantage of by manipulative spiteful women.

>> No.20742784

Maybe you’re the exception. Maybe I’m just unlucky and burned and have an unfair perspective. Idk who knows. But don’t write off all women because a stranger on a board said a thing.

>> No.20742786

fight fire with fire

>> No.20742788

my confession

My background isn't notable and doesn't need repeating. Poor and vicious midwestern family, lack of education and opportunity. Surrounded from birth by men who were more emotional black-holes than the priests they claimed to be. I was an angry and bitter young man in 2020. Had a plan to kill myself like many others do, and went further and planned to take others out with me.

My target: wherever I could find the most optimism and excitement for the future. The local liberal arts college, known for ludicrously expensive turition and for fostering the previous generation of "globalist elites". I planned to shoot and kill as many people as possible at their spring graduation ceremony, before offing myself. I got as far as staking out the location: plotting kill zones, likely casualty collection points, and vectors of law enforcement response.

By the grace of God this didn't happen, and I cannot express my embarrassment at even bringing this time in my life again. Things wore off and I became older. Finally went and got the emotional help I needed.

Here's the meat of the confession. Since then I've been befriended by people who would have been in that ceremony. most people I know outside of work now are from that group, people I dearly love and value. People who took a chance on me and showed me that another life is possible. Emma, Lucy, Jordan, Malcom, and so many others. Amazing people filled with infectious passion and lust for life.

I do my best to keep my mask up. None of them have any idea the horrors I once planned to inflict on them. I can make myself forget temporarily but the nagging reminder always comes back and I'm not able to look them in the face anymore.

I've considered telling the ones I'm closest with. Throwing myself at their feet and rending my clothes to tears. Another Jean Valjean? The very picture of penitence? I know that a part of my personality, carefully planted by my Calvinist background would savor that feeling. Making myself the object of pity and scorn, as I do often did as a teenager, feeling pleasure from confessing my nocturnal pleasures to my father before being allowed to receive sacrament.

I don't believe it would be fair or just to inflict that vision of myself onto them. Is not doing that cowardice, or prudence? Or even perhaps a form of righteous self denial? Is this confession just more emotional masturbation?

- a fool, a viscious man, and a contrite pseud

>> No.20742798

I hear ya.

>> No.20742800

suck my smelly uncut cock bitch

>> No.20742811

Shove it in a wood chipper, you gutter snipe

>> No.20742837
File: 764 KB, 675x900, 20-439-s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On behalf of men everywhere: SHUT UP HOLE

>> No.20742840

>you gutter snipe
u wot m8?

>> No.20742871

Does anyone else fucking hate those essential oil mist things? They are fucking awful, especially when it's lavender oil. That fucking shit coats my goddamn tongue and tastes like face powder. Fucking awful.

>> No.20742879

Uppity gutterman. Pipe down. That is, close it, or my boot’s goin down yer pipe

>> No.20742910

punish me mommy

>> No.20742931

Holy cringe

>> No.20742932

opens mouth than closes it real fast haha

>> No.20742950

Jesús Crusta

>> No.20742976
File: 40 KB, 500x500, IMG_1912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this would make a good meme
>They Don't Know I Planned To Kill Them
& for the love of God do not tell anybody about this. It's your past, you can come to terms with it without ruining all of your relationships. Just because people don't know everything about you does not mean your relationships with them are fraudulent. Yes people do not want to be friends with a sociopath that wanted to kill everybody because they don't know you like you do, there's no way for them to know you've changed, they don't feel your regret, they would only hear what you told them and it would be up to them to believe it, a ridiculous risk they would have to take just to know you, there's no point. You can integrate your shadow without letting it fall upon the ego or the world, obliterating your life

>> No.20742978

i have been diagnosed with cluster headaches and basically nobody knows whats going to happen to me. this has been the longest week of my life and nothing will ever be the same

>> No.20742988

cluster headaches Absolutely Fucking Suck, sorry to hear this anon. it's really just like getting stabbed in the eye repeatedly for 12 hours straight. it's the punishment of Prometheus (I mean literally, it's your own human brain, your greatest gift, doing it to you) but nobody can feel your pain because nobody can see the bird eating your liver out, which was the only silver lining

>> No.20743001
File: 74 KB, 720x479, qlRiFIT1arI (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rich people are evil and unhuman. We must kill them all

>> No.20743006

if you think about it, any form of statism, especially socialism and frens, and ofc gomminism :DDD

>> No.20743046

So how do you stop the suffering?

>> No.20743055


>> No.20743059

sigma rule: oppose capitalism unless you benefit from it

>> No.20743067

That's the question that causes more suffering.

>> No.20743117

>actually becoming a wizard
I've never thought I live to see it.

>> No.20743125

Is that you?

>> No.20743155
File: 811 KB, 2309x1732, IMGA0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think somewhere along the line, i completely lost whatever i had. i liked what i had

>> No.20743162

>everyone can go to university
>retirement in your 40s jobs
Nope again
>buy stocks and bonds
Have no idea how this works

Three strikes, anon

>> No.20743163

Also I'm running out of smokes soon, hope you're happy, faglord

>> No.20743164

Anecdotes are the most powerful evidence in the world

>> No.20743200

>I see a naked woman on the internet
>my pp gets big

>> No.20743206

>see beautiful woman anywhere
>want to be with her and also want to be her

>> No.20743222

you don't know anything about communism.... American? Residual effects of the red scare?

>> No.20743226

>The boys on this board always generalize
Only the sith deal in absolutes

>> No.20743270

is there such a thing as 24/7 imposter syndrome and regressing lower and lower in life

>> No.20743305

Why dont great ideas choose me as a vessel of expression? Am I just not destined for it?

>> No.20743311

>is there such a thing as 24/7 imposter syndrome
of course, read Good Old Neon

>> No.20743312

>24/7 imposter syndrome
yes. It is created by diversity hiring of the inexperienced and over-qualified when beginning a job they do not understand.

could be likened to Emergent PTSD in its subtle progression.

>> No.20743327

>Why dont great ideas choose me as a vessel of expression?
Because that's not how anything works.

>> No.20743333


>> No.20743384

And how it works according to you?

>> No.20743512 [DELETED] 

>charlie xcx releases new single
>it's produced by pc music

>> No.20743514
File: 114 KB, 598x796, chef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20743533

diversity hires suffer imposter syndrome?

>> No.20743544
File: 63 KB, 862x902, mugi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a teacher. It was my first year teaching.
The school finished today, now we've got 6 weeks summer holidays and new year soon.
I did a pretty good job. Got a few gifts. A poster with drawings and wishes from the kids.

Saying goodbye to my kids was sadder than I thought. Gonna drink tonight as celebration for succeeding in the first year as a teacher.
I wish you all the best bros.

>> No.20743585

What do you teach? Is it hard to deal with parents?

>> No.20743621
File: 78 KB, 750x444, 1631753210985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with 'pedophilia' is not the age gap, or age at all... it's the responsibility

Pumping and dumping - bad, leads to resentment and trauma and ruins life of a gullible girl.
Dating and marriage though? Proper pair-bonding? With a 13 year old? That's fine by me...

>inb4 pedo cope
Heh,,, more like cedo pope. As in, pope that is on a keto diet
anyway it doesn't affect me, I'm an incel anyway, no woman in any age range wants to fuck OR marry me
this is just theoremticall

>> No.20743625

Women are such a headache. Have had it ended with one for 4 months now and sworn off her entirely but she still sends me messages once a week to try and keep me on the hook... While I'm trying to focus on a new woman who actually has an interest in me and isn't playing the same stupid games. Yet every time the first chick sends a message I drive myself crazy thinking about her.
Shit like this makes me glad I didn't bother with women when I was 18-25. I would have gone fucking mad as a stupid youngster dealing with this nonsense.

In the wise words of Thaiboy Goon,
>some are doing crime, some are suicidal,
>I just want you to know that bitches go for nothing

>> No.20743634

Where do ideas come from?

>> No.20743635

I don't but you might in the future. You'll get doxed for sure. You should be more careful with your personal information.

>> No.20743637

From Ralph's.

>> No.20743647

Platos realm of ideas.

>> No.20743652

>Dating and marriage though? Proper pair-bonding? With a 13 year old? That's fine by me...
The problem isn't trauma. Nobody cares if your grandma who married at 14 has trauma about it, she wouldn't admit it anyway, it's that nobody believes in a child's capacity to make decisions, let alone good ones. It's necessarily grooming, always. In a world without stigma or rules I could easily manipulate any 13 year old girl in the world to pair-bond with me, easily. Because they're fucking retarded and I will figure out what they want and provide it to them and they will be locked into a one-sided dependent relationship that will ruin their lives
>anyway it doesn't affect me, I'm an incel anyway, no woman in any age range wants to fuck OR marry me this is just theoremticall
yes this is why pedo posts don't effect me, pedo cope

>> No.20743666

>I could easily manipulate any 13 year old girl in the world to pair-bond with me, easily. Because they're fucking retarded and I will figure out what they want and provide it to them and they will be locked into a one-sided dependent relationship
Yeah, because you're evil and you chose to use this advantage to manipulate her
Age has nothing to do with it

You could instead just pairbond with her naturally, as you would with a legal 16 year old

>> No.20743671

My grandma actually married at 19, and granpa was 30
quite an age gap but it did absolutely fuck all to stop them

>> No.20743675
File: 583 KB, 553x523, 2012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, because you're evil and you chose to use this advantage to manipulate her
Nice evil trips. But no. The point isn't that "it's good when you have good intentions, and it's bad when you're evil" the point is that there's no difference between the two. If you think it's okay to be in an entirely one-sided relationship where you hold ALL of the power, you are, well,

well you are a pedophile and need to kill yourself immediately.
>You could instead just pairbond with her naturally, as you would with a legal 16 year old
Seriously, do it now

>> No.20743679

>I could easily manipulate any 13 year old girl in the world to pair-bond with me, easily
>I will figure out what they want and provide it to them and they will be locked into a one-sided dependent relationship that will ruin their lives

This is the same exact logic as:
>with a gun it's VERY easy for me to pull a trigger and kill some innocent guy
>I could kill so many people if I had a gun
>therefore guns are bad and should be banned
Just, like, don't do it??? lol???
That's why I said "responsibility"

stigma and rules are not responsibility. Responsibility is self control. A responsible man is a man to whom a father will entrust his 13 year old daughter knowing that no harm will be done. Not "YOU CANT DATE ANYONE WHO IS 17 YEARS OLD AND 355 DAYS BECAUSE PERVERTS DO EXIST"

>> No.20743683

You sound fat and smelly

>> No.20743684

>there's no difference between the two
There is. One is good and one is evil.
>you are a pedophile and need to kill yourself immediately
I'm not an anything-phile. I don't fuck anything except my right hand. I told you that already.
You are not going to have a fruitful conversation with this mindset

Autistic screeching is not an argument

>> No.20743685

Well that's two consensual adults so that's fine. Although in 2022 everyone seemingly is a child until they turn 30 so who knows

>> No.20743688

I actually am extremely underweight. And smelly.
>this arbitrary number is fine and this isn't
>I said so!
>there will be no further discussion, kill yourself
i thought this was /lit/, not twitter...

>> No.20743693
File: 12 KB, 320x371, IMG_3309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my argument at all. Seriously, kill yourself right now. The world would be a better place.
>Just, like, don't do it??? lol???
>That's why I said "responsibility"
You can't not do it. You are not reading anything I am saying because you are a filthy fucking pedophile that needs to die. You do not understand that everything you do with a child is necessarily grooming because they are retarded children and don't understand what you are necessarily going to do to them via human nature by locking them into a one-sided relationship. Kill yourself immediately

>> No.20743699

>There is. One is good and one is evil.
Whose good? Whose evil? Retarded pedophile doesn't understand relativism and needs to kill himself
>I'm not an anything-phile. I don't fuck anything except my right hand. I told you that already.
>You are not going to have a fruitful conversation with this mindset
Kill yourself pedophile.

>> No.20743700

>satan trips
May you burn in hell anon.

>> No.20743712

Go and find a father that will entrust their 13 daughter to a mentally deranged incel.
Youd sooner find a bullet in your head.

>> No.20743714

brain duh

>> No.20743721

Okay, I'll just wait until someone who is not a twitter retard shows up to talk about things

Clarification: you're not a twitter retard because you're against pedophilia. You are one because you use an emotional argument and attack the messenger. Shutting down discussion. Censoring. You two would make great women (or is it just one fag, idk)

>entrust their 13 daughter to a mentally deranged incel
Absolutely no one should do that.
I would not entrust anyone or anything to myself.
That's why I'm talking theoretically.

But surely you can see that entrusting a 25 year old daughter to a deranged incel is just as bad. Age is not a factor.

>> No.20743742

How do I catch an idea?

>> No.20743757

Twitter is full of retarded pedos though. Especially tranny pedos. Maybe youd fit in better there.

>But surely you can see that entrusting a 25 year old daughter to a deranged incel is just as bad. Age is not a factor.
Thats entirely different. And yes this does happen, its called arranged marriages in India/Middle East. And its not the same as giving a 13 year old daughter to someone twice their age.

>> No.20743761

Neural networks do not simply mix and match the data. a biochemical process that is going on in your head is simulated and it's not constrained by inputs as much as your ability to deliver those inputs and choose stimuli that would make the system make sense of the data and do what needs to be done with it, human intelligence is not something unreachable it's already in the works and the results are promising. large sample size is what anchors the system to reality and not a drawback, if anything it makes for great expert systems, the way it works is akin to a person being locked in a cell straight out of school with the only subject being that data people fed you and rewarded you whenever you responded with the right results, and all that person ever known is this set of data from the internet, the tools that were thrown at them, and their past mistakes, they only get food if they progress on a given task, living thousands of years worth of performing that job in a fever dream when it's only days passing by for everyone else and all they ever did in their life is that singular thing and then their brain is getting captured for later use on it's peak and they get terminated to free all the resources they've consumed during their imprisonment.
A neural network can generate unique output that no one has ever produced before which is the definition of creativity.
The closer the simulation to real neuron and the larger the processing power the more human levels of intelligence can be simulated. Neural networks can be trained on a single set of data which then can be discarded and just the snapshot of it's brain is used to process an entirely different input and that's the whole beauty of them.

>> No.20743767

>Someone posts attractive girl
>look her up
>she isn't that attractive and has that weird plastic surgery jigsaw face

>> No.20743771 [DELETED] 

>that's entirely different
>it's not the same
how tho
>arranged marriages in India/Middle East
That's based
entrusting daughter to a man who is vetted by parents and everyone
Zero chance of pump-n-dump or whoring out or corrupting her

if the problem is that "children cant make decisions" (even though teenagers aren't children and the whole crux of teenage stage of life is that it's prime time to learn to make decisions). surely the parents making decisions FOR them makes a lot of sense

idk why im typing this because you're gonna skip all text and just call me a pedo again

>> No.20743874

Maybe you are retarded if you dont know how a 13 year old and 25 year old are mentally different.
Why am I replying to a pedo anyway. Theres a button to press right next to your post number Imma just press that instead.

>> No.20743882

Oh and countries with arranged marriages also have laws that state marital rape isnt rape. Think about that for a moment, retarded pedo nigger.

>> No.20743902

I was so determined for so long to strive against it all for a better life - so that those I love don't have to suffer like I did, so that my kids, if I ever have them, can have a better life - a better world - than I ever did. I did everything right, I put myself through school, I put myself through university - graduating with honours, served abroad, I have a good job. It's been a long and often lonely road. There's been setback after setback. The pain I've felt and the opportunities lost, the friends that are gone and names and faces I've forgotten. Every time I've managed to pick myself up, get my bearings and push ever onwards in that single minded pursuit of a better future for those to follow. My life never really mattered, and none of these achievements or things mattered. They were, and are, a means to an end. I don't know if it's because I'm older at 30 now. I can't point to any single event, or any single thing, but I'm not the same anymore. That naive, though genuine and intrinsic, motivation is dead. It's like a switch was flipped in the last few days. Should death claim me, it would be a welcome respite for that sorrow in my soul. I fought long and hard, and it's hard to shake the thought that it was all for nothing, and continued pursuit would be for nothing. Maybe I need to recalibrate and pursue another course. I would see it all burn and dance in the ashes just to find my answer to the question: was it all worthwhile? When I return to that sea of souls, would all those faces I've met along the way cheer or sneer? We all fought our own fights; battled our own battles; journeyed our own journeys - but it all ends the same. When we find that equality in death, I couldn't care for the judgements of those innumerable ghosts. I'd scorch the Earth and reap the souls of every living thing, salting the ground so nothing ever grows again, for no other reason than it's just as worthwhile a pursuit as anything else.

>> No.20744045

Does anyone else hate when they're in a situation where they can't masturbate?

>> No.20744108

Today, I shook God's hand. His palm was sweaty, because He is afraid of me.

>> No.20744116

>that's entirely different
>it's not the same
how tho
>arranged marriages in India/Middle East
That's based
entrusting daughter to a man who is vetted by parents and everyone
Zero chance of pump-n-dump or whoring out or corrupting her

if the problem is that "children cant make decisions" (even though teenagers aren't children and the whole crux of teenage stage of life is that it's prime time to learn to make decisions). surely the parents making decisions FOR them makes a lot of sense

idk why im typing this because you're gonna skip all text and just call me a pedo again

fuck of tranny jannie

>> No.20744207

I dont know. They never chose me.

>> No.20744258

I want so badly to just have a job where I can clock in, do my work, clock out, and get paid for my efforts but I keep getting pushed into these responsibilities at work around managing people, sitting on committees, promotions. I just don’t want any of it. This place is basically a government agency. I thought I would be able to just get my single job and just rank up every year or something without having to do this. I really don’t want to manage people.

>> No.20744265

Trying to read Simulacra and Simulation. It is very hard to understand. Reading Thomas Aquinas or John Paul II makes more sense than this book. Does it get better or is postmodernism really nonsense like many claim?

>> No.20744286 [DELETED] 
File: 899 KB, 700x700, j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill all jannies. Torture them, burn their homes and salt their lands. Kill all jannies.
There is no place for mercy when it comes to jannies. A janny has no soul. It's not really murder.

>> No.20744290

No janny has ever had a thought in it's life. The creatures have no mind. Kill all jannies. Find them. Torture them. Murder each and every janny.

>> No.20744300

you will never be a woman

>> No.20744352

>mfw no cholo bf
can you ges what face that is?

>> No.20744390

And so you do. Or are you only pretending to be anonymous. Because you’re trying to individuate here. What would the rest of them think, boyo?

>> No.20744393

You guys would not believe how massive the shit I just took was

>> No.20744398

I can fix you

>> No.20744408

Hey goys, what should I buy from 7-11 this time?
I have about 10$ to spend, kinda want a slurpee, they have this new blueberry lemonaid flavor, makes my balls tingle.

>> No.20744425

I think she’s making the case that you need the fixing. (You anonymous. The individual might be an okay guy, but you keep the name of a horrible person here)

>> No.20744431

Slurpees are a dollar aren't they? I'd get one of those.

>> No.20744464

I'm really annoyed I read a book from a lending library that kinda stuck with me but I can't remember the title or author only threads of the plot. It was a really neat take on ghosts haunting a house but it wasn't horror. It was like... I dno what genre actually. Gothic maybe?

It was like these two women souls are stuck to the house they died in. Not like ghosts but more like they just are part of the house and not separate from it. Theres like a family that lived there they sorta looked after and the family moves back with their emo son. And the family is all messed up and theres lots of memories of the life of the dead women and how they actually died and also just the drama with the family and a few twists.

>> No.20744473

Yeah, I'll get a slurpee and a candy bar.

>> No.20744478

Ice cream sandwich

>> No.20744569

Getting Taoist vibes from this, nice post anon. Reminds me of that pic with a fancy Pepe that says "stop caring, that's all you have to do".

>> No.20744575

whatever what language will become more important, learn french

>> No.20744587

attention, the possibility of more personalized answers or the possibility of turning that question into a full discussion on the subject

>> No.20744637

I think only 1 or 2% of humanity are workers in the Marxian sense.
Marxist revolution would wipe out ~99% of humanity.

I dont understand how are you a worker in the Marxian sense if you dont have an engineering phd.
Agriculture is almost entirely automated, and world food depends on a few people who are designing all the John Deere type tractors and mechanization.
Heavy industry too is almost entirely automated. Look it up on youtube. Ever met anyone pouring steel by hand or whole towns of coal/copper miners? Nope, no such things outside of Congo.
Entire service industry is a meme made up by politicians. Sitting in the office babysitting an excel file is fake work. Working for clickview corporation is fake work. These are welfare jobs. Opium for the masses. Feudalism had the church, modernism has the office. Its all make belief.
National defense, radars and missiles etc, all this shit is automated too.

There is like 1% of people in society who are truly essential and productive. The rest are larping at pseudo jobs.

>> No.20744819

time to abuse muscle relaxers and watch old Letterman clips all afternoon

>> No.20744826

I can’t get past the feeling that writing fiction at this time and in this place is a waste of time.

>> No.20744931
File: 195 KB, 1057x524, lowIQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part of modern suffering stems from the subject's inhibition towards the world; in modern societies those who are naturally inhibited are crushed by the construction of interpersonal relationships. It is interesting to think that even though the world is moving towards a forced and artificial inhibition promoted by the amount of time connected, still, yes, those with greater disinhibition manage to do well in social relationships. Anyway, they seem to win even though they have nothing to offer the world, they are whores of the word and of the moment.

>> No.20744967
File: 133 KB, 1563x859, mk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dressing for the job you want actually works qua wearing designer clothes to become rich and attractive.

>> No.20745044

>wearing designer clothes to become rich and attractive.
doesn't work for black people

>> No.20745056

It is. Read Spengler's The Decline of the West

>> No.20745076
File: 1.01 MB, 1810x1116, 1632520247280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm taking you all down with me

>> No.20745088

don't be a fag, post your manifesto on 8 like everyone else

>> No.20745114
File: 85 KB, 859x687, hugfren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20745182
File: 221 KB, 656x815, South_by_Southwest_2019_4_-_46628270064_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you mean

>> No.20745244

How is anyone supposed to work an office job by day and write literature by night? Art cannot survive in an environment like this.

>> No.20745269

Kafka managed just fine.

>> No.20745283
File: 50 KB, 1200x675, Chris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stand that I feel like every social group (all 2 of them) I have is falling apart, those being my immediate family and a group of friends.
I don't want to visit my parents anymore because it's been getting shitty there for a variety of reasons, and barely anyone talks to each other in that group of friends. I also feel that we don't have much to say to each other. I'd grown accustomed to social interactions in some capacity but even I can't really be fucked to engage in "serious" conversations, ie politics and social issues, which seem to be all that can be discussed at this moment. Shit's tiresome, I'd rather stay alone but I don't know what to do with myself.
To stay a bit /lit/ related, I started reading Moby Dick today. Didn't get to the text proper, took a stroll and only read the weird paratext thing at the local park. Maybe I'll try reading it later today.

>> No.20745301

You can't figure out how to write shitty prose at the office during work hours. Wow you brainlets never cease to make me laugh.

>> No.20745356

That was a different time and a different type of work implicit in an "office job".

>> No.20745372

>I started reading Moby Dick today.
>Didn't get to the text proper
>Maybe I'll try reading it later today
No you won't pseud. Back to Preddit.

>> No.20745425
File: 208 KB, 2000x2000, HEAVEN_11000000342739_104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm drinking matcha & sparkling water, eating blueberries & spinach. my room smells nice all the time & i've found a good spf.

>> No.20745433

also doing a fair bit of cocaine

>> No.20745465

>theme for the anon whos social groups are falling appart.mp3

>> No.20745512

Kafka worked 8:30 am to 2:30 pm lol. Bro had what we now call a part-time job and lived with his parents. He had a tight knit friend group that lived in walking distance and eventually became too sick to work and didn't have to work at all. But ignoring all that, you're not necessarily wrong. George Saunders was an engineer, so was Gene Wolfe, they eventually quit their jobs after they "made it" but they wrote plenty during those periods. William Faulkner wrote all of As I Lay Dying (?) during nights while working full-time at a factory, over a course of only a couple months

>> No.20745529

>theme for the anon whos doing blow and having a good time in his room with berries and spinach and shit.mp3

>> No.20745598

There's lots of pedos on /lit/.

>> No.20745666

I will find a good man

>> No.20745681

There's not that many, the problem is that the pedos are mentally ill and never shut the fuck up about their own degenerate desires and every time they see a child they spend hours thinking about coddling it and raping it and pretending it isn't rape because their intentions are good

>> No.20745698

Thanks anon

>> No.20745744

Why does it feel like fiction has been reduced to an aesthetic for women and LGBT to make YouTube videos and TikToks about, and as if it's never going back to the way it was?

>> No.20745752

I also work those hours, from home, with my parents. I still feel that the work itself is so ridiculous and inhuman that it's stifling.

I think I'm going to keep it until I pay off my debts and then I'm going to try to go do something physical for a while even though it will have me working more.

>> No.20745760

popular fiction has always been dreadful, but the only fiction that survives generally has some merit to it, which gives us a skewed vision. also if you like to write, the prospect of there being no good writers alive and the fact that none of them have even touched the surface of describing what reality is like in the 21st century, should be thrilling to you

>> No.20745816

I have no passion about anything.

>> No.20745820

Is that true though? Melville wrote popular fiction for a while.

>> No.20745865

can anyone in Chicago or the greater Chicago area come beat the fucking shit out of me? ill pay

>> No.20745873

I'm not a pedo, but I don't see anything wrong with the majority of the asymmetrical marriages that occurred between an adult male and a teenage girl that that used to be considered fine in the West decades ago, like Edgar Allan Poe's marriage. We don't often do them anymore in most Western countries, but we should realize that our ideas of right and wrong regarding what's acceptable for teenage girls might be arbitrary and based on folk morals without basis in what's objectively fine for the well-being of the teenage girls, like society taking the role of a strict father for all of them instead of taking into account their and their parent's actual level of insight regarding decisions such as marriage for their age.

>> No.20745874

the vast majority* of popular fiction

>> No.20745875

so did Dickens and Shakespeare. I don't mean to say all popular fiction is dreadful, only that what has survived is generally the best of what fiction had to offer, and most of it (the popular trash that had no merits) we don't see

>> No.20745893

retard. “worker” doesn’t mean “manufacturing or farming.” it’s your relationship to the means of production, i.e. property qua business ownership vs selling time and labor for wages

>> No.20745916

Cope. Your ass sitting in front of a computer typing TPS reports for 100k a year will never be work you fat retarded "communist"

>> No.20745927

>I serve coffee at Starbucks
>I am the proletariat

>> No.20745932
File: 148 KB, 1168x1696, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fair play but not the vibe at all

>> No.20745938

sry -- >>20745529

>> No.20745939


>> No.20745940

your vibe is a song made popular through tiktok

>> No.20745944

Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.20745961

yeah and that is a sick vibe

>> No.20745967
File: 131 KB, 390x280, hehehehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know just what you need :)
ill try harder next time

>> No.20745997
File: 7 KB, 316x192, Screenshot 2022-07-27 214715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make it sound like an r gosling fanedit

>> No.20746025

I'm tired of my life

>> No.20746035

me too (your life)

>> No.20746246

hey reddit!

>> No.20746288

What? I don't do that

>> No.20746497

So i have this cousin with whom i hung out a lot over the years
The thing is, hes a normie
He has a gf with whom he lives, shes rich, his parents are rich( through kinda dubious circumstances)
He has 2 degrees( both meme) works as sales in IT company, bullshiting his way through bullshit and being buddies with the boss( i despise those kind of people, who work in IT but dont even know how to code and are just sociable, cunning and know what to say at a meeting and how to get along with the boss)
His gf i dont like, i feel like its loveless purely pragmatic, calculated relationship for the sake of appearnces and money( they are probably a match cause theyre normies and are looking for those kinda thing)
Lately he always brags about clothes, business trips, how hes gonna buy an expensive flat with his gf even tho its just their parents money. He basically lives the wordly life getting along with general population.
I think its fake and i despise that lifestyle
He always finds a way to provoke me, to somehow provoke jealousy.i dont wanna get into that game cause i cant live like him and id rather kill myself than live like that.
Lately he got engaged and im just sick of it all cause i think his life is sham and he always finds a way to provoke me in warious ways or just bully me.
I stopped answering his calls but now my mom tells me that it seems like im jealous of him, but i just want him to leave me alone
What should i do bros

>> No.20746513

I'm not a normie really, but I am BSing my way thru my career, going on business trips, buying nice clothes & a flat on broadwick st with a girl. my friend from school who lives at home has started ghosting my messages I guess this is why. seems weird still

>> No.20746520

Do you have a degree, a non-entry level job, a gf, nice clothes, and a fancy apartment? Didn’t think so, you pathetic jealous neet. Cope harder.

>> No.20746527

I could never do that, i just couldnt
I wouldnt mind if he wasnt selling me the lie that thats the correct way of living and that everyone should keep up

>> No.20746533

Thats the point
I strive for other things, art, meaning, striving for goodness etc
His life actually insults me that its the way to live
I guess you just have to have belief for something higher to see that im not neccessarily jealous

>> No.20746536

Also to add, i have stem degree and i had a pretty decent job. It did not make me happy and im gonna take a wild guess that those other things wouldnt too

>> No.20746558

yeah I do the same thing. everyone who's enjoying their life kind of does it
you can knock it back or laugh it off easily, internalising it so much does sound like jealousy or something

>> No.20746576


>> No.20746578

Yeah but
Its all he ever talks about
He bullies me the same way he bullies everyone to get what he wants
So its affecting me
Im just pissed at the world that this is sold as the correct life yet its shit
Its not jealousy but i am mad so someone shallow cant think anything other than that its jealosy

>> No.20746585

I get you

>> No.20747892

That was the impetus for the post…

>> No.20747996

I don't care about the real answer, I care about what anon thinks.